Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 154: The power of one punch


When you first enter the world, you first enter heaven. Thousands of golden lights are rolling in red neon, and thousands of auspicious energy are spraying purple mist. I saw the Nantian Gate, which was dark green and made of colored glaze; it was bright and bright, made of precious jade.

On both sides are dozens of marshals holding the sky, one of them leaning against the pillars, holding a banner and holding a banner; on the four sides are dozens of golden-armored gods, each holding a halberd, a whip, and a sword.

Almost all Chinese people do not know the meaning of the three words Nantianmen.

Nantianmen is the entrance to the Heavenly Palace in ancient Chinese mythology. The Heavenly Palace, also known as the Heavenly Palace, is said to be the residence of gods.

The Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, Taishang Laojun, Taibai Jinxing... and other well-known immortals from China all live in the heaven.

However, in the eyes of mortals, Nantianmen and the many gods in heaven are just a myth, something that does not exist at all and is just people's beautiful imagination.

Before seeing the towering stone gate in front of him, Du Fei thought this, Ye Xiaolu thought this, and Su Qingyi thought this too.

"Nantianmen, Brother Mo, this... is this the Nantianmen in the myth?" Du Fei opened his mouth in surprise, and was extremely shocked.

Li Mo said: "Maybe, maybe not."

Li Mo was not sure whether it was the mythical Nantian Gate. Like Du Fei and the others, this was the first time he saw the Nantian Gate.

"However, although I don't know if this is the Nantianmen recorded in Chinese mythology, the Tianting organization does exist, and the names and deeds of some gods also really existed."

"What do you mean by the organization Tianting?" Ye Xiaolu took out a bunch of grapes and ate one.

"If the entire universe is compared to the earth, then Heaven is a powerful country on the earth. Do you understand?"

Du Fei and others nodded.

Li Mo looked at the Nantianmen in front of him and said: "In ancient times, the ten ancient mythical beasts were famous in the universe. In the era when the ten ancient mythical beasts roamed the world, other races in the universe were just their foils. The ten ancient mythical beasts were just their foils. The mythical beasts have ruled the universe for billions of years. Later, for unknown reasons, the ten ancient mythical beasts mysteriously disappeared at almost the same time. It was also from then on that the human race, which was originally unknown among all races, began to prosper, so the Heavenly Court was established. , build a heavenly palace and recruit many disciples.”

"Among the many famous organizations in the universe, the most powerful thing about the Heavenly Court organization is not only its strength, but also its inclusiveness. No matter what your race is or what your identity is, as long as you are willing to join the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court will take you in and treat everyone equally."

"There was a time when the Heavenly Organization was so powerful that it unified half of the universe."

Li Mo stopped talking and sighed.

"Isn't it possible now? Just look at this scene and you will know." Ye Xiaolu said vaguely with grapes in his mouth.

Su Qingyi floated to her side feeling aggrieved: "Sister Lu, can you... please stop eating so much, you will get fat..."

Although Su Qingyi is dead, her body has been infused with Li Mo's spiritual energy and is no different from a living person.

"The last one, the last one."

Li Mo said: "Millions of years ago, Heavenly Court fell apart due to internal fighting. It once almost unified the organization of the entire universe. Since then, it has been in decline and will never be able to regain its former glory."

Su Qingyi was curious: "Brother Mo, which book did you read these things from? Why haven't I heard of them before?"

"The ancestors of mankind who fled the earth did not know all the truth about the turmoil, so it is extremely rare to be able to record some of their deeds."

"What, what, escape to the earth? What do you mean?" Ye Xiaolu licked the grapes.

Li Mo smiled and said: "In our Chinese mythology, heaven is in the sky, but how big is the scope of heaven?"

Ye Xiaolu was anxious: "Hey, keep talking, what do you mean by escaping to the earth?"

Li Mo didn't answer and walked towards Nantianmen.

Ye Xiaolu was furious: "Men like this are the most boring, Xiao Qingyi, remember, when choosing men in the future, don't choose half a man of any kind."

Everyone followed Li Mo into the Nantianmen, and when they looked around, they saw ruins.

Broken walls and ruins were everywhere. Not long after everyone moved forward, they were shocked by another scene.

It was a huge circular pit with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters. The surface of the pit was as sharp as a knife, and it was bottomless. Visible to the naked eye, the inside of the huge pit was dark red. It was not the original color of the ground, but the color formed after the blood dried up.

A huge pit with a diameter of 10,000 meters and a bottomless depth. How much blood would it take to create such a situation

Du Fei wiped his sweat: "It can't be that, it can't be that the people here have been filled into this huge hole, right?"

Li Mo took a look and said, "This huge pit is not used to bury people."

Su Qingyi asked: "You're not burying people? Then why is there so much blood?"

Li Mo said: "This huge pit was punched out by someone. As for the blood, it was only from one or two creatures."

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

"Great Light Fist!"

Du Fei yelled and punched the ground. There was a pop, but there was no change on the ground.

Puff puff-

Du Fei punched four times in a row, but when he looked at the ground, there was no damage at all.

"Brother Mo, there is something weird on this ground. With my third-level strength in the Life Spring Realm, I can't even break it. My mother, who is the person who took action? How can I break it on such a weird ground?" A 10,000-meter deep pit?”

“It’s still bottomless!”

With Du Fei's strength, he couldn't even leave a trace on the ground. He punched out a 10,000-meter-deep pit with no bottom. This... is this possible

"The strength of the cosmic powerhouse is beyond what you can estimate now,"

Li Mo bowed to the giant pit and walked forward.

Nine-tailed Xiaobai stood in front of the huge pit without moving for a long time.

No one was paying attention just now, so Nine-Tailed Xiaobai also tried using her demonic power. As a result, with her current strength close to the fifth level, she was still unable to leave any traces on the ground.

Everyone walked forward for several more miles and saw half of the humanoid bones.

The four white bones had no parts above the waist, but their lower limbs still maintained a standing posture.

It was as if someone had killed them with one move, but looking around, you couldn't see where their upper bodies were.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Just when everyone was guessing what kind of accident had happened to the four white bones, half of the broken sword suddenly flew up from the feet of the four white bones.

The surface of the half-broken sword has been weathered, and it looks like an old man in his twilight years. He can disappear into smoke at any time. However, the temperament exuded by this half-broken sword makes everyone frightened.

The half-broken sword just made a soft cry, and everyone felt as if they had been struck by thunder. Just the first sound sounded, and Su Qingyi's soul was torn apart. Fortunately, Li Mo was quick and reached out to restrain her.

Otherwise, her end will be to be wiped out in ashes.

Ye Xiaolu's mouth and nose spurted blood, and the grapes in his mouth spurted out. The giant panda and Jiuwei Xiaobai were in slightly better condition, but they were unable to move and were trembling.

Li Mo shouted loudly and took a step forward: "Everyone get behind me!"


Suddenly, a colorful ray of light rose from behind Li Mo. He was looking at Du Fei, with the Seven-Star Immortal Sword in his hand, the immortal robe automatically added to his body, and twenty immortal-killing gems surrounding him.

The colorful rays of light flourished, and the half-broken sword did not give in, shooting out white light to confront.



The colorful rays of light and the white light faced each other for more than twenty seconds. The half-broken sword suddenly lost its light and fell to the ground.

Immediately, all the oppression that everyone was under disappeared...

(End of chapter)