One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 61


Bieyuan Racecourse, Yan Xi changed his riding clothes and came out. There were several guests who came to play here on the racecourse. She couldn't see what these people looked like from the distance. With her friendship circle in the imperial capital, even if she could see them clearly She probably didn't know the person's face either.

"Yan Xiaoxi," Yuan Yi rode on his horse and walked up to her in a hurry, "Come up."

This time, Yan Xi didn't challenge the difficult movements. She stepped on the horse bench and climbed onto the horse's back. Then she found that the horse was still the same horse as before, but the saddle seemed to have been changed. It was much more comfortable to sit on today than last time.

I didn't expect Yuan Xiaoer to be very careful, this saddle was specially changed for her, right

"Let's walk slowly for two laps first," Yuan Yi felt inexplicably awkward to have Yan Xi hug him from behind. He should let Yan Xi sit in front of him. He wanted Yan Xi to change his position, but he was afraid that Yan Xi would see that he was different. With a picture, he held back the sentence, "The horse farm is still a little smaller, but in order to maintain the original layout of the other garden, the buildings next to it cannot be demolished."

"Small?" Yan Xi looked at the spacious racecourse and was speechless for a while. Where did he see the small one

"Yuan Xiaoer, if you say such things in front of outsiders, you will be beaten."

"I won't tell anyone else, it's okay to tell you," Yuan Yi's ears began to turn red again, "You are different from those people."

"What's different?" Yan Xi asked with a smile, "Is it because I'm more beautiful?"

Original Game: …

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder, what was wrong with his heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, eyes, and brain, why did he just look at such a woman? Why can't she hear such obvious ambiguous words

Just thinking about it, Yan Xi gently twisted his waist: "Yuan Xiaoer, they said that people who can't ride a horse are more dangerous to sit in the back. Would you like to change positions with me?"

Yuan Yi stopped the horse, turned over and dismounted, and said to Yan Xi, "Sit in front of you."

"I don't dare to move," Yan Xi stared at Yuan Yi with wide eyes, "You, you support me."

When Yan Xi said he didn't dare to move, Yuan Yi had already held one of her hands, then held her waist and helped her move forward a little bit. Yan Xi's waist was as soft and slender as he imagined, and after supporting her up, he had the urge to put her in his arms.

But there is a saying that is very good, love is respect, if loving someone can be dominated by desire at will, then there is no right to say whether to love or not to love.

He climbed onto the horse's back skillfully, looped his arms from behind Yan Xi, and pulled the horse's reins, as if he was taking her into his arms. At this moment, he suddenly understood why someone would say, "Own you, you will own the whole world." He used to think that this was hypocritical and vulgar, but now he feels that there is no other sentence that can be like this sentence. Describe your mood perfectly.

"It might be a little cold for the horse to run," Yuan Yi carefully folded his arms a little, "if it's cold, remember to tell me."

"Yeah." Yan Xi looked down at the arm that surrounded her, and nodded with a smile.

The horses didn't go fast, and people passed behind them from time to time, but she didn't know if it was Yan Xi's illusion. She found that the people who passed by would look behind them for a while after running forward for a while. Eyes, as if she and Yuan Yi are some rare cultural relics.

"Yuan Xiaoer, what do you think we are like now?"

"Like what?" Yuan Yi was a little confused, he was full of thoughts, Yan Xiaoxi's hair was so fragrant and her neck was so white, he wanted, he wanted to touch her face, but he didn't dare.

"Like the prince and princess in fairy tales," Yan Xi smiled first, "it's just that you don't look like a prince."

Original Game: …

Forget it, forget it, he doesn't care about women.

Anyway, in the ending of the fairy tale, the prince and the princess will live happily together, and he doesn't mind being made a joke by her. Looking at Yan Xi who was leaning against his arms, Yuan Yi had the illusion that the two of them were already lovers.

"Yan Xiaoxi, I..."

"Yuan Xiaoer," Zhu Han ran over on his horse and said cheerfully, "I just said it looked like you two, but I didn't expect it to be..."

Yuan Yi squinted at him, not afraid of a god-like opponent, but a pig-like teammate. At such a critical moment, this kind of petty need not appear.

"By the way, I remember that there is a friend who is going to pick it up. You guys can play slowly," Zhu Han quickly reacted, turning his horse's head and running away in the blink of an eye.

Yan Xi looked at his retreating back, and the behavior of the rich and noble sons was like this... Eclectic

"You guys are very interesting," Yan Xi couldn't help laughing, "No wonder you two have such a good relationship."

Is this a compliment or a insult to him? Yuan Yi mustered his courage for a long time, but after being interrupted like this, he let it out again. As the saying goes, one hit, and then another, and then three, and exhausted. He was afraid that after he explained his heart to Yan Xi, Yan Xi would not even do it with his friends.

"Driving!" He patted the horse, and the horse, which was walking slowly, started running.

"Hurry up, Maermaer, and Yuan Xiaoer will give you some grass after running."

"What kind of mess are you singing?" Yuan Yi was a little depressed, but he couldn't go any further after being so upset by Yan Xi, "Be serious."

"Facing you, I can't be serious," Yan Xi said confidently, "It's terrible for me to be serious."

"How terrifying?" Yuan Yi was worried that the wind was too strong, so he raised an arm to block Yan Xi's cheek to help her block the cold wind, "Why am I making you so serious again? ."

"Because you are my boyfriend."

Yuan Yi's heart skipped a beat.

"Although it's fake."

His heart was beating wildly, as if he had climbed up a ten-meter platform, slammed into the water with a bang, and suddenly became a lot quieter.


Yan Xi, who was sitting in the front, smiled secretly, leaned back slightly, like a bird curled up in a warm nest, "Yuan Xiaoer, you used to say that you like girls with big breasts and long legs, then you find a good fit. Do you have any appetite?"

Original Game: …

He just said it casually, how could she remember it? Knowing that he would blindly fall in love with Yan Xi, he would never have said such a thing to smash himself in the foot.

"What big breasts, if it weren't for you to ride in my car with peace of mind, I would sacrifice my image and say such things?" At such a time, the only way to do this would be to kill him without admitting it. Although Yuan Yi didn't talk about it. He has been in love, but at this moment, he has grasped the essence of the wit of all men in dealing with crisis events. Probably this habit of killing and not admitting is imprinted in the genes of men, so they can learn without a teacher.

"Appearance and body are not the most important thing, what matters is how you feel," Yuan Yi said solemnly, "Until you meet the right person, no one can guarantee what kind of person they like."

For example himself.

How could he have thought at the beginning that he would like to bicker with him, and even hurt the woman who criticized him in the whole school.

This is life.

"That's true. I used to think that I liked men who were fair-skinned, beautiful and gentle, but before the Song Dynasty threatened me with my dad's career, he actually fit my appetite."

Yuan Yi's hand on the reins tightened, and his heart was not very smooth.

"However, it's really hard to describe such things as eyesight," Yan Xi shook his head and sighed after speaking, "I actually have no feeling for the Song Dynasty. Could it be that I can see through his essence through phenomena?"

The mood turned from cloudy to sunny, Yuan Yi nodded: "It seems that your eyes are better."

"Thank you for the compliment," Yan Xi patted his arm, "I think so too."

"Mr. Xiaoyuan, you are very kind. If you need anything in the future, just say it, my old king will definitely go through fire and water, and I will not give up." President Wang smiled and led the way, "I heard that Xiaoyuan always likes to ride horses, and there is also a racetrack here in Bieyuan. The equipment is relatively complete, you must choose a good horse for a run later."

"Mr. Wang is very polite," the original blogger greeted the other party arrogantly, without telling the president that this Biyuan was the property under the name of his own younger brother.

The group walked across the corridor to the racetrack. Yuan Bo, who was talking to someone, suddenly stopped and blinked in disbelief.

"Boss Xiaoyuan? President Xiaoyuan?" Mr. Wang saw that Yuan Bo suddenly stopped talking, and his eyes were still fixed on a pair of men and women on the racecourse, and he felt a little strange in his heart, Mr. Yuan knew this pair of men and women

Just when he was curious, he saw the horse carrying the pair of men and women running in gradually, and he heard Mr. Xiaoyuan speak.

"Original game!"

Yan Xi is talking to Yuan Yi about the first high school in the Imperial Capital. She has only been in this school for a few months, so she doesn't have much memory. She only remembers the books and statues in the school.

"The statue is gone," Yuan Yi said casually, "My family donated money to re-carve it."

"Why re-..."

"Original game!"

Yan Xi's words were interrupted. She turned her head and looked to the side. There were several men in suits standing on the corridor. The man at the head looked familiar, as if... Yuan Xiao Er's brother

"Cough." She still wanted to take advantage of today to settle the relationship between the two, but she didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin on the way, her plan might have to be postponed.

"Big brother," Yuan Yi felt that he probably didn't read the almanac when he went out today, the light bulbs were getting brighter one by one, just to spoil the atmosphere.

Yuan Yi helped Yan Xi to dismount, took off the protective cap and handed it to the staff, and took Yan Xi to Yuan Bo: "Big brother."

"Well," Yuan Bo nodded and smiled politely at Yan Xi, "You are Miss Yan, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello, Mr. Yuan," Yan Xi shook hands with the other party, both of whom were very polite.

Only then did the people behind Yuan Bo react. It turned out to be the second young master of the Yuan family. No wonder Xiao Yuan always took the initiative to say hello.

"Young Master Yuan is good."

Yan Xi heard that they called Yuan Bo as President Xiao Yuan, but called Yuan Yi as Yuan Er Shao, and knew that in the eyes of these people, Yuan Yi was just an accessory of the Yuan family. She turned to look at Yuan Yi, and found that he seemed to be used to this kind of name, and there was no dissatisfaction on his face.

Although Yuan Yi didn't care, she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

Her family's former second child is so capable, with so many properties under her name, are these people blind

"My brother is the boss of Hengtai Company, everyone can call him Xiaoyuan, you don't have to be so polite," Yuan Bo said calmly, "This one next to him is his... girlfriend, Miss Yan."

Yan Xi: Hey, is she seeing her parents now

Isn't this a bit fast

Turning to look at Yuan Yi, with a kind smile on his face, he seems to agree with Yuan Bo's way of introduction.

very good.