Omni Genius

Chapter 176: Wool quality 6


Li Feng, who didn't know where he was recuperating, was secretly shot by Qin Fang without knowing it. Ning Yumo was originally concerned about the situation of these men in black, but was misled by Qin Fang. , unfortunately, he was thinking about Li Feng.

However, this is not what Qin Fang cares about most at the moment. At least the threat from Li Feng has been lifted for the time being, and Ning Yumo, the man in black, is helping to keep an eye on him and cannot touch him for the time being.

What Qin Fang wants most now is to get a sum of money as soon as possible. He doesn't want Chen Jiangnan to pinch his throat.

"Alas, there is still only one way to gamble on stones..."

After thinking about it, Qin Fang seemed to have no other choice but to make money the fastest way by betting on stones, even though Qin Fang himself was very reluctant to do this.

"I wonder what level of detection results the intermediate investigation skills will have on those materials?"

Of course, Qin Fang's current situation is completely different from the first time he gambled on stones. The investigation skills that he relied on most for gambling on stones have been upgraded to an intermediate level, and the results of the investigations have become more detailed.

This time, Qin Fang didn't bring anyone else with him. After all, there were many people and he didn't want to get into any more trouble, so he borrowed Xiao Nan's car and went to the city alone.

"You're here! Please come inside!"

Not to mention, although Qin Fang has only been to Qishifang twice, the guy already knows Qin Fang. After all, Qishifang can sell more than one million jadeite not many times every month. Even if it's a good one, it's not hard for these guys to remember it.

"You're busy, I'll pick out the ingredients myself..."

Qin Fang casually stuffed an old man's head into the waiter's head. Although it made him feel a slight pain, fortunately there was still a chance to repay the money later, so there was no need to be too anxious.

As before, Qishifang always stocked thousands of pieces of jadeite wool and sold a lot almost every month, but it quickly replenished the stock.

There were many people in the yard selecting ingredients. As before, many people spoke plausibly, as if there was some truth to them. Qin Fang secretly threw in a detective skill.

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

Obviously, there was nothing in this piece of material. Anyone who bought this piece would be ruined. Qin Fang simply ran away.

However, what made Qin Fang a little depressed was that it seemed that the intermediate investigation skills did not bring him any surprises. It was basically the same as the previous evaluation of "raw stones that cannot be used to produce emeralds".

"No, it seems that we need to find a piece of material that can be used to produce jade for investigation..."

Qin Fang was not discouraged. He soon found out the crux of the problem and immediately started picking out the piles of wool.

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Slightly valuable jadeite wool, containing jadeite, size 4, quality 2..."

After investigating many pieces of wool, most of them were of no value at all. Until this piece, a result that satisfied Qin Fang was finally obtained.

"The investigation results have really improved a lot..."

This result is much clearer than before. The role of the prefix "slightly valuable" is not clear for the time being, but it adds an additional size and quality, and a numerical value is given as a reference.

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Although it cannot be said that the investigation results are very clear, it is basically a great improvement compared to before.

"continue… "

Qin Fang did not stop because of this. He just saved the number of the piece of wool in his mobile phone, and also noted the size and quality, preparing to compare it with the materials picked out later, so as to have a more intuitive result.

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Slightly valuable jadeite wool, containing jadeite, size 3, quality 3..."

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Jade wool with no value at all..."

"Valuable jadeite wool, containing jadeite, size 2, quality 6..."

The investigation continued, and the main theme was still the woolen material that could not produce jadeite. However, a few pieces of material with jadeite were quickly selected, especially one of the pieces with quality 6, which attracted Qin Fang's attention. Despite its size, It seems a bit lacking in aspects.

"I wonder what kind of seed water can be produced from quality 6 material?"

Seeing this piece of material, Qin Fang couldn't help but stop and began to think about it silently.

"Young man, are you also optimistic about this material?"

And just when Qin Fang paused, someone spoke next to him.

"It looks good..."

Looking at the other party, I saw an old man in his sixties who was in good spirits and had bright eyes. He seemed much healthier than the average old man.

"Since you said that, the old man won't be polite..." The old man immediately smiled, greeted the guy from Qishifang who was standing not far away, and bought the piece of material directly. .

"Hiss~~~two hundred thousand!"

Qin Fang was only looking at the quality of the material before, but did not pay attention to the price of this piece of wool. The whole piece of material is about the size of a millstone, and the price tag is indeed 200,000. Obviously, even the price given by Qishifang also explained the price of this piece of wool. The presentation is quite good.

"Are you always planning to cut the stone on the spot?"

Just as Qin Fang was speechless, the bill had been paid over there, and the old man owned the piece of material. Although Qin Fang felt it was a bit of a pity, his own money was obviously not enough to pay the price of the piece of material. It cannot make Qin Fang feel regretful.

"Of course, my old bones don't have the strength to do such physical work!"

The old man smiled and seemed to be very friendly to Qin Fang, "Let's go and see together?"

"Let's go and have a look. I also want to know if my vision is accurate enough..." Qin Fang nodded. This reaction is considered the most normal reaction for gambling on stones.

"Untie the stone, untie the stone!"

Although today is not the weekend, there are not many people gambling at Qishifang, but when the guy shouted, many people still came around to watch.

"Young man, does this material belong to you again?"

The master who solved the stone was still the same one who solved the stone for Qin Fang last time. He recognized Qin Fang as soon as he saw him and asked with a smile.

"I'm quite optimistic about this piece of material, but it's a pity that this old gentleman made the move first. Let me come over and take a look. How do I think about it?"

Qin Fang smiled and shook his head. He didn't expect that he came to watch the excitement and caused such a misunderstanding.

"Do you know each other?"

However, the old man looked at Qin Fang and Master Shi with some surprise.

"More than half a month ago, this young man opened two pieces of jadeite in a row, one of which was bought for a high price of 1.4 million, and I was there to help him!"

Master Jieshi did not care at all and promoted Qin Fang. That piece of material made his name even more famous. After all, his judgment at the time was quite accurate, especially the judgment of the second knife. It amazed so many people.

"Master, you are too polite, I just got lucky!"

Qin Fang said with some embarrassment that the stone master had been of great help to him for selling the second piece at such a high price. Although it was said that it was mutually beneficial to both parties, he still felt a little uncomfortable when the other party said this. Kindly.

"Then I'm really excited. The young man's vision is definitely not bad..."

Hearing what the master of stone interpretation said, the old man seemed very happy, and immediately arranged for people to begin to analyze the stone immediately.

The grinder started running. The stone-cutting master was also a very skilled veteran. He had quite a lot of experience and his judgment was very accurate. There was no need for Qin Fang and the old man to yell around, as long as he waited quietly for the results. It’s done.

"What's your last name, young man?"

The old man didn't seem to be anxious about what kind of jade he could get out of the material, but he was quite interested in Qin Fang, so he asked.

"My surname is Qin, Qin Fang. Sir, you..."

Qin Fang replied politely, naturally not forgetting to ask the other party for advice.

"My surname is Cai, Cai Pingyuan."

The old man also introduced his name, and even paid special attention to Qin Fang's reaction when he said his name.

"Hello, Mr. Cai!"

Qin Fang obviously had never heard of this name, so he just called him politely, with no abnormal expression on his face.

"Hello Xiao Qin!"

Cai Pingyuan also nodded slightly and responded.

"It's gone up, it's gone up..."

At this moment, the piece of wool was untied and someone suddenly shouted, which immediately attracted the attention of Qin Fang and Cai Pingyuan.

"Ice type! It seems to be an ice type!"

Not only that, some of the ones with sharper eyes and closer to each other screamed like this.

"Ice type?"

Qin Fang's face changed slightly when he heard this. Since the last time he bet on stones, Qin Fang also went online to find some information about jade. Naturally, he also knew a little about this kind of water.

Ice jade is considered to be the best among jadeite, which is a little worse than imperial green and glass jade. But if the purity is higher, three to five million is still no problem. Even if it is inferior, it will definitely be better than the last time Qin Fang sold it. The bean seed materials used are much more expensive.

As soon as they heard that ice seeds were released, the people around them couldn't help but started talking, and their voices became much louder.

"Don't make such a fuss, Bingnuo's ingredients..."

However, Master Jie Shi was a little dissatisfied with those people around him who were talking nonsense. He washed the cross section with pure water and looked at it carefully before confirming that the seed water was not up to the level of ice seed. It could only be regarded as ice waxy seed, and its value was slightly lower. Lowered it a bit.