Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 5: Enter Xingqi


Late at night, Li Mo was sitting cross-legged on the bed. He placed his hands on his lower abdominal dantian, and his fingers formed a ball mark. Visible to the naked eye, in his palms, the blue, white and gray spiritual energy was slowly rotating.


A wisp of blue energy and gray energy flew out from time to time. The volume of the spiritual energy group continued to decrease, and the color gradually turned into pure white.


Until the last trace of gray air flew out, the white spiritual energy condensed into a solid substance and turned into a white jade block about two inches long, which fell on the bed.

Li Mo opened his eyes and looked at the time. It was already 8 o'clock in the morning.

"The method of using boiling blood to destroy spiritual energy is really inferior and inefficient. It actually took me a whole night to refine this small piece of low-grade spiritual seed."

The game "Star Initiation" did not exist from the beginning. The "Star Initiation Lander" obtained by humans fifty years ago is really called "Spirit Seed". It is a rare substance made of "spiritual energy". It can be taken after taking Finally, the potential of the living body can be stimulated so that it can integrate into the 'god realm'.

In fact, the world is still that world, and the role of the 'spiritual seed' is just to open a door in the original world, just like the relationship between a bank card and a password.

The spiritual seed only needs to be used once to form an 'original spiritual seed' in the body, which will continue to grow and develop forever. The spiritual seed will produce new 'spiritual sources'. As long as you know how to consume energy reasonably, you can become a god. The most basic spiritual source ability 'teleport' is used in the world.

If you have not entered the 'God Realm', you will not be able to use the teleportation function. Without this function, it is simply a fantasy to leave the earth and go to other living planets. The distance is easily millions of light years. Even with the technology in the universe The most advanced spaceships manufactured by the most developed 'Ellans' do not have the ability to navigate at will in the vast universe.

Spirit seeds are distinguished by grade. The higher the grade of the spirit seed, the farther the distance it can be teleported and the destination of teleportation is more precise, and vice versa.

The realm of gods covers the entire universe. In this vast universe, there are no less than 100 million planets with life, and the life forms in them are strong and weak. They are generally divided into ten levels. Levels one to three are lower-level life planets, and levels four to three are lower-level life planets. Level six is an intermediate life planet, levels seven to nine are advanced life planets, and level ten is an ultimate life planet.

The non-level life planet is an alternative. This type of planet is the least dangerous planet and is weaker than the first-level life planet. Of course, the weakest is not absolute, it may also be an unexplored and unrecorded life planet. Just like the people on earth, when they first entered the realm of gods, the earth was classified as a first-level life planet. However, hundreds of years later, two quasi-emperors appeared among the people on earth, shocking all races in the universe. eyeball.

Li Mo held the 'Spiritual Seed' in his hand and was about to swallow it in one gulp, when his cell phone rang.

Didi, didi, didi…

The name 'Uncle Zeng' is displayed above.

Li Mo answered the phone.


Li Mo listened calmly. If it was Li Zeng in his previous life who called, as long as the word 'young master' was mentioned, Li Mo would definitely hang up the phone and refuse to answer all incoming calls.

"Although that incident back then... was what I did wrong, but you are his biological flesh and blood after all. How can there be a father in this world who doesn't love his children?"

"Uncle Zeng, please call me. Do you have anything else to do? If you are just bringing up old matters, let's stop here."

"Well, one thing is that the great master's ninetieth birthday is coming soon. In the past few days, he has been talking about you. I think this is a good opportunity, young master, as long as you show up on the day of the great master's birthday. , you can definitely return to the Li family."

Li Mo said: "Uncle Zeng, if I wanted to return to the Li family, I would have gone back long ago. It's not that I can't, but that I don't want to."

"I know, but..."

Li Mo was silent for a moment and said, "I will definitely go to grandpa's birthday."

"Really?" Li Zeng was surprised.

"I will do what I say, but before that, I don't want anyone to know about it."

"I know, I understand."

Li Mo hung up the phone.

The Li family of Shengjing, looking at the entire Shengjing Province, is one of the most wealthy families. Li Mo comes from this family, but in Fengcheng, no one knows his identity except himself.

In his previous life, Li Mo did not go to the 90th birthday of Li Xuanyu, the old man of the Li family. But not long after, the old man of the Li family returned to the west. Li Mo did not have any good impressions of his so-called biological father, but towards his grandfather Li Xuanyu, The relationship is very deep. When he was a child, he grew up beside his grandfather for three years.

Because of his willfulness in his previous life, Li Mo didn't even see his grandfather for the last time. This was also his 'regret' in his previous life. Now that he's back in this life, he naturally doesn't want to have any regrets anymore, so he will definitely go to Li Xuanyu's birthday!

Li Mo put down his cell phone and swallowed the 'spiritual seed' into his mouth.

Eating it directly is the correct way to use the 'spiritual seed'.


A burst of light flashed and the spiritual seed disappeared. Li Mo was still sitting on the bed, seemingly unchanged.

"Teleportation, levelless life planet."

As Li Mo gave a soft drink, his body turned into a white light and disappeared out of thin air...

(End of chapter)