Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 51: Hundreds of birds shoot at the phoenix


"Remember, after three days, no matter whether you have gained something or not, you must return here, otherwise you will stay in this world forever!"

Lei Fei's figure disappeared among the millions of troops.

History books record that Zhao Yun defeated Cao's army in a battle at Changbanpo with seven advances and seven exits. The main reason was that Cao Cao Xicai did not order the arrows to be fired, but the situation in front of him is enough to prove that that statement is not correct.

With the encouragement of military drums, Cao Jun once again surrounded Zhao Yun. However, no matter how many people were in front of him, Zhao Yun waved the 'gentian silver gun' up and down, and saw streams of gun gas being shot out. Cao Jun around Cao Yun fell faster than the reinforcements. Even faster.

"If the weather is not right, harmony can be achieved? Are you referring to Cao Jun? What about the favorable location?"

"The location is good, the location is good."

Because they are wearing Cao Jun's armor, millions of Cao Jun soldiers regard Du Fei and the others as their own. Everyone is among Cao Jun. As long as they stay away from Zhao Yun, it is very safe for the time being.

Ever since being taught his skills by Li Mo, Du Fei has listened to Li Mo's words. Although he is temporarily safe among millions of Cao Cao's troops, he has always remembered it. His divination shows that without taking advantage of the weather, only by relying on the right place, people and people can he succeed. Turn danger into safety.

Convenient location and water! Yes, water!

Du Fei searched for a long time, almost frightened by the sound of killing people all around him, and finally found a safe and "convenient" location.

Under Dangyang Bridge, that big river! (Zhang River).

There are people everywhere around here, but there is no one in the river.

Du Fei ran quickly towards the river.


Du Fei jumped into the river. The water on the bank was not deep, and he did not go deeper. He squatted down and only his head was exposed.

"Little soldier, who do you belong to? Why are you in the water? Do you want to be a deserter? Come up quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the gun!"

Less than five minutes after Du Fei jumped into the river, he was discovered by a general who looked like an officer. The general held a spear and shouted at him, telling him to come ashore.

Du Fei looked at the spear in the general's hand and subconsciously took a step into the river. It broke and the water became deeper. Du Fei lost his balance and shouted for a while: "I can't swim, dudududu...", raising his hands. Starting, the body gradually sank into the water and disappeared...

Among the ruins, in front of a dry well, a beautiful woman with a sad expression and disheveled clothes was holding a baby in her arms, hiding under an earth wall.

The beautiful woman is Liu Bei's wife, Mrs. Mi, and the baby in her arms is the famous 'Adou' in history.

"Mrs. Mi, you are so easy to find."

Just as Mrs. Mi's despair deepened, a soldier wearing Cao's armor but without any weapons appeared in front of her.

This soldier dressed as Cao Jun is none other than Lei Fei.

"you… "

Mrs. Mi panicked and hugged Adou tightly. Just when she was about to say something, Lei Fei didn't want to waste time at all. He took out a handkerchief from his arms, took out a small bottle, poured some liquid into the handkerchief, stepped forward and covered Mrs. Mi's mouth. .

Mrs. Mi struggled for a moment and then passed out.

Lei Fei pinched Madam Mi's face and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Madam Mi to be so old. I thought I could gain something more."

Lei Fei held Adou in his arms.

"Captain Lei Fei is really good at it."

Just when Lei Fei's face showed a proud look, he heard a sarcastic voice.

Lei Fei looked back and saw the dark, thin and ugly Wang Huan standing five meters away from him.

Lei Fei narrowed his eyes.

Lei Fei is the fourth level strong man in the spiritual stage. His current physique is far better than that of ordinary people, and his eyesight and hearing are dozens of times stronger than ordinary people. He is very surprised that before Wang Huan said anything, he actually didn't understand at all. No feeling at all.

How can it be? With my ears, I should have heard Wang Huan when he was a hundred meters away.

Wang Huan said: "Use Adou to threaten Zhao Yun and get what you want. Captain Lei Fei, is this your plan?"

Lei Fei smiled: "Have you been following me?"

"That's not true. I just thought of the same plan as you."

Wang Huan picked his nostrils.

"I don't know whether this world is real or virtual. I only know that the characters in this so-called copy are so powerful that they cannot be measured by common sense. They are human beings like us. Why do they have such powerful power? Are you shocked? Was it designed by the company?”

"I don't think so. If it was really designed by your Jinglei Company, then you wouldn't send a well-armed force."

Wang Huan added: "And it was also destroyed by the group."

Lei Fei smiled and said: "Do you often watch TV series? There is a general rule in TV series, that is, knowing too much... "

"It's easy to die early." Wang Huan said it for him.

"Haha, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Lei Fei's fingers flashed with flames.

Wang Huan looked at Lei Fei: "I'm afraid, but are you sure you can kill me?"

Looking at the fearless Wang Huan, Lei Fei thought for a moment and smiled: "Okay, you win, what do you want?"

"What do you think?"


"Someone is coming!" they both said at the same time.

There was a trace of surprise on Lei Fei's face. Only then did he confirm that Wang Huan definitely had strength that was not inferior to him.

Tap tap tap tap—

Zhao Yun came here riding a bloody white horse.

He went in and out seven times among millions of Cao Cao's troops, in order to find the lost Madam Mi and Liu Bei's only son Liu Chan (Adou).

Lei Fei held Adou, and Wang Huan held a dagger and put it on Mrs. Mi's neck.

Zhao Yun noticed them and his eyebrows suddenly stood up.

Lei Fei smiled and greeted Zhao Yun: "Hello General Zhao, I am a little fan of yours."

"One Lu, two Zhao, and three Dianwei. Actually, there is a big problem with this ranking. General Zhao has never fought against Lu Bu. Who is unparalleled in the world? There is no way to compare."

Zhao Yun said coldly: "Let go of the madam and return the child to me!"

Zhao Yun has a handsome appearance, with a fair face and no beard at all. Only by seeing Zhao Yun with your own eyes can you know what a truly beautiful man is.

Lei Fei said: "Give me the manual of your Bainiaochaofengqiang and the gentian bright silver gun in your hand, and I will return it to my wife and children immediately."

"You have no choice, hurry up."

Wang Huan handed the dagger forward a little.

Zhao Yun was extremely shocked, but he quickly came to his senses, tore off a piece of white cloth, bit his fingertips, and wrote down the manual for Bainiaochaofengqiang.

The spear technique used by Zhao Yun is called the "Hundred Birds Chao Feng Spear". He can advance seven times and seven out among millions of troops, relying on this "Hundred Birds Chao Feng Spear".

"This way, this way, there's blood here!"

Just as Zhao Yun was writing down his marksmanship, some of Cao's troops chased him.

"I'll deal with it, and you continue writing."

Wang Huan held a dagger and went to look for those Cao soldiers.

Five minutes later, Wang Huan returned here holding a bloody dagger.

Lei Fei couldn't help but look at Wang Huan again.

If it was an ordinary person, the first time he killed someone, he would never look like this. Lei Fei remembered clearly that after his first murder, he was beaten and vomited for a full day and nauseated for a full week.

Zhao Yun threw the finished gun manual to Lei Fei. Just when he was hesitating whether to hand over the gentian silver gun, Wang Huan threw him a long wooden spear used by ordinary soldiers.

Zhao Yun threw the Gentian Bright Silver Spear over.

Lei Fei got the gun manual, and Wang Huan got the gentian silver gun.

"General Zhao, please step back two hundred meters."

Zhao Yun shouted: "If you dare to hurt my wife even a hair, Zhao Zilong will definitely smash you to pieces!"

Zhao Yun stepped back.

When Zhao Yun walked away, Lei Fei hugged Adou and jumped on Zhao Yun's white horse.

It's okay to keep Mrs. Mi, but not Adou. If he doesn't have this 'hostage' in hand, he will definitely die if Zhao Yun catches him.

"Two shameless villains, please leave!"

Zhao Yun was so angry that he shouted angrily. He wanted to chase her, but he couldn't let go of Mrs. Mi, so he was so anxious that he was running around.

"The ancients were still too simple."

Wang Huan chuckled.

Lei Fei was riding a horse, and Wang Huan was running with him. One was riding a horse and the other was walking, but the two were keeping pace.

"Captain Lei Fei, after you get out, this gun will belong to you, and the gun manual will also belong to you, but I will make a copy. Isn't this request too much?"

"Not too much at all."

While the two were talking, a large number of Cao's troops came from all around and surrounded them.

"Zhao Yun is over there!"

Wang Huan pointed with his hand.


The leading general shouted.

Wang Huan was startled: "What's the order?"

The general drew his sword and shouted: "These two are spies of our army, kill them!"

(End of chapter)