Omni Genius

Chapter 15: The road between enemies is narrow


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Qin Fang was chatting with Boss Fang here and there, but his mind did not leave Fatty Chen over there.

Maybe it was Fatty Chen who had a guilty conscience, or maybe Qin Fang was sitting there putting a lot of pressure on him, and he didn't even feel comfortable doing business. When it was almost ten o'clock, the business was already dwindling, so he couldn't wait to close the stall and get ready. Go home.

"Uncle Fang, give me two more soup dumplings, and I'll pack them up and take them away..."

Seeing Fatty Chen packing up the stall and going home, Qin Fang sat for a while, then asked Boss Fang for two more steamed buns with a smile. After paying the money, he turned around and left, looking in that direction. It really felt like going home.

However, after avoiding the crowd, Qin Fang changed his direction and turned toward the way Fatty Chen was going home, and soon caught up with Fatty Chen.

Although Ninghai is a prosperous metropolis, it is still a little remote in the university town. In addition, during this time period, there are not many college students staying in the university town. At this late hour, there are quite few pedestrians on the road. Most of them Even though some residents living nearby came out to enjoy the cool air, no one noticed that Qin Fang was acting suspiciously.

On the contrary, Fatty Chen looked suspicious. When walking, he would look back from time to time, with a very cautious expression on his face.

On weekdays, Qin Fang and Fatty Chen didn't have much contact. They were enemies in the same industry. What's more, Fatty Chen wanted to find some gangsters and smash up Qin Fang's stall. But he also knew that Fatty Chen was a bit arrogant and relied on his elders. There is almost a huge difference between him and Fatty Chen like this.

And for such a big change to occur, it goes without saying that one must have a guilty conscience.

On a hot summer night, there is only an occasional gust of cool breeze, which is very comfortable when blowing on the body. The stars are twinkling in the night sky and the moon is shining brightly in the sky. It is a very good weather.

Qin Fang's steps were very relaxed, and he was still holding two boxes of packed soup dumplings in his hands. At this time, they had gradually cooled down a bit, and at least now they would definitely not feel hot when eating them.

In comparison, Fatty Chen's footsteps were not so relaxed. He looked like a thief and was very careful about everyone he looked at along the way. He also tried his best to choose small paths or paths that avoided crowds. Walking in the darkness, if Qin Fang hadn't been keeping an eye on him, he might have really run away.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Fang had been following Xiao for twenty minutes, but Fatty Chen hadn't arrived home yet. Qin Fang looked at the direction and saw that he had already entered the university town, almost reaching Ninghai, where Qin Fang was going to go in the near future. College.

Just when Qin Fang was wondering, he saw Fatty Chen suddenly walking into an alley next to Ninghai University.

This alley is very narrow. Pedestrians can barely walk there, and motorcycles and electric vehicles can barely walk there. Cars are definitely not allowed to get in.

Moreover, this alley is relatively remote, and there are no street lights installed like the main roads. Only a little light can be seen at the entrance of the alley, and the rest is illuminated by very weak lights on the wall of Ninghai University.

Basically, just walking down a dark road makes no difference.

Seeing Fatty Chen enter the alley, Qin followed him and took a look at the alley. It was a bit dark and empty, so it was indeed the best place for a sneak attack.

"I don't know if Fatty Chen did it intentionally or unintentionally. He just made it clear to force me to take action!"

Qin Fang couldn't help but secretly thought. With a movement of his mind and a flip of his wrist, a very ordinary brick suddenly appeared in Qin Fang's hand. "Attack +1, there is a greater chance of causing dizziness." , what Qin Fang wants is it.

After thinking about it, Qin was about to walk into the alley, but the truth often happened at critical moments.

Just when Qin Fanggang wanted to seize the opportunity and step forward to give Fatty Chen a slap in the face so that he could have a better memory, several people suddenly jumped out of the darkness and blocked Fatty Chen's path.

Fatty Chen was always cautious, as if he was afraid of meeting someone. When he saw someone blocking his way, he couldn't see clearly who the other person was, so Fatty Chen instinctively ran back.

"Fuck, chase!"

Those guys blocking the road didn't expect that Fatty Chen could be so slippery. They didn't even have a chance to speak, so they ran away. The leader immediately cursed and ordered the two younger brothers next to him to chase after him. passed.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang was also stunned, but he would not go into the muddy water, and he did not go into the alley. He turned around and sat down on the other side of the road, waiting to watch the show.

Although Fatty Chen ran first, he was not young on the one hand, and very fat on the other. Even with such an advantage, he could not lead for long before he was already out of breath, and the two younger brothers who were chasing after him were With a little effort, he easily caught up with him.


The two boys would not be polite to him. As soon as they caught up with him, they kicked Fatty Chen hard. The two kicks were so black that Fatty Chen's fat body immediately screamed and was kicked to the ground. , the expression on his face looked very frightened.

The eldest of the three people who surrounded Fatty Chen had already caught up with him. Although he was panting, he was at least much better than Fatty Chen. Seeing Fatty Chen sitting on the ground breathing heavily, this guy couldn't get angry. After hitting one place, he kicked Fatty Chen's fat belly twice hard.

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These two kicks were even harder. Fatty Chen couldn't even scream, he just held his stomach and trembled, and his body started to hesitate.

"Boss Chen, don't pretend to be dead with me..."

After this guy finished kicking him, he seemed to have lost a lot of his anger. Then he squatted down, stretched out his hand to grab Fatty Chen's collar, and lifted Fatty Chen up. Maybe it was because Fatty Chen was too fat. She is also too thin, and actually looks very strenuous.

But in order to show off his authority in front of his younger brother, he said very fiercely, with a ferocious look on his face, which made Fatty Chen even more frightened. He couldn't pretend anymore and turned around tremblingly. Come on.

"Qiang...Qiang brother!"

Fatty Chen shouted in fear.

And I couldn’t see very clearly from a distance. It wasn’t until Fatty Chen called out this sound, and then the streetlights shone obliquely, that I realized that the person who surrounded Fatty Chen was actually the rat rapist who had been beaten by him before. ,

"It's true that there are narrow paths between enemies..."

Looking at Shu Qiang over there, he saw that his younger brother had changed into two new ones, but he himself was still the same. Qin Fang couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Qin Fang really didn't expect that two or three hours ago, Qin Fanghe and Mouse were raped and beaten, but now they had a unified purpose, all to punish Fatty Chen.

However, looking at the posture, Qin Fang no longer needs to take action. The rat's forceful attack is obviously much more ruthless than his. This allows Qin Fang to vent his anger more easily, and he does not need to do it himself. He can kill two birds with one stone. Just watch from the wall.