Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 122: Multi-handed people


Two days later, Xin Hongzhu still did not come out. During this period, more than a dozen strangers entered it, but without exception, no one was able to come out.

Li Mo was still waiting secretly.

Winning the lottery, good or bad.


Li Mo divined another hexagram, and when he saw the hexagram, he let out a sigh of relief.

Whether divination is about good or bad luck depends entirely on the 'Gua device' used. The higher the quality of the 'Gua device', the more effective the divination results will be. The 'Heaven, Earth, Man and Three Talents Money' in Li Mo's hand belongs to the third level. The 'Gua device' can measure good and bad luck below the life spring level, with an accuracy rate of up to 95%.

Good or bad luck, good or bad luck, is a fickle thing, but once the fortune is divined, it will form a "fixed pattern". What is good is good, what is bad is bad, and it is difficult to change.

Of course, if your strength is strong enough and reaches the heaven-defying level, you can break out of the stereotype of good and bad and ignore good and bad.

If you don't have enough strength, don't do divination, otherwise you will get into trouble.

This is a sentence that Li Mo's apprentice 'Yao Xi' often talks about.

Li Mo put away the 'Three Talents of Money', and made up his mind that he would never do this thing again before his strength reached the 'Heaven-defying' level.

The Xin family is here!

Just when Li Mo was about to enter the 'space-time rift', he saw the three brothers of the Xin family arriving here.

The three brothers of the Xin family walked around the space-time rift several times. They hesitated for a long time and did not dare to go in. Their current situation was very embarrassing. They did not know that Xin Hongzhu was inside. They wanted to go in, but they were afraid of being in danger.

Li Mo held the Staff of Origin, his figure flashed and disappeared.

With the 'Rod of Origin' in hand, Li Mo can directly enter the world of 'Aladdin's Lamp' without passing through the space-time rift. He did not use it before because his luck was too low. In case he was involved in the chaos of time and space, Flow, that would be really miserable.

Time and space were distorted, and Li Mo appeared in the woods.

The Staff of Origin shone slightly, and Li Mo slowly moved the direction until the light emitted by the Staff of Origin became brighter.

Li Mo held the 'Stick of Origin' in his hand and searched all the way.

The fragments of origin are originally fragments that fell from the rod of origin. The two can sense each other, so using the rod of origin can know the approximate location of the fragment of origin.

If Xin Hongzhu hadn't obtained the strongest power in the world, Li Mo would never have used the Staff of Origin to find the Origin Fragments, because such a move might alarm those powerful enemies from the universe.

But now, he can't care so much anymore. In the world created by the power of origin, the import and export will only exist for seven days. Once the seven days are over, the import and export will be closed. By then, even if you have the 'Rod of Origin', you will not be able to enter.

Time is running out.

Li Mo traveled through mountains and rivers for half a day and finally found the 'Origin Fragment'.

"Good for you."

The origin fragment turned into an ordinary puppy.

Li Mo was convinced and brought the Staff of Origin close to the puppy. When the two parties came into contact, a vision immediately appeared. With a snap, the 'Aladdin World' shattered and disappeared. The puppy turned into a thumb-sized fragment and merged with the Staff of Origin. Together.

Buzz buzz—

The Staff of Origin let out a joyful chirp...

"Little Lulu, come and kiss me, Xiao Minmin, your breasts are so big."

Just when Li Mo put away the Staff of Origin and checked where he was, he heard a woman's murmur.

On the grass less than ten meters in front of Li Mo, Xin Hongzhu was naked, squinting his eyes, talking, and grabbing randomly with both hands.

The world of 'Aladdin's Magic Lamp' has disappeared, and everything created by the magic lamp, gods and demons is gone, including the queen's costume on Xin Hongzhu's body...

Xin Hongzhu suddenly woke up and turned over to sit up. When she saw that she was sitting naked on the grass, she was inexplicably shocked.

Although this was not the entrance to the world of 'Aladdin's Magic Lamp', it was still a wilderness. Li Mo had no interest in Xin Hongzhu and immediately turned around and left.


Xin Hongzhu pulled a few handfuls of weeds, twisted them a few times, made them into a bra and a grass skirt to protect the important points, and chased after Li Mo.

"Why am I here? Where is my magic lamp? Where is my servant? Where is my woman?"

Li Mo ignored her and continued walking forward.


Xin Hongzhu yelled angrily and slammed into a tree. As a result, she groaned and squatted on the ground, covering her forehead.

She now has no magic power and cannot use spells at all.

"It's gone, it's all gone, my immortality, eternal youth, my empire, my people, my women, everything about me, is all gone..."

Xin Hongzhu was devastated, kneeling on the ground and muttering to himself.

Li Mo walked for about five minutes, and the magic power in his body recovered, and he began to use the magical power of "shrinking the earth into an inch" to hurry on.

When Li Mo's strength was at the first level of the Lingtai Realm, he could not reach more than a hundred meters in one step. Now, he could reach 500 meters in one step. His speed was several times faster than before.

Just as Li Mo was on his way, suddenly, two men in black fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

"Hand over the space-time treasure and I will spare your life."

A man in black said angrily.

Li Mo looked at the two men in black and suddenly smiled.

The two men in black in front of them were one tall and one short, but there was a clear difference in body shape between the tall man and the short man.

The tall man's upper body was bulging into a ball, and the volume looked obviously abnormal. In comparison, the short and fat figure looked quite normal.

The short man asked angrily: "Why are you laughing?"

None of them knew Li Mo, and the reason why they intercepted him was because they felt that the 'Stand of Origin' was on Li Mo.

"Domeng, it turns out you have always been on earth."

The tall man with a bulging upper body was obviously shocked when he heard Li Mo's words, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Do you know me?"

Li Mo looked at the short man and asked, "As a human, why do you want to collude with the Multi-Handed Clan?"

The short man pulled out a scimitar and said, "Domeng, this man is too weird to keep, so kill him!"

In Li Mo's eyes, it made no difference whether he was short or not, and Duo Meng with six hands could not hide anything from his eyes either.


The tall man opened his upper body clothes, revealing the six arms hidden inside.

The Multi-Hand Tribe is a powerful race from an extraterrestrial planet. In the past life, it was precisely because of this race's devastating invasion that the people on Earth were forced to enter the 'Great Universe Era'.

In the past, Li Mo had always thought that the Multi-Hand Clan would land on Earth in two years. It was only then that he suddenly realized that the Multi-Hand Clan had been hiding on Earth for a long time.

Moreover, they also collude with humans!

Clang! Clang!

Duomeng, a strong man from the six-hand clan, used two hands to beat the gong and two hands to play the drum. Then he used his two free hands to pull out two steel thorns and pounced on Li Mo.

The sound of gongs makes people dizzy, and the sound of drums makes people's soul tremble.

Domeng jumped up high and stabbed Li Mo's throat with two steel thorns as fast as lightning.

(End of chapter)