One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 109: The hypocritical paladin


Ambrose was in a good mood.

He hadn't felt so relaxed in a long time.

When the Holy Son's blood filled with light and divine power flowed into his throat, it was like a warm current brushing over a dry and chapped river bed, suddenly filling up a black hole in his heart that had always been vacant.

As a race that regards blood as a source of power, he has tasted the blood of almost all creatures on the continent of Teresa.

He has drank the blood of monsters, it is a burning sensation similar to spirits, drinking too much will make the heart beat faster and lose all reason; he has drank the blood of ordinary people, it has been proved that ordinary people even have blood It is common, bland and tasteless, and the power it can provide is pitiful; he also drank the blood of the same kind by chance, it should have a taste similar to green cider, which is very characteristic... Of course, because of curiosity, he He had tried the blood of the clergy, which contained great power, but he couldn't really like the stinky dishcloth-like smell that belonged to the light.

However, the Holy Son of Light in front of him was an exception.

In Cecil's blood, not only did he not feel the unique disgusting taste of the Illuminati, but the taste buds on the tip of his tongue also tasted a sweet milk cake.

He once tasted a few pieces of this kind of food that frequently appeared on the afternoon tea table of noble ladies and ladies out of courtesy, but it turned out that this kind of sweet and greasy food was really not to his liking. Generally avoid dealing with them.

However, when this smell appeared in the blood of the Holy Son of Light, it was inexplicably attractive. When the bright red blood slowly flowed out from the small wound on Cecil's face, the sweet smell It began to seduce him constantly, and finally he couldn't control himself for a while, and even leaned over and licked the boy's face with the tip of his tongue without getting too dirty.

When he licked off the last trace of blood on Cecil's face, he suddenly came back to realize what he had done, and his body froze in place.

—Although he has drunk the blood of many creatures, he actually has a serious obsession with cleanliness and pays great attention to eating etiquette. He never directly uses his teeth and tongue to eat on his prey like an irrational beast.

But just now—what did he do

He licked Cecil's face

…and feel pretty good

His Excellency Ambrose, a cleanliness addict, fell into deep irritability because of his abnormal psychology. He frowned and looked at the "quiet" Son lying on the bed, and gave a "tsk" inexplicably.

Because it is a race that is used to acting in the dark, even in the middle of the night, he can clearly see the expression on Cecil's face.

The holy son frowned tightly, his exquisite facial features were slightly distorted, there was an obvious aura of pain between his brows, and there was a faint glint of water in his pure black eyes, which could... arouse predators to tear him apart desire.

His eyes fell on the half-healed wound on Cecil's face.

The wound itself was not big, and coupled with the Son's own strong self-healing power, no blood flowed out of the wound, and it must have completely disappeared in an hour or two.

Such a small wound can hurt like this, what a delicate child.

When such a thought appeared in his mind, the restlessness in his heart was suddenly calmed down.

I don't know what's going on, originally he didn't pay extra attention to this holy son whose head is too simple, completely in the hands of the pope, and destined to not live long, but that day he kissed the holy son at the celebration of Advent Day. When he was touching the back of his hand, he suddenly keenly smelled the sweet fragrance coming out of Cecil's light blue blood vessels, constantly tempting his taste buds.

This is very strange. It's not that he hasn't been close to this holy son before, but it's the first time he smells this interesting smell on him.

This strange change made him uncharacteristically choose to stay there after the opening of the ceremony, observing the Holy Son of Light with great interest.

At first, the scent was very faint, and he had to feel it carefully to smell some vague scents, but as time went by, it seemed to become more and more obvious and intense, and he could smell it without getting close to Cecil. Smell the wonderful breath coming out through the flesh.

And, on top of that, he's had some fun little details by accident.

For example, this Son of Light is not as simple and single-minded as he thought at first. Although Cecil concealed it well, he can still see that his body is in a very tense state the whole time. , had a faint sense of defensiveness towards the Pope and him.

Just like a vigilant little mouse, although its head is very clever, but because it is too weak, it can only jump a few times in panic when danger comes.

Just like now, this little mouse must be full of fear for what he just did, but he can only lie on the bed and let him manipulate him.

He stretched out his hand again, bent his knuckles, and slowly rubbed against the smooth and tender face of Son of Light, carefully feeling the delicate touch.

This little guy is too delicate and intolerant of pain. He is a very principled person. Although he lives on blood, he has no joy in killing. He doesn't want to see his prey with tears and snot running all over his face. look.

That affects his appetite.

This little guy's face is really cold. Looking at the dull eyes, he must be frightened by this horrible and evil monster who can drink human blood.

However, what he didn't know was that He Yan wasn't frightened by the scary and evil red-eyed monster who would drink human blood, he was just in a daze quietly.

In fact, the moment he met those bloody eyes, he guessed that Ambrose might be his lover in this life.

—In the original plot, Ambrose did not show any special interest in Cecil. He was all focused on the confrontation with the Pope and King Teresa, and he was not interested in paying attention to such a small person as him.

Then, the only reason why the other party can suddenly change his temper and do something completely inconsistent with the original plot is that Ambrose is also an outsider.

And the moment his mental power touched the opponent, he completely confirmed the guess in his heart.

That feeling was so familiar, even if it was only a few tenths of a second of touch, he could easily identify the scent of his lover.

Fortunately...he followed.

This boulder that had been hanging in He Yan's heart was finally completely let go.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help thinking about what method this person used to follow him. After all, as his lover in his previous life, it was basically impossible for him to die naturally...

Because he was too engrossed in thinking about the past life, He Yan was immersed in his own thoughts and didn't notice the blood elf in front of him for a while.

The blood elf stroked his face with his knuckles, and then looked at the little prey under him who hadn't moved his eyes for a long time, and finally realized that something was wrong.

... Are you really scared of him

Probably not.

After all, he is also the Holy Son of Light, who has even killed monsters, but it was just a small cut on his face, so he was so frightened that he couldn't move his eyes

Thinking of this, he paused, and pinched the chin of the dull-eyed man with a little force.

The little mouse's jaw was twisted by him, and it was as if the seal had been broken suddenly. The dark eyes rolled around and met his gaze.

In these eyes as bright as onyx, he saw his own reflection—

It was indeed an extremely terrifying face. The facial features were covered by secret techniques and turned into a blurry black mist. Only two blood-red animal pupils exuding a cold and evil aura were clearly reflected in it.

If you don't look at his humanoid body, anyone who sees such a face will probably be greatly frightened.

If the endurance is weaker, maybe you will faint directly.

His face suddenly sank, he pinched the man's chin roughly, and turned his face away, not wanting to see his own terror in those pure black pupils soaked in morning dew. reflection.

Although He Yan couldn't see his face clearly, he could feel his mood suddenly getting worse for some reason from the man's sudden movements.

Perhaps because of his emotional instability, he felt that the pressure belonging to Ambrose had eased, so he seized this opportunity to raise a hand and held it on Ambrose's wrist with difficulty.

— Such a twisted neck posture is really unfriendly to his cervical spine!

Ambrose wanted to knock off the hand that this man was holding onto his hand desperately, but the slender wrist looked too fragile. Under the moonlight, the skin was white to transparent, and the light blue blood vessels were very conspicuous. It seemed that he could see Seeing the blood flow in it, he doubted very much that as long as he pinched it slightly, the man's wrist would make a crisp "click"—and then snap off.

So he hesitated for a while, but he still didn't open that hand, and even lessened the force on the Son's chin, allowing him to turn his face back to face him.

He Yan turned his face back, his pale lips parted slightly, and finally said the first sentence since the two met tonight: "... who are you?"

Pretty standard victim-perpetrator conversation starter.

Although he already knew the identity of the person in front of him because of the plug-in that came with him, Ambrose deliberately covered his face with magic, obviously to conceal his identity as the leader of the Holy Knights, and did not want him to be Know.

He hasn't figured out Ambrose's character yet, so he can only follow his ideas for the time being and pretend he doesn't know anything.

—The lover in this world seems to be very difficult to get along with.

Well, it doesn't look like it, but it's really difficult to get along with. Objectively speaking, this blood elf lord is simply too bad to be mentioned.

The poor blood elf didn't answer this nonsense question, and didn't pay attention to the hand of the Holy Son that was still on his wrist. Instead, he let go of his chin, his fingertips slid down, and rubbed his knuckles together. Adam's apple in his neck.

The throat is the most vulnerable part of almost all creatures in Deland except for the heart. Under the thin skin here, there is a fragile trachea and an artery with a lot of blood flowing. It's like your life is in someone's hands.

The human's Adam's apple is so sensitive and fragile, he just touched it twice with his knuckles, and this poor little prey could only roll the Adam's apple up and down, swallowing uncontrollably.

When he became interested, he put away the sharp nails on his body, pressed his index finger and thumb on the small Adam's apple, and gently pinched—

Then he heard a small, cute inhalation sound, and the hand clenched on his wrist suddenly tightened, and the already pale knuckles became somewhat transparent due to the force.

He almost fell in love with this fun little game.

But... Ambrose let go regretfully.

If the little prey hadn't been made into a coquettish bag on purpose by the pope, it really couldn't bear the pain, and he could still play with great interest for a while.

He Yan tightly held the blood elf's cold and hard wrist, gasping for breath incessantly.

This person... really is a bad taste.

And what's worse, because he had already accepted the man by default in his heart, so when he was teased by the man, he reacted almost instantly.

Originally, the reaction itself was not a major problem, but the bad thing was that his body was not normal, and there were some uncontrollable factors in it.

A wave of heat rose from the left side of his abdomen where the "seed" had been planted by the Pope, and swept across his body at an unstoppable speed, burning his sanity to the ground in just a few seconds. There was only time to hold the man's wrist tightly with all his strength, and begged him for help before he completely lost consciousness: "An..."

But that sound was too soft, it was just a short and vague breath sound, because of the overlapping of syllables, it was impossible to tell whether he said "An" or a meaningless moan.

But Ambrose was not in the mood to distinguish these things. At first he thought that Cecil was panting only because he made him feel a little uncomfortable, but seeing the man's breathing became more and more rapid, he realized that something seemed to be wrong. Not quite right.

Cecil closed his eyes in a very short time, but he was not at ease in his dream, his slender crow feathers were constantly shaking, and he looked very disturbed.

He raised his hand slightly, and the hand that was holding his wrist slipped down with his movement and landed on the quilt.

He can swear that he just pinched it lightly, and it is absolutely impossible to make people faint directly.

— Unless it's Cecil itself.

He frowned tightly, stretched out his hand again, and groped the body of the Son of Light inch by inch. Finally, when he touched the left waist near the crotch, he found the thing that was making trouble in Cecil's body.

It was a seed known as the "Gift of Eros".

Eros is an ancient god described in the Mythology Volume of the Teresan Continent. It is a low-level god. Before the Goddess of Light came to the Teresan Continent, he once established a short-lived belief here.

He is also known as: God of Eros.

Although this god didn't stay in the continent of Deland for a long time, and was expelled by the goddess of light very quickly, he left some indelible marks on the continent of Deland.

Except for the few pages recorded in the Mythology Volume of Teresa Continent, the God of Eros is most famous for a plant he created with his own hands.

It is a plant called "Eros", on the first day of spring every year, it will bloom delicate and delicate flowers in the morning dew, exuding a fragrance that can lure the inner love of the soul, prompting They spend a romantic and beautiful breeding season.

Because of the characteristics of this plant, they are also vividly called "the flower of love". Their petals are often dried and ground into a fine powder, and after treatment, they are made into aphrodisiac incense for Playing in the men's and women's rooms was once very popular among the nobles of DeLand in the early days.

However, as Eros was expelled by the Goddess of Light, this plant gradually disappeared on the continent of Deland due to the lack of Eros' divine power to nourish it. It is only possible to find one or two in the deep forest with few people. Most people don't even know they exist, and if they do, they've only vaguely heard of the flower's aphrodisiac properties.

Therefore, few people know that besides the petals, the seeds of this plant also have the same effect, and after proper treatment, the effect is even more than ten times better than the petals. It is called "the gift of Eros." ".

Just like the "Gift of Eros" in Cecil's body, it has been refined into a demon seed that resides in the human body by special techniques.

Its body is as small as a needle tip, it will first enter the host's body with food, find a suitable place to settle down and sleep, and when it senses the host's estrus, it will immediately wake up from dormancy, crack the seed shell, and put itself The magic power is delivered to the host body.

This kind of magical power can make the host's body more suitable for lust and reproduction. Simply put, it is to transform a normal person into a person who exudes lust from the bottom of his bones.

However, these are all practices that were popular in ancient times. Now, except for some erudite people, when it comes to "Eros' gift", almost everyone is at a loss.

Rao Ambrose, who edited and read ancient books, also searched in his mind for a long time before he came up with the information about this seed.

This is really weird, how could there be such a seed that is almost synonymous with prostitution in the body of the Son of Light

Moreover, the divine power of light is extremely exclusive. Cecil has been in the Holy See full of divine power of light for a long time, so that seed will definitely be detected.

No matter how you look at it, this incident seems absurd.

After a little thought, he realized that this "Gift of Eros" should have been planted in Cecil's body by the Pope himself.

Except for him, no one in the Holy See of Light has such a great right to let the Son of Light wander around the Holy See with the "Gift of Eros" without being discovered.

If he had known this dirty secret before, he would probably have just sneered a few times, and then planned how to take this opportunity to attack the Pope.

But now, looking at the Son of Light who fell into a coma, he frowned so much that he could kill a fly.

The function of "Gift of Eros" is not only to simply transform the human body, but in the later stage, it will slowly corrode the mind of the host, turning them into a person with a head on the lower body.

To be precise, it can no longer be called a human being, but can only be called an animal dominated by desire.

Looking at the Holy Son who was already humming softly in the quilt, his eyes sank again.

Early the next morning, He Yan sat on the bed and meditated for a long time, but he still couldn't remember what he had experienced after he passed out last night.

The seeds on the left waist were very quiet, as if the shell breaking of the seeds and the scorching heat of his body last night were just his hallucinations.

He used a low-level light technique to conjure up an illusory mirror in front of himself, grabbed his collar and lifted his clothes to check himself inside and out, but he didn't find any suspicious traces.

Even the wound on his face healed completely, and his cheeks became smooth and fair again. He stretched out his hand to stroke his face, but he didn't feel any unevenness at all.

He Yan waved his hand to break the mirror in front of him, and He Yan continued to fall into deep thought.

In fact, it was also because Cecil had never had any relevant experience with this body, which caused him to be unable to hold back once he was teased by Ambrose...

He Yan sighed deeply.

Well, he admitted that he was a little lax after confirming the identity of his lover, so he accidentally let the seed in his body take advantage of the loophole.

Once the "Gift of Eros" breaks its shell in the host's body, it can no longer fall into dormancy, so He Yan's good idea of delaying the day can only be shattered.

The only good news is that the growth rate of this demon seed is determined by the number and quantity of watering the host after the shell is broken. As long as he starts abstinence from now on, he should be able to last for a year or two.

…Besides, he didn't believe that with Ambrose's ability, he wouldn't notice any abnormalities in his body.

Even though the leader of the Holy Knights is moody, he is quite bad-mannered, and has extremely bad interests, but He Yan is so confident that his partner will not let him alone.

"Your Excellency the Holy Son," just as he was thinking about these things, the old bishop's old voice suddenly came from outside the door accompanied by a knock on the door, "are you awake? There are important guests from the Central Holy See who want to meet you .”

He Yan recovered from his contemplation: "Please wait a moment, I will be ready right away."

A guest of the Central Holy See

Could it be that the Pope thought that the two cardinals were not enough, and sent more people to monitor him

But after putting on his clothes and cleaning them briefly, he pushed open the door, and He Yan realized that he had guessed completely wrong.

The person who came was not from the Pope. He was very familiar with this person. He had just met last night, and he might have had some kind of intimate contact when he was unconscious.

Ambrose was wearing the platinum knight uniform representing the highest level of paladins. His broad back was straight, his nose was straight, and his dark blue pupils in his deep-set eye sockets were as pure and translucent as the clear sky at this moment. His light golden hair Pulled to the back of the head, it is as elegant and charming as gathering the soft fragments of the morning sun.

Seeing him coming out of the room, the handsome and elegant leader of the Paladins adjusted his gloves as usual, stepped forward and knelt down in front of him, just like they did in this world. Like the first time we met, I gently pressed my cold lips on the back of his pale hand.

"Your Highness Cecil," he looked up at He Yan with those beautiful deep blue eyes, "Good day."

The author has something to say: "There are many delicious bloods in this world...of course, my wife's is the most delicious =, ="

— "The Complete Collection of Blood Appreciation of All Races in the Teresa Continent" by Ambrose Ed