Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 82: Rise from adversity


Su Haoyang wants to kill someone now.

Since he participated in the Xingqi internal beta, his strength has been increasing day by day. Whether at home or outside, his status has been rising in a straight line. How has he ever suffered such a loss

Li Mo stood in front of Su Haoyang: "You still don't know how to wake up after being beaten. What do you want to do?"

Su Haoyang clenched his fists: "That was a sneak attack just now. You have the guts to confront me one on one!"

"Sometimes I really don't understand what you people are thinking. The more you ignore me, the more energetic you become. Give me a beating. I haven't remembered it yet."

Li Mo spread his hands: "I have no choice but to give him another beating."

Du Fei also came out: "It was a misunderstanding just now. Just tell me how I want to compensate you. I admit it."

"Compensate me? Just you? Damn it, you don't even ask me about my Su family's background. I'll tell you, fat guy, you're in trouble. From now on, I'll beat you every time I see you. I'll never see you again." Even if I find you, I will beat you up."

Du Fei shivered in fright and shrank back behind Li Mo.

"If you can't even deal with him, you won't be qualified to fight alongside me in the future."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch—"

Du Fei howled and rushed forward.

Su Haoyang started a fight with him. Both of them were fighting in the most primitive way. There was no structure at all. If you punch me, I will punch you. They were fighting each other.

Du Fei's fighting skills were obviously not as good as Su Haoyang's. He suffered continuously and was beaten so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. Su Haoyang was very cruel, especially hitting his eyes and areas like the crotch, while Du Fei kept hammering him on the chest. It would be strange to suffer a loss.

Li Mo frowned and looked at it.

Although Du Fei has always been at a disadvantage, he has never thought of helping. How can he grow without experiencing actual combat

"I'll fight you so hard."

Du Fei looked back at Li Mo, cried, then howled and rushed towards Su Haoyang desperately.

Su Haoyang retreated continuously and fired his bow from left to right, making Du Fei scream.

In terms of fighting skills, Su Haoyang is much better than Du Fei.

Du Fei pushed forward without mercy. At the beginning, he suffered a lot, but soon, Su Haoyang discovered something was wrong.

He punched Du Fei's eyes no less than twenty times, and kicked Du Fei's crotch thirty times. But looking at Du Fei's condition, nothing happened, but his chest was in a terrible pain.

The pain was getting worse and worse, and Su Haoyang was sweating. If he hadn't endured it, he would have cried like Du Fei.


Finally, Su Haoyang had no way to retreat and was pushed to the ground by Du Fei.

The scene in the classroom just now was played out exactly the same...

Du Fei punched a few times and then looked back at Li Mo. Li Mo didn't say anything, so he continued punching until Su Haoyang was knocked unconscious.

Du Fei stood up and cried loudly.

Visible to the naked eye, the scars on his face disappeared quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he was completely back to normal.

This is the miraculous power that can only be produced by the combination of the Great Light Technique and the Holy Body of Light. It can restore skin injuries in the blink of an eye. If practiced to the highest level, even fatal injuries can be healed instantly.

Du Fei touched his face a few times and turned pale with shock: "Huh? Oh my injury? I... Why are all my injuries healed? Brother Mo, it's amazing, I have no injuries on my body. After a while, the dean woke up, What should I say?"

"The resilience is unparalleled in the world. It is the characteristic of the Holy Body of Light. Don't think about the injury. It will be difficult for you to keep the wound in the future. You can say whatever you want to say about today's matter. Remember, even if nothing happened today , the hatred between you and the Su family is also difficult to resolve. "

In his previous life, Du Fei was besieged and killed, and the Su family was one of the masterminds.

"Only by rising in adversity can one become a superior person. Can the flowers that are cared for in the greenhouse every day withstand the wind and rain outside?"

Li Mo looked at Su Haoyang.

Regardless of whether this Su Haoyang was in his past life or this life, it was common for him to bully Du Fei. In his previous life, he had many fights with him because of Du Fei. Of course, he also suffered many losses. This time, he only got some interest back after beating him hard.

"After today, the Su family will definitely come to our door. Do you want to handle this matter yourself, or do you want me to handle it?"

Du Fei was startled, hesitated for a moment, and said fiercely: "I'll handle it myself!"

The dean woke up. He ran outside and saw Du Fei pointing at the unconscious Su Haoyang and scolding him.

"You actually dare to hit the respected dean of students. You scumbag. I'm going to beat you to death at all costs. Ouch, it hurts. You bastard just hit me in the crotch. It's so gross."

Su Haoyang was semi-conscious. Although Du Fei was unscathed, he had already 'reminded' the dean that he was injured in a dark place.

Of course, there are also 'suitable' reasons for taking action.

"Where's Li Mo?"

The dean covered his dark eyes.

"Li Mo was beaten away by Su Haoyang. His nose and face were bruised and swollen even worse than yours."

Upon hearing Du Fei's metaphor, the dean's face immediately dropped.

"You, Su Haoyang, and Li Mo will all be given major demerits. You and Li Mo will pay for Su Haoyang's medical expenses, and Su Haoyang will pay for my medical expenses!"

Su Haoyang groaned, his lips trembling, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Li Mo arrived home before noon arrived.

As soon as he entered the door, the Dalmatian dog pillow rushed over and bit him. Li Mo flew up and kicked him away.

In the living room, Su Qingyi is teaching giant pandas common sense about life.

Instilling memories is one thing, and having memories is another thing, but whether it can understand it is another matter. Just like a newborn baby, even if you instill all the memories of an adult into it, it will still be able to understand it. How many

Su Qingyi's teachings are very effective, which can be seen from the clothes around the giant panda's waist.

"That's right. In the human world, you must wear clothes whether you are at home or going out."

"Woo." The giant panda nodded repeatedly.


"Don't leave if you have the guts, I have to kill you today."

The Dalmatian pillow rushed over again, and Li Mo kicked it away again, walked into the study, and closed the door.

Squeak, Li Mo walked out of the study again, picked up the Dalmatian pillow that rushed towards her, drew a magic talisman, and sealed her mouth.

The tape on the Dalmatian pillow's mouth fell off, so she could speak again. Now Li Mo directly sealed it with a magic talisman, making her completely lose the qualification to speak.

Li Mo put the Dalmatian pillow down, and the Dalmatian pillow continued to yell and attack him, but this time, no matter what she shouted, she could not make any sound.

The study door closed again.

Li Mo sat down cross-legged and continued the muscle and bone training phase.

The Dalmatian pillow bumped against the study door several times and ran helplessly towards Su Qingyi.

"Sister Lu, why can't you speak again? Is your mouth sealed by Brother Mo again? Let me take a look."

Su Qingyi picked up the Dalmatian pillow and inspected it for a long time.

"No, Sister Lu, I can't see the tape. I can't help you untie it this time."

The Dalmatian pillow was spinning around and jumping with anxiety.

(End of chapter)