Once Upon A Time, There Was A Spirit Sword Mountain

Chapter 95: You can't understand the world of Xueba


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After Zhijiao and his party left Wangjia Village, the village immediately became chaotic.

Hundreds of people in the village almost mobilized, surrounded in front of the village chief's house, making a lot of noise.

In half a day, too many things happened in Wang's Village, causing this group of villagers who had never seen the world to fall into great chaos. In the chaos, a guide was naturally needed to point the way. This guide, besides Wang Qinian, could be someone else. who

"Village chief, why did you agree to build the altar so quickly? Didn't you say that it would affect the changes in the spiritual energy of the world? Why did you give them to them when it was clearly ours? And if you change it, will it affect us..."

A young and quick-witted man in the village asked his own question.

Wang Qinian turned his head and scolded: "Stupid! What is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth? Can you explain it clearly? Can it be used? How much spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been affected by those demons from the Seven Star Gate in the past two years, can you feel it? You lost your life? That's someone else You don't need to worry about the affairs of the gods!? Who are you!"

The young man was scolded bloody, and immediately shrank back, but he was obviously still a little bit unconvinced.

Wang Qinian sighed, and said: "What's more, people have saved our lives. If it wasn't for the immortals of Zhijiao, all the people in our Wangjia Village would have died without a place to bury them. You people didn't see it at that time. Dead souls and wild ghosts, don’t mention how scary they are! After being favored by others, I’m ashamed to make conditions with them!

After these words, many of the villagers blushed, but there were also some who had been scolded in the past two years and didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, the action of the gods is just a matter of breath, is it worth remembering such a big kindness

Although Wang Qinian is old, he is clear in his heart, and he can tell what someone is thinking when he glances away, and he can't help but snort coldly: "Don't remember the kindness of others, at least remember the methods of others! Immortals are easy to talk now, discuss with you, if It's hard to talk... Hey, I don't need to say that."

The two sneers of the old village chief were like a threat, which made everyone feel at ease.

When everyone was honest, Wang Qinian said again: "Two years ago, we were deceived by the demon sect of Qixingmen. Fortunately, the immortals of Zhijiao rescued us, so there was no catastrophe. And the immortals of Zhijiao took a fancy to us. Wangjia Village's heaven and earth aura intends to build a Dharma altar here. In my opinion, it is a good thing both emotionally and rationally. First, we can repay the grace of saving lives. Second, if the Dharma altar can be successfully built, it will benefit the whole village. These are great opportunities.”

Some villagers were puzzled: "What opportunity?"

Wang Qinian smiled and said, "Of course it's a chance to become a fairy!"

Someone below hesitated and said: "Isn't that what the demon sect said to deceive people? They keep saying that everyone can become a fairy, but after staying in our village for two years, except for a few yin and yang life and death formations, no one has become a fairy." Immortal... Although Xiaohu is a disciple, I don't think he has any great skills."

These words are in the hearts of many villagers. The deception of the Seven Stars Gate was exposed, and even the theory that everyone can become a fairy collapsed, which dealt a blow to countless villagers who were eager for immortality.

How come Wang Qinian wasn't stimulated in his heart? I originally thought that I could prolong my life with the magic method, and after two years of operation, after paying a lot of money, I did change the preaching ambassador: I can help to talk about the promise. But after the true face of the Seven Stars Gate was exposed, the original efforts were naturally paid off. But when the old man changed his mind, he had a new idea.

"The Devil Cult of the Seven Stars Sect is evil, but I think their theory that everyone can become a fairy is not bad... Otherwise, they can lie to us in any way. Why do they have to make up such a reason?"

This statement is tantamount to deceiving oneself and others, but it is very popular. As soon as he said a word, the people around him echoed.

"That's right, although the demon leaders of the Demon Cult deserve death, they say that everyone can become a fairy... I think they are right! Those demon leaders are evil, and they can practice magic. What can we do?" of?"

You said something to me, and the villagers strengthened their belief in becoming a fairy in a short time.

Wang Qinian said with a smile: "However, there must always be guides on the road to becoming an immortal. Naturally, the demon leader of the Demon Sect will not help. Those ordinary sects of cultivating immortals probably don't look down on us mountain people, but I think the gods of the Wisdom Sect They are different...”

Someone asked: "Then let's ask them to teach us how to cultivate immortals?"

Wang Qinian snorted coldly: "It's not relative, so why should they teach you?"

"Well… "

"That's why I said that the construction of the altar is a great opportunity. After the altar is built, don't the gods of Zhijiao need to take care of it? Doesn't the care need manpower? Don't they need to live here? They don't need to take care of them in daily life? What's more, I heard that after the altar is built, the spirit stones and medicines will have an endless supply of energy. At that time, as long as the gods show a little from their fingers, it will be enough for our whole village! So... "

When Wang Qinian said this, his expression turned serious: "The establishment of the altar by the gods of Zhijiao is a big deal in our Wangjia Village! Whoever dares to make trouble in this matter and delay the progress, that is the enemy of the whole village, no matter what! "

"Look at what you said, who dares to make trouble in this matter."

"That's right, village chief, you don't trust us too much!"

"At that time, as long as there is a need, let us go through fire and water!

Just when everyone expressed their determination to issue military orders. Suddenly there was a sigh from the crowd.

"That child Wang Lu... what should I do?"

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Wang Qinian sighed: "Wang Lu's child... We misunderstood him. According to Wang Fugui, Wang Lu has already gone back to the mountain, and he probably won't see each other until he dies."

Then there was no more words, and no one spoke. A few days ago, Wang Lu was regarded by the villagers as an evildoer and a devil, and he gritted his teeth with hatred. As the village head, Wang Qinian once went to Wang Fugui's house to sternly reprimand and threaten him. Now that the Seven Stars Gate's deception has been broken, the former hatred is suddenly extremely embarrassing. But at this moment, what can everyone say

After a while, Wang Qinian said again: "Wang Fugui's family, everyone will come to the door to apologize later, so as not to cause any trouble when that child Wang Lu comes back."

"Oh, I just don't know what kind of method the Spirit Sword Sect he is talking about..."

Thinking of the roar at Wang Fugui's house a few days ago, Wang Qinian was extremely disturbed!

At the same time, on the Gou'er Mountain outside Wangjia Village, the leadership team of Zhijiao held a plenary meeting.

According to Wang Lu's idea, the Kyushu IQ Taxation Bureau will act in the name of Wisdom Education, and the high-level meeting will be held in the name of the IQ Taxation Bureau.

"Wang Lu, are you serious when you say you want to set up a dharma altar here?"

Among the few people, the only one who dared to call her by her first name was the Holy Maiden.

Wang Lu didn't mind either. He nodded and said, "Of course it's for real. It's an official sect anyway. It doesn't even look like a Dharma altar?"

The saint was curious: "Can you build an altar?"

Lao Yin stick and Wu Feihua were also quite curious. The dharma altar is not uncommon to say the least. Thousands of sects in the Ten Thousand Immortals League basically have their own dharma altars. The magical function is a first-class practical facility, and it is also one of the foundations of a sect's practice. However, such a simple thing, such as the Seven Stars Gate, which is considered to be a flourishing sect in the lower class, can't be built.

The dharma altar looks simple, but the requirements for skills and cultivation are astonishingly high. Although the head of the Seven Stars Sect has the cultivation base of the Void Core realm, he can't build a qualified dharma altar! At present, the entire Qixing Gate is still relying on years of savings to buy a broken ship from Xuantian Hall, and use the five-element life formation on the ship to gather spiritual energy. Many other sects are envious. I can't even think about a formal altar!

As for Wang Lu, although he came from a famous family, he has only practiced for more than two years. How could he know how to build a dharma altar

Then Wang Lu sneered: "You all underestimate the master of the spirit sword.

While speaking, Wang Lu took out a book from the mustard bag and read "Basic Principles of the Dharma Altar, by Lu Li", and then flipped through it page by page.

The Saintess Wind Chime almost spewed blood: "You... you want to learn now!

Wang Lu sneered: "Learn now? You are an insult to the term Xueba! Let me tell you, a real Xueba never has the concept of learning now! I did a preview a long time ago, and now it's just a review!"

"You... The principle of this altar is at least a course above foundation building? You didn't even finish body training a long time ago. What's the use of learning this?"

"Xueba never asks if it is useful, Xueba only asks how much the reward points for this course are!"

"Damn it, you're so perverted! But what's the use of just knowing the theory? What's more, you learned this a long time ago, and I'm afraid it's too late to sharpen your gun before the battle?"

Wang Lu's smile was even more contemptuous: "With your IQ, naturally you can't understand the efficiency of the pre-examination assault of the top student."

"My respected Master Xueba, how long are you going to make a surprise attack before the exam?"

Wang Lu snorted, "Give me two minutes."

After speaking, he flipped through the book for a while, then closed it: "Okay, it's almost done."

"... You must be pretending?"

"It's not difficult at all. For the altar, as long as the geological characteristics are calculated, the type of altar is selected according to the formula, and the basic materials are prepared, the remaining problem is how to establish the aura tide and form the aura cycle. A basic method The principle of the altar, more than 90% of the page is about the introduction of spiritual energy tides, and this part, I have long been familiar with it by heart."

The Holy Maiden frowned for a while, and then had to admit that she didn't understand what Wang Lu said.

Because there is no condition for cultivating immortals, Feng Ling has never studied the theory of cultivating immortals in depth. Her understanding of cultivating immortals is nothing more than the bits and pieces of knowledge that people from the mountain sect talked about when chatting. Once it involves formal theories, she will be blinded.

But the old yin stick is different from Wu Feihua, especially the old yin stick, who also participated in several attempts of the sect to establish a dharma altar, and the successive failures gave him a deep understanding of this way.

Establishing spiritual energy tides is indeed the most important thing. It can be said that everything else, such as the selection of materials, the matching of magic circles, and the selection of good days and auspicious days, are all designed for this goal.

And the establishment of the spiritual energy tide is even more difficult, at least for a group of wild monks, it is as difficult as climbing the sky. Those sects of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, as long as there is a Jindan Daoist, they can use in-depth meditation techniques to control the spiritual energy of the world to a high degree, forming a tidal cycle, but...how can a majestic real monk be with the Seven Stars Sect? What's more, even Jindan Daoist, without the resource assistance of the Ten Thousand Immortals League sect, it is not so easy to enter deep meditation.

Then, with Wang Lu's mere qi training, how can he be compared with Jindan Daoist

"Heh, you don't need to take care of the specific operations. During this time, as long as you prepare the relevant materials, I will do the rest."

The old yin stick nodded to express his understanding. Building a spiritual energy tide and establishing a dharma altar are core technologies for any sect. It is normal for Wang Lu to refuse to say it, but... how to prepare all the materials

"Of course I'm going to buy it. After all, you are also a local snake in Cangxi Prefecture, so you can't even find a material dealer?"

While talking, Wang Lu took out a pen and paper from the mustard bag, made a list, and threw it to the old prostitute: "Buy according to this, it won't cost much."

The old yin stick took the list and looked at it, and felt a mouthful of old blood rushing to his throat: "The seventh-rank fine gold, the fourth-rank profound earth, the sixth-rank glazed fire... You are going crazy!"

Wu Feihua's eyes widened when he heard it: "Here, these things cost hundreds of spirit stones casually, how can we afford them!?"

This time it was Wang Lu's turn to be surprised: "Back then when you occupied a prefecture, hundreds of thousands of spirit stones were treated as nothing, but these thousands of spirit stones can't be afforded?"

The old prostitute immediately began to pour bitter water: "Hundreds of thousands of spirit stones are earned by the sect, not our personal income! The operating costs of the sect remain high, and the head and the senior elders are desperately searching, and finally they can be distributed to me. I really don’t have many! And I, I also want to practice! The cost of panacea is not small, and I can’t save a few spirit stones!”

Wang Lu sighed: "In short, there is no money, okay, I will put the money first."

Then when the mustard bag was opened, a piece of crystal jade shone with spiritual light, blinding people's eyes

"This, these are all top-grade spirit stones!" Rao is an old prostitute who has searched for many years in the name of the Seven Star Gate, but has never seen so many top-grade spirit stones. One stone can be worth more than ten ordinary spirit stones, and if Wang Lu casually reveals it from his pocket, it is comparable to his accumulation in the past few years!

The Holy Maiden was also very surprised—the master and apprentice of Wuxiang Peak have always been known to be poor, where did Wang Lu get so many spirit stones

Of course, it was exchanged for the points of the sect. Wang Lu, as the master of the spirit sword, was poor in everything, but he was not poor in points.

"You take these five hundred spirit stones. Prepare the materials within two days, and then we will set up the altar in Wangjia Village. Hey, it is also the headquarters of the Taxation Bureau after all. Let's run it more beautifully."

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