One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 114: The hypocritical paladin


He Yan stared blankly at the blood elf on his body: "..."

Maybe it was finally planning to let him go and mess with him, but this time the blood elf didn't hide anymore, and when he grinned at him, he showed two white fangs unscrupulously!

...and even look a little cute!

So when the blood elf bent down towards him, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to the blood elf in accordance with his inner desire.

Then, under the gaze of the blood elf's suddenly sinking eyes, he touched one of them.

The blood elf frowned slightly, his fangs were very sensitive, when touched by the soft fingertips of the Holy Son, a slight itching instantly spread from the touched place.

He let go of the hand that was holding Guangming Shengzi's cheek, and then held his outstretched wrist, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes: "Huh?"

Is there something wrong with this little mouse's reaction

When he found out that the two people who were ambiguous with him at the same time were actually the same person, shouldn't this half-hearted son of Guangming feel guilty and flustered

But why does she look so... calm now

He even made such a move similar to molesting him.

At this moment, the blood elf fell into a momentary confusion.

—until he was awakened by a faint, sweet smell of blood.

It turned out that the restless little mouse had the guts to hook his teeth with its fingertips, causing his own fingertips to be scratched by the sharp teeth, and a few drops of bright red blood flowed out from the fingertips and fell to the ground. When it reached his lips, it dyed his already bright red lips even more beautiful.

"Your Highness Cecil," the blood elf pulled his hand away from his lips, and stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick off the blood that fell on his lips. His scarlet eyes stared at the bright saint who seemed to have light in his black pupils. Son, asked in a hoarse voice, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

For example, do you want to repent of your despicable deeds of stepping on two boats

However, Guangming Shengzi didn't seem to understand his subtext, he just stuffed his fingertips that were still bleeding out into his mouth, his black pupils watched him intently, and told him empathetically, "My dear, don't wasted."

Blood Elf: "..."

Attracted by the wonderful smell of blood from the fingertips of the Son of Light, he reflexively sucked the slender finger with his tongue, licking all the blood on it.

With the fingertips of the Holy Son in his mouth, he gradually sensed something was wrong.

He spit out the fingers in his mouth, pinched the chin of the Holy Son of Light again, narrowed his blood pupils, and asked with a hint of danger in his tone: "You already knew?"

Faced with the double identity he exposed, the Holy Son of Light was really too calm.

He confirmed that he could tell clearly that this calmness was not due to his strong psychological quality, but a kind of reason that he had known the truth for a long time.

Faced with his persecution, Guangming Shengzi just blinked his moist eyes innocently, and replied in a low voice: "Well..."

Hearing this affirmative answer, the blood elf's pupils constricted instantly, and the grip on Son of Light's chin became heavier.

——The blood elf's camouflage technique is unmatched in the entire continent of Teresa. Even the previous pope himself couldn't find his real body. How did Cecil, who is much weaker than the pope, discover it

In this short period of time, the blood elf recalled all the previous contacts between the two, and was very sure that he hadn't revealed anything.

He lowered his body even more, fully fitting his chest and abdomen to the Holy Son of Light, and brought his lips to the corner of his lips, almost whispering next to him: "Cecil, you really surprised me .”

Before, he thought that Cecil was just a stupid pawn in the Pope's hands, and he had no interest in betting on him at all. It wasn't until later that he discovered that Cecil was not as ignorant and stupid as he appeared on the surface. The Son of Light who is worthless.

And the sweet, fresh blood flowing on his body is also an unexpected surprise, including the body that can easily arouse his never-before-seen longing...

He used to think that these were enough surprises for him, but now it seems that there may be more details about this Son of Light that he has not figured out.

Guangming Shengzi smiled slightly, accepted his praise, and politely replied: "Thank you, I also like the 'surprise' you brought me very much."

The blood elf kissed him lightly on the corner of his lips, then turned his head slightly, and rubbed the tip of his nose affectionately against his, his words were not lacking but turbulent: "Can I ask, how did you find out? "

He Yan also rubbed the tip of his nose against his, and replied in a half-true way: "If it's my intuition, Sir Ambrose, would you believe it?"

"Of course I believe you." Hearing this answer, the blood elf paused for a moment, then replied perfunctorily, then gave up on the questioning of him, and changed the topic to tonight's business, and said in a hoarse voice: "However, Let's finish your coming-of-age ceremony first."

The blood elf imprisoned the Son of Light's neck with one hand, exposed his sharp fangs, and bit his white and greasy neck mercilessly.

The moment the sharp teeth pierced the skin, he heard the muffled groan of the Son of Light, but he did not soften his heart, but pierced the sharp teeth deeper, and then licked and sucked wantonly from the wound. sweet blood.

Knowing his identity, but deliberately being ambiguous with both parties, pretending to be ignorant and watching him go crazy and jealous like a jealous maniac, this habit of Guangming Shengzi-it really makes people hate it!

This little mouse's heart is clearly broken.

If this kind of bad thing is not taught a good lesson, it is impossible to remember the lesson!

Besides, watching a white-skinned and tender prey dangle in front of him all day long, and restraining himself from only licking and biting it, instead of showing his fangs and swallowing it completely, it is undoubtedly very painful of.

But after a long period of restraint, the delicacy you feel when you really eat the prey is doubled.

That night, the blood elf finally took off his mask of hypocrisy, picked up a knife and fork, and happily gnawed the wicked little prey over and over until the little prey didn't even have the strength to crawl. He would beg for mercy in a low voice with his black eyes full of mist, before finally pulling his wet fangs away from the prey.

During the entire half month after the coming-of-age ceremony of the Holy Son of Light, the voice of the contracted knight talking about him can often be heard on the streets of Shifer.

However, the pope, who was under house arrest, seemed to have disappeared, and there was no news for a long time, and the announcements made by the royal family of De Lan have always claimed that they are still under investigation.

Although he liked to see the Pope's downfall, He Yan also knew clearly that the Pope was wronged this time.

The magic energy is actually the product of the dark god who intends to rob the Goddess of Light to rob the faith of Delan, and has nothing to do with the Pope.

Unfortunately, when the Pope refined the "Gift of Eros" in order to transform the body of the Holy Son of Light, he frequently used the magic energy crystals extracted from the monsters, which left a handle.

Ambrose has a deep mind and a lot of tricks. Once he catches him, even the Pope can't bear it.

In the original trajectory, after discovering the truth about Cecil's death, he became suspicious of the Pope, and then relying on the keen talent of the blood elves, he discovered that the Pope had very little devilish energy, so he took advantage of this , quietly at a celebration, using the magic energy crystal to arouse that little trace that cannot be detected, creating the "false" connection between the pope and the magic energy in full view.

Now, although the time has come a lot earlier, perhaps because of the dark trajectory of fate, the pope finally broke the scandal in the same way and was pulled from the altar.

Another half month passed, and after the people's attention to the Holy See of Light had diminished a lot, the royal family of Deland gave the final results of the investigation:

The pope was taken advantage of by the cunning devilish energy due to the decline of his divine power. Now, after the best efforts of the bishops, the devilish energy in his body has been completely expelled. The Pope himself was ignorant of this incident before, and now he feels very guilty.

Because of the decline in divine power, he will devote himself to self-cultivation and will no longer be able to manage the affairs of the Holy See. Therefore, the affairs of the Central Holy See will be temporarily managed by the Holy Son of Light until the new Pope succeeds.

Anyone can see the subtext in it. Although the Pope retained his final reputation and decency, he lost almost all rights other than that.

In this game, under the joint efforts of the Paladins and the Royal Family of Teresa, the Pope lost cleanly.

And although the Holy Son of Light seems to be the biggest winner on the bright side, anyone with a little brain can see that the beneficiaries of this incident are first the head of the Holy Knights, then the Royal Family of Teresa, and finally It is the Holy Son of Light.

For a fanatical believer who doesn't understand tactics and doesn't care about anything other than his beliefs, what other possibilities can he have other than being used as a pawn

And the fact that the head of the Holy Knights formed a contract with the Son of Guangming now seems very reasonable.

If there is no accident, judging from the final result given by the royal family of Teresa, this very easy-to-handle Holy Son of Light is likely to become the next Pope. That's all for the Holy See of Light.

——The contract only stipulates that people at both ends of the contract are not allowed to betray each other, but there is no mandatory restriction that knights cannot seize power with loyalists.

That's why King Teresa seemed so calm about the "accident" that happened on the Holy Son of Light. Obviously, he had reached some ulterior agreement with the head of the Paladins in advance, and the two temporarily completed a harmonious profit distribution.

As for the honorable Holy Son of Light, in his eyes, he was undoubtedly just a non-threatening puppet.

After the results of the Pope's incident came out, the Central Vatican was in chaos again for a period of time. The cardinals tried to put pressure on the royal family of Teresa, and handed over the management of the Central Vatican to the Vatican Council instead of the Holy Son.

However, since half of the Central Holy See is now under the control of the Paladins, this protest was finally dismissed without any suspense.

So He Yan became the Pope in charge of the Central Holy See amidst the extreme reluctance of the cardinals.

But fortunately, the pope was "cultivated" in name only because of the decline of divine power, and was not dismissed from office, so the new pope could not be replaced until the pope's term of office was up two years later.

So before that, the Holy Son of Light could only "manage" the affairs of the Central Holy See.

So in the past two years, although it may be difficult to compete with the Holy Son of Light standing behind the Paladins, they still have a chance to fight for the position of the next Pope!

However, He Yan didn't care what these cardinals were thinking. In fact, it was completely contrary to what they imagined. He had no interest in the Pope's position at all, and he didn't want to be involved in this power struggle.

When there is time for power struggles and intrigues, it is better to touch those two little fangs of your own blood elves more.

But Ambrose obviously failed to match his thoughts, and without his knowledge, he was directly pushed to the position of "custodian Pope".

So after a "communication", He Yan bluntly expressed to the head of the Holy Knights lying on his bed and showing his chest that he actually did not want to be the pope.

The blood elf stared at him for a long time with blood-red eyes, and smiled slightly, promising: "Don't worry, I will fulfill your wish for you."

He Yan asked meaningfully: "If one day I leave the Holy See of Light, will you be with me?"

The blood elf kissed his fingertips like a promise, "Of course, I will always be with you."

In fact, he didn't really believe in the credibility of these words. After all, there were too many secrets in this little mouse, and he didn't dare to treat him as a fool who was dazzled by love.

But no matter what the purpose was, since Cecil had said this himself, he took it seriously.

Even if he wanted to regret it in the future, he would have no chance.

He Yan stretched out his fingertips to hook his small fangs again, and asked curiously as if suddenly thinking of it: "Ambrose, what is your real race? Orc?"

Although Ambrose showed his blood eyes in front of him, other elf features on him were still well hidden.

—For example, the small pointed ears unique to the elves!

He had seen the ears of elves in the portraits of the race in Deland. They looked much slender and thinner than human ones. It must have a unique feeling when pinched.

It is said that creatures have the weakest self-control in love affairs, but the blood elf obviously restrained it very well. He once observed from the corner of the eye when the blood elf was "excited", but he never saw his ears change shape .

The blood elf encloses his fingertips with Bai Shengsheng's small fangs, and nibbles on it lightly, with an unknown smile in his eyes: "Trust me, you will know the answer to this question soon .”

Sure enough, it didn't take long for He Yan to receive a task to investigate the source of the demon energy outside the Forest of Eternal Night.

On the mainland of Deland, all things involving the Forest of Eternal Night are basically related to the word "dangerous".

There are five well-known places on the continent that cannot be entered at will, one of which is the Forest of Eternal Night.

The Forest of Eternal Night is one of the gathering places of monsters, and because of the terrain, it is full of various unpredictable dangers, and the mysterious elves are hidden in its deepest place, sheltered by the power of nature, and Delan The rest of the continent was segregated,

For thousands of years, countless creatures wanted to find their gathering place, but they were all blocked by the wall of the Forest of Eternal Night without exception.

This task was none other than Ambrose who pushed him down in front of him.

Although this mission is dangerous, Ambrose, as his contracted knight, must go with him, under the protection of the head of the Holy Knights, so there is actually no need to worry too much.

No matter how you look at it, this is a good opportunity for him to establish his prestige in the Holy See of Light.

So He Yan accepted this arrangement logically.

In the original trajectory, Cecil also received this task, but it was not promoted by the head of the Paladins, but assigned to him by the Pope himself.

That is to say, during this mission, his life trajectory completely changed. Under the intentional arrangement of the Pope, he was hijacked by the orcs as part of the exchange.

Of course, the Holy See of Light declared that the Holy Son of Light had disappeared unexpectedly, and took this opportunity to direct the blame on the elves who could not be found at all, so this matter could only be let go in the end.

But this time, with the early fall of the Pope, the transaction between him and the orcs would naturally not go on, so no matter how you look at it this time, there will be nothing about the orcs.

So—Ambrose is thinking, take him back to his hometown

Thinking of the words that Ambrose answered him not long ago, He Yan felt that he had touched the truth.

But since the blood elf wanted to pretend to be mysterious, as someone who thought he was very understanding, He Yan had no choice but to pretend not to know his purpose.

The Forest of Eternal Night is very far away from Shifer, and it took them nearly seven days this time to finally reach the edge of the Forest of Eternal Night.

Because it is rumored that there is a terrifying power that can devour life in this forest, there are no people living nearby, let alone hotels, and only a few simple footholds established by mercenaries here. The relationship between the crowd wandering in the black area is cold, so they can only choose to camp on the edge of the forest by themselves.

Although it is said that the Forest of Eternal Night is extremely terrifying, in fact, as long as the strength is sufficient, it is usually not a big problem to enter the periphery to investigate.

Matching the endless dangers, the Forest of Evernight is rich in monster resources, so mercenaries often come here to take risks for money.

Although with the emergence of magic energy in recent years, the market for Warcraft has shrunk a lot, but some rare plants are still profitable.

After they came to the Forest of Eternal Night this time, they encountered a mercenary team composed of four mercenaries who had just emerged from the forest.

The other party looked a little embarrassed, as if he was afraid of them, looked at them from a distance, and quickly detoured away.

He Yan didn't care about this, the sky was already getting dark, and the Forest of Eternal Night was far more dangerous after dark than during the day, so they had to speed up their pace and find a suitable place to prepare for the night before dark.

After everything was ready, the paladins were assigned a shift, and everyone was ready to rest.

Because the itinerary was too long this time and there was too much luggage to bring, in order to reduce the burden, two people shared a tent, so He Yan naturally shared the same tent with his contracted knight, and further shared the same bedding.

There is no need to bother the blood elf to "sneak attack" him by avoiding the patrolling paladins like last time.

As the head of the Paladins and also the contracted knight of the Holy Son of Light, Ambrose does not need to participate in the night patrol schedule. After all, it is recognized that his most important task is to protect this precious Holy Son of Light.

Thanks to the holy image that Cecil had established in everyone's hearts, everyone felt that he and Ambrose were just pure loyalists and contract knights, and no one doubted what he had with his contract knight before. improper relationship.

But the truth is—

After washing the delicate Holy Son of Light at night, the head of the Holy Knight put his arms around the waist and put him on the edge of the table. A tiny hole was bitten out of his chest, and he slowly tasted the blood that flowed out of it.

Blood elves use blood as a source of power, and their saliva also has the function of promoting blood regeneration of prey, which is undoubtedly a very practical ability.

So although He Yan was often caught by the blood elves and gnawed on him, his body was actually very healthy, and even a little flesh grew on his body because of the blood elves' careful feeding.

He Yan inserted his free hand into the blood elf's light-blond hair, holding his hair tightly, humming slightly from time to time because of the slight pain in his wrist.

The blood elves have a habit that they can't get rid of no matter what, that is, before the main meal starts, they must taste a small but delicious dessert.


"Please wait a moment," the blood elf paused, lowered his wrist, and stretched out his tongue to lick off the little blood left on the fangs, with a flash of uneasiness caused by being disturbed in his eyes, "Let me go Take care of a nasty thing that slipped in."