One Can’t Judge by Appearance

Chapter 90


"Wait a minute." Yuan Yi grabbed Yan Xi who was about to get out of the car, "Aren't you going to work tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Yan Xi nodded, "After being busy for half a year, I can finally relax for a few days."

"Grandpa wants to invite you to dinner tomorrow. His old man has become fascinated to find recipes on the Internet these days, saying that he wants to study a few dishes that young people like, and when you go, let his aunt cook it for you." Yuan Yi laughed Complaining, "I don't know how you and grandpa got along. Since I had you, my status in grandpa's heart has plummeted."

"I don't even want to look at your family, a boy from Yishui'er, can it be rare?" The smile on Yan Xi's face subsided a little, the New Year is approaching, at this time, the elders of Yuan Yi's family invited her to dinner, and she herself with another meaning.

If she doesn't have the determination to stay with Yuan Yi for the rest of her life, then she should refuse this invitation.

"Then... come pick me up tomorrow, don't come too early, I have to put on makeup." Yan Xi bent down and kissed Yuan Yi lightly on his cheek while Yuan Yi was not paying attention: "Good night."

Yuan Yi was stunned, until Yan Xi was about to walk into the gate, he stretched his long legs and got out of the car to catch up with Yan Xi.

"Yan Xiaoxi," Yuan Yi took her hand, "You really agreed?!"

"Why didn't you agree, I was just about to visit Grandpa Xu." Yan Xi reached out and touched the top of Yuan Yi's head, turning his elite hairstyle into a messy otaku hairstyle, "Don't think too much, go to bed early."

"Good night, bye." Yan Xi shut Yuan Yi outside the door, waved at him across the fence, and walked away with a smile.

Yuan Yi faintly felt that Yan Xi seemed to be jumping away.

Did she do it on purpose

When the driver A Gang saw the boss sitting back in the car, he was very worried, thinking that the boss had quarreled with Miss Yan: "Mr. Yuan, girls are meant to be coaxed."

"What are you coaxing? Well, what am I coaxing her to do?" Yuan Yi coughed dryly, "It's so cold, go back to bed early."

"Okay." A Gang started the car, and seeing that the boss was not in a bad mood, he continued, "Boss, you never stayed up late before, but now you have changed your living habits for Miss Yan. If Miss Yan knew about you It will be very touching to do all this for her.”

"You don't need to let her know that being a man is good to his woman, that's right and only, and it's not to impress her." Yuan Yi snorted, "And she's so nagging, if she really wants her to know about this, later on at night. I don't want to go out with her."

"That's true, nightlife is the most likely to make men and women have ambiguous feelings, and Miss Yan is so good, in case..." A Gang saw the boss's face changed, and the conversation changed, "Of course, boss, you are one of the best in our imperial capital, Miss Yan's eyes are so high, with a boyfriend like you, you can't look down on other men."

Knowing that A Gang was flattering him, Yuan Yi felt that he was right on one point. Although the woman Yan Xiaoxi had a bad mouth and a bad personality, she could be a person he liked, how could she be so bad? He does need to guard against some men with ulterior motives.

It is definitely impossible to restrict Yan Xi's freedom. If she is always following behind her, she will be annoyed, and her relationship needs personal space. If he really dares to do that, with Yan Xiaoxi's character, he will probably dare to reach out and beat him.

Forget it, let's think about how to make her feel that all men in the world are inferior to him.

Yan Xi returned home, changed his dress, took a shower and found that his WeChat ID was dragged into a group by Xu Qiaosheng. acquaintance.

After a few people online sent a clapping emoji, Zhang Wang spoke.

Zhang Wang: Dahe, during the Spring Festival, there will be activities to fight monsters in the world, you remember to bring us.

Dahe, I am Xiaoxi: I think this group name is quite appropriate for you.

Qiaosheng: Dahe, did you have a good time with Brother Yi tonight

Yan Xi changed the name of his group to Dahe, and answered several questions from Yuan Yifa's juniors. When he was about to go offline and go to sleep, he saw Zhu Han sent a new message.

Zhu Han: Yuan Er is really working hard for you. Usually our brother asks him to go out for a few nights, but he doesn’t stay up late even if he is killed. What does it mean to focus on sex over friends? This is the real version.

After Zhu Han sent this news, he quickly withdrew it, and sent three emoticons in a row as if nothing had happened, trying to pretend that he didn't say anything.

Xu Qiaosheng and Zhang Wang also cooperated and posted a few emojis. The most stupid one was Xu Qiaosheng. After posting a few emojis in succession, they even said, "Pigtou, you didn't say that you wanted my phone to store it. 's expression pack, take all these pictures."

Yan Xi really wanted to say, don't try to hide it, I have seen it.

But seeing that these three people started posting pictures to each other, she felt that it would be better not to disturb the interest of the three of them.

It's a bunch of naive men. It's reasonable to say that things gather together and people are divided into groups.

Putting down the phone, Yan Xi remembered that he and Yuan Yi had known each other for more than half a year. He never seemed to tell him about his habit of going to bed early in front of him. They are joking.

Didn't expect it to be true.

She was silently petted by a man, but she didn't know it.

Taking out the tablet, Yan Xi quickly drew a picture.

The little white rabbit likes a grass by the nest very much. It looks at it every day, every day, and finally one day, it moves the grass into the nest.

The picture is very simple, not even colored, but the style of the painting is extraordinarily cute. Some fans even feel that this painting is full of love. The girl's heart was aroused by a simple cartoon, and the skill of the painter rose again.

It's not that painting skills have risen, but that there has been great progress in emotional rendering.

Fan 1: Is everything because of love

Since Yan Xi's painter's vest fell off, the painter's Weibo account has gained a lot of fans, not everyone has fans of her, but some bored netizens, who can draw comics and host shows. very curious.

Relying on this, in addition to the title of "Master, Master and Nanny Killer", Yan Xi has another nickname, that is, the amphibious host.

At most, other hosts will sing a song across the line, acting or something, but Yan Xi has taken this step far and went directly to the comics circle. Attentive netizens found that the Weibo account was updated two or three years ago. At that time, there were still fathers, mothers and small dumplings in the comics. Later, although the role of mother no longer appeared in the comics, there were still traces of mother.

For example, the bag my mother used, the extra tableware and chopsticks on the table, my mother's shoes, and my mother's picture on the wall.

In this Weibo, there is not a single word about missing his deceased mother, but many comics are full of nostalgia. At that time, fans didn't know the identity of the painter, and they didn't know that the painter's mother had passed away, so some people asked the blogger, why don't you draw a warm picture of the little dumpling and the dumpling's mother

Some netizens noticed these comments, mostly half a year after the death of the famous young painter Yan Yun. At that time, how sad would Yan Xi be when she saw these comments

Netizens didn't dare to think about it, but the more they turned back, the more they were moved and attracted by the comic stories. It is true that Yan Xi's painting level is indeed not first-class, but his painting is gentle.

Let people who have read the comics feel a kind of warmth and happiness.

Perhaps because of the blessings of these comics, many passers-by and netizens have a particularly tolerant and favorable impression of Yan Xi. Usually, if you occasionally see news about her on the homepage, everyone will click on it with goodwill, even if the content is not to your liking, Will only laugh.

The manga posted by Yan Xi now just hits the cute point in many people's hearts, causing many people to repost. Some Weibo accounts who scolded Yan Xi's hand number as "Little San" before, with a little guilt and embarrassment, also reposted it.

When a netizen reposted it, he commented: From this comic, I noticed a smell that the wedding date is approaching.

So in the middle of the night, the "marriage is approaching" caused by a cartoon became one of the popular Weibo.

Song Chao spent many years abroad and was not accustomed to using domestic Weibo. Until his mobile phone always showed news about Yan Xi and Yuan Yi, he accidentally clicked in and registered a Weibo account for himself.

He naturally doesn't like to expose his thoughts to others, so even if he registered an account, he never used it.

Seeing the news on Weibo that "the leader of Hengtai and his girlfriend are close to good things", Song Chao was silent for a moment and clicked in.

The article is written very vividly, and the pictures with the text are also carefully selected by the author. He looked at Yan Xi who was smiling on the screen and wanted to click to close, but he didn't expect to click more to enlarge the picture.

He sometimes thinks this woman is hateful, but looking at this smiling photo, Song Chao has to admit that even though Yan Xi's appearance is not a stunning beauty, she in this picture has a natural attraction .

Perhaps this smile is too bright, too natural, and makes people feel good.

It's not that she is beautiful, but that life is beautiful.

Staring at this picture for a long time, he suddenly remembered the place where Yanxi attracted him back then. The wide, dirt-resistant and wear-resistant school uniform skirts are worn on many girls, which are ugly and dirty, but Yan Xi wears a pitiful and pure temperament.

Pure and beautiful girl, who doesn't like it

At that time, when he saw such a girl, it was like seeing a white and beautiful flower in a wilderness full of corpses, and the love in his heart could not be resisted.

After more than nine years, when he saw this woman again, she lost the innocence and pity of her youth, so he was disappointed, he was angry, and even felt that she had insulted his heart.

Now suddenly seeing this picture, he suddenly beat the table and burst out laughing, as if he had encountered something extremely ridiculous.

After laughing, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Plans cancelled."

"Now that the entire Song family is under my control, how can I still have time to play with women."

After hanging up the phone, he stared at the phone for a long time, then clicked Exit.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been in contact with many people. As long as his cousins say that he is not good and that he is a bastard, even if others do not respond, they will only keep silent or fight haha, and no one will stand up. refute.

He has long known that people in this world are dignified on the outside, but disgusting and dirty on the inside, and affection is not as important as profit.

He never thought that there would be such a day when a woman would really ask in front of Song Ci, Song Dynasty is a bastard, who is the person who gave birth to him? His unwillingness and anger when he was young were questioned by a woman whom he despised from the bottom of his heart.

Although he has already passed the age of fighting with people, but...

Many, many years ago, he had also hoped that such a person would stand up, question them and ridicule them in front of the Song family. But he waited for a long time, no one, no one stood up for him.

His dad said it was just kidding.

His mother said that he was not good enough, so he was bullied by his cousins. Only by becoming a person with the ability and means can we not be bullied and be able to take revenge for all suffering.

The phone rang again, and he pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Song, before Mr. Song Ci's ex-girlfriend died, he was taken by Mr. Song Ci to drink with friends. They didn't leave the hotel at night. Someone found her coming out of the hotel in a trance the next morning, and she committed suicide five days later."

"These materials are no longer important to me." Song Chao raised his lips and showed a good-looking smile, "But I will pay you the money, and I will pay you an extra amount, as long as you find these The information will be handed over to the police anonymously. In this way... it can also be regarded as eliminating the harm for the people.”

Hanging up the phone, Song Chao looked at the night outside the window and sneered.

In Yan Xi's eyes, he was a beast in clothes, but she didn't know that in the Song family, beasts in clothes were a little better than scum, but if he was just an upright person, he couldn't survive.

When Song Hai woke up her daughter for breakfast in the morning, she was putting on makeup.

When he finished breakfast and was about to go to work at the company, she was still wearing makeup.

"Yan Yan, tonight the company's annual dinner party, if you have time, come over to show up and say hello. Many employees in the company want to meet your little boss."

"Okay." Yan Xi put down the eyelash brush and turned to Song Haidao: "The snow on the road has not yet melted, remember to drive our jeep when you go out, and it will be less slippery."

Seeing that after she finished talking to him, Song Hai smeared in front of the mirror again, and couldn't help but say, "Why did you put on makeup for so long today, and you want to go out on a date with that kid Yuan Yi?"

"It's not a date, it's to visit his parents." Yan Xi put on earrings for himself, "Today, his grandfather's family specially invited me to be a guest."

Song Hai was about to turn around and go out, but when he heard this, his feet took root, and he couldn't move any longer: "What, I'm officially meeting my parents?!"

Isn't that what you're thinking about doing a wedding next year

Song Hai refused in his heart.

"Dad, take away the expression on your face." Yan Xi got up and walked in front of Song Hai, and said with a smile, "If you don't want me to go, then I won't go."

"Bullshit, how can you go back on promises to others, you grew up, when did your father teach you this?" Song Hai asked his daughter to hold his arm, and the father and daughter slowly went downstairs, "It doesn't matter who you are with. , Dad always misses you, but I hope you can live happily."

He pushed open the door, glanced outside the door, and hummed, "Here is the pig who wants to take away our jade cabbage."

Yan Xi: As long as I'm happy, it's fine