One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 26


"Everyone else is a boy killer, an otaku killer, and it's rare to see a beautiful woman in a hundred years. How come you're here, and you're a nanny and a master killer?" Yan Xi hugged the fruit box in front of him, "I still keep these fruits for myself. Eat, I won't give you any more."

"What kind of killer is a boy, a real woman can be liked by old ladies and grandfathers," Chen Pei snatched the fruit box from Yan Xi's hand, and split the fruit with a group of colleagues, "You didn't find our colleagues in the advertising department of Taiwan, Seeing you smiling brightly? It is said that I have received several advertisements recently, all of which are aimed at you."

"What ad?"

"It's like a mop, pumping machine, washing powder or something," Chen Pei returned the two remaining sour strawberries to Yan Xi, "Who made the old lady like you, they can be regarded as a high consumer group for this type of product."

"I'm afraid I'll add toilet cleaner and dishcloth next time," Yan Xi looked at the thin and small sour strawberry in his hand, his face full of hopelessness, "I think my generation of beautiful girls has been reduced to attracting toilet cleaning. To the extent that advertisers of detergents and laundry are paying attention, is this the annihilation of human nature or the loss of morality?”

"Sister Yan," Xiao Yang took away the last two sour strawberries in her hand later, "no matter what advertising investors are attracted, there will be income only if there are advertisements, and we will have benefits if there is income, so don't dislike it. The beautiful housekeeping girl is also good."

Whose title is the beautiful girl in housekeeping

"You don't understand, my goal is to be a noble literary and artistic girl whose ten fingers don't touch the spring water." Yan Xi's face was full of melancholy, "Xiao Yang, you don't understand me."

Xiao Yang was so disgusted that she almost spit out the strawberry in her mouth, "Sister Yan, since the video of you taking off your high heels and chasing Xiao Songsong's father was seen by countless netizens, you have no relationship with noble literature and art."

To be honest, when she first saw the footage, she was a little suspicious of her eyes. How could the weak beauty in her heart make such an explosive move? At that time, she didn't know what kind of thoughts she was holding, and when editing later, she left this video for a few seconds.

Maybe it's the feeling that I can't know this kind of secret alone.

Yan Xi and Yang Qian are close in age in the later period, and the two have a good relationship in the stage, and it is more casual to joke. Chen Pei saw the two young girls chatting and laughing very harmoniously, so he went back to his office.

When it was done on the office chair, she saw that there were text messages from Chairperson Chen on her phone. Both of them are surnamed Chen, and they have some friendship in private. Now she is very clear about why Host Chen texted her.

It's nothing more than worrying that Yan Xi really took her place, and when she comes back, Yan Xi, the radish occupying the pit, will not leave.

After reading the content, Chen Pei chuckled lightly. Host Chen has some friendship with her. Could it be that Yan Xi is not with her? She pretended not to see what Host Chen meant, and replied politely, without revealing anything else. They are all people who make money and eat. Yan Xi is her own person brought in by the director of Jin Tai. She is good to people, and she is really capable. No one in Taiwan will have trouble with her.

Host Chen wants to provoke her dissatisfaction with Yan Xi and make it difficult for her to get along with Yan Xi. This little thought is meaningless. She is a director who can't get along with the host, what's the benefit to her

"Sister Chen, do you want to go to the cafeteria at noon or order takeout?" Yan Xi knocked on the door, opened the door and stood at the door without coming in, "Xiao Yang and I are going to order takeout, would you like to order one for you."

"Okay," Chen Pei deleted the text message from Host Chen, "Thanks."

She gets up early in the morning, so she will help the young people who can't get up at the stage to bring breakfast. After a long time, everyone doesn't think it's a big deal. Only Yan Xi would order afternoon tea or lunch for her when she was busy. Although both sides are doing their best, the friendship that has come and gone is enough to make her look up to this young man.

After a meeting, Yuan Yi ate the lunch brought by his aunt at home, and clicked on the Moments as if he didn't obey.

It's rare that this woman, Yan Xi, has posted on the Moments again.

Yan Single Dog: I never imagined that my dignified and pure and beautiful girl would be the killer of the master nurse.

The accompanying picture is a cartoon villain with a twisted face that does not conform to the ergonomic angle with a super long knife.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and finally left the first comment on Yanxi's circle of friends: From a scientific point of view, one who is over eighteen cannot be called a girl.

"It's not a girl, what's wrong, I'll never be eighteen years old?" Yan Xi saw Yuan Xiaoer's comments in a bunch of likes and ridicule comments, and silently complained in her heart, but her knees were weak and she didn't dare to go back.

Dahe, I'm Xiaoxi. Reply to the original Xiaoer: It's good to have a young mind [Selling cute smile]

Yuan Xiaoer replied to Dahe, I am Xiaoxi: Well, then you are indeed very young.

Um, a ball of wool, why is this so wrong? Yan Xi felt that she had received a malicious message from Yuan Xiaoer.

Yuan Yi almost couldn't hold back his laughter, thinking of that woman's speechless appearance, he felt an indescribable sense of joy, and his whole body felt relaxed. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see the other party replying to him. The sense of pleasure in his body gradually disappeared. Could it be that he was angry

He waited for another ten minutes, disconnected and reconnected the mobile phone network, but Yan Xi still did not reply to him. Putting the phone aside, he thought a little awkwardly, women are really troublesome, and they get angry when they say they are angry.

Yan Xi browsed the circle of friends for a while, and then sorted out the materials for the latest issue of "Things Around You" with Xiao Yang. After she was free, she found out that there were a few messages on WeChat.

Yuan Xiaoer: Are you angry

Yuan Xiaoer: I didn't say anything. Are you really angry

Yuan Xiaoer: You are an invincible beautiful girl, okay? !

Yan Xi looked dazed, why is he angry? She flipped through the comments on the circle of friends just now. Her friend joked a lot more than the original Xiao Er, how could she still remember his two jokes.

An hour and a half later, Yuan Yi finally received another reply from Yan Xi.

Yan Single Dog: Don't worry, the invincible beautiful girl is very generous. I'm sorry, I was sorting out the program information just now, and I didn't see your news.

Yuan Yi, who had been worried for most of the day, saw this reply, and felt uneasy in his heart, making him feel uncomfortable. It turned out that he had been worrying for half a day.

Women, women are trouble!

"Sister Yan, what are you laughing at?" Xiao Yang saw Yanxi laughing at the phone, "Watching jokes on the Internet again?"

"Ah?" Yan Xi nodded with a smile, "This paragraph is quite interesting." She got up and got herself a glass of water, and began to read the previous news of "Noon News".

She can catch up with Zhang Hao's rhythm, not because she is really good, but recently she has been studying Zhang Hao's hosting habits. As a newcomer, she cannot let her predecessors hold her, only she can adapt to her predecessors.

"Yan Xi," a colleague from the advertising investment department hurried over, "there is an advertising investor who wants to meet you, this is a big client, you can give us a face and say a few good words for us, will it work? "

"Big client, who is it?" Yan Xi has a good relationship with colleagues in the advertising and investment promotion department, and sometimes helps them receive guests at the stage, but never participates in dinner parties. Now that her colleagues call her, she does not get up immediately, but asks the identity of the visitor.

Considering that the receptionist used her name as a host who was somewhat well-known on the Internet to solicit business, this time it was someone else who wanted to see her by name, so it was hard for her to doubt it.

"It's a client who has a lot of cooperation with the main station, saying that after seeing the program you host, he intends to advertise on our station," a colleague in the advertising department knew her rules and emphasized, "Don't think too much, just in Talk to the Taili office."

Having cooperation with the head office and investing in advertisements for them, is there something wrong with your brain

In front of her colleagues in the advertising department, she didn't say it, but followed her colleagues to the advertising department's office.

As soon as she entered the door, she was warmly received by several colleagues in the advertising department. It was not until she sat down on the sofa with an extra cup of tea in her hand and an extra pillow on her back that she calmed down.

"Miss Yan, we meet again."

Yan Xi raised her head to meet Song Chao's smiling face and his outstretched hand. Looking at this clean palm, Yan Xi shook hands with the other person, "Good afternoon, Mr. Song."

"I didn't know that Miss Yan had changed her name before, so I kept calling you Miss Song, wouldn't you mind?" Song Chao's smile was very beautiful, like flowers just blooming, with a hazy and seductive smell.

"Mr. Song doesn't know, how can you mind," Yan Xi noticed that Song Chao said that she had changed her name, and the corners of her lips rose, "I heard that Mr. Song is planning to invest in advertising on our station?"

"Yes, the program hosted by Miss Yan is very exciting. I think investing in advertisements in your Taiwan will help improve the favorability of our company's products in the hearts of local consumers," Song Chao picked up the unsigned contract on the table, " Everything may be outdated, only the feelings hidden deep in the heart will not change color."

Yan Xi smiled politely: "Mr. Song is a businessman. Since you said that investing in this platform is effective, it must be effective. It's a pity that I don't know anything about economics, otherwise I can give Mr. Song an introduction to the effect of advertising in this platform. "

I just came to be a vase for the advertising department, don't tell me anything else, and I can't blame me for the ineffectiveness of the advertising.

Seeing this, my colleagues in the advertising department rushed forward to introduce to Song Chao which advertisements they had done on stage, and how much benefit they had brought to advertising investors.

"I believe in the TV station where Miss Yan works," Song Chao bowed his head and signed his name on the contract. His signature was beautiful, obviously in carefully designed fonts.

Only then did the people from the advertising department figure out that this young director of the big group and Yan Xi were old acquaintances? Otherwise, why would people cooperate with them because of their wealth, obviously because of Yan Xi's face.

Yan Xi is not a fool. Of course she could see that Song Chao intended to give her face, but she didn't have any friendship with Song Chao. Why did he do this on purpose, and he still came to the TV station in person

Could it be... This one wants to unspoken rules for her

At this moment, countless news headlines flashed through Yan Xi's mind, such as "The son of a wealthy family takes a fancy to the 28th-tier host and spends a lot of money", "Shocked, the heir of a wealthy family did all this for her", "The invincible beautiful girl actually made a wealthy family" What is the reason for falling in love? "and many more.

No, what happened to the invincible beautiful girl

It's all to blame for the WeChat message sent by Yuan Xiaoer, now her mind is full of invincible beautiful girls.

"Miss Yan?" Seeing Yan Xi's absent-minded appearance, Song Chao put away the special signature pen, "What are you thinking?"

"No, I'm just in a daze."