Once Upon A Time, There Was A Spirit Sword Mountain

Chapter 111: Diplomatic Wen Bao


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Wang Lu didn't give the other party time to think and no choice.

The head of Seven Stars is indeed a talent, but in the final analysis, he is just a rather unsatisfactory casual cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals, and he is not qualified to let him visit the thatched cottage.

Therefore, the head of the Seven Stars had no choice but to know the current affairs and chose to give in. With his illusory core state, he swore a big oath of the heart demon, and from then on he was Wang Lu's saddle and back, willing to be a running dog.

From then on, the title of head of the Seven Stars became history, and it was replaced by the deputy director of the Taxation Bureau named Ye Chuchen.

Apart from the title of head of the sect, Ye Qingchen is a middle-aged man who looks forty or fifty years old, as ordinary as Qingchen. After being appointed as the deputy director of Zhijiao, Ye Qingchen just smiled wryly, knowing that he had no choice.

The first task Wang Lu assigned to Ye Chuchen was to win over his former subordinates. Ye Chuchen turned and left with a sad wry smile. I was thinking about how to say this when I met my old subordinates later.

Watching Ye Chuchen go away into the clouds, Wang Lu stood in the woods for a while, and sighed: "Pretending to be real is really hard work."

"Tch, who forced you to pretend?"

The voice of the little bell sounded right behind him without warning.

For the monks who are used to perceiving changes in aura with their souls, this girl is always so elusive - it is also because of this that they can easily knock down this imposing Xudan monk Ye Chuchen.

"Hey, just now I saw you pointing out the country with a sullen face like a dragon, and being impassioned, I really don't get used to it."

Wang Lu said with a smile: "I'm not used to it either. If I talk about it, I'll have a pregnancy reaction... But this is the self-cultivation of an actor. If you want to make a character like Ye Chuchen surrender, you can't do it without any acting skills."

Little Ling'er snorted: "If you beat him twice, you'll be honest."

But the girl obviously didn't take it seriously, she was stunned for a while, looked at the smoke rising from the Wang Family Village, and couldn't help sighing: "You played really well this time, I guess none of the elders in the sect expected you to be like this!" to complete the training."

Wang Lu sneered: "So this is the gap between professional adventurers and mortals. It's rare to go down the mountain, wander around like a headless chicken, and then wait for the so-called chance to hit your head, and then you will be shocked again and again. Don't you think it's really stupid to get so-called growth from mistakes and mistakes?"

Little Ling'er turned her head and glanced at Wang Lu. There was a cynical smile on the boy's face, but he didn't hate it.

From the first time we met, Wang Lu was a person who was always full of confidence. Some people found him arrogant and unbearable, but Xiao Ling'er found it very interesting.

As long as he was by Wang Lu's side, there would always be all kinds of unexpected and fun things, such as the crazy tens of millions of silver in Lingxi Town back then, and the unexpected performances at the Immortal Ascension Conference. This trip down the mountain is the same. While most of the Spirit Sword disciples are still honestly looking for opportunities according to the map provided by the master, Wang Lu has already started to strive for the sublimation of the whole world... This is simply too nonsense

Thinking of this, little Ling'er couldn't bear it anymore, and asked the question that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

"Hey, Wang Lu, I have a question for you."

"Sister Ling, please tell me."

"This Zhijiao, do you want to play for real?"

Wang Lu curled his lips: "Hundreds of spirit stones fell down, do you think I'm playing for real?"

"... Then you should think clearly, this is not a game that can make you addicted, the mountain gate experience is only one year, you can't be the leader of this Zhijiao forever, unless you..."

Wang Lu said: "One of the basic qualities of a professional adventurer is that there is no need for electric shocks when preventing addiction. I went down the mountain to practice just for the sake of experience, so as not to waste my main business. IQ tax."

"Really?" Little Ling'er was skeptical. Although Wang Lu said it beautifully, he had invested so much in Zhijiao during this period of time, so it didn't seem like it was just for fun, but since he said so...

"Recently, there are signs of a breakthrough in my Wuxiang mentality. I'm afraid I will be promoted to the middle level of Qi training within two months. Have I told you about this?"

"Damn it, you've advanced to the mid-level of Qi training so soon?" Little Ling'er looked at Wang Lu in surprise, "It doesn't match your status as a good-for-nothing cultivator."

"Please don't look down on Konglinggen so much... Compared with Desheng Taizu, who is also Konglinggen, our progress is already slow and makes people cry. Desheng Taizu took 20 years to go from a mortal to a true immortal. It took less than a year for the qi period, and I practiced for three years to reach the middle level of qi training, and it was like a tortoise crawling. And this is the result of repeated stimulations recently—first using the physical body to build up the spiritual qi tide, and then using qi training to fight For Xu Dan, it is natural to break through and upgrade. However, with some achievements left and right, returning to the mountain can be regarded as an account."

Little Ling'er rolled her eyes and keenly grasped the point of what Wang Lu said: "Aren't you going to talk about Zhijiao?"

"Nonsense, what are you talking about? Let old man Fang know that Tianlei will destroy the world, okay... Well, but you are here, sister Ling, so don't worry too much."

"Damn, don't expect to use me as a meat shield. Old man Fang and I have always had a good relationship. If he really comes, the first thing I will do is confess you. In fact, it's okay if you don't tell me about it. Tell me about this kind of thing." , The entire sect will be implicated by you, although your theory is very good at fooling people, but based on Qianyuan Burning Blood Kung Fu, it is absolutely impossible for Wanxianmeng to recognize you."

Wang Lu just laughed and said nothing.

That's right, Qianyuan Burning Blood Kungfu is the Achilles' heel of Zhijiao. Even though Ye Qingchen said it was beautiful just now, what kind of blood and persistence, it is still not a dignified and upright kungfu, no matter how much enthusiasm there is to go to it. Burning, Mere Six and Lingen couldn't create too many tricks. In the final analysis, Zhijiao is still in the stage of primitive accumulation. There may be miracles on the road to immortality, but they do not belong to mortals.

But so what? Even the little Ling'er, who has always been free and easy, didn't really realize the essential attributes of the colossus of the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

Thinking of this, Wang Lu shook his head, his thinking was really a little far away, anyway, the current Wisdom Cult can't get into the eyes of the Ten Thousand Immortals League at all, and it will be large enough in the future to solve the problems of the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

Ye Chuchen's defection made the remnants of the Seven Stars Sect no longer have the will to resist, and the entire army was annihilated logically. The more than ten elders who came with him to conquer the Wisdom Sect were all recruited by Wang Lu, and they abandoned their secrets and turned to the Ming to become the Wisdom Sect's sect.

This is a huge and excessive talent resource for Zhijiao, which has just started. However, with the leader Wang Lu sitting in charge, there is no danger of any trouble. After the monks from the Seven Stars Gate joined, they were not broken up, but a department called the Seven Stars Office was established, which was unified under the management of Ye Chuchen.

As for their work, it is not to rob houses or extort money, but to digest the legacy of the Seven Star Gate as quickly as possible.

Before the original head Ye Chuchen surrendered, the Seven Stars Gate was considered a cult organization in the Ming Kingdom, and its power was quite large. Apart from the host mansion where the main camp was located, it also had its own territory in the five major mansions of the Ming Kingdom.

A month later, most of these sites were acquired by Zhijiao, and using this as a base, they continued to radiate Zhijiao's influence around. Another month later, the number of followers of Wisdom Sect has exceeded 100,000. At the same time, at the original headquarters of the Seven Stars Gate in the host residence, Wang Lu personally took action to build a new altar based on Ye Qingchen's broken ship—a mobile altar. The Altar of Gale Wind is only the eighth rank, but it is worthy of the name, it is a mobile altar, and it can be regarded as the best model among the eighth rank altars. When the altar was built, I don’t know how many former members of the Qixingmen burst into tears—once upon a time, owning such an altar was a dream that members of the Qixingmen dared not dream of

Because of this, the biggest unstable factor in Zhijiao gradually disappeared. Although people still have a little nostalgia for the original Seven Star Gate, in the past few months, Zhijiao has neither oppressed and exploited them, nor thrown them into limbo. , but they boldly leave a lot of critical work to them. This attitude is really speechless.

At the same time, with the establishment of the mobile Gale Altar, the development of Zhijiao has been further accelerated. In Wang Lu's words, the sect has since entered the era of dual mines. The two dharma altars continuously provide resources, especially a certain chaotic altar, under the operation of Wang Lu, often shakes more than eleven times in a row, bursting out top-quality spiritual objects. In terms of wealth alone, Zhijiao is even comparable to some ninth-rank sects of the Ten Thousand Immortals League , It can be said that the land is vast and the resources are abundant-of course, considering that Zhijiao has 100,000 followers, once the per capita is counted, it is still not on the stage. In Wang Lu's words, it is the initial stage of world sublimation.

In this way, another month passed, and half a year after the Wisdom Cult was established, more than half of the territory in the Ming Dynasty was imprinted with the Wisdom Cult's traces, and the number of followers was even close to one million. As for the quasi-religionists who are attracted by Zhijiao, but have not yet had the chance to get started, there are countless. However, such a rapid expansion did not drag down the sect. On the contrary, because of the increase of believers, the resource accumulation of the sect became faster and faster.

Back then, the Seven Stars Gate occupied Fucheng and got rich overnight, but the wealth accumulated in that city was just the result of ordinary people picking it up and handing it over. And once millions of people are mobilized in an orderly manner, the speed of accumulation of spirit stones will be jaw-dropping.

No wonder the ancestors mentioned in "Kyushu Geography" that the formed ore veins accounted for less than one-third of Kyushu's spiritual stone resources, and most of the rest were scattered all over Kyushu, but it was difficult to collect and the mining cost was too high , making it often overlooked. However, now it seems that the master of geography seems to have underestimated the reserves of Kyushu spirit stones. At the summary meeting half a year after the establishment of Zhijiao, the leader Wang Lu got the latest statistical report, and the sect collected more than 5,000 spirit stones in a single day...

Although he knew that this crazy speed was based on unsustainable mining, and it was impossible to last, Wang Lu still sighed when he got the report. Now the sphere of influence of this Zhijiao only stays in Daming, there are Such wealth production capacity is not inferior to my initial most optimistic expectations. If things go on like this, it won't take long to get through the stage of primitive accumulation. Next, as long as this amazing wealth is used correctly, Zhijiao will have a qualitative leap.

Of course, during the leap period of Zhijiao, disputes with other sects were unavoidable. However, Wang Lu carefully avoided all the sects of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Didn't receive much pressure from above. As for those sects that are not popular, those who can be drawn will be drawn, and those who cannot be drawn will be wiped out. With a thug like Ye Qingchen in the realm of Xudan, and a saint who can instantly kill Xudan with a single punch, Zhijiao has never been afraid of anyone in terms of force.

However, Zhijiao, which is developing so rapidly, finally encountered a bottleneck in the eighth month of its establishment.

The imperial court of the Ming Dynasty has noticed the existence of Zhijiao.

In fact, from the perspective of Zhijiao's internal staff, the response of the Ming Dynasty was a bit slow. Although in the past eight months, Zhijiao has always restrained its own development direction, neither challenging the authority of the government, nor causing large-scale riots— In fact, because of the existence of Zhijiao, the law and order in various parts of the Ming Dynasty has been greatly improved.

But in any case, when a sect has been able to affect the lives of tens of millions of people in the country, the court finally realized its existence, and this reaction was extremely rigid and slow.

However, since the other party had already noticed him, he couldn't say nothing. Wang Lu quickly sent a diplomatic envoy to the capital of Daming Kingdom to contact the ruler of this country.

"Then, we will entrust you with the important diplomatic tasks between our Taxation Bureau and Daming Kingdom."

"My lord... oh no, this job is really difficult for me." The temporary diplomatic envoy complained desperately.

"Well, it will indeed be difficult to appoint you, the director of the infrastructure department, as a diplomatic envoy, but I believe you will be able to overcome it. Well, let's not gossip, brave young man, hurry up and create miracles."

Then the boss kicked out the new diplomatic envoy with one kick, letting him embark on a long journey.

Wen Bao, who had embarked on a long journey, only felt that he was cheated again.

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