Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 120: Magic lamp


All the strangers in the Xuanwu Formation were exhausted and collapsed to the ground.

It's not that Li Mo can't suck it anymore, but it's useless to suck it anymore. The strength of these people are all in the Lingtai realm. They can use their magic to advance to the ninth level of the Lingtai realm, but even if they are all sucked dry, it is absolutely impossible to break through. Qi condensation realm.

What's more, Li Mo didn't damage their mana source. He allowed everyone to retain a little spiritual seed. With just spending some time recuperating, they would be as good as ever.

Li Mo walked into the rift in time and space.

In front of you is a big world with a relatively complete world view. Looking around, not far away is a patchwork of antique buildings. Looking further into the distance is a desert, and in the desert, you can still vaguely see a few castles.

Just as Li Mo was observing the world, nearly a hundred bed bugs fell from the sky and covered Li Mo.

Li Mo covered his mouth and nose and ran out of the woods, but the unbearable pungent odor on his body made him retching repeatedly.


There was a soft feeling under my feet. I looked down and stepped on a yellow tuo...

Li Mo retched and ran wildly.

He was completely convinced now, and therefore made up his mind to do divination and ask about good or bad luck, if possible, absolutely not.

When he came to the ancient town and saw the clothes of the residents in the town, Li Mo was startled again.

The residents of this town, regardless of gender, all wear turbans on their heads, and their clothing is obviously different from that of ancient China.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha-"

While Li Mo was stunned, he saw a person sitting on a flying carpet in the sky.

Flying carpet

Swish swish—

There was more than one flying carpet, and soon Li Mo saw a second flying carpet and a third flying carpet in the sky. Judging from the reactions of the residents in the town, it seemed that they were accustomed to flying carpets flying into the sky.

"Aladdin, you idiot, give me my stuff back."

"Come and grab it if you want it, chase after me, you bunch of idiots!"

On the street, a child was running in front, followed by a dozen children chasing him, yelling and cursing.


Li Mo was stunned.

The only celebrity named 'Aladdin' is the protagonist in the story of 'Aladdin's Magic Lamp'.

Could it be that this time the fragment of origin transformed into Aladdin's magic lamp

The origin fragment is the core that maintains the movement of the world of time and space, and in the world of "Aladdin's Magic Lamp", the most powerful one is undoubtedly the 'magic lamp' that can help people's wishes come true.

"Who are you? Why are you dressed so strangely?"

Several soldiers walked towards Li Mo.

Li Mo originally wanted to use the magical power of "shrinking the ground into an inch" to leave, but when he took one step, the magical power was not produced, and it was only an ordinary walking distance.

In this world, mana cannot be used

Li Mo tried to sense mana, and the result confirmed his judgment. In this world, he could not feel any mana in his body.

Li Mo said: "I am Aladdin's friend, and I am playing the role of the gods and demons in the story."

"You said you're playing the role of a legendary god or demon? Hahahaha, it's so funny."

"The gods and demons are a hundred meters tall, and the gods and demons don't wear clothes, hahahaha..."

Several soldiers laughed and left.

Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief. In this world where mana cannot be used, just a few ordinary human soldiers are enough for him to eat a pot.

Li Mo quickly left the street and found a set of clothes in a remote farmyard.

Change it well and feel at ease.

Survival of the fittest. If you want to survive in this world, you must abide by the rules of this world.

In a world where mana cannot be used, it is really difficult this time.

After changing his clothes, Li Mo immediately went to find 'Aladdin'.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about language communication in this world, because the residents of this small town are all Chinese. Note: The story of Aladdin’s magic lamp comes from foreign novels, but the protagonist Aladdin is an authentic Chinese.

When Li Mo saw Aladdin again, Aladdin was leaning lazily under an earth wall, sleeping.

"Hello Aladdin." Li Mo walked over.

"Who are you?" Aladdin looked at Li Mo in surprise.

"My name is Alabuddin, and I am your brother who was separated since childhood."

Aladdin stood up angrily and waved his fist at Li Mo: "If you dare to take advantage of me, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

"What I said is true, believe it or not."

"It's weird if I believe you."

Aladdin rushed up to beat Li Mo, but was beaten by Li Mo. In this world, although he could not use his magic power, Li Mo's physical strength was not comparable to that of a street gangster like Aladdin.

Li Mo was not polite and knocked Aladdin unconscious, and then he changed into Aladdin's clothes.

Li Mo dragged Aladdin to a remote place and tied him up, then returned to the earth wall and slept in like Aladdin.

"Boy, what's your name?"

Not long after, a man wearing a pointed wizard hat came to Li Mo.


"Aha, it turns out you are Alabuddin. I am looking for you. I am your uncle."

"I am your father."

"Ahem, I am really your uncle. I have been looking for you for a long time. I went to the Maghreb to learn magic when you were very young. Now I have returned after completing my studies..."

Similar to the plot in the story of Aladdin, the magician successfully tricked Li Mo, whose pseudonym was 'Arabuddin', out of the town.

The magician took Alabuddin to a nearby mountain, lit a fire on the ground, and recited a few spells. Only a rumble was heard, and a stone door appeared on the ground.

"Arabuddin, an oil lamp, go and get it, and we will be rich!"

Li Mo walked to the stone door and got in without hesitation.

When the magician chooses someone to enter the stone door, he only cares about the body. The passage of the stone door is too narrow and adults cannot pass through it. Only children can. This is the reason why he chose Aladdin.

Li Mo walked to the end and saw the magic lamp that he expected.

"Arabuddin, have you seen that god... oil lamp?" the magician shouted outside.

"I saw it."

"Take it out quickly!"

Li Mo picked up the magic lamp and rubbed it with his hands.


The huge magic lamp and the devil emerged from the magic lamp,

"I am the Magic Lamp. I will obey the orders of whoever gets my hands. I can fulfill any wish you have."

"Kill the magician at the door into ashes."

"Okay, Master!"

The magician at Shimenkeng was wiped out.

Li Mo walked out of the cave and saw the magician wiped out in ashes on the ground leaving a relic, a ring.

Li Mo picked up the ring. This ring was not an ordinary ring. There was also a god and demon in it, but the magic power was not as good as the god and demon in the magic lamp.

"I thought it would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Li Mo rubbed the magic lamp, and the magic lamp and the devil appeared again.

"Take me to the woods on the outskirts of town."

The woods on the outskirts are the entrance to the rift in time and space.

"Okay, Master."


Li Mo returned to the entrance of the space-time rift in an instant.

Li Mo walked into the space-time rift with the 'Magic Lamp' and the 'Divine Ring'.

Puff —

The moment Li Mo returned to the real world, the magic lamp and the magic ring in his hand disappeared at the same time...

What's the matter, these two divine objects are not the incarnation of the Origin Fragment

Li Mo was stunned.

(End of chapter)