Omni Genius

Chapter 3133: Repay the other person with his own way! Thrifty and frugal


"You will die badly if you do this..."

Looking at the triumphant look of the Holy Turtle, Qin Fang also tried his best to interpret a victim who had been deceived to the extreme. The extremely sad and angry look was simply the undisguised anger and curse towards the Holy Turtle.

Unfortunately, the Holy Turtle obviously didn't take Qin Fang's curse to heart at all.

It's like an elephant doesn't care about the provocation and roar of ants at all, because the elephant only needs to kick down, let alone an ant, even an animal several times larger than an ant, still can't stand it. It was directly crushed to death.

Qin Fang's mere Martial Emperor-level strength was completely invisible to such a holy beast.

"Stupid human being, if you can make such a small contribution to this saint's escape, this life is considered to be in vain... Don't worry, after you die, I will give you a decent funeral! So that you will not be ignored by those around you. The ferocious beast devoured not even a little bit of dregs left..."

The Holy Turtle was also extremely proud at this moment.

Looking at the trembling restrictions of the Sky-breaking Ax, it felt extremely happy. As long as the restrictions were completely broken, it could control this Sky-breaking Ax... It was not far away from getting out of this damn prison. .


"Huh? Why aren't you dead yet..."

The Holy Turtle hesitated for a moment, looked at Qin Fang who was pale and weak, and muttered in confusion.


At almost this time, the restrictions in the Sky-Breaking Ax were about to be completely broken under the erosion of Qin Fang's human bloodline. But at this moment, a terrifying and powerful aura suddenly surged out. Entered into the sky-shattering axe.

Such a force is extremely powerful and mighty, and there is a vague aura of a divine beast in it...

The restrictions inside the sky-shattering ax were already shaky, but after suddenly receiving such a violent aura, the restrictions were broken away almost instantly... However, under the integration of such a strange force, a new restriction was created It was also completed in an instant.

No, this is not a ban!

But... recognize the Lord!

"What are you doing?"

The Holy Turtle was also stunned, looked at Qin Fang in disbelief, and exclaimed in surprise.

It really didn't expect that this human being, who was completely harmless in front of it, would forcefully identify the owner of the Sky-breaking Ax when it wasn't paying attention... Moreover, Qin Fang actually almost succeeded in identifying the owner!

"I'm not doing anything..."

Qin Fang pretended to be dumbfounded, and even said a little jokingly, "Am I not replenishing the blood of the Sky-breaking Ax?"


The holy turtle roared completely, and a deafening roar came from his mouth. At the same time, a terrifying force roared in. The terrifying power directly rolled up waves of terrifying hurricanes around him. Not only were the waves on the water turbulent, but also Even the Tongtian Peak next to it was trembling.

"How dare you lie to me!!!"

The Holy Turtle has lived for countless years, and its strength has reached its level. Its IQ is also frighteningly high, and it is even much smarter than many humans. Otherwise, it would not deliberately frame Qin Fang!

However, when it noticed the movement on Qin Fang's side, it immediately reacted.

It was designing Qin Fang, but Qin Fang took advantage of it and designed it.

Buzz buzz~~~

The terrifying power of the holy beast level pressed over, and seemed to want to kill Qin Fang directly... However, when such a terrifying force came, it hit the spherical light shield constructed by the Sky-breaking Ax. , immediately causing waves of violent tremors.


The spherical mask was trembling, but it withstood the Holy Turtle's attack without any power being transmitted to Qin Fang.

"hey-hey… "

At this moment, Qin Fang also showed a strange smile, "Holy Turtle, you want to plot against me and trick me, but you didn't expect that you would trick yourself in... This protective shield can indeed trap me in it, but I can't escape. At the same time, it also completely isolates you from attacks!"

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"Yes, your strength is indeed a thousand times stronger than a weak human like me, but so what? Can you break through the protective shield of the Sky-breaking Ax? Obviously... you can't!"

This is where Qin Fang relies on.

This sky-breaking ax is an extremely powerful artifact. It is an artifact at the same level as Xiaolong. It possesses unparalleled terrifying power... Qin Fang doesn't know how the Holy Turtle obtained this sky-breaking ax, but it It can really break the seal that is enough to imprison the terrifying power of the holy beast.

Even though the weapon spirit inside it has not awakened, the power it controls is definitely not comparable to that of the Holy Turtle... Although the protective shield in front of him restricts Qin Fang's range of activities, it is also a disguised protection for him.

Even a terrifying holy beast like the Holy Turtle was almost furious at this moment, but it could not break through the protective shield of the Sky-breaking Ax... Qin Fang was extremely safe at this moment, even much safer than before. .

"You bastard, how dare you deceive me!"

The holy turtle was extremely angry at this moment. He lifted up his huge and thick turtle legs and stepped hard on the protective shield where Qin Fang was... His anger swelled to the extreme, but the protective shield did not move at all.

"It's disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. If you were asked to cross the river and burn the bridge first, then you can't blame me..."

Because of this, Qin Fangcai smiled confidently.

"Although you now want to tear me into pieces, you know very well that you will not be able to succeed... In fact, you still have to worry about how you will be able to bear it after I complete the recognition of the master of the Sky-shattering Ax. My siege..."

Qin Fang's eyes became completely different, and he hummed in a cold tone.

This holy turtle is very powerful. He has restrained his murderous intentions before, just to harm himself... It is absolutely impossible for Qin Fang to let go of such a hidden enemy, especially after possessing an artifact like the Sky-breaking Ax. He was even more murderous towards the Holy Turtle.

"You still want to kill me?"

The Holy Turtle was extremely surprised when he heard this, but at the same time he was quite disdainful, "Stupid human beings, it is undeniable that I have underestimated you, but so what if you can make the Sky-breaking Ax recognize its master? Do you think that with you? With this little bit of power, can you leap forward and use a magical weapon like the Sky-Breaking Ax? What a fool's errand..."

The Holy Turtle doesn't care about this at all.

The power of the divine weapon is indeed terrifying, but just because of its infinite power, it also limits the user's strength... Even if Qin Fang is now a strong man at the level of Emperor Wu, he can still be killed directly by using the Sky-Breaking Ax once. His cultivation was completely drained, and even all his essence and blood were sucked cleanly! (To be continued)

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