One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 59


"Director Yang." A young woman in a camel coat walked in. She was tall and slender, her lips were red, and she looked very charming when she smiled.

"Tongtong is here?" Director Yang smiled at the visitor, "Sit down."

Zhao Wantong sat down on the empty chair and turned to look at Yan Xi: "This is Miss Yan, who is the envy of countless female netizens, right?" Her tone sounded friendly, but she squinted at people with a faint hint of a few words. Arrogant.

Tsk, isn't this just saying that if it wasn't for the confession incident yesterday afternoon, no one would know about her? Yan Xi said with a light smile, "I didn't expect such a big thing to happen, and let everyone watch the excitement."

Director Yang just pretended that he didn't know anything, and after Yan Xi finished speaking, he said to Zhao Wantong, "Tongtong, I agree with several teachers in the stage that your hosting style with Teacher Qian Lin is more suitable, and Qian Lin will be responsible for it in the future. The teacher will take you."

Zhao Wantong barely maintained a smile, and complimented Qian Lin in front of Director Yang. However, who does not know that in the Imperial Capital Taiwan, as long as Shen Xingyan is there, Qian Lin will never want to be the first sister of the Imperial Capital Terrace in her life. In the beginning, there was barely a Li Jiayu who could compete with Shen Xingyan in the ring, but since Li Jiayu switched jobs and committed suicide, Shen Xingyan has become a well-deserved sister in the stage. Qian Lin is five or six years older than Shen Xingyan, but in front of Shen Xingyan, only A cup for her.

She has been a host in Taiwan for three years, but she lost to a new host who has been on stage for a few months. Is she still not as good as a pure new host

Director Yang has worked in Taiwan for many years, so how can he not see that Zhao Wantong is friendly on the face, and has long been dissatisfied in his heart, but Shen Xingyan doesn't look down on Zhao Wantong, so he just wants to take Yan Xi, what can they do

It's her own fault to blame. Usually, there are endless hype methods, but she doesn't know how to deal with seniors well. Now, if she wants to make a fool of herself, it depends on whether the Buddha is willing or not.

After Director Yang told the two of the final decision, he let the two go back to prepare, he didn't want to watch the live version of the quarrel.

He was right in thinking that after Yan Xi and Zhao Wantong walked out of the office, Zhao Wantong was the first to have a seizure.

"I really envy Miss Yan, she has a beautiful family background, and has a rich and powerful infatuated boyfriend," Zhao Wantong said with a half-smile, "It is said that men can save ten years of struggle when they find a good wife, and we women are actually the same. Find a powerful man and be more competitive than ordinary people."

"Ms. Zhao is right, not only have a great boyfriend, but also have a good family background," Yan Xi said with a smile, "This way you don't have to endure hardship from childhood to adulthood, thinking of things that others can't ask for through hard work and hard work, I just need to nod to get it, which is a little embarrassing."

"Ms. Yan's personality is really straightforward, she can say whatever she wants." Zhao Wantong has never seen such a brazen person.

"It's my advantage to speak straight," Yan Xi touched his face, "I heard that too many thoughts make you grow old quickly, Miss Zhao, do you think this makes sense?"

Zhao Wantong has seen people who act and speak relatively cheaply, but it is rare to see someone like Yanxi who is cheap.

But she could only swallow the breath, "Haha."

There was a sudden confession incident yesterday, and she was dubious in her heart. As soon as Taili was about to train new talents, Yan Xi suddenly had two more handsome suitors. Whether it's a hype or not, she wants to use this incident to reduce Yan Xi's favorability in the hearts of passersby. She took all the possibilities into account, the only thing she didn't expect was that Yan Xi's boyfriend's family background would be so prominent.

With such a powerful boyfriend, why don't you stay at home and prepare to be a wealthy wife, why do you come to the TV station to compete with her for the host spot

Is it not just for fame and fortune, to marry a good man? This Yan Xi follows the cameraman to run the material every day, going in the wind and the rain, working overtime and not eating on time is a common occurrence, and as a result of hosting so many episodes of the show, it is not as good as her becoming Yuan Yi's girlfriend.

So why does she have to think about being a small host in the stage, is she mentally ill

The two stood in front of the elevator door, but no one pressed the button, as if whoever pressed the button first would lose.

"Miss Yan is so confident in her good life, it seems that her wedding date with the former president is approaching?" Zhao Wantong covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't forget to invite me to a wedding wine and feel happy."

Oh, this is mocking her for having a wealthy boyfriend, so she might not be able to marry into the family

"It depends on my boyfriend's performance. I don't want to step into the grave of marriage so early at a young age," Yan Xi sighed, "As the saying goes, women have thirty-one flowers, I can't even reach twenty-five, and I'm still a young Hua Guduo, it's too early to talk about marriage."

Zhao Wantong, who is about to turn 30 this year:…

Obviously the other party didn't say anything sarcastic, but why did she feel so angry

"Women always have to get married in the end, always thinking about playing, how to be a wife, how to be a mother," Zhao Wantong changed her words, "but as long as you have money, you don't have to think about it. In addition, there is one thing I forgot to ask , can those rumors on the Internet be dealt with? These netizens are really turning black and white, smearing you like that on the Internet, no wonder Yuan will always be so angry to sue the rumor makers."

"He is usually okay, but he is reluctant to let me be wronged. As long as he sees others scold me, he will fry the pot. He told me this morning that we must find out the source of those rumors on the Internet, so as not to let me be wronged in vain." Yan Xi sneered in his heart, who wouldn't be disgusting? Not only will she be disgusting, but she will also shamelessly show her affection to see who is disgusting.

Zhao Wantong's face changed slightly, and she didn't have the heart to fight against Yan Xi again. She hurriedly pressed the elevator, and when the elevator came, she couldn't wait to leave.

"Shh." Yan Xi walked into another elevator, and his mood was not affected at all.

The saint who can remain indifferent in the face of cynicism and sarcasm from others is a saint. She is naturally stingy and vengeful. Her mother once told her that being a woman can't be shameless, but it can't be too clean.

For a person like Zhao Wantong, if she swallowed her anger for the first time, it would only make her worse. There is only one best way to deal with shameless people, and that is to be more shameless than her.

"Mr. Shen," two people came out of the corner, it was Shen Xingyan and her assistant. The assistant was dumbfounded and said, "I didn't expect that Zhao Wantong, who usually acts cute and foolish in front of fans, turned out to be Mianli's character. And that Yan Xi, who looks weak and easy to bully, but speaks very rudely. Teacher Shen, bring this newcomer to the Next to you, will it cause you trouble?"

"What trouble could there be?" Shen Xingyan smiled instead, "This Yanxi is more and more in line with my appetite."

I just like this kind of character who is resolutely shameless when she should be shameless, and has the demeanor of her youth.

At this time, the Internet was still very lively. Although Yuanyi sent a lawyer's letter to several marketing accounts that spread rumors and asked them to delete the rumored Weibo, the issue of his relationship with Yan Xi was not banned. He even He also secretly invited a group of sailors to brainwash everyone on the Internet, asking everyone to say how compatible he and Yan Xi are.

However, the eyes of the masses are sharp, and no matter how powerful the navy is, it cannot make everyone think the same.

Someone who claimed to be able to see pictures came forward and said that although Yuan Yi had a prominent identity, his appearance did not match Yan Xi's, and it was a love that blossomed and did not bear fruit. On the contrary, Mr. Song Chao, who failed in his confession, has a more compatible face with Yan Xi. If the two get married, it must be a good result of the couple's long-lasting love.

This remark is supported by some netizens, but more people think that this person is talking nonsense. The relationship between men and women is good, but he has to say that the two are unworthy, and the male junior is better. Isn't it okay to mess around

So the self-proclaimed "God Count" was criticized by just passers-by and netizens, who almost didn't cry and kneel to admit that he was talking nonsense.

Occasionally, one or two netizens will stand up and say, "Am I the only one who thinks that the former president is a domestic violence reservist?"

I don't know if everyone saw it and didn't see it, or didn't dare to say anything. This kind of remarks disappeared quickly and didn't attract too many people's attention.

[The two most important points in the courtship battle: First, shameless. Two, continue to be shameless.]

After closing the webpage that taught people to pursue girls, Yuan Yi called Zhang Wang.

Zhang Wang was basking on the beach with the beautiful woman, and when Yuan Yi took the initiative to call himself, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Wangzi, I want to ask you, how do you make a disguised couple become a real lover?"

"Yuan Xiaoer, Yuan Er brother, you really know how to play," Zhang Wang took a deep breath, "I'm like someone who is so bored that he plays fake couple games with women?"

"That's not important, I just want to ask your opinion," Yuan Yi added in a very calm voice, "Although most of your ideas are unreliable."

"If it's a man, just confess it directly. You went to Yan Xi today and said, "Beauty, brother, I want to deal with you. It's over if you agree or disagree," Zhang Wang said. "Why waste so much? "

"It's too frivolous and not respectful enough," Yuan Yi frowned, "Forget it, I'll ask someone else."

"You ask me if you think I'm frivolous," Zhang Wang scolded with a smile, "Just like you, when will you be able to catch someone?"

Yuan Yi hung up the phone, clicked on WeChat and hesitated for a long time, found a cute and well-behaved kitten picture in the emoji package, and sent it to Yan Xi.

Yuan Xiaoer: Where are you going to play this weekend


Yan Xi saw the message sent by Yuan Yi, and remembered what he had deliberately forgotten these days. Wei Xiaoman's fiance has not disturbed her since he asked her last time, and she has not seen anyone mention Wei Xiaoman's serious illness in the class group.

Yan Xiaoxi: A college classmate got married, I don't know if I should go or not.

Yuan Yi didn't reply immediately after the message was sent. Yan Xi put down her phone and lay on the table tossing her newly bought Little Succulent. After a while, Yuan Yi's phone called.

"The secretary came in just now, and I signed a document."

Yuan Yi's voice was clean and calm, which gave Yan Xi the desire to speak out: "She once did something wrong to me, but now she is seriously ill and will die at some point..."

"You still blame her?"

"Do not."

"Do you still have friendship with her?"

Yan Xi laughed: "No."

Between her and Wei Xiaoman, after a few years, it can no longer be said that there is any kind of grievance, it can only be regarded as an absurd past in memory.

"You said her wedding was held at Changfeng Hotel?"


"Yan Xiaoxi, since it's hard for you to make a choice, why don't you let me make arrangements for you this weekend, okay?"

Yan Xi pinched the succulent and soft leaves, and the corners of his lips curved slightly: "Okay."