Omni Genius

Chapter 228: Misfits


The Ma family is quite famous in the medical community of Ninghai. There are many famous doctors from all over the world. Perhaps because of the relationship with Mr. Ma as a professor, there is no special requirement for family members to study traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, but Ma family can really inherit Ma family. Those who have unique skills in traditional Chinese medicine are the disciples trained by Mr. Ma himself.

The Ma family has its own old house, but usually few people come back, except on days like Qingming Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Spring Festival. The old man likes to live here very much. It is very quiet and the air is fresh. It is peaceful and harmonious. The locations of Cai Pingyuan's Xingyi Martial Arts School are somewhat similar, both at the foot of the mountain.

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Under Cai Pingyuan's guidance, Qin Fang drove quickly outside the Ma family's old house.

The Ma family's old house, located under the green hills, looks very old. Most of the architectural styles are from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which has been hundreds of years ago. It can be seen that this family of miracle doctors has a long history.

Of course, the house also has very obvious traces of repairs. It must have suffered serious damage during the war. After all, during the original civil war, Ninghai was once the capital, and it was the most difficult thing to win across the Yangtze River. .

But no matter what, this house records the long history of this family and is still prosperous to this day, which can already explain its heritage.

The old gatekeeper and Cai Pingyuan were old acquaintances. He was a little wary when he saw Qin Fang's car, but when he saw Cai Pingyuan following Qin Fang's lower body, he just nodded to Cai Pingyuan, then lay down on the chair and squinted again. On fire.

"He is a mute uncle, an old man of the Ma family. He and the Ma family grew up together. It's a pity... Although he seems to be a janitor, he has watched the younger generations of the Ma family grow up. Everyone respects him very much, please be honest with me, he is not simple..."

After Cai Pingyuan led Qin Fang into the door, he looked at the old man guarding the door and said to Qin Fang.

"Master, do you think I am the kind of dishonest person?"

Qin Fang said with a wry smile on his face, not to mention in his heart, "I only provoked this old man when my head was caught by the door panel. I am not tired of living!"

Although the old man is mute, he is actually the same as Cai Pingyuan, a master of unknown level... Qin Fang also fought against Cai Pingyuan not long ago. If the two of them had not simply traded tricks, he would have been beaten by Cai Pingyuan. He fell down, and the strength of this mute uncle was probably not much worse than Cai Pingyuan.

"Isn't this Ma family a family of miraculous doctors? Why does it look like a family of martial arts?"

Qin Fang started to mutter in his heart. He was a little confused. Cai Pingyuan was already the head of a martial arts family, and his strength was only level 6 or above. However, a family of genius doctors like the Ma family had someone as strong as Cai Pingyuan. Old servants who are on par with each other, doesn't this mean... "What do you know? The reason why Chinese medicine is not so eye-catching now is because some of its unique skills have been lost, including some secret methods of using inner breath to treat... "

Seeing the look on Qin Fang's face, Cai Pingyuan patiently explained.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Qin Fang suddenly realized that the reason why Chinese martial arts is gradually declining now is not only because the thermal weapons are so powerful that even the body cannot resist, but also because some inner breath cultivation methods have been lost.

It is for the same reason that traditional Chinese medicine has fallen into decline little by little. It is difficult to practice inner breath. Basically, no one has practiced it for three generations. What is waiting is that the secret technique is lost. Over hundreds of years, it has gradually formed. This is the current situation.

It is lucky that the Ma family can inherit it till now, so naturally there is still a method of cultivating inner breath. Uncle Mute grew up with Mr. Ma, so it is not surprising that he learned this method. He is not from the Ma family, so he cannot If you learn those secret techniques, you will have no choice but to go further in martial arts.

This has nothing to do with Qin Fang, he just accompanied his master to take a look.

The Ma family's old house is very large, and the scenery in the courtyard is also very good. Qin Fang and his wife didn't see many people all the way to the atrium. Instead, they found a girl in a white dress facing a medical bronze man in the courtyard. Practicing acupuncture.

"Girl Yunzhi..."

Cai Pingyuan knew this girl and immediately called out.

Ma Yunzhi was stunned, and then he looked over and saw Cai Pingyuan and Qin Fang standing on the steps. A bright smile immediately appeared on their fair and delicate faces, "Grandpa Cai, you are here! Come and find me. It belongs to my grandpa! What a coincidence. Grandpa just went out for a walk and will probably not be back until a while! Go sit for a while and I will ask someone to prepare tea for you... "

"You go about your business, I can do it myself..."

Cai Pingyuan was very familiar with this place, so he didn't mind at all and immediately waved to Ma Yunzhi.

Only then did Ma Yunzhi notice Qin Fang next to Cai Pingyuan. The two were similar in age. She knew many people in the Cai family, but she had never met Qin Fang, which was a little strange.

"Girl Yunzhi, this is my new apprentice Qin Fang. You are all young people. Please get closer to me..."

Cai Pingyuan had such sharp eyes. After noticing Ma Yunzhi's eyes, he immediately introduced her to her and at the same time pushed Qin Fang back towards Ma Yunzhi.

"Hello, Miss Ma, my name is Qin Fang..."

Although Qin Fang was a little depressed, he still greeted Ma Yunzhi very politely.

"Haha, you are Grandpa Cai's apprentice, so you are not an outsider. Calling you Miss Ma is too polite. Just call me Yunzhi. I will call you Qin Fang..."

Ma Yunzhi is not like Cai Qing, who always has a temperament that refuses people thousands of miles away. She is very kind. Even her speech is gentle and gentle, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, and immediately makes Qin Fang feel very close. few.

"Then I'll call you Yunzhi, and you can call me Qin Fang."

As a lady, she is already so generous. If Qin Fang doesn't keep going, it will be a bit too pretentious, "Yunzhi, are you... practicing acupuncture?"

Looking at the bronze man in front of him, he seemed to be quite old. There were dense holes on it, corresponding to acupuncture points, and Ma Yunzhi held slender needles in his hands.

"Well! You also know that our family is all doctors. Acupuncture is a very important skill in Chinese medicine. I have practiced it for more than ten years and I am just getting started. How can I make progress without more practice?"

Ma Yunzhi has a very talkative temperament, and is polite to Qin Fang. He does not feel strange at all, and his words are quite casual.

"I don't think so. I was watching from behind for a while and found that you were precise in your injection. Although I'm not sure how well you control the strength, I think it's definitely very accurate!"

This was not what Qin Fang saw, but what Cai Pingyuan muttered at the time. Qin Fang just took it and learned and sold it.

"Qin Fang, are you also interested in acupuncture?"

Acupuncture is a skill that is easy to learn but difficult to master. Don’t think it’s just a matter of simply pricking needles. There are countless different ways of doing it. It is estimated that even a master of traditional Chinese medicine like Mr. Ma would not dare to say that his acupuncture skills are the best in the world.

A layman can't see how Ma Yunzhi performed the needle just now, but anyone who knows a little bit can see that Ma Yunzhi's skill in this is not simple.

"I'm quite interested. One of my elective courses is Chinese medicine and acupuncture... But I guess the teachers who teach this course may not be as good as you..."

Qin Fang said with a smile, this is the truth. It has only been two days since I selected this course. As for the latter sentence, it is more of a compliment.

"You are so good at talking, it's a bit embarrassing to make others laugh! If you want to learn, I can teach you something simple..."

Ma Yunzhi laughed when Qin Fang said that. This small flattery made the relationship between the two closer.

"That's really what I wish for..."

Qin Fang immediately transformed into a studious primary school student and started studying with Ma Yunzhi. Ma Yunzhi seemed very happy that he had a student, and he actually taught him decently.

"This kid... doesn't really want to pursue Yunzhi girl, does he?"

Cai Pingyuan was drinking tea in the hall. When he saw that Qin Fang hadn't come in, he came out with a tea cup. He immediately saw Qin Fang and Ma Yunzhi surrounding the acupuncture man. They were talking and laughing, as if they were getting along well. Yes, he immediately started thinking about it with a smile.

"Qin Fang and Yunzhi girl are perfect for each other. If they can get together, it will be a God-given marriage!"

There is a saying that goes well - for one apprentice, Cai Pingyuan has several sons, but Qin Fang, the old apprentice, is the one who likes him the most. Originally, he was thinking about bringing Qin Fang and his granddaughter Cai Qing together, but Cai Qing is much older than Qin Fang, and coupled with the issue of sexual orientation, his idea failed.

Just now he pushed Qin Fang towards Ma Yunzhi, and he really had no idea in this regard, but now that he sees that the two of them seem to get along very well, and he has a very good relationship with Mr. Ma, he can't help but have such an idea. .

If Qin Fang knew that his master had such thoughts, he would probably vomit blood and die on the spot.

Ma Yunzhi is very beautiful and has a very good personality, but this does not mean that Qin Fang will fall in love when he sees a beautiful woman. The reason why he and Ma Yunzhi are so quiet is entirely because he wants to learn a little acupuncture from Ma Yunzhi. skill.

"Comprehension skill: acupuncture, skill level: elementary, proficiency 0%."

You can understand this just by looking at the tips of the comprehension skill that Qin Fang just obtained.

Ma Yunzhi comes from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. Cai Pingyuan also said just now that Ma Yunzhi's skills in acupuncture are not weak. Although Qin Fang also has to take acupuncture classes, the teacher's level may not be low for that kind of elective class, and he just follows the script. How could someone be as practical as Ma Yunzhi