One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 46: My husband is mentally ill


"Your Highness, Duke Ariane asked me to say hello to you. Regarding the recent incident, he feels very ashamed. Please rest assured that he will take care of Miss Pei Saar's matter as soon as possible. I hope you are all well." A beta minister bowed his head Standing in front of He Yan, he reported respectfully.

Viscount Arrian is an alpha nobleman with a famous name, and his romantic affairs before marriage were spread all over the empire. It's been quiet for a while. I just didn't expect that Viscount Ariane's security was only on the surface. In fact, he had found several lovers outside to raise him. One of them was an Omega from the baron's family and gave birth to a beta for him. illegitimate child. Mrs. Arian was furious when she found out what he had done outside. After she found out that there was an illegitimate child who was older than her child, she was so angry that she wanted to divorce Viscount Arian.

Although this society has strict requirements on Omega, but under the premise that Alpha not only cheated, but even had an illegitimate child, and the illegitimate child was older than the legitimate child, public opinion will undoubtedly favor Omega. .

So recently, Viscount Ariane was scolded a bit miserably on the optical network, and even the entire Ariane family was ridiculed. After all, when Viscount Ariane's lover and illegitimate son were picked out by Mrs. Ariane, they were raised by him In a house under his cousin's name, if no one in the Arian family knew about the good deeds that Viscount Arian did behind Mrs. Arian's back, no fool would believe it.

Viscount Arian was originally just a declining nobleman, but his current status is inseparable from Mrs. Arian's help for so many years. Even the entire Arian family, because the nobles look at the face of Mrs. Arian's family, can Occupying a corner position in the imperial capital, if he divorces Mrs. Ariane and leaves his wife's support, the Ariane family probably won't be able to prosper for long. So for Viscount Ariane, the best solution at this time should be to break up with those lovers, send the illegitimate son away, and try his best to keep Mrs. Ariane, but he didn't know what stimulated him. Now, in a whimsical way, he even planned to take advantage of the situation to divorce Mrs. Ariane, so as to correct the Omega who gave birth to him an illegitimate child, and let the illegitimate child enter the family tree by the way.

The aristocrats of the empire are all very face-saving, illegitimate children are such a shameful existence, not to mention the genealogy, generally speaking, even the main entrance is not allowed to enter, and they dare not make any sense of presence at all, just sneak around Apart from Viscount Ariane, there are really few people who can't figure out how to give the illegitimate son an identity.

It is inevitable that some such messy things will happen from time to time among the big families. If the disturbance is severe, it will affect the overall image of the nobles of the empire, so He Yan has to allocate part of his energy to pay attention to those nobles, and don't let them make trouble. Moth, but as a queen, it is not appropriate for him to personally ask about matters that are difficult to put on the table, so at this time, He Yan often asks the ministers in the palace to visit the homes of those "restless" nobles. He said "greetings". This Minister of Beta was one of the subordinates who came forward to handle these trivial matters for He Yan, so it was not a big or small position.

Regarding this matter, He Yan only asked the minister to convey one meaning to Ailian, and the expression was more tactful, but the translation was probably: Divorce with Mrs. Ailian is optional, but lovers and illegitimate children should not even try to straighten them out, imperial nobles I can't afford to lose this person, and if I don't arrange for those two to leave the imperial capital within half a month, the title level on his head can also be lowered by the way after a while.

Of course, Viscount Ariane gave up immediately. He was just a Viscount at first, and if he went down, he could only be better than ordinary people. He didn't dare to dream anymore, so he reluctantly sent his lover and illegitimate child away.

He Yan pinched the thin handle of the spoon, stirred the teacup twice, and asked softly, "Where is Mrs. Ariane?"

The minister did not dare to lift his head, and continued to reply respectfully: "Mrs. Ariane said that she is very grateful for your concern, but she... has made up her mind."

In fact, divorce is a very difficult decision for Omega. After all, after the permanent marking, alpha can mark with Omega again, but it is difficult for Omega to start over. How to muster up the courage to start a new relationship under public opinion is not the most difficult thing, the most painful thing is that even though they and Alpha have divorced, Omega's body will automatically reject it after accepting a permanent mark of Alpha The invasion of other alpha pheromones, so they can no longer be marked by the second alpha throughout their lives, and the subsequent estrus period can only be spent with the help of inhibitors.

It is a distorted and extremely unequal physiological structure.

He Yan sighed in his heart, put down the porcelain cup in his hand, which was traced with exquisite patterns, and after a while, he suddenly looked up at the minister and said, "Why, are you so nervous today?"

The minister's heart skipped a beat, he controlled his reflexive hand that wanted to touch the cuff, and tried his best to maintain his composure, "Your Highness..."

Just in the middle of speaking, he was interrupted by footsteps from behind.

A tall figure skipped him, walked straight to He Yan, picked up the cup of tea that the queen drank half, and drank it down in one gulp.

With the arrival of Alpha, the cold pheromones in the air gave the minister a great sense of oppression. Even if His Majesty the Emperor stood there without saying a word, that cold face could still make people feel shuddering. Although it is widely rumored on the Internet that His Majesty the Emperor is actually a wife-slave, netizens have come up with countless jokes to tease him, but His Majesty the Emperor only shows a warm side to the Queen. In front of the rest of the people, he is still the same as before indifferent.

"Go down." Seeing His Majesty the Emperor, He Yan also looked away from him, waved his hand casually, and told him to back down, with a look of indifference.

After bowing his head to the empress, the minister bowed his head and respectfully left the room. The string in his mind was tense all the time. He didn't dare to secretly breathe a sigh of relief until he walked out of the palace. He raised his hand and wiped his forehead. Stained with cold sweat.

Judging by the queen's appearance, there should be no doubts... maybe he is indeed too nervous.

In the palace, as soon as the minister left, His Majesty the Emperor immediately collapsed, embraced his empress, wrapped his arms around his thin waist, and said with a frown, "No, you can no longer meet him alone."

After their Omega repeatedly assured that there was no danger, and he repeatedly confirmed with the research institute several times that the release agent was indeed foolproof, His Majesty the Emperor finally agreed to his queen to "test the danger with himself", but just now, After watching the unruly minister enter the room, he began to inevitably become anxious again, wishing to immediately isolate their Omega from that source of danger. After hesitating for a few minutes, he couldn't hold back any longer and came in directly to chase away people up.

He Yan patted His Majesty the emperor's hard shoulder, feeling that the hand felt good, then pinched it twice, and said helplessly, "You came in before I even scared him."

His Majesty the Emperor was pinched by his own Omega, his body tensed slightly, and the arms around the waist of the person in his arms also tightened silently, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm worried about you."

He Yan had no resistance at all to his emperor's serious and coquettish appearance. Although after three years of "correction", Adrian's inner insecurities were slightly relieved, but he was only less explicit than before. , In his bones, he was still very narrow-minded. What also caused him a headache was that in the past three years, His Majesty the Emperor has mastered the skill of softening his heart through intangible coquetry, so although it seems that he has always been in a relatively strong position in this relationship, he said Dong His Majesty the Emperor didn't dare to go west at all, but in fact, he was eaten to death by His Majesty the Emperor.

Just like now, although He Yan really wanted to hang Aaron for a while longer, give him the illusion that he was on his way to success, and then wake him up cruelly, but when he saw the worried look of his majesty the emperor, he suddenly I just lost interest in this game, thinking: It’s getting cold, let Aaron go to jail, it’s more important for their mentally retarded family to be happy.

He Yan: I feel like my boyfriend is max!

"Okay," He Yan felt that His Majesty's hand around his waist had begun to slide restlessly, touching the position a little below his back waist, He Yan quickly pushed him, "Don't make trouble, I have to study it later. A trip to the courtyard."

Upon hearing the words, His Majesty the Emperor immediately pinched his buttocks lightly, then withdrew his hand reluctantly, "I'll go with you."

Aaron didn't expect things to be revealed so suddenly.

In the morning, he also received a reply from Nail that "everything is going well". In the evening, when he was about to go home from get off work, he was suddenly attacked by a group of officers who pushed the door open. These people obviously came prepared, and without giving him any time to react, they turned on the mental power shielding device as soon as they entered the door, so that he had no chance to resist, and his mental power was crippled, and he was wearing a special mask for S-level and above. Handcuffs designed by the strong.

Aaron was roughly twisted by the arm, and his blond hair was scattered on his face in the struggle. His expression turned ferocious in an instant, and he asked angrily, "What are you doing? I'm the prince!" Even this In the past three years, he has had an unsatisfactory life, and he still maintains the pride and demeanor of a prince. He has never been treated like a prisoner like this before!

"Your Highness Aaron," said the most imposing officer in the group. His golden epaulets showed that he was a lieutenant colonel, the highest official in the group. Although he used the honorific title, there was no trace of respect in his tone, but rather contempt, "Please don't worry, you will be gone soon."

"After all, even if you are a prince and commit treason, you still have no immunity."