On The Most Effective Way Of Pushing The Male Supporting Character Down

Chapter 40


Li Xiaolin was secretly delighted and felt that he had found a way to defeat Xu Ziyu.

And Xu Ziyu has been wandering the world since just now, and there is still a slight trace of water stains on the corners of his mouth.

Maintaining the state of sleepwalking, he strayed towards the kitchen. Occasionally there were soldiers passing by him, and he could hear the gentle Dr. Xu giving out a very lewd laughter, which made them all startled. Can't wait to take a detour.

qaq, Doctor Xu's laughter is terrifying, General, come and take a look...

Prepared as usual, Xu Ziyu frowned, grabbed another cucumber and started shredding. He didn't care whether Li Xiaolin would be full, but he was worried that Xiao Xuanxuan would give all the vegetables to the scumbag because of his status as a prince

Make Xiao Xuanxuan hungry? That's absolutely impossible! Although he was reluctant, he still used the fastest speed to mix a cold dish and stir-fry two hot dishes.

Holding a tray that was twice as big as usual, Xu Ziyu couldn't help but think: "That scumbag prince is cheap, even Wu Duan has never eaten his dishes..."

When he walked to the door of the general's tent, the two guards on guard gave him a silent wink. Xu Ziyu understood that this meant that the scumbag had already arrived. He opened the door and walked in. Sure enough, he saw Qi Yuxuan and Li Xiaolin sitting on the short side facing each other.

My seat was robbed... not happy. ( ˇ_ˇ)

Xu Ziyu puffed out his cheeks angrily, constantly emitting radio waves of resentment.

Qi Yuxuan was very puzzled by the sudden visit of the scumbag prince. This guy wanted to see himself every day before, why did he suddenly come to his tent today

Not to mention that it is said that he is not pursuing Zi Yu? How could he have the guts to appear in front of him? Is he sure he doesn't know about it yet

Qi Yuxuan was wondering, but Li Xiaolin was actually a little confused. Just now, in order to get closer to Xu Ziyu, he insisted on having a meal with Qi Yuxuan, but when he actually met each other face to face, he realized that this kind of feeling is really not an ordinary Yali Shanda - especially the purpose of his visit is a little bit. If he can't say it, he can't tell people that I'm here to seduce your future wife.

Qi Yuxuan waited for Prince Anping to reveal the purpose of his tent, while Li Xiaolin was desperately trying to find an excuse. The two remained relatively silent until Xu Ziyu showed up after the meal was ready.

Habitually stand up, habitually take the tray and put it on the low table, habitually - chirp!

In the end, he was not used to hugging Xu Ziyu's waist tightly, and walked side by side with him to the opposite side of Li Xiaolin, and sat down.

He said that he wanted to give Xu Ziyu the right to choose, but Qi Yuxuan could not allow Prince Anping to make small moves behind his back. After all, he was the commander of the Northwest Camp, and he was showing his affection to Li Xiaolin, thus proving that you What's the idea, I know all about it!

Li Xiaolin narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the pair of beautiful people in front of him. It has to be said that Qi Yuxuan and Xu Ziyu stand together very well, and Li Xiaolin finds it very dazzling when they are snuggling together.

Xu Ziyu leaned into Qi Yuxuan's arms with a smile on his face, and the bright smile on his face could blind other people's eyes. At this time, his mood has basically reached the level of breaking the table, and even the scumbag on the opposite side is not so annoying.

After all... It was because of his existence that Xiao Xuanxuan felt a sense of crisis, and he started hugging his waist without looking at him. This is proof of jealousy! !

"General Qi and Doctor Xu... Really have a deep relationship." Li Xiaolin said with a smile.

"It's okay." Qi Yuxuan cherished his words like gold.

Xu Ziyu immediately turned into a little daughter-in-law, sat shyly on the side without saying a word, and put on a pair of words: My man is over there to trouble you to talk to him, thank you!

A look of jealousy flashed in Li Xiaolin's eyes when he saw Xu Ziyu like this, how could he be so rudely spoiled by Qi Yuxuan! What a waste.

"My lord, I don't know what advice the lord has during his visit." Qi Yuxuan sat upright like a bell, with his back straight.

Li Xiaolin moved his body uncomfortably. The chairs in Qi Yuxuan's tent were hard to die. In addition, facing such a large block of ice, he felt uncomfortable to death.

Squeezing out a smile, he said, "It's not a big deal, but I heard Zi Yu say that he is going to cook this morning, so this king is here to join in the fun." Inside and outside of the words, there was a sense of being very close to Xu Ziyu. .

Qi Yuxuan glanced at Xu Ziyu lightly, and Xu Ziyu immediately put on a tearful, I am very aggrieved expression.

Qi Yuxuan: …

Seeing the interaction between the two, Li Xiaolin became more and more unhappy. With a slam, he placed the fan heavily on the table, and when he noticed that both of them looked over, he said angrily, "This king is hungry."

Qi Yuxuan was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth: "Since the prince admires his face, let's have a meal."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Ziyu immediately opened the lid of the meal diligently, filled Qi Yuxuan with a bowl of white rice, and took two steamed buns, and by the way, he caught the two chicken thighs in today's stewed pheasant and ginseng. It came out and put it on the small plate in front of Qi Yuxuan.

Although it's a little rude to do this in front of Prince Anping, Xu Ziyu doesn't care, ha, anyway, I'm just a little guy, don't you want to trouble me for the mere two drumsticks, Prince Anping? ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Qi Yuxuan saw Xu Ziyu's behavior, his hand holding the dish paused, and then continued to stretch towards the cold dish, but if Wu Duan was here, you could see that the corners of his tightly pursed mouth were facing upwards Raised in a suspicious arc...

Li Xiaolin really won't turn against Xu Ziyu because of these two chicken legs. In fact, he doesn't care much about these meals. He is the dignified Prince Anping, His Majesty's favorite younger brother! What kind of delicacies could not be eaten in his palace, how could he covet the dishes made in this military camp

But it's because Xu Ziyu made it that he has the patience to sit here and taste it, otherwise he wouldn't eat this kind of food.

Although he was trapped in the northwest camp and couldn't get out, he had no shortage of food, clothing, shelter and transportation. Qi Yuxuan naturally wouldn't configure so many things for him, but there are two special cooks in the entourage they brought.

It is precisely because of this reason that Wu Duan finds him very unpleasant. He is a local tyrant and always makes people envious, jealous, and hateful... →. → He picked up the cold dish with chopsticks, and as soon as he entered, Li Xiaolin glanced at Xu Ziyu in surprise. The selection of ingredients for this cold dish is very common, but this seasoning is very distinctive. Judging from his tongue that has tasted countless delicious foods, there are at least three seasonings in it that he has never tasted before.

Originally thought that Xu Ziyu was forced to prepare meals for Qi Yuxuan, but now it seems that this is not the case. After all, it is difficult for a person who does not understand a diet to find such high-quality condiments.

"Zi Yu's craftsmanship is really good, it is comparable to the royal chef in the palace." Li Xiaolin tasted another piece of chicken and praised with a smile.

Xu Ziyu's face was expressionless, and he just kept peeking at Qi Yuxuan next to him, making it clear that it doesn't matter if my man doesn't comment on what you said.

Qi Yuxuan glanced at Xu Ziyu, his face was full of words: Come and praise me!

Qi Yuxuan, who seems to have face-reading skills: …

"Your Highness is right, it tastes good." Qi Yuxuan said helplessly, seeing Xu Ziyu's expectant eyes with hair on his back.

Xu Ziyu immediately showed a bright smile, the love in his eyes almost blinded Li Xiaolin's eyes.

Depressedly, he poked the badly stewed chicken with his chopsticks. Li Xiaolin looked unhappy. He came to try to block Qi Yuxuan with the intention of showing love to Xu Ziyu, but who knew it became the pair of dogs in front of him. Boys and boys show affection to add to their own block...

"Your Highness..." Qi Yuxuan's low voice suddenly remembered.

Li Xiaolin raised his head and saw the other party's extremely unhappy eyes.

What happened? He hasn't done anything yet? Why is Qi Yuxuan unhappy

"My lord, life in the northwest is not easy, please don't waste food." Xu Ziyu quietly held Qi Yuxuan's hand under the short table to comfort him, he knew that the other party was suppressing the anger in his heart at the moment.

Qi Yuxuan hated people who waste food. The reason was in his fifth year in the army. In that year, Daliang suffered a locust plague, and the production of food was greatly reduced, and the foreigners in the northwest were also affected. idea.

That year, the Pingxi Army resisted the attack of foreigners, and at the same time had to overcome the difficulty of lack of food and grass, the kind of thing that forced soldiers to go to the battlefield on an empty stomach, Qi Yuxuan never wanted to experience it again.

Since then, he has hated people who waste food because those people will never know what it's like to be hungry...

Li Xiaolin didn't realize that Xu Ziyu was accusing him. He lowered his head and looked at the mess of food that he had poked, and pouted his lips without sincerity: "I'm sorry."

Xu Ziyu didn't look at him again. He knew that for Li Xiaolin, who was raised in a honey pot since he was a child, it was always unimaginable to be hungry, and they couldn't understand the mentality of some people who cherished food.

Perhaps in their eyes, they are not short of money, so what if they waste a little? They bought it anyway.

But in Qi Yuxuan's eyes, this kind of thing reminded him of that year, those hungry soldiers who had to fight to kill the enemy.

These are two different mentalities developed by two people. Although he doesn't like Li Xiaolin, he can't blame him on this matter.

Touching Qi Yuxuan's palm one by one, Xu Ziyu quickly poured the chicken that was smashed by Li Xiaolin into his bowl.

Qi Yuxuan looked at Xu Ziyu in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to do this. Xu Ziyu smiled unconcernedly: These things were just smashed, and it wasn't because someone spat in them, and they weren't edible.

Seeing that Xu Ziyu ate all the minced meat that he had 'ravaged', Li Xiaolin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. It was a bit rude to do this at the dinner table. Even if he was a playboy, he would inevitably be ashamed once. .