Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 29: Cangnan Mountain


"Teleportation, levelless life planet."

Late at night, Li Mo gave a soft drink, and his body turned into a white light and disappeared out of thin air.

There are ten levels of spiritual species, with level one being the lowest and level ten being the highest. The lower the level of the spirit species, the longer it takes to recover using the teleportation function. It has been more than half a month since Li Mo last used the spiritual species to teleport. It's time.

Li Mo opened his eyes and couldn't help but frown slightly.

The location teleported to is indeed a planet with no level of life. Unfortunately, the life form of this planet has just begun.

Looking around, there are not even a few plants in sight, let alone animals.

Isn't this planet too desolate

Li Mo searched for more than five hours on this planet with no level of life. Finally, he was helplessly determined that this planet was a hundred times more desolate than the earth.

Even if you have the supreme skill of the human race, the Art of Creation of Heaven and Earth, you can only imagine the progress if you practice it in such a desolate place.

This planet is not suitable for cultivation at all.

Li Mo's whole body lit up, and after a few seconds, his body disappeared into thin air.

The direction of this return was not too far off, and it was less than 500 meters away from the place where it left.

When Li Mo returned home, the sky was getting brighter.

The spirit seed transmission function is temporarily unavailable. If you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, there is only one place to go, the dimensional gate that Du Fei and the others entered.

Li Mo took out the Staff of Origin, hesitated again and again, and finally put the Staff of Origin away.

With the help of the power of the Staff of Origin, Li Mo can easily enter any 'dimensional gate'. However, he is worried that this will attract evil people from the universe. After all, this is not the past life, and he is not a human race with few opponents in the universe.' Quasi-Emperor, if we attract the accomplice in advance, the consequences may be out of control.

"Yao Xi, Yao Xi, I know now that your secret magic is what I need most right now. Alas, it's a pity that even if I want to learn it, you can't teach me now."

Li Mo shook his head and sighed. A strange and pretty face appeared in his mind. He shook the lottery tube with both hands, closed his eyes and muttered something. After a long time, a lottery fell to the ground.

"It's bad luck. It's over. We are going to be unlucky again today..."

Thinking of Yao Xi kneeling on the ground holding his head and screaming, Li Mo couldn't help but laugh.

Li Mo Xian wiped his face and went to school.

With his current physical condition, even if he doesn't sleep for ten and a half days, it won't have any impact.

The military training was still going on, Li Mo participated as usual, and his performance was just average.

The most outstanding student in the school is Su Haoyang. He is unrivaled in long-distance running, unrivaled in strength, and simply omnipotent in all aspects.

Su Haoyang has now become the most famous student of Century Middle School. In addition, he is handsome and rich, and almost every day young girls in love write him love letters. However, Su Haoyang is completely different from Yang Chong and Ma Yu in this aspect. Even if No matter how beautiful the little girl who sent the love letter grew, Su Haoyang still looked down upon her.

"I am the future head of the Su family. With my conditions, Su Haoyang, in the entire Century Middle School, only Lin Qingrou can be my woman. The others are not qualified at all!"

At first, the little girls thought Su Haoyang was just pretending to be cool, but as time went by, they all realized that he was really looking down on them.

In recent days, Su Haoyang didn't come to school every day. Even if he came once in a while, he would just ask "Is Lin Qingrou here?"

Unfortunately, Century Middle School's number one school beauty, all-around champion Lin Qingrou, has not been seen since Su Haoyang transferred to the school.

As soon as Li Mo arrived at school, he saw Su Haoyang hurriedly walked out of the school gate.

When the two passed by, they glanced at each other, with Su Haoyang looking disdainful.

"Brother, I just got the news that the gate is near the spring of Cangnan Mountain!"

A hundred meters away, Li Mo heard Su Haoyang's voice on the phone.

Although Li Mo has not yet carried out the actual ear training, the foundation building has been completed and the ear power is already very developed.

That door? Cangnan Mountain Spring

Li Mo's heart moved.

Su Haoyang is one of the first batch of Xingqi internal beta testers. You must know that Xingqi internal testing is different from Li Mo's 'Spiritual Seed Teleportation'. Now the humans on earth who have mastered the Spiritual Seed have no idea that the Spiritual Seed has the function of teleportation. They What is used is another ability of the spirit seed.

The owner of the spiritual seed can sense the fluctuating spiritual power, and there are not many reasons that can cause the spiritual power to be generated. Among them are the treasures of heaven and earth, the peerless powerhouse, and the Dimension Gate, which is what the developers of Xingqi Game say. Fantasy copy entrance'.

Let the testers who have "spiritual seeds" conduct a blanket search. After finding the fluctuating dimensional gate, send a large number of "spiritual species" testers there. After the dimensional gate opens, you can enter it.

This is the reason why 'Xingqi' selects a large number of internal testers and conducts them in batches.

Dimension gates, fragments of time, on this planet, the deeds, history, bits and pieces, people or things that happened in the past are hidden in them. They were originally real, but in the eyes of Star Qi game developers, they were regarded as for 'a true copy of fantasy'.

It’s just ridiculous…

"Could it be that the dimensional gate Du Fei and the others entered is in Cangnan Mountain?"

The more Li Mo thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. If the spring water filled with spiritual energy had no spiritual energy source nearby, how could it be explained

"Li Mo, come here."

While Li Mo was thinking, Huang Yao came over.

Regardless of whether you are sure or not, you must go to Cangnan Mountain once!

With this thought in his mind, Li Mo turned around and left.

"Li Mo, what are you doing? I'm calling you!"

Li Mo seemed unaware, his steps were so fast that Huang Yao couldn't catch up even though he was chasing after him.

Li Mo hailed a taxi on the roadside and explained the location, but the taxi driver shook his head.

"Cangnan Mountain was sealed a few days ago. It is said that several murderers ran into the mountain. They are arresting them these days. My child, that place is dangerous. By the way, my car is here too. No more.”

"Then come nearby."

After hearing the news, Li Mo was even more certain that there must be something weird on Cangnan Mountain. Nine times out of ten, it was the Yuan Sect.

The taxi drove near Cangnan Mountain. Li Mo paid the money, opened the door, and the person disappeared in a flash.

The taxi driver was startled. He looked at the money in his hand and then looked around. His whole body was shaking, and he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out as far as he could.

"What a ghost, what a ghost, what a ghost in the daytime!"

Li Mo walked in a hurry and soon arrived at the blockade area at the foot of Cangnan Mountain.

The so-called blockade zone is not guarded by troops, but by Jinglei Company, which develops Star Qi games. Jinglei Company was jointly founded by ten of the most powerful game manufacturers in the world. It is not just in China, but has its footprints all over the world. one country.

A large number of personnel wearing the uniforms of Jinglei Company stood at one post every five steps and one sentry every ten steps. This time, it was not dozens or hundreds of people who were dispatched to blockade, but thousands of people.

With such a big formation, it seems that the dimensional gate is really on this mountain!

Buzz —

A U.S. military Humvee drove up from the highway and stopped in front of the blockade area. Su Haoyang and a middle-aged man in a crisp suit got out of the car.

"I am Su Haonan, the deputy general manager of Su Group, and this is my brother Su Haoyang, who is the first internal beta tester of Xingqi..."

"Sorry, these are extraordinary times and no one is allowed in."

Before Su Haonan could finish speaking, he was interrupted.


A breeze passed by and blew Su Haoyang's hair.

(End of chapter)