One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 38


Yan Xi never thought that he didn't rely on the show he hosted to become a hit, but because he was smashed by the overhead light, he became the most popular number one. The top of the homepage is overwhelmingly the GIF of the moment when she was hit by the overhead light, saying that she is the unfortunate hostess that happens once in a century.

Others are beautiful and handsome guys that are rare in a century, and when she arrives, she is unlucky. This psychological gap is a bit big.

Under the Weibo account she certified as a host, there are thousands of messages, all of them condolences to her physical condition. The programs she hosted were popular on the Internet for several episodes before, and the attention she received as a host was limited. Now when she "doesn't know whether to live or die", some people began to stand up and say that she hosted all those touching programs before. He also praised how good she is in hosting skills, how kind and just.

Netizen 1: My grandmother likes this female host's show very much. She stays in front of the TV at 8:30 every night, even if it is a weekend rebroadcast, she can watch it with relish. Now that she has an accident, my grandma is like a star-chasing girl. She keeps asking me to search the Internet for information about this hostess, and I don't know how she is now. I hope nothing happens to her, otherwise my grandma will be very sad.

Netizen 2: What a coincidence, I am also from the Imperial Capital. My grandparents, parents, and mother also like to watch "Things Around You" hosted by her. Grandparents are old and have poor memory, so they often can't tell who is who on TV. But this Yan Xi is an exception. Every time the show starts, the two elders will praise her for her good looks, but her face is a little bitter.

Netizen 3: Friends upstairs, do your grandparents see pictures? This hostess does have some characteristics, but she looks a little weak and easy to bully. It is not unreasonable to say that her life is not good. Isn't this inexplicably smashed by a lamp

Netizen 4: Oh, what age is this, and feudal superstition is also promoted, and people are still in the hospital for rescue, so don't say anything that doesn't sound good. I heard that the hostess is only 24 years old. She is a graduate student of the media department of a famous university. She hosts the program well, calling on everyone to pay attention to abused children and to pay attention to the bright spots of all walks of life. Now that this kind of accident suddenly occurs, we still pray She gets well soon and don't be in any danger.

Yan Xi found that many famous media network clients reported the news that she was stunned by the overhead light, and she felt ashamed. She really didn't want to be famous in this way, okay

Thinking that as soon as she goes out in the future, someone will point at her and say, "Look, that is the female host who was knocked out by the overhead light in the live news program."

There is absolutely no pride in it, okay

She opened WeChat, and there were many messages from friends. She opened the circle of friends and posted a status.

Dahe, I am Xiaoxi: Thank you sisters and brothers, don't worry, I am still alive.

It didn't take long for this status to be posted, and there were countless likes and comments. Yan Xi saw several friends laughing below, saying congratulations that she finally became popular in this way, and asked which hospital she was in, they were coming onlookers.

"Who are they?" He was a little tired from keeping his prone position all the time. Yan Xi couldn't help moving his arms. There was a vague pain from the wound on his back, but it was not obvious.

But soon this feeling became more and more obvious, and it was difficult for Yan Xi to ignore it. This was because the effect of the anesthetic gradually passed.

Yan Xi, who had the energy to quarrel with friends on WeChat just now, instantly slumped into a poor little turtledove. She wanted to use her phone to watch TV to distract her attention, but her phone ran out of battery again. At this moment, she suddenly felt a little wronged. Although this emotion came inexplicably, she couldn't control it. The nurse took her mobile phone to charge, and she lay on the bed and was inexplicably sulking with herself.

"Bang bang bang."

The door was lightly knocked a few times, Yan Xi turned her head to look, Yuan Yi, who had just said she was going to eat delicious food, came back empty-handed. He saw Yan Xi looking at him resentfully, thinking that she was complaining that he didn't bring her food, "The doctor said that you just finished the operation and you can't eat for the time being, so I didn't buy it for you."

"Didn't you go to eat boiled fish and spicy chicken?" Yan Xi blinked, "Have you come back so soon?"

Yan Xi was still lying in the hospital, Yuan Yi was in the mood to eat these, he ate something casually near the hospital, and came back in a hurry, he walked to the chair and sat down: "Those things are too smelly and not suitable for health care. ." He saw that Yan Xi's face was pale and his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he guessed that the effect of the medicine had passed, "The wound hurts?"

Yan Xi lay on the bed and didn't speak. She grabbed the pillowcase and felt aggrieved like a child who weighed more than 90 pounds.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Yi immediately called the doctor and asked him what to do.

The doctor said that there is nothing to do. Painkillers should not be used indiscriminately. Let’s lose two bottles of anti-inflammatory medicine first. So Yan Xi, who had a very painful back, was stuck with an infusion needle in the back of his hand.

Yan Xi squinted at Yuan Yi, Yuan Yi lowered his head and adjusted the drip more slowly: "Follow the doctor's advice, it is good for your health."

"But if I keep lying down like this, I'll turn into an airport," Yan Xi felt a little distressed about his not-so-proud breasts, "Did the doctor say, when will I be discharged from the hospital?"

Yuan Yi glanced at the upper body of Yanxi lying on the bed, and quickly retracted his gaze: "Didn't it change from an airport to a basin?"

"Go away!" Yan Xi rolled his eyes.

Yuan Yi said calmly, "I'm just stating the facts."

"Yuan Xiaoer, you specially arranged such a good ward for me, are you caring for me, or is it convenient to close the door to piss me off?" Yan Xi patted the pillow with his hand without a needle, adding all his skills in his life. To the mouth to owe up

Yuan Yi saw that Yan Xi was so mad that he forgot about the pain on his back, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket: "I look like such a boring person?"

Where is it not like? Yan Xi rolled his eyes at him again.

Yuan Yi... Yuan Yi felt that Yan Xi's cheeks were flushed with anger, and the way he rolled his eyes at him was cute. It seems that he not only likes people's vision is very problematic, but also has a change in aesthetics

The two quarreled from time to time, which actually made Yan Xi go through the most difficult period after the drug's effect dissipated, because on the second day... her pain nerves began to become immune, and she gradually got used to this feeling.

Early the next morning, when Yan Xi woke up, she asked about the faint scent of porridge in the ward. Yuan Yi, who fought with her until after ten o'clock last night, came home. Sleep on the sofa.

She didn't care how suddenly there was a single sofa in the ward, but Yuan Yi came again unexpectedly.

"Miss Yan, are you awake?" The nurse noticed that she was awake, and helped her to the bathroom with another nurse. After finishing what she had to do in the morning, Yan Xi lay back on the bed and turned her head to look at the original Yi, the other party is still sleeping.

Yuan Yi woke up again after she finished eating the breakfast brought by Yuan Yi and swiped Weibo with her phone for a while. It's just that pale face, if anyone who doesn't know it sees it, I'm afraid they will think it's him and not her.

"you are sick?"

"No," Yuan Yi got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. When he came out, he wiped his face with a handkerchief, "I dreamed that you became a basin last night, and I was so scared that I didn't sleep well all night."

"Original! Small! Second!"

Director Jin led the leader of the ward and knocked on the door of the ward. Unexpectedly, the door was opened by a young man who didn't look easy to mess with and looked familiar. If it wasn't for Yan Xi lying on the bed, he wouldn't dare to enter.

They are here now, just to express condolences to Yan Xi, and by the way, to show that the stage values her, and the stage is waiting for her to return.

Yan Xi was injured during the live broadcast of the program, and now it is known to the whole Internet. The stage noticed the value of Yan Xi, so how could she do something that chilled her heart. In fact, not only they are concerned, but reporters from many online platforms are also very concerned about this matter, but for some reason, no reporters can approach the ward to conduct interviews.

In desperation, some reporters had to turn to the next best thing, interviewing Yan Xi's attending physician and nurses, who knew that these people were more strict than each other, and they didn't find out anything. Some experienced reporters realized that the hostess's identity may not be simple, and they no longer inquired about Yan Xi's news, but described Yan Xi in a seemingly neutral but praiseworthy tone.

There are also reporters who have the guts to believe in evil and want to find another way to increase their attention, saying that the hostess is not born with bad life, which is why this kind of thing happens. There are even reporters who swear in the article that Yan Xi looks good. It is the legendary hard-working person, who will have constant misfortune and wandering in his life. In order to increase his credibility, he also listed actresses who have played bitter dramas in China and now live unhappy lives to prove his point.

This kind of article is naturally scolded by most people, but the media is not afraid of scolding at all, and only after being scolded has the attention. What is more happier than the rising click-through rate, attention, and popularity

Yan Xi didn't know about these remarks on the Internet for the time being. After she had dealt with the condolences from the leaders, Yuan Yi sent them out as a relative and friend of Yan Xi.

Everyone else in the station thought Yuan Yi was Yan Xi's boyfriend, so they had a very kind attitude towards Yuan Yi. Only Director Jin had some doubts in his heart. Where did he meet this young man

"Lao Jin, what's wrong with you?" After walking into the elevator, the head of the main station saw that Director Jin was a little absent-minded, and joked, "Knowing that this host is the pillar of your channel, you don't have to worry about other channels robbing people. ."

"I'm not worried about this," Jin Tai smiled embarrassedly, not being able to express the doubt in his heart, "Besides, Xiaoyan is a very good host, if there is a better platform for her to develop, I'm happy for her too."

Because of the increasing popularity of "Things Around You" on the Internet recently, the main station is considering whether to move this program to satellite stations to broadcast, but the broadcast time period has not yet been set, and an accident happened to Yan Xi.

However, because of this incident, Yan Xi has attracted the attention of many people. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. It was originally only a matter of consideration. After this incident, it is probably a certainty. Even if it is only broadcast in the morning or late night, it is also Star program.

The leader of the main station knew that Director Jin was listening to him, so he smiled and said, "The station is also willing to give capable young people a chance."

Headmaster Jin was determined that he would finally have a capable host in his hands.

"Go to his natural misery," Yan Xi read a report saying that she had a bad face. "Sister, I am the second generation of the rich, and I have never endured hardship since I was a child. Where is the poverty, and are my eyes blind?"

"God's fucking Lone Star, his writing is so good, let's just write novels. Being a reporter buried his talent!"

"When did I have an ex-boyfriend who was hit and killed by a car?" Yan Xi continued to flip through the report, "This reporter used to work at the "Understanding Sound" magazine, and what kind of grief story did he make up."

Yuan Yi sat next to him, listening to Yan Xi swiping his phone and complaining about the reporter's report, calmly sent the reviewed documents to the secretary's mailbox, "Yan Xiaoxi, you have been scolding all morning, but you are not thirsty. Do you want to drink water? ?"

Yan Xi said: "At a time like this, as a good buddy, you should share my hatred and scold unscrupulous reporters!"

After getting up and pouring water, Yuan Yi inserted another straw into the cup, and handed the cup to Yan Xi: "You are a woman, what a good buddy to me."

Yan Xi bit the straw and took a few sips of water, "Yuan Xiaoer, I think with you here, we can hire one less nurse."

"I know I'm very capable, but I don't need to save this money." After Yan Xi finished drinking, Yuan Yi put the cup on the table, "I'm going to the company for a meeting this afternoon, so I won't accompany you."

"Oh." Yan Xi responded casually.

In the end, when Yuan Yi left, she was worried that her mobile phone battery was not enough, and left her a tablet computer with full battery power. I don't know if it was a coincidence. All are open.

It turned out that Yuan Xiaoer was so considerate, Yan Xi silently posted a good person card to Yuan Yi in his heart.

When she finished making up the dramas she hadn't watched in the past two days, and then went to check the news about herself at night, those messy reports had almost disappeared, especially the media Weibo public who said that she was not good and destined to live alone. No., not only deleted the Weibo, but also posted on Weibo that we must believe in science, not feudal superstition. The previous article was done by a trainee reporter. They publicly apologized to Yan Xi and would fire this person who promoted feudal superstition on public platforms. intern reporter.

That article is skilled in shaking the baggage, and is very good at finding topics. This is not the professional level that a trainee reporter can have.

Could it be that he was forced to delete it because he was reported by netizens to promote feudal superstition? Since the article has been deleted, it's better to lower your posture, sincerely apologize to her, and gain a wave of favorability in the hearts of netizens that "knowing mistakes can be corrected".

Right now there are more and more netizens.

While Yan Xi was moved, he logged into the host's Weibo account and posted a Weibo.

Host Yan Xi: Let everyone worry, my injury is not serious, thank you every netizen who cares about me, thank you very much!

Recently, Yuanyi's company is preparing to develop a mobile game, but since the originality and character design did not meet Yuanyi's expectations, the game team was sent back to continue rebuilding.

After he was busy with his work, he had time to look at his mobile phone. The messy news on it was indeed much less, and he finally didn't have to listen to that woman's nagging from Yan Xi.

God knows why women can complain so much, thank God.