Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 30: Cangqing Cave Mansion


The Su Group is one of the sponsors of 'Jinglei Company'. Su Haonan originally thought that if he came forward, the other party would definitely give him a favor, but he never expected that he would be rejected in person.

Su Haonan's face looked a little ugly. He picked up his cell phone to make a call. The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

"Tell me to Mr. Lei, if your company continues to act like this, our Su Group's sponsorship of your company will probably be terminated!"

Su Haonan left angrily.

"These sponsors always think that Jinglei will fall apart without their sponsorship, which is really ridiculous."

Seeing the Hummer disappear, Lei Fei, the leader of the blockade, laughed, and all his subordinates also laughed.

Lei Fei raised his hand, felt it, and said, "Did there be a gust of wind just now?"

The weather is bright and clear today, with no wind at all.

"There seemed to be a gust of wind just now, but it disappeared immediately."

"I saw it too."


Lei Fei frowned slightly.

At this time, Li Mo had already passed through the blockade area and rushed towards the location of Shanquan.

Near the mountain spring, you can see a black space-time crack from a distance. This is what Xingqi Company claims is the 'Fantasy Dungeon Entrance', but its actual name is 'Time-Space Fragments'.

Only people with 'spiritual seeds' can sense the existence of 'time and space fragments'. Even if ordinary people pass through them, it will not have any effect.

There was no one guarding the space-time rift next to the mountain spring.

Very good, saves a lot of trouble.

Li Mo's figure flashed, a hundred meters away, and rushed into the space-time rift at extremely high speed.

Time and space cracks are spread all over the world, and the world behind each time and space crack is different. However, all time and space fragments have one thing in common, that is, after they collapse, they will turn into nothingness and disappear forever. The exploration inside them If you do, you will automatically return to the present world.

Rushing into the rift in time and space, the space was distorted for about three seconds. When the distortion stopped, it was already in another time and space.

There is still a mountain in front of you, with green trees and trickling streams, full of tranquility.

Li Mo moved forward cautiously. What are space-time fragments? It is a certain time segment, person or thing that has happened from ancient times to the present. Only people or things with extraordinary experiences will be preserved in the form of time and space fragments. In such a space, dangers are everywhere.

The world in front of you is not the whole world, but only a small part, just like there is a mountain in front of you, but as you go further, there is a white space barrier that cannot move forward. It is not that there is no road ahead, but this The world is so big. If you want to forcefully break through the space barrier, congratulations. The moment you forcefully break through, you will instantly return to the current world.

The world in front of you is just a mountain.

"Fortunately, this world is not big."

After seeing that the world in front of him was just a mountain, Li Mo's tense expression relaxed. There is a common 'common sense' in the world of time and space fragments. The larger the world of time and space fragments, the greater the danger.

This world is just a mountain, which means that the danger is not very great.

"over there."

Not far ahead, a cave appeared. Under the power of Tianyan, you could see a faint colorful auspicious energy rising out.

There is a treasure in this cave, and the seven-colored auspicious energy is the light emitted by the treasure.

Li Mo was a little confused: "This world is so small and there is almost no danger. How could the fat man be so seriously injured?"

Du Fei returned from his previous life after being seriously injured. He lay in bed for more than a month before gradually waking up. At that time, Li Mo asked him what happened, but Du Fei remained tight-lipped and didn't say a word.

Even now, Li Mo has no idea how he was injured and how it could be so serious.

Li Mo originally thought that it was normal to be injured in the extremely dangerous world of space-time fragments, but after seeing this world with his own eyes today, he had a different idea.

There is no danger in this world, and it makes no sense for Du Fei to be so seriously injured.

In the deepest part of the nameless cave, Du Fei and the last batch of internal testers were using the tools in their hands to clear the collapsed passage ahead.

The last group of internal beta testers came from all over the world and were all composed of the world's top game masters. There were twelve people in total, including the team leader, a total of thirteen people. Among this group of people, the fat Du Fei was very conspicuous except for his size. Apart from that, in other aspects, it has never attracted anyone's attention.

"It's open! The passage is open!"

After several days of fighting, the collapsed passage was finally cleared, and a clean passage appeared ahead.

Everyone continued to go, and the colorful light unique to the treasure appeared.

"Light! Colorful light!"

"There is a treasure ahead!"

"There must be a treasure!"

"My God, I never thought that there is such a magical place in this world."

"Everyone, be quiet and don't make any noise. Remember, you must obey my command at any time."

Lei Yan raised his hand, and the noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

The leader of this internal test team is Lei Yan, the son of Lei Tian, CEO of Jinglei Company in China. Even though Lei Yan is only twenty-five years old this year, he started from the 0th internal test (Jinglei Company internal test) until the last one. He participated in all the internal tests without missing a beat. It can be said that he is the most senior person in the internal tests.

Of course, his strength is also the strongest among this group of people.

Under the leadership of Lei Yan, everyone continued to move forward.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, everyone came to the deepest part of the cave, an empty cave.

There are four characters "Cangqing Cave Mansion" carved on the stone above the cave.

There is no living thing in the cave, except for a stone bed, a stone table, a stone chair, a sword, a Taoist robe, and other than that, there are dozens of gems placed on the stone bed.

The colorful light is emitted by these gems.

"Everyone, please don't move or make any noise. Remember, you must obey my command at any time. Now listen to my order and everyone should stop."

Under Lei Yan's loud drink, everyone stopped.

Lei Yan gave the order: "Ariel, you go explore the road."

Ariel is a game master from a small African country. He is a black man and has always been the most marginalized in this team.

Ariel walked to the stone table, picked up the sword, and picked up the robe...

Nothing happened.

Lei Yan breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward quickly, asked for the sword, took the Taoist robe, and put them all away.

Then, Lei Yan's eyes were fixed on a pile of gems on the stone table.

Lei Yan stepped forward and reached out to grab them. Something strange happened. He reached out to grab them all, but he didn't expect to catch any gems. The gems seemed invisible and his hand came up with nothing.

Lei Yan was startled for a moment, then reached out to grab it again, but the result was still the same.

"Strange, are these gems fake?"

This cave was very small, and Lei Yan's eyes wandered elsewhere. Apart from the gems on the stone table, there were no other items.

what happened

Lei Yan tried three times but still couldn't catch a single gem.

"Ariel, and you all, come and try." Lei Yan ordered.

The internal testers tried one after another, but the results were the same as Lei Yan, unable to touch even a single gem.

In the end, only one Du Fei was left.

Du Fei walked to the stone table, hesitated, and reached out to grab it.

The pile of gems suddenly glowed brightly, and the fat man grabbed seven of them!

(End of chapter)