Omni Genius

Chapter 66: Admission


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"Qin Fang, I didn't ask for advice!"

Taking a deep breath to expel all the tightness in his chest, Qin Fang took the initiative to extend his hand.


The young man was a little surprised to see Qin Fang's change, but he still extended his hand very politely. Just when he was about to say his name, Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue came over, and Tang Feifei Still he shouted excitedly, "Brother Xiaoqiang..."

Hearing such a call, Qin Fang found that the face of the handsome guy opposite suddenly fell down, and then looked at Tang Feifei who walked in with a wry smile, "I said Feifei, I told you many times, Qiang It’s okay for me, but I’ll leave the little one alone..."

"Tch, I've been calling you for more than ten years, but I haven't seen you lose any meat!"

Tang Feifei immediately returned a look of contempt, and then walked up to Qin Fang very naturally, "Qin Fang, this is Ning Weiqiang, you can just call him Brother Xiaoqiang, he is the younger brother of Sister Xiao Ning..."

"Brother Qiang..."

Qin Fang smiled and was a little surprised at first about the relationship between Tang Feifei and the handsome guy opposite. The tone of their conversation seemed to be very familiar. After Tang Feifei said this, he suddenly realized that this person was actually Ning Yu. Mo's younger brother.

However, he would not really behave like Tang Feifei. Instead, he called "Brother Qiang" in a proper manner. This was also the time when there was no other way. Starting from a certain movie, the word "Xiao Qiang" has been given a new meaning. , making many passionate men very helpless.

"Well, you are a good boy, and I like it very much." Ning Weiqiang nodded, then thought for a while, took out a card from his body and threw it to Qin Fang, "It has my phone number on it, if you encounter anything Please, you can call me..."

After saying this, he turned around and said a few simple words to Tang Feifei, which meant the same thing. After saying that, he walked away without giving Qin Fang too many opportunities to get close.

"Don't think too much, we all grew up in the same compound. His dad is the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, so he is on the same line as my dad..."

Although Ning Weiqiang left, Qin Fang's confused eyes still did not fade away. Only then did Tang Feifei whisper in Qin Fang's ear the identity of Ning Weiqiang, or in other words, the identity of Ning Yumo.

With that said, Qin Fang finally understood why Ning Weiqiang shocked everyone as soon as he appeared on the scene, and even the people in the school security office did not dare to act rashly. After all, the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee is in charge of the political and legal work of the province. They are such small and powerful people. How dare the security guard offend his son so easily!

Of course, Ning Weiqiang's personal charm is also quite extraordinary. Even when Qin Fang met him for the first time, he could already feel his unusual aura.

"The mission was completed with one against a hundred, with a completion rate of 60%. Evaluation: average. Rewards are calculated based on completion."

"Get 60 experience points!"

"Earn 60 skill experience points, please make sure to add the skill option."

"Get the title to fight one against a hundred!"

The appearance of Ning Weiqiang caused the group conflict that might have become increasingly noisy to finally collapse. When everyone dispersed, Qin Fang's mission was also declared completed, but it was not completed very beautifully, so everyone All kinds of rewards are also issued according to the degree of completion.

"Title: When one fights against one hundred, there is a certain chance of triggering group damage when fighting against multiple people. The damage value and critical hit rate fluctuate with personal attributes."

Seeing the purpose of such a title, Qin Fang didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It wasn't that great, at most it was better than nothing.

The gang fight incident was just an accident. When everything calmed down, the campus gate gradually returned to its original state. People from each department were still busy. Qin Fang, Tang and Xiao also quickly I found the registration office of my department, quickly reported my grades, arranged my dormitories, and then went to their respective dormitories.

However, Qin Fang's statement had already been circulated on the first day of the report, and it is rare for a strong man to dare to fight against twenty or thirty people in a university, and what is even more enviable by everyone is the one beside Qin Fang He was actually accompanied by two beauties who were very qualified to be the school beauties.

After going to the dormitory management department and getting the key to the dormitory, Qin Fang went directly to the dormitory. Renting a house outside was just for Qin Fang to have a place to live. Now that he can live in the dormitory, he can also save a fortune on renting a house. Money.

It's not that Qin Fang is stingy, it's just that there are still a lot of things that need to be spent in the noodle shop. If you can save a little, it can be regarded as saving some original funds for Qin Fang's future plans.

"Hey, Boss Qin..."

When he walked to the door of the dormitory, he found that the door was open. Qin Fang stepped in. What impressed him most was a huge old backpack, which gave him a very familiar feeling. Before Qin Fang could remember, he walked in from the bathroom. A roommate who came out of the room looked up and saw him, and then screamed in surprise.

"Fang Dacheng..."

Qin Fang was also surprised. He didn't expect that this world is such a coincidence. When they met three days ago, the two of them just chatted briefly. However, he didn't expect that when they met three days later, they were in the same dormitory. friend.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect..."

Fang Dacheng also had an honest smile on his face. Ninghai University is very big, with a total of more than 40,000 teachers, students and employees. The chance of two people who are not very familiar with each other wanting to meet is not very high, let alone such. By coincidence, we became roommates.

"Yeah, what a coincidence! Don't call me boss, that's weird, just call me Qin Fang..." After all, he was still a student, so Qin Fang himself felt quite awkward being called boss.


Fang Dacheng just smiled briefly, and at this time someone came in again.

Qin Fang and others lived in a standard six-person room. The conditions were not particularly good, but they were quite good. In Fang Dacheng's words, they were much more beautiful than my home.

In addition to Qin Fang and Fang Dacheng, there are also Shen Yang, a strong man from the Northeast, Gao Ming, a young man from Shu Province, Xiao Nan from South Guangdong Province, and Qin Fang's quasi fellow, Xi Xiaojun from Yangcheng, Jiangnan Province.

"Brothers, it is a fate that the six of us brothers from all over the world can leave, and we will spend four years together here, so I propose that tonight we all have our first group activity , how about going for a drink together?"

When the six people were almost settled, Shen Yang, the tallest and strongest person in the dormitory, immediately suggested that since he was tall and tall, he was directly elected as the boss by the other five people.

"I have no opinion!"

"I agree!"

"no problem… "

Soon the other four people, including Shen Yang, agreed. Only Qin Fang and Fang Dacheng remained silent, and the four of them looked at them.

"Qin Fang, what about you?"

Compared with Fang Dacheng, who directly gave people a very rustic feeling, Qin Fang was made somewhat handsome by Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue, so they naturally asked him first.

"I... okay, no problem!"

Qin Fang wanted to refuse, after all, he still had business in his store, but considering that tonight was the first group activity in the dormitory, he nodded in agreement.

"Dacheng, don't refuse, let's go together!"

Not only that, Qin Fang also grabbed Fang Dacheng, who seemed to want to refuse, and said sincerely.

"But… "

Fang Dacheng naturally had his reasons for hesitation. Qin Fang knew this, and others could see it to some extent.

Xiao Nan from Nanyue immediately stood up and said, "Don't worry, Dacheng, all the expenses tonight will be mine..."

As the boss who drove a BMW to report on the first day of school, he really didn't need the money, and he was also quite a good person. He didn't have the squeamishness of the rich second generation, and he quickly got involved with Qin Fang and others. Very familiar.

After finally convincing Fang Dacheng, Qin Fang and his group left the dormitory together and headed towards Lanyuan, the busiest place in the university town...

And almost when Qin Fang and others walked out of the campus talking and laughing, they happened to be seen by Li Feng, who had just completed the admission procedures. After hesitating, Li Feng drove up and followed slowly. Qin Fang also made a phone call and said something.

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When he hung up the phone, his face was already covered with a sinister sneer...