One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 6: Grandfather and grandfather enjoy the meal


After a meal, Yan Xi had a general understanding of the identities of these colleagues. The cameraman Zhao Peng is in his 40s and is a person who can get by, and the director Chen Pei is a bit more tactful. It is said that he used to be the director of the Village Women's Federation. Now he is a TV director in his 40s. For ordinary people, it is also very successful. . The remaining two post-stage staff members should be younger, and watching them speak and do things, they should not have much say in the stage.

Director Jin intends to befriend Yan Xi, so in front of his colleagues, he acts like an elder who has known Yan Xi for many years. This kind of behavior is more useful than saying nice words. Yan Xi took his favor and went to the front desk to settle the account for the meal while he was in the bathroom.

It didn't cost much, but after everyone knew that Yan Xi had settled the bill, they still had to be more affectionate towards her.

As a newcomer, even if there is a backstage, you must do what you need to do, otherwise it will not be easy to really integrate into a circle. These old fritters are all characters who have been struggling in the society for many years. It is not difficult to want a newcomer like her not to learn anything and not offend her.

Hello, I'm good, everyone is good, it's really good.

After returning, Song Hai asked Yan Xi how her colleagues were. She complimented them all and pointed out that Director Jin took good care of her.

Within two days, "Things Around You", which had not yet aired, recruited its first advertising sponsor, Ocean Company.

So when Yan Xi officially went to work on the first day, he was warmly received by his colleagues, and even had a separate office with newly configured desks, chairs, benches and computers.

The Imperial Capital TV building has nearly a dozen floors in total. The Imperial Capital Satellite TV station alone occupies four floors. There are several studios in it, and the hosts are all well-known figures in the country. It's not like the eighth channel of the imperial capital, where the father doesn't care about the mother and doesn't love the mother, who is crowded on the same floor with the colleagues of the ninth channel, and he is free to fight mosquitoes when he has nothing to do.

After Yan Xi came to work, he became acquainted with several colleagues in the two channels within a few days, because the two channels added up to more than 20 colleagues, and several colleagues were shared by the two channels. Although the biggest leader of the two channels is called the director, in fact, in this building, it is not as good as the main creator of the satellite channel.

"Xiaoyan, the content of the first episode of our program has been decided," Chen Pei handed the proposal to Yan Xi's desk, "The first episode will be about transportation, but you may be required to go out on location, no problem. ?"

Anyway, she has already planned to shoot a few pedestrians or vehicles that violate the traffic rules at random, and then respond to the call of the state to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic rules in the program. How can she support a program.

The plan was made very simple, and Yan Xi knew very well that the program team did not plan to do this program well, just to meet the requirements of the main station.

She looked at the proposal again several times: "No problem. Sister Chen, the show will be officially broadcast in a few days. I don't know if it will be in time?"

"Hey," Chen Peiman said nonchalantly, "As long as there is enough video data, you can just cut it out in the later stage." The little girl who just came out of school is inexperienced. This kind of program is not editing a blockbuster, so how much time can be wasted .

"It turns out to be like this." Yan Xi smiled, without arguing with Chen Pei, and assumed the attitude of a well-behaved junior.

Seeing Yan Xi like this, Chen Pei felt a little uneasy, and she persuaded a few words softly: "Our channels have never been watched, if it wasn't for the hard indicators on them, our channel might have been closed long ago. Don't work too hard, in the future. If you have a chance, let's go up."

She didn't want to talk too much. Seeing that Yan Xi didn't speak, she began to explain to Yan Xi what needs to be dealt with when going out on location.

Early the next morning, Yan Xi went out with the cameraman. The transportation was a van provided by the station, with the big logo of the Imperial TV station printed on it, and an 8 on the back.

The weather was a little hot, Yan Xi shook his fan and said, "Brother Zhao, is there something wrong with the air-conditioning in this car?"

Zhao Peng adjusted the camera and said to Yan Xi: "It's good to get used to it, our channel is only a car that goes out on location. The air conditioner broke down once last month. You are lucky, and it's time for it to be repaired. "

Yan Xi took out a mirror and took a picture of her face. Fortunately, her makeup is waterproof and it is not easy to apply makeup, otherwise she would have to wear a pair of panda eyes on the mirror.

Seeing her looking in the mirror, Zhao Peng sighed: "When I was working at a satellite station, a host with some status went out on location, and was accompanied by a makeup artist and assistant..."

He paused, as if he didn't want to go on. Yan Xi thought that he was in a low mood, but he didn't expect that he was rolling down the window and slamming a car with double solid lines outside.

Now many exterior scenes are being recorded while filming, and Yan Xi said at the right time: "This kind of behavior of pressing double solid lines and driving like a crab is very dangerous. Driver friends, don't learn this bad habit, let's follow and watch. See who this friend is driving, and ask him about traffic laws by the way."

Zhao Peng looked back at Yanxi, but he didn't expect this newcomer to know where to look for topics. It seemed that he had some experience.

Just when he was about to catch up with the private car, the green light in front of him was about to turn red in a few seconds, and Yan Xi spoke again: "Friends who are driving should remember one more thing, sometimes it is better to be a minute slower than Go grab the yellow light, safety is the most important."

Zhao Peng glanced at Yan Xi with admiration. Her Mandarin is very standard, and her voice is soft and pleasant. If this episode was edited into the show, even if the audience couldn't see her face, they would still have a bit of a favorable impression of her.

It's a pity... they don't have many viewers.

In the hot summer, some people are busy with work, some people are rushing to make a living, and some people are also enjoying life.

"Yuan Er," Zhang Wangxiao ran to catch up with Yuan Yi, "Xiao Wei's words just now went too far. I apologize to you on her behalf."

Yuan Yi stopped to look at Zhang Wang, frowned and said, "Zhang Wang, you have been held in the hands of women all day long, are you still a man?"

"Hehe," Zhang Wang smiled embarrassedly, "she's my girlfriend, so I should let it go."

Yuan Yi frowned even more: "I don't care what you do, but I don't need her to judge what kind of man I am."

"Her temper is just like that. In the future, when we meet with friends, I won't bring her here. Don't bother with her." Zhang Wang smiled a little embarrassedly, and he didn't expect Yuan Yi to have a conflict with his girlfriend.

"I'm a big man, why bother with her, a woman," Yuan Yi sneered when he saw Zhang Wang's embarrassed look, "Anyway, if I find a woman in the future, I will definitely not carry her bags or shoes. For a woman, even manliness It's gone, what are you looking for?"

"Just picture her," Zhang Wang smiled. "You'll know when you find a woman you really like."


Yuan Yi smiled disdainfully. Even if he wanted to find a woman, he would find someone who was gentle and pleasant. In his life, Yuan Yi would never carry a bag for a woman.

Seeing Yuan Yi raising his chin in a nonchalant manner, Zhang Wang knew that he didn't take his words to heart.

"Forget it, just be happy yourself," Yuan Yi is a nosy person, he put his hands in his trouser pockets impatiently, "I still have some things to deal with, so I'll go first."

Knowing that Yuan Yi is someone who has something to say, looking around doesn't hold back anymore: "Okay, we'll meet again next time."

Yuan Yi nodded, turned around and left. As soon as he entered the parking lot, he saw a black private car driving in. The driver's car had not stopped yet, and a half-old white van followed.

A man and a woman got off the van. The woman held the microphone and the man carried the camera on his shoulder. The two walked straight to the black private car and blocked the driver who had just gotten out of the car.

"Hello sir, I'm a reporter from the eighth channel of Imperial TV..."

Yuan Yi stopped, turned his head to look at the female reporter who was talking, was that poor looking woman again

He was inexplicably curious, the woman blocked what the driver wanted to say.

"Sir, just now I saw that your car not only often presses the double solid line, but sometimes does not turn on the lights to remind you when changing lanes. I am very worried about your driving safety, so I followed up and asked you," Yan Xi handed the microphone to In front of the driver, he showed his signature weak smile.

When the driver saw someone blocked in front of him, there was still anger in his stomach, but when he heard that the other party was a reporter from a TV station, his voice was soft and pleasant, and the anger in his stomach suddenly dropped.

Hearing the other party said that he had violated the traffic rules, the man's face was a little uncomfortable, he secretly glanced at the camera, a little embarrassed.

"Please don't worry, we just came to remind you to pay attention to safety. We will put a mosaic on your face and license plate number." Guessing what the other party was worried about, Yan Xi dispelled the driver's concerns with a few words, and then said The possible consequences of non-observance of traffic safety end with a tragic story of a real traffic accident.

The story is very ordinary, but because her tone was too provocative, the driver, a 1.8-meter man, felt the same way and almost didn't cry on the spot. Then he not only repented to the camera, but also asked the one who survived in Yan Xi's story. How is the child now, he wants to donate some money to that child.

"Please rest assured, sir, that child is protected by the state and has a good life, but no one can replace his parents' status," Yan Xi smiled and looked at the red-faced man, "I hope you go out and think about your family more. , they are waiting for you to come home safely every day."

"Go out happily and go home safely, although it's a normal sentence," Yan Xi smiled gently, full of the brilliance of a close sister, "but I still wish you, and the vast number of people in front of the TV. Audience friends, go out happily and go home safely."

The driver nodded again and again, and reassured himself that he would correct his bad habits in the future and stop violating traffic rules before leaving in shame.

Zhao Peng turned off the camera, turned his head and gave Yan Xi a thumbs up: "Xiao Yan, your eloquence is amazing." The host who can incite people's emotions in their line of work is the grandfather and grandfather.

This newcomer has some real skills.

Yan Xi smiled shyly.

"Ashamed and ashamed, too many awards."

But it's okay to praise a few more words, she can stand it.