On The Most Effective Way Of Pushing The Male Supporting Character Down

Chapter 56


"Oh," Qi Yuxuan raised his eyebrows.

Xu Ziyu rushed up, "That's what counts..." Before he could finish speaking, the lips of the two were already pressed together, and a strong warmth rose from the small tent, everything was silent...

Since the last siege, the foreign army had prepared for another seven days before launching the second attack.

The war between the two sides is stalemate at Zikou Pass. Every day, the city wall of Zikou Pass is washed again with blood.

With the experience of the First World War, Xu Ziyu also adjusted his working hours very well. Although he occasionally stayed up late, he did not experience sleepless days for several days.

Qi Yuxuan's work is busier than his, sometimes Xu Ziyu can rest, but Qi Yuxuan has to stay up all night to plan.

Recently, even Wu Duan has been sluggish a lot. He runs back and forth in the gate with a blue-white zombie face every day. The first time he saw him in such a tragic state, Xu Ziyu almost rushed up and followed his head. Just a moment... Traveling through the apocalypse, I really scared my father to death! →. →Xu Ziyu's family knows about his family affairs. He is not the kind of person who travels through the world. Once he returns to the ancient times, he can determine the country's martial arts and Anbang. He is just a small doctor and knows nothing about strategy and tactics. His greatest help to Qi Yuxuan, except for In addition to doing his own job, he can only take time to give him a massage to relieve his stress.

Fortunately, it is said in the book that this battle was a victory for the Daliang Army, so the current situation is also that the Daliang Army has an obvious advantage. The foreign armies outside Kou Pass must retreat, otherwise the severe cold will kill them.

Xu Ziyu did not deliberately inquire about the situation on the battlefield, but sometimes when chatting with Qi Yuxuan, he could occasionally hear some. Maybe he has passed the test, and now Qi Yuxuan has no defense against him, and those detailed strategies have not been mentioned, but the general situation can still be said.

"So, we will be victorious soon?" Xu Ziyu gently massaged Qi Yuxuan's temple and asked softly.

"Yeah." Qi Yuxuan replied with his eyes closed.

"That Li Lian..."

"I can't make any big waves." Qi Yuxuan said lightly.

"That's good." Xu Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief. Li Lian didn't mention this in the book, so he didn't know whether it was good or bad to find this spy, and he was always worried.

"Report to the general, Wu Junshi asks to see you!" The voice of the guard's elder brother came from outside the door.

Since the last time I accidentally saw some blind dog's eyes, the elder brother of the guard no longer dared to enter the door to report. Whenever anyone came to visit, he would shout at the door.

"Come in." Qi Yuxuan glared at Xu Ziyu and sat up straight.

After Wu Duan came in, he saw Xu Ziyu with a wretched smile on his face. He knew with his toes that this guy must have done something to the general just now, otherwise he wouldn't have laughed so lewdly!

"What's the matter?" Qi Yuxuan looked at Wu Duan, if it weren't for an emergency, the other party would not disturb him in the middle of the night, and there was no warning outside, so it would not have been a night attack by a foreigner.

"Li Lian has made a move." Wu Duan said sternly, putting away the rolled-up eyes that he despised Xu Ziyu.

Qi Yuxuan's eyes sank: "Who did he connect with?"

After investigation some time ago, they found that Li Lian was very cautious and could hardly catch any mistakes. If it wasn't for Xu Ziyu who overheard him inquiring about the army last time, I'm afraid no one would suspect him, and then he His identity is in doubt.

Since he became the prince's favorite, his every move was almost under the surveillance of others, but he refrained from taking any action, and even seemed to have never heard of the information the prince put on his desk.

Since the start of the war, Li Xiaolin, the scoundrel prince, had to go to the war meeting every day, but he actually just went to Wu Duan to get a 'special' meeting minutes. This meeting record is naturally not true, but it is very similar in disguise, and their purpose is also to dig out the spies hidden in the Pingxi Army from Li Lian.

Li Lian's identity is too sensitive. As the prince's favorite, he can't disappear for too long, so if he wants to send out the news, he must let his companions come to him. He didn't act before, and naturally he couldn't catch anyone. Now the army of foreigners is about to fail. If he doesn't act again, there will be no chance. So today he finally couldn't help but find an opportunity to peek at the document, and then made an excuse to quietly leave the prince's tent.

"It's a soldier from the Second West Battalion." Wu Duan replied, "On the surface, Li Lian was going back to care about his former comrade-in-arms, but on the way, the soldier accidentally 'bumped' Li Lian."

"Have you been caught?"

Wu Duan shook his head: "This soldier's rank is too low, I suspect there are people behind him."

Qi Yuxuan's eyes became more and more gloomy, and it was a shame that there were foreign spies among the middle-level officers of the Pingxi Army! "Check! Check it out, and leave none!"

"Yes!" Wu Duan cupped his hands, turned and left in a hurry.

Qi Yuxuan turned his head and saw Xu Ziyu looking at him tenderly, his heart suddenly warmed, and the coldness in his eyes disappeared a lot.

He rubbed his forehead tiredly, leaned on the couch, Xu Ziyu leaned behind him and gently kneaded his shoulders.

Qi Yuxuan closed his eyes and enjoyed Xu Ziyu's massage. The atmosphere in the tent was very quiet, with a touch of warmth.

After a while, just when Xu Ziyu thought that Qi Yuxuan had fallen asleep, Qi Yuxuan suddenly said, "Zi Yu."


"Why do you think these people betray Daliang? Every time foreigners invade us, many people will die. There have even been incidents of slaughtering the city before. Are they ignoring the lives of those people for so little money?" Qi Yuxuan's tone Somewhat down.

He has guarded the northwest frontier for more than ten years, just to keep one side safe. Whenever he sees those ordinary people living a plain but happy life, he can really feel how meaningful his efforts are.

But now he found that among the people he was willing to sacrifice his life to protect, some people sold their country for a little money.

It made him feel betrayed...

Xu Ziyu did not immediately answer this question, because no matter in ancient times or in modern times, this kind of thing seems to always happen, and the traitors in modern times are just like this, it seems that this kind of thing cannot be avoided at all.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziyu said, "I'm just a doctor, I don't know the righteousness of the country, but I know that my country needs me to protect. I don't know what those greedy villains think, I can only say A man does things for others but seeks to be worthy of his heart."

"Worthy of your heart..." Qi Yuxuan repeated these four words in a low voice, the confusion in his eyes dissipated, and his eyes became more and more determined.

"Yes, I'm worthy of my heart." Xu Ziyu bit Qi Yuxuan's ear: "Those who betrayed the country for their own sake are not worthy of being called people, why should you be sad for them?"

As soon as he changed his voice, his tone became serious again: "Besides, I'll be jealous if you have such a big move for others."

Qi Yuxuan smiled. He knew that Xu Ziyu was changing the subject to comfort him. He had to say that this method was very effective. At least, he was no longer ignorant. What he is guarding is his own country, the people of Daliang country, why should he waste energy on those beasts who are not worthy of being called human beings, just kill them directly.

The happy General Qi gave Xu Ziyu a deep kiss, which immediately made his heart blossom, and almost pushed Qi Yuxuan down again with a feeling of excitement. Fortunately, his head wasn't so mixed up yet, he knew that he couldn't mess around in wartime, so he could only hide in the corner silently and jerk off to himself... qaq With Li Lian's 'cooperation', Qi Yuxuan's combat intentions were well conveyed To the commander of the foreign army. When the other party learned that the defenders of Zikou Pass had quietly transferred out most of them and planned to take a detour to surround and wipe out his troops, they immediately gave an order to let the inner team cooperate and open the city gate.

Holding this order in his hand, Wu Duan smiled like a chrysanthemum. He glanced coldly at a centurion who was kneeling on the ground by two soldiers, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually turned cold.

The commander of the thousand, and the next step is the lieutenant. If he is allowed to enter the high-level of the Pingxi Army, I am afraid that the next war will be a good opportunity for the foreign army to direct the army to the Central Plains.

"Take it away." Wu Junshi, who always laughed like a fox on weekdays, said the words at this time with ice slag. The two soldiers who were responsible for catching the spies were also angry. The commander surnamed Zhu had a good reputation on weekdays. If he hadn’t seen this secret order found from him, I’m afraid he really didn’t know it. I believe this person will be a spy.

The despairing Zhu Qianchang was detained, and the fate he was waiting for was bound to be the affiliation after the beheading. His family and children are subject to strict scrutiny, and even if they are not spies, they are destined to be made slaves.

Maybe he didn't think of this day when he betrayed the news, but the greed in his heart blinded his eyes, so he could only see those gold and silver treasures...

Qi Yuxuan did not think that the foreign commander who had been fooled once would be fooled next time, so he did not keep those spies.

Overnight, dozens of low-level officers or soldiers disappeared from the army, and the people who lived with them kept a secret and refused to mention their names again.

Li Lian, as a man who has left his status as a soldier and became the prince's favorite, naturally has to be handed over to Prince Anping.

Qi Yuxuan was not worried that Li Xiaolin would forgive Li Lian because of his affair. In the final analysis, Li Xiaolin has never seen anything so stunning, like Li Lian, even if he is not a spy, Li Xiaolin is just playing fresh.

Therefore, when Li Lian was caught by the guards and begged Li Xiaolin mournfully, almost everyone's eyes were calm and there was no trace of pity.

spies, spies of foreigners.

Even the most ignorant child in the capital understands how much the foreign invasion has brought to our dynasty.