Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 116: Treasure house of time and space



After a burst of white smoke, Xiaobai turned into a nine-tailed white fox again.


The nine-tailed white fox made a confused cry to Li Mo.

Li Mo walked into the study, took out a copy of "The List of Gods" and threw it to the nine-tailed white fox.

"Although there are some truths and falsehoods in this book, it can also be used as a reference. You should go and read it first."

The nine-tailed white fox nodded and went to the second floor with the "Bang of Gods" in his mouth.

Wow - Wow -

Li Mo took out the gleaming Staff of Origin and frowned slightly.

This time he did not use the Staff of Origin, it was the Staff of Origin that moved on its own.


The Staff of Origin shot out a ray of light and soared into the sky.

Li Mo thought for a moment, then chased the light.

It is a normal phenomenon for the Rod of Origin to rotate on its own, and every time the Rod of Origin rotates on its own, it will open a 'space-time rift'. No matter what age it is in, the inner world is without exception. Not only is the world relatively complete, but there must be something in the world. An 'origin fragment'.

The Staff of Origin in Li Mo's hand is not complete. The complete Staff of Origin is known as the first ancestral weapon of the human race. The current Staff of Origin is far from reaching that level.

The Staff of Origin has the function of self-repair. Every time it operates on its own, the purpose is to find the 'origin fragments' scattered in different eras.

In his previous life, Li Mo experienced the Rod of Origin operating on its own five times, but this time he did not expect that the time for the Rod of Origin to operate on its own would be so much earlier.


In addition to Li Mo, who was chasing the light of origin, another figure appeared and was also chasing the light.

Half an hour later, the number of figures chasing the light of origin increased to ten.

The origin light flew extremely high, but the flying speed was not too fast. Li Mo took more than fifty meters in one step and used the magical power of "shrinking the ground into an inch" to catch up, all the while shortening the distance with the origin light.

Except for Li Mo, the first person who appeared to chase the light of origin ran, got impatient, opened a pair of black wings and flew into the sky.

An hour later, another strong man appeared. He rode a black and strong giant wild boar about three meters tall, and quickly chased the light of origin.

The speed of the giant wild boar is astonishing, not inferior to Li Mo's "shrinking the ground into an inch" and the birdman flying in the sky.

The light of origin flew over half of China and finally landed on a mountain.

Li Mo chased him all night long.

At this time, the number of people chasing the light of origin exceeded a hundred people. These people used various methods. In addition to the flying birdman, there were also people driving helicopters and individual aircraft. Although they were not as fast as the birdman, they It is much faster than most people running on the ground.

Li Mo, the birdman, the giant wild boar knight, and an old man with a body as strong as a turtle immortal arrived at the place where the light of origin landed almost at the same time.

At this time, the light of origin had disappeared, and a crack in time and space stood in front of the four people.

The four people, including Li Mo, had to use various means to hide their true appearance.

The birdman chuckled and said: "Boss Pig, Mr. Turtle, you two are the second and third on the Hua Xia Ranking. Who knows your image? Even if you don't show your face, you can't hide your identity."

The man riding the giant wild boar hummed: "Black Hawk, we can't hide our identity, are you hiding it?"

Turtle Master said coldly: "The 81st Black Eagle on the Heavenly Ranking, it seems that you have concealed a lot of strength."

"No matter what, I'm taking advantage of being able to fly." The birdman's attitude was very humble.

Birdman cupped his hands: "Two experts, the time and space treasure trove has been opened. The two men know the dangers inside better than me. They want to get the treasures in the time and space treasure trove. This opportunity and strength are indispensable. I think it is better to do this. How about we join forces? ? If we can get the treasure, the two experts will take the big head and I will take the small head."

The pig boss snorted coldly: "Joining forces? Who do you think you are?"

The giant wild boar howled, and swung its head suddenly, blasting out an air ball that was visible to the naked eye. Fortunately, the penguin man was on guard and flew up in time to avoid the air ball.


The air mass flew forward several meters, burst like a bubble, and disappeared.

The air mass looked ordinary, but it scared the birdman so high that he didn't dare to land for a long time.

Turtle Master said: "Old pig, if you want to seize the treasure, you will inevitably have to deal with some blind things. How about the same as last time?"

The pig boss nodded.

The giant wild boar threw out another air ball, and the turtle master sacrificed a turtle shell. The two of them took action almost at the same time, and the target was Li Mo.

Li Mo sidestepped out of the way. His movements didn't look too flashy, but he used the technique of "shrinking the ground into an inch." His speed didn't look fast, but in fact, it was surprisingly fast.

The pig boss's air ball was emptied, and the turtle shell circled in a circle and flew back to the master turtle's hands.

"Be careful with the snort of the pig boss. If you spray that thing, your soul will be forcibly separated from your body. If you are not a soul cultivator, you will die immediately!" Birdman shouted in the sky.

"There is also the old turtle's thousand-year-old turtle shell. Not only is that thing extremely hard, it is also a psychic object, just like the flying sword of the ancient swordsman!"

Birdman couldn't defeat Boss Pig and Master Turtle. Seeing that Li Mo easily dodged their attacks, he immediately wanted to help.

Turtle Master shouted: "Who are you? Tell me your name!"

"No matter who he is, just kill him!"

The boss pig has a more impulsive temperament, urging the giant wild boar to release puffs of snort after puff.

Li Mo dodged left and right, seemingly not moving quickly, but he avoided all of Boss Pig's snorts.

The Turtle Master held up the turtle shell and shouted: "I'll give you one last chance. Tell me your name, and I'll spare your life!"

Li Mo didn't answer.


The turtle shell flew over again, and compared with last time, the speed increased significantly.

The pig boss also has a new move. He blows out a "huff" from his mouth to match the giant wild boar's "snort".

This is his true ability, and he makes a fuss at the same time.


Li Mo took a step and fled a hundred meters away in an instant. His figure flickered again and disappeared.

The pig boss cursed again and again, and the turtle master took back his turtle shell with a gloomy expression.

At this time, Li Mo escaped into the ground and waited patiently.

Of course he was not afraid of Boss Pig and Master Turtle when he ran away, but because he heard that someone else was coming.




What came here again was not one person, but several groups of people, with a total number of more than a hundred people.


A burst of flames came, scorching everything it passed.

When the pig boss saw the fire man, he snorted loudly: "Leitian, if you don't just hide in the quiet room and practice fire skills, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"Brother Pig, Brother Turtle, the time and space treasure trove has appeared in this world. If you miss this opportunity, my strength will probably be even worse than yours."

The pig boss snorted.

Master Guizhen said coldly: "Xin Laoliu, you're here as soon as you come. Why are you hiding?"

"Long years no see, Brother Turtle, how are you always?"

A green figure walked out of a tree and clasped his fists at Kame Master from a distance.

(End of chapter)