One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 13: Awkward 2.0


Yan Xi ignored the big monkey's scolding, she turned back to retrieve a shoe she had thrown out, and put it on her foot.

She looked around, where did the other one go

The big monkey saw that the woman ignored him at all, so he was even more angry, and wanted to scold someone but was warned by the police. He didn't dare to provoke the police and showed a pleasing smile. Seeing his appearance, the police felt a little angry when they thought of the severely malnourished child who was still in the hospital.

"Go in." The police pushed the monkey into the police car and began to report to the superior, who had already caught him.

Seeing that the big monkey has been taken away by the police, Yan Xi, who was still valiant just now, was panting with his hands on his waist. He hasn't exercised so vigorously in a long time, and his body is still a little uncomfortable. I didn't feel anything when I took off my shoes and ran on the ground just now, but now I feel a burning pain in the soles of my feet. I don't know if it's because the floor is too hot, or it was scratched by something.

Lu Jian's sacrifice of drawing his sword to help is huge, and the only gratifying thing is that the scum was caught.

I limped to the shade of a tree and stood still, the soles of my feet seemed to hurt even more.

"Hey," a pair of flat shoes appeared in front of her, the hand holding the shoes was clearly articulated, the nails were neatly trimmed, and there were no accessories. Yan Xi blinked and looked at Yuan Er Shao standing in front of him, but he didn't expect him to appear.

"Change the shoes first," Yuan Er Shao threw the shoes in front of her, putting his hands around his chest and said, "You are so brave as a woman, now you know that your feet hurt. ?"

Is this person here to help, or to scold her

You men are so capable, you can do anything, why don't you wrap up the matter of having children, and ask them women to suffer? Thinking that the other party would give him shoes anyway, Yan Xi was so knowledgeable that he didn't fight Yuan Yi.

She took the shoes and bent over to put them on. By the way, she picked up her high-heeled shoes. The size of the shoes seemed to be a little too large, but they fit well.

Seeing her honestly changing her shoes, Yuan Yi felt that when the woman didn't speak, she was still very pleasing, "What are you keeping these high heels for?"

"These shoes are expensive," Yan Xi took two steps. The soles of these shoes were very soft. Her feet felt a lot better, but the soles of her feet still hurt when they stepped on the ground. "Thank you."

Seeing that she was walking slowly back to find her shoes, Yuan Yi guessed that her foot must be injured.

"Xiaoyan," Zhao Peng panted against the wall, stretched out his finger and pointed to a corner where Yanxi's other shoe belonged, "What did you eat to grow up?" Running like a horse, He is ashamed of the old man.

"I grew up eating spinach." Yan Xi made a Popeye pose and raised his chin.

Zhao Peng: …

I really don't understand the way young people make jokes these days.

The corner of Yuan Yi's mouth, who was following behind Yan Xi, was upturned. Seeing that Yan Xi turned his head, he pressed the corner of his raised mouth back again. He took a few steps forward and put his hands in his trouser pockets. "There is a Chinese doctor in front of me who is good at seeing trauma. I will take you to see your feet."

After taking two steps, seeing Yan Xi still standing in the same place, "Follow up."

"Xiaoyan," Zhao Peng looked at Yan Xi worriedly, "this is..."

"A friend of mine, Brother Zhao, you and the driver will bring the footage back to the stage first, and I'll go straight home later." Seeing Yuan Yi still standing in front of her, Yan Xi said to Zhao Peng, "Help me follow Please take a leave of absence."

"Okay," as a colleague, Zhao Peng is not good at meddling in his colleague's private affairs. Although this man doesn't seem to be easy to get along with, since the other party took the initiative to prepare flat shoes for Xiaoyan, the two should have some friendship, "I'll go back and talk to Chen Say something to the director."

"Thanks, I'll invite you to dinner next time, and let them deduct the cost of the damaged microphone from my salary." Yan Xi walked to Yuan Yi with his aching legs, "Let's go."

Seeing how difficult it was for her to walk, Yuan Yi struggled inwardly. Should he help the woman get the shoes she wore, carry her directly to the doctor, or let her walk slowly behind him

Yuan Yi's face was sullen, and he walked forward with a sullen face. After walking a few steps, he saw Yan Xi slowly following behind, his lips were white, and his palm-sized face was full of sweat. In the blink of an eye, he was separated from him again. Several steps away, it looked pitiful.

"Give me your hand." Yuan Yi walked to Yan Xi's side, and while talking, he held her arm without waiting for Yan Xi to react.

His arms were dry and cool, and there was an unapproachable smell.

"Thank you." With someone supporting, Yan Xi walked a lot more easily, and she gave Yuan Yi a bright smile.

"If you don't try to be brave, how can you suffer such a crime," Yuan Yi saw her blushing hot, "Other people who are hosts are intellectually beautiful or elegant, how come they are embarrassed and ugly when they come to you?"

"I'm the low-level host," Yan Xi said with a smile, "but how do you know I'm the host?"

"Didn't you interview people with a microphone last time?" Yuan Yi said with a pause, took out a white handkerchief from his trouser pocket, and stuffed it into Yan Xi's hand with a look of disgust, "Wipe the sweat off your face."

"It may be the host who does the interview, but it may also be a reporter." Yan Xi never expected that a man like Yuan Er Shao still retained such an ancient habit of wearing a handkerchief.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense," Yuan Yi turned his head, "What's the difference between the host and reporter?"

That's still huge.

Seeing Yuan Yi's expression of "I'll be angry if you talk nonsense again", Yan Xi looked down at the shoes on her feet. For the sake of these shoes, she didn't care about him.

When she arrived at the doctor's place, Yan Xi realized that her feet were not scalded by the high temperature on the ground, but punctured by broken glass slag. When the doctor picked out the broken glass, she nearly squeezed tears from her eyes in pain.

"The wound is very small, just be careful not to get infected," the doctor disinfected and bandaged Yan Xi. "That's ok."

"It's that simple?" Yuan Yi looked at the glass slag taken out from the tray, "Would you like to take another look?"

"Don't worry, this is a minor injury," the doctor stood up and put the wound medicine into a bag, "a total of eighty-seven yuan, thank you."

Yuan Yi touched his body, only to realize that he didn't bring his wallet: "Can you pay by mobile phone?"

The old doctor pushed his presbyopic glasses: "I'm sorry, I'm too old, I don't understand these advanced charging methods, I only accept cash."

so awkward.

As the second young master of the Yuan family, Yuan Yi has never been troubled by money. Today, he finally realized what it means to be "a penny beats a hero".

"I have it here," Yan Xi took out the wallet from his small backpack, and took a hundred-yuan bill to the old doctor, "Excuse me."

After Yuan Yi helped Yan Xi out of the clinic, he explained with a stern face, "I forgot my wallet in the car."

Yan Xi pretended not to see the embarrassment on Yuan Yi's face: "It's okay, please send me here, I'm already very grateful, but..."

Yuan Yi turned to look at her.

"But it's best not to put valuables in the car. Not only is the car unsafe, but valuables are also unsafe." Yan Xi told a story of a car window being smashed and all the contents of the car stolen.

Yuan Yi listened silently, the two walked for more than ten minutes, and stopped in front of a car: "Get in the car, I'll take you back."

"Will this bother you too much?" Yan Xi was a little embarrassed.

"Yes," Yuan Yi opened the door and helped Yan Xi to sit in the passenger seat, "I'm in trouble, can I still throw you halfway on a hot day?"

Yan Xi: …

If you don't know how to speak, if you don't look good, and you have money and power in your family, you will definitely be a bachelor for a lifetime.

Yuan Yi sat in the driver's seat, turned to look at Yan Xi one after another, saw that she was sitting as firmly as a mountain, and finally couldn't bear it any longer: "fasten the seat belt, I'm going to drive."

"Oh." Yan Xi then remembered that his seat belt was not fastened.

Seeing that Yan Xi finally fastened her seat belt, Yuan Yi stopped looking at her, started the car, and drove forward.

The car was quiet, Yuan Yi didn't turn on the stereo and didn't talk to Yan Xi. Yan Xi held it back for half an hour, and said, "Mr. Yuan, thank you very much for helping me today. Otherwise, you can leave me your contact information, and I will invite you to dinner next time."

"Don't talk to the driver in the car." Yuan Yi replied unbiasedly.

Yan Xi turned her head to look out the car window, even if she didn't want to give it, she could still save money for a treat.

This embarrassing silence lasted until the car parked outside the community where Yan Xi lived, and then the blockade was finally lifted. Yuan Yi stopped the car and read out a series of numbers to Yan Xi.

"What?" Yan Xi was stunned.

"My mobile number and WeChat ID," Yuan Yi was a little unhappy, "Didn't you just ask me for it?"

Is she just talking casually

An ungrateful hypocrite woman, he helped her, and she didn't even want to ask for a meal.

"I thought you didn't want to give it to me." Yan Xi took out his mobile phone, saved Yuan Yi's mobile phone number, and in front of him, politely remarked his name as "Mr. Yuan".

It was the first time I saw a rich and noble boy who talked about traffic rules like this, and he strictly followed the rules without talking to the driver while driving. She really wanted to write a commendation for him.

"Dial one over, and add WeChat by the way," Yuan Yi thought for a while, and added, "I don't use WeChat very often, so don't send me messages if you're okay."

"It's okay, I don't use it often," Yan Xi replied with a smile, "so I won't send you a message."

There's nothing wrong with this, but Yuan Yi was still a little unhappy in his heart, he pursed his lips and didn't speak. When Yanxi's cell phone came in, he didn't look at it, raised his chin, "Okay, get out of the car."

Yan Xi got out of the car with his high heels, and when he turned back, he was sprayed with exhaust from Yuan Yi's car.

When the car turned the corner, Yuan Yi parked the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and found that there were five missed calls, four were from friends, and one was an unfamiliar number. He saved the number and made a note. For "Yan single dog".

In the WeChat friend application form, an account named "Dahe, I'm Xiaoxi" applied to add him as a friend, and the avatar was a pot of red and bright hair.

this woman...

The profile picture and name are not feminine at all.

Yuan Yi pouted in disgust, and clicked the agreement.

Get her promised meal back in a few days!