Omni Genius

Chapter 194: Reporting performance (2) pit


"You're so scared! How many serious women do you think can be picked up by a scum like Li Feng?"

Qin Fang said nonchalantly. Just now he threw a detective skill at the woman out of boredom, and the answer he got made him feel a little pained. The woman is one of the campus beauties of Ninghai University, but her personal ability There was such a special skill as "Bed Kung Fu" on it, which really left Qin Fang quite speechless.

Obviously, this is another broken shoe that can no longer be broken.

"Hehe, that's true! It is said that this woman has had more than 20 boyfriends in the past three years, almost one every month..." She must be good at bed!

Xiao Nan said with a lewd smile, and also stroked his sexy mustache.

"Second brother, you can give it a try. As long as this kind of woman is willing to pay, she will definitely throw herself on your bed!" Qin Fang also made fun of Xiao Nan.

However, a small, smooth hand immediately pinched his waist, and at the same time, a quiet voice came from Qin Fang's ear, "Pervert! Don't talk to them about this in the future..."

Looking at Tang Feifei's crimson face, Qin Fang also knew that it was really inappropriate to say this in front of her, and immediately smiled apologetically.

The little actions of Qin Fang and Tang Feifei immediately caused the brothers to roll their eyes, but they also knew that Tang Feifei was a bit naive, so they didn't say more about these colorful words.

After a short time, everyone arrived at the auditorium. As a performer, Qin Fang went directly to the backstage, instead of checking in through the door like Tang Feifei and Xiao Nan. He told Xiao Nan and the others to take care of Tang Feifei. After a moment, the two parties broke up, and Qin Fang walked toward the backstage door alone.

Li Feng's Ferrari was parked there quietly, in the aisle outside the auditorium, but Li Feng and the senior student who was "excellent in bed" had obviously entered the backstage, and the Ferrari was also empty. .

A smile flashed across Qin Fang's face, and he walked towards the Ferrari as if no one else was around.

In fact, at Ninghai University, there are not a few wealthy second-generation people. There are also some relatively cool people who drive such luxury sports cars to pick up girls, but the vast majority are just ordinary students, so naturally they are quite concerned about such sports cars. I am envious, and sometimes I can't help but run to the side to take a photo, or touch it gently a few times. This is a very common thing.

Originally, as his enemy, Qin Fang's touching Li Feng's sports car in this way was really a price drop, but Qin Fang was very happy about such a price drop.

When he walked next to the Ferrari, there were already several students taking pictures there. Qin Fang walked over and gently touched the trunk. He threw a detective skill to confirm that there was something inside the trunk. After it was empty, he immediately thought of it and threw Pi San's long-dead body through the gap in the trunk.

It wasn't until Pi San's body entered the trunk of the Ferrari that the body temperature of Pi San's body began to slowly drop, and the dark red blood that had been stagnant for a long time slowly flowed out. Everything was as if Pi San had just been killed. Same as ever.

Unbeknownst to God, unknowingly... After doing this, Qin Fang showed a slight smile, clapped his hands gently, and was about to turn around and leave.

But when he turned around, he saw Xiao Muxue, who was wearing a white gauze skirt and looked like a fairy who had been banished from the mortal world, looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Very envious?"

Xiao Muxue asked with a smile, a strange light shining in her eyes.

Qin Fang was also slightly shocked, thinking that his behavior had been exposed, but when he thought that the trunk of the Ferrari was locked and there was no evidence to prove that he was related to the body inside, Xiao Muxue naturally It was impossible to know, so he quickly calmed down.

"How can you not be envious of a multi-million dollar sports car?" Qin Fang said with a smile. What he said was reasonable and no one could find a reason to refute it.

"If you want to buy it, it's not like you can't afford it..."

Xiao Muxue smiled, stretched out her white and tender arms, took Qin Fang's arm, and then the two of them walked towards the door in the backstage.

"I'd better forget it. The little money I have belongs to my wife. I don't want to lose my wife for a sports car that can't eat or drink..."

Qin Fang shrugged and smiled, not showing any obvious resistance to Xiao Muxue's action.

"Oh, really? I remember that you had several pieces of jadeite material worth millions, and they all sold it. Don't you have everything?"

Xiao Muxue's expression still didn't change much, and she said calmly.

"You think too simply. No one can guarantee that there is jade in the jade wool. Even if there is jade, it may not be as good as the one I solved before, or something like that. Big or small! Those few pieces... Forget it, I'm not very optimistic about it. If you can give me two or three hundred thousand yuan, I'll be thankful!"

Qin Fang explained it to Xiao Muxue, and finally shook his head with a wry smile.

"That's not bad..."

Xiao Muxue did not mention this again, but looked at Qin Fang's empty hands and became a little confused, "Why didn't you bring anything? You didn't even change your clothes... "

"You'll know this by then!" Qin Fang pretended to be mysterious, and gently patted Xiao Muxue's delicate hand on his arm.

Perhaps because he felt that such an action was too intimate, Qin Fang's expression changed slightly, looking a little embarrassed.

However, Xiao Muxue didn't seem to notice it at all. She just held Qin Fang's arm and continued to walk forward. She even gently rubbed Qin Fang's arm with her plump breasts, which made her already have a taste of womanhood. Qin Fang had an impulse.

After the Wuming Kung Fu was upgraded to the intermediate level, the functions of Qin Fang's internal organs became more powerful. Almost every day when he vomited, the blood in his body would flow rapidly, and the congestion in certain parts was even more ferocious, which made Qin Fang even more powerful. Fang has been very angry these days, but has nowhere to vent.

On the other hand, when fighting with Fang Dacheng, he became more proficient in his moves. Originally, Fang Dacheng didn't need too much effort to deal with Qin Fang, but now he has to take it seriously. Qin Fang's ability to trick and show off his moves has also improved considerably. Moreover, Qin Fang actually gained experience by fighting Fang Dacheng every day, even though the experience value was very small.

This can be regarded as letting Qin Fang know how to gain character level experience, so sparring with Fang Dacheng every day became his only way to vent, even though he was beaten quite badly.

And Xiao Muxue's actions now undoubtedly poured fuel on Qin Fang's already rising fire.

"This is inappropriate, so don't let people misunderstand you!"

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Fang gently broke away from Xiao Muxue's arm, took it out, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Whether you believe it or not, I... am yours! I'm waiting for you to pick it up at any time..."

Seeing Qin Fang's hand leave her own, Xiao Muxue's expression changed drastically. She suddenly grabbed Qin Fang's hand and pressed it against her delicate breast, and spoke to Qin Fang in an extremely seductive tone. said in his ear.

"you… "

Even though he was still separated by the gauze skirt and underwear, Qin Fang could still feel the amazing elasticity of that delicate erection. But when he thought of the relationship between himself and Xiao Muxue, Qin Fang quickly retracted his hand and looked at it with some indifference. Looking at Xiao Muxue, he said lightly, "Why bother?"

"I like you!"

Xiao Muxue's lips gently touched Qin Fang's cheek, and she left such words in Qin Fang's ears. Her fair and pink face immediately turned red with embarrassment. Seeing Qin Fang's astonished expression, she softly Stomping his feet, he quickly ran away and ran towards the backstage.

"well… "

Looking at Xiao Muxue walking away, Qin Fang's face really didn't look very good.

For Xiao Muxue, maybe she only had a slight affection at the beginning, but along the way, Qin Fang was also a little moved, but he already had Tang Feifei.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Qin Fang is a very traditional man, very loyal to his feelings, but he has already had a relationship with Fan Ning, and he already feels very sorry for Tang Feifei. If he is still unclear about this with Xiao Muxue, he will It will be even more difficult to decide.

"Forget it, just take it one step at a time!"

In desperation, Qin Fang could only make this plan. He just reminded himself not to indulge in Xiao Muxue's tenderness. He didn't want to harm another girl's innocence.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, the show is about to start..."

As soon as he reached the door, he saw several students standing there shouting and urging anxiously. Qin Fang quickened his pace and got into the backstage. At this time, he could already hear the host in front of him starting.

"Which show are you from? Why are you dressed like this?"

But as soon as Qin Fang entered the backstage, someone started shouting, obviously they were quite dissatisfied with Qin Fang's dress.

"It's none of your business. I can wear whatever I want. Do you care?"

Qin Fang was in a bad mood, but this guy's tone was really unpleasant, and Qin Fang immediately cursed.

"You... are so incompetent!"

The other party was also slightly startled, probably thinking of scolding him a few words, but when he saw Qin Fang's look, he just shrank back and walked away without saying anything.


Qin Fang also muttered angrily. He would not be polite to such a brainless guy. Who asked him to seek death and hit Qin Fang's bullet hole? If the other party dared to take action just now, Qin Fang would not Do you mind letting the other person know what a fist as big as a casserole is