One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 33


"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Wang opened Yuan Yi's phone and asked, "What's wrong with your body, what did the doctor say? If it can't be cured at home, we'll go abroad, it can always be cured, don't worry, I I'll come to you right now."

"What are you doing here with me?" Yuan Yi didn't know what Zhang Wang was thinking about. He flipped through the "Little Monsters" comic book in his hand and said with a smile, "I will make an appointment tomorrow to talk to you in detail."

"Can you stop being so scary next time you speak?" Zhang Wang heard Yuan Yi's tone and knew that he was thinking too much, "Yuan Xiaoer, you can't speak clearly, I was almost scared to death by you. "

In the comic book, the little monster with three eyes fell down in a puddle, and the little rabbit and the little hedgehog pulled the rope with all four of their feet in the sky, but they didn't drag the fat little monster out. Seeing this scene, Yuan Yi couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Wang was so frightened by his laughter that his hair grew up. It seems that Yuan Xiaoer's brain is really wrong. He used to call himself Laozi in front of Yuan Xiaoer, but he was scolded by Yuan Xiaoer as his grandson. .

After hanging up the phone, he looked around and felt the hair on his arm. It seemed that the disease was not serious.

Yan Xi returned home, opened the gift box, looked at the entire set of lipsticks, and put them into the large wardrobe. Turning on the computer, the editor's avatar jumped around on the communication software. After she clicked it, she realized that the publishing house wanted to collaborate with her on another picture book.

Xiaoxiliu: The manuscript fee for this album has not been completed yet, no appointment.

Mingming: Your manuscript fee finances are already being calculated. We are a regular publishing house, and we will never embezzle the authors. Beautiful young lady, think about it, come on, make an appointment.

Yan Xi knows that her picture album is selling well and is in the top 20 best-selling books, but she doesn't have much time to draw. Recently, because the number of comics on Weibo has decreased, many fans have posted on Weibo. protest.

Xiaoxiliu: I think about it, I have been busy with work recently, and I don’t have much time for sketches.

Mingming: Draw slowly, as long as you are willing to sign a contract, we are not in a hurry.

Yan Xi did not agree to sign the contract. She found the digital tablet, drew the beginning of a warm little story, and put it on Weibo. Her drawing skills are not superb, but she is very good at catching the cuteness, and she draws the protagonist so cute that people can't help but take a bite when they see it.

Soon this Weibo attracted countless fans to repost and like it.

[It's so cute that her legs are soft, this chrysanthemum demon is simply stupid]

[Bloggers are so dirty, what kind of monster is the protagonist is not good, but it is a chrysanthemum monster, hahaha]

[Hehe, this blogger can only rely on selling cute circle fans, and his painting skills can only fool laymen, but there is still a group of brain-dead fans applauding below. This world is really interesting. No one pays attention to serious painters, but amateur painters have millions of fans and make money by publishing books.]

Yan Xi saw this comment and replied directly: I am an amateur painter who lives by selling cuteness, which makes you laugh. I don't paint for dreams, not for the future, just to paint if I want to. This is a good world. It allows non-professional painters to have a platform to display their paintings. Thank the country, thank the society, thank the fans, and wish the world peace.

In the eyes of black fans, Yan Xi's straightforward answer is a lot of drama, and in the eyes of true fans, it is how cute and direct my painter is, but if anyone comes out and says that her painting skills are not professional, they will Seems to be a little out of the way.

Across the Internet, no one knows whether a man or a dog is under the vest. Yan Xi is too lazy to pay attention to these black fans. She has never murdered or set fire to her. go.

Treat it as a good deed. Some people are bitter in their hearts, and if they don’t find a place to vent, they will probably suffer even more.

"Tsk, why do I think I'm so holy?" Yan Xi took out the mirror and looked at his face, put the tablet away, and picked out a few comments in the comment area to reply, and suddenly remembered his host's Weibo account, Log in and see that the fans have passed 50,000.

The comments below are all praising her for her temperament, her beauty, or the good show she hosts. She roughly flipped through it, and after reposting a Weibo on the official blog of "Things Around You", she closed it down.

"Yan Yan," Song Hai knocked on the door outside, Yan Xi got up and went to open it, "Dad, you haven't slept so late?"

"I see that the lights in your room are still on, so I'll come over and have a look," Song Hai glanced at the computer that wasn't turned off, "Go to bed early, don't play with the computer, it was reported in the news a few days ago that there are young people who stay up all night every day, and finally Sudden death."

"The news you mentioned was broadcast by our station," Yan Xi smiled at Song Hai, "I'll go to sleep right away."

"It's good to know," Song Hai couldn't say a word when he saw his daughter smiling at him, "Then I'll go back to the room."

"Dad, good night." Yan Xi watched Song Hai return to the room, then gently closed the door, turned off the computer, and lay on the bed. The mobile chat software suddenly rang, and the group of university classmates who had not moved for a long time lit up.

[Is Yan Xi online? Does anyone in the class have Yan Xi's contact information?]

The female classmate who asked the question used to have a good or bad relationship with her. It was only the most common classmate relationship, but this classmate seemed to have a good relationship with Wei Xiaoman.

No one in the group paid attention to her, and the girl knocked on her alone again. Yan Xi closed the chat box and pretended that she hadn't received any text messages at all.

Someone who has never been in contact suddenly comes to her door. It will never be a good thing. How can it be her turn if there is a good thing

If she were to join a brand company or invest in a promising project, she would have to find an excuse to refuse, which would hurt her feelings. Yan Xi turned off the phone without any psychological pressure and put it on the bedside table.

Since being harassed by Yuan Yi's phone calls in the middle of the night, she has developed the habit of turning off her personal phone when she sleeps. As for the work phone, she is the host of the stage. Even if there is an emergency at night, she does not need to deal with it.

There is a saying that one can't be too stubborn, Yan Xi didn't expect that his work phone would ring in the middle of the night.

On the other end of the phone, Director Jin's voice was a little anxious. It seemed that many people were still talking, as if they were discussing something over there.

"Master Jin, what happened?" Yan Xi realized that something was wrong, and his confused mind slowly woke up.

"Xiaoyan, something has happened on the Internet, you must not speak casually," Jin said in a low voice, "You are the pillar of our channel, don't get involved."

Yan Xi was at a loss, but after listening to Director Jin's tone, she knew that it must be a big deal, "Okay, I rarely speak on the Internet."

Director Jin didn't have time to explain what happened to her, so he hurriedly hung up the phone.

Awakened by the phone call, Yan Xi was no longer drowsy. She took out her mobile phone and searched the Internet. It turned out that something really happened.

Li Jiayu committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Seeing this news, Yan Xi was a little shocked. Li Jiayu is developing well now. It is said that after canceling the contract with Taili, he has found a better platform.

Aside from the conflicts between Li Jiayu and Taili, Yan Xi felt that the other party was a very good host, and her death was a big loss for the host industry.

The police have not yet found out the reason for her suicide, but netizens have already determined that the TV station forced her to death. The official Weibo of the TV station and Shen Xingyan's Weibo were full of abuse.

Even other TV station staff members have been criticized and condemned by "just passers-by" on their Weibo posts. There was a male host on the stage who couldn't but reply a word of anger. Now his Weibo posts have been scolded tens of thousands of times.

Although it's midnight now, there are still a lot of people who use Weibo, which shows how many single dogs who can't sleep at night.

Yan Xi carefully observed the trend of public opinion on the Internet, and found that someone was guiding public opinion here, and deliberately wanted netizens to think that Li Jiayu was forced to death by the TV station. Besides competitors, who else would pay the navy to do such a thing

There are also some small artists who took this opportunity to hype, and posted condolences on Weibo without forgetting to pair it with a selfie of beauty and beauty. It was really bad to see.

This is a carnival eating human blood buns.

Yan Xi was lying on the bed, tossing and turning and changing sleeping positions without falling asleep. In the end, he could only turn on the computer and manipulate the game account to abuse the people of the rival gang.

Seeing that there are still many players online at three or four in the morning, Yan Xi is inexplicably moved. The world of single dogs is not lonely. After all, there are so many single dogs playing games in loneliness.

Playing games was refreshing for a while, and when she woke up in the morning crying, Yan Xi almost crawled into the office the next morning.

"You watched gossip last night too?" Xiao Yang yawned and walked into the office with some regret in his tone, "It's a pity that everything can be said on the Internet." They are small staff who can't worry about too many things. Going up, I felt that Li Jiayu had finally managed to get into this position, but it was a pity to choose such a result.

"Last night when I was playing a game, I encountered a madman. I chased him and killed him for an hour." Yan Xi took a gulp of coffee. "Don't mention this on the stage to avoid trouble."

"I dare to say it here, and I dare to mention it when I go out." Xiao Yang sat down on the chair, "I read Shen Xingyan's Weibo in the morning, and I was scolded for nearly 100,000 comments. If I were her , was already pissed off."

Before, there was news on the Internet that Shen Xingyan and Li Jiayu were fighting for the first sister of satellite TV, and they disagreed in private. Now that Li Jiayu committed suicide, Shen Xingyan has become one of the pushers for Li Jiayu's death.

"Mr. Yan," a staff member knocked on the door of her office, "someone brought you flowers."

Yan Xi walked out of the door suspiciously, glanced at the young man who brought flowers, and wrote his name on the receipt.

"Such a big bunch of blue enchanting girls," Xiao Yang looked at the bunch of flowers in Yan Xi's arms in surprise, "Which handsome guy gave it?"

Yan Xi shook his head and took out the card from the bouquet.

[See you again after years of farewell, you are still as beautiful as the dawn - Song Dynasty]


Yan Xi put the flower aside and felt that the content of this card was extraordinarily weird. See you again? Have they met before

Song Dynasty... Song Dynasty...

Yan Xi suddenly remembered what happened when she just returned to the imperial capital. The love letter written by the school grass to her was secretly thrown away by another girl. The school grass seemed to be called Song Dynasty

At that time, she also joked that the name is really easy to remember, but she turned her head and forgot about it. Perhaps she didn't have many memories of the Imperial Capital Yigao, and even such trivial matters were insignificant to her.

She had met Song Chao twice before, and Song Chao had not mentioned it on purpose. Why did she start to recall the past with her now

However, she had no impression of this past, and she learned it from others.

Just as she was thinking, the phone for work rang, and the caller was Song Chao. She hesitated and answered the call.

"Mr. Song." Yan Xi herself doesn't like the blue enchantress, because the color is beautiful, but thinking that this kind of flower may be dyed with high-grade paint, she is afraid that the paint is harmful and will affect her respiratory tract.

At a young age, she still cherishes her life.

"Does Miss Yan like the flowers I gave you?" Song Chao's voice was gentle enough to make women drown in his voice.

"Thank you." Yan Xi said politely, "It cost you money."

"Flowers are given to beauties, and Miss Yan is just right for it."

Does this mean that she, like the blue enchantress, was dyed to be fake and beautiful? Yan Xi, who was praised, felt that he was not so happy either, "Thank you for the praise, but I don't understand why Mr. Song gave me flowers."

"I pursued Miss Yan back then, but Miss Yan didn't agree. Now..." Song Chao played with a pen expressionlessly, but his tone was very gentle, "Aren't you still willing to give me a chance to pursue?"

The tip of the pen slid across the white paper, making a stinging sound.

"Is Mr. Song joking?" Yan Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Did you pursue me back then?"

If it was just a love letter that was destroyed before it was sent to her, it would be considered a pursuit, which showed that the secret love at that time when I was young was really not worth even a hundred dollars.

"Beautiful women have the right to forget," Song Chao put down the pen and rubbed the paper on the table tightly, "Miss Yan doesn't need to care about the little things in the past, I just hope you have me in your future."

What's going on these past few days? The men she met, each with a talent for performing dog-blood romance dramas, took the wrong medicine

"Mr. Song, there is a rule in our hometown," Yan Xi felt that he had to be gentler in rejecting such a wealthy and noble son of the Song Dynasty, "That is to not marry with the same surname, as I am, I still respect traditional customs. "

Song Chao chuckled lightly on the other end of the phone, "But your surname is Yan now, and there doesn't seem to be this problem between us."

"But in the hearts of relatives, my surname is Song," Yan Xi said with a dry smile, "Mr. Song, thank you for your favor, but I may not be worthy of you. You should let me get out of your future."

Song Chao listened to the busy tone on the phone, chuckled softly, and suddenly smashed the phone against the wall.

In the dining room, Zhang Wang thought there was something wrong with his ears, so he stared at Yuan Yi: "Are you going to move out?"

Yuan Yi was very calm: "Why, it's strange?"

"It's good to move out..." Zhang Wang paused for a while, "Do you have any opinion on Uncle Yuan and Aunt Xu?"

Yuan Yi shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Wang didn't ask any more questions, and instead brought up what happened last night: "Did you date a girl last night?"

"Dating?" Yuan Yi shook his head confidently, "Just having a meal with a friend."

"Come out with a woman alone, what's it called a date?" Zhang Wang teased, "It's rare that you're interested in girls, so when will you bring it out for a few buddies to take a look at."

"Do you think I'm just like you, I just want to soak a woman after dinner?" Yuan Yi frowned, "Go, go, don't make trouble."

"Actually, I don't think it's okay to fall in love, anyway..." Zhang Wang saw that Yuan Yi's face was not good-looking, and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I won't mention this, but I'll talk about your physical problems, what are you doing? Under the state, there is chest tightness, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath?"

"When... bickering with people?" Yuan Yi said hesitantly, "or when others make me unhappy?"

"Who has such great ability to make you so angry," Zhang Wang said smoothly, "Why didn't you deal with him?"

Yuan Xiao Er has such a good temper

"What can I care about with a woman, should I beat her?"

"Women can make you so angry that your chest is tight and short of breath, and you are really capable," Zhang Wang suddenly stopped and looked at Yuan Yi strangely, "You mean a woman?!"

Seeing Zhang Wang's big reaction, Yuan Yi's face was a little embarrassed: "What's wrong with women, women won't be angry anymore?"

When a woman is angry, it is worse than a man.