One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 60: Rough guy prince pretty son


Although the preparation time of just two months was a bit hasty for a prince-style wedding, the wedding between Prince Su and the son of Xinyuanhou's mansion was held extremely grandly under the full rush of the palace.

On the day of the wedding, a total of 128 loads of dowry from the Xinyuanhou Mansion filled half the street, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was ten miles of red makeup.

What's more, the emperor personally officiated the marriage and bestowed countless treasures, many of which were said to come from the emperor's private treasury, which can be seen from the favor of Prince Su and Xinyuanhou's mansion.

Some people lamented that the specifications of this wedding were even worse than when Emperor Wen Xiao married his concubine when he was still a prince.

Previously, some people speculated that Emperor Wen Xiao probably let Xinyuanhou's only son marry Prince Su in order to suppress the increasingly popular residence of Xinyuanhou.

But looking at the current situation, Emperor Wen Xiao not only tried his best to promote the wedding of Prince Su and Xie Ming, but also did not show any estrangement towards Xinyuan Houfu, on the contrary, he seemed to want to continue to promote Xinyuanhoufu.

Although Xinyuanhou's mansion gave up a son-in-law, it is believed that Yuanhou himself is in the prime of life and in good health. Although the fate of heirs was a little weaker before, there is still a lot of time. If you work hard in the past few years, Xinyuanhou With so many concubines in the house, are you afraid that nothing will happen

Even if we take ten thousand steps back, Hou Xinyuan is really so unlucky in his life, and if he really can't have a son, he can still adopt a suitable one from a side branch, and the glory of Xinyuanhou's mansion can still be passed on.

In short, this in-law is undoubtedly a profit for the Xinyuanhou Mansion.

However, the favor of the Xinyuanhou Mansion is still such a thing, but it is not the most important message revealed by this wedding.

As we all know, in the consistent rules of the Wen Dynasty, when a man married a man, when the man who was married came to greet the bride, in order to show his obedience to his husband's family, although he did not have to wear a wedding dress like a woman, he still had to wear a wedding dress. He covered his head and sat on a sedan chair to be carried back.

But Xie Ming broke this rule.

Like Prince Su, he rode all the way from Xinyuanhou's Mansion to Prince Su's Mansion.

The bright red wedding dress made the young man's already beautiful appearance even more gorgeous than usual. The red clothes and snow skin, black hair and red lips, and undisguised arrogance in his eyes and eyebrows.

It was a sharp and flamboyant beauty, which made people bewildered and wanted to get closer, but at the same time worried that they would be stabbed mercilessly. Even the scorching sun on the wedding day couldn't take away his charm .

When this little Mr. Xie, who has always been praised for his unparalleled appearance in the capital, was wearing a gorgeous red wedding dress and riding a tall and handsome horse, he walked through the spacious street vigorously, and he did not know how many men and women along the side were stared at by him. So he lost his mind and stared at it for a while, not even knowing that he bumped into someone.

As for Prince Su, who was also riding a horse beside him, he was selectively ignored by everyone.

It wasn't until the ostentatious back completely disappeared from their sight that these people came back to their senses, remembering that today is the day of Young Master Xie's wedding, they began to grieve again.

Such a peerless young master was actually snatched away by Prince Su, that rough-and-tumble and incomprehensible rough guy!

Even though the emperor had already sighed and regretted once when the emperor bestowed the marriage, but when this day really came, I still couldn't help but sigh again.

But at the same time, seeing Xie Ming's unique way of getting married, they also clearly realized that this little Mr. Xie's status in Prince Su's heart was probably much higher than what they had imagined before.

At least in Kyoto, they haven't seen any other family that hires a man's wife, who can let the man's wife and husband ride to the husband's house side by side on the wedding day in public.

Although this grand and unique wedding ended soon, people can still hear people talking about it in various teahouses and restaurants in Kyoto.

However, as one of the protagonists being talked about, he never appeared again, but nestled safely in Su Wang's mansion, not asking about worldly affairs.

Since He Yan got married, he hadn't been out much except for being accompanied by Prince Su to go back to the door once according to the rules.

Although he has never cared much about other people's eyes and discussions, but now that the enthusiasm for the big wedding has not subsided, he has no habit of sending him to the door at this time to be watched by others, so he simply avoids the limelight and does not go out.

Besides, he has a somewhat lazy temperament, and he feels quite at ease in Su Wang's mansion.

When he had nothing to do, he sorted out the internal affairs of Prince Su's mansion. After all, he was a queen of the empire in his previous life, so it was not difficult to deal with these matters. It made the steward who was worried that the princess had never learned housekeeping affairs relax a bit. tone.

God knows how long he was worried before the concubine entered the mansion. The status of the concubine was cultivated as an heir. He must have never learned the skills of a housekeeper in the backyard. Even if he learned it urgently for two months before marriage, the effect might not be good. Where to go, under the management of this princess, the internal affairs of their palace, which was not well-organized, may become even worse.

In fact, in detail, there is no major problem with the internal affairs of King Su's mansion. After all, the maids in charge of the mansion are all selected from the palace by Emperor Wen Xiao himself. They are all extremely loyal, and they will not do anything without telling the master. There has never been a master in charge of affairs in the back house, and Prince Su never cared about these trivial internal affairs. There are only a few stewards, who carefully handle the affairs of the house under Prince Su's cold face, not daring to let go, inevitably there are some trivial matters to deal with Not so well.

The other side is okay, the main problem still lies in the beauties sent by Emperor Wen Xiao in the backyard.

Originally, this group of beauties who were sent as concubines of Prince Su resented for a long time after they were simply and roughly thrown into the backyard by Prince Su to do rough work as maids. They didn't come back very often, and they never came to the backyard once. It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and they are not around. They really can't do anything to arouse the interest of this master, and they gradually resigned to their fate. Work peacefully in the backyard.

But as soon as the news that Prince Su was going to marry Xinyuan Hou's son-in-law came out, their hearts that had cooled down suddenly became hot.

Since Prince Su wants to marry a male wife, and men cannot bear children, according to the historical rules, Prince Su's legitimate son will definitely come from the side concubine and concubine's room in the future.

If they are lucky enough to give birth to a son for Prince Su, maybe this child will be the heir of the palace in the future!

Although the selected children will be adopted under the name of the concubine and be raised by the concubine, but as biological mothers, they can still raise a concubine, and the days to come will be prosperous.

So these beauties who had made small calculations in their hearts began to plan in their hearts. On the second day Xie Ming entered the mansion, someone took advantage of the lax guards of the palace and took advantage of the loophole to rush to Prince Su.

The beauty who took advantage of the loophole was also clever, she did not know where she heard the news that Prince Su did not like the smell of powder on women, so she dressed neatly and came to Prince Su. She was very well born, and she had a graceful figure, wearing a light apricot yellow dress that showed her figure very well. With such a face and figure, she must be extremely effective against most men.

It's a pity that Prince Su is not among the majority of people. His heart is full of his own squeamish and self-willed young son. When he saw this stunner for the first time, not only did he not have the slightest thought, he even immediately thought of it. He said vigilantly: There is such a dissolute woman in the mansion, since today she dared to bump into him with such revealing clothes, would she dare to strip naked to seduce Xie Ming tomorrow

So before the beauty got close at all, Prince Su asked the guards to arrest her with a dark face.

When He Yan heard the letter, the beauty had already been locked up in the firewood room for a day and a night.

Prince Su was very afraid of that beauty, for fear that He Yan would be caught in the eye, so he didn't mention this matter to him at all. It was the steward of the palace who took the initiative to plead guilty to him for the lax security of the backyard, and he only knew about it that night. So he talked with Prince Su dumbfoundingly, and ordered the beauty to be released and thrown back to the backyard.

After all, they were sent by Emperor Wen Xiao, so they couldn't really kill them at will.

However, He Yan is not as generous as the native wives in this world, they can happily take concubines for their husbands, and he is also in awe of those fly-like beauties in the backyard.

So before the beauty was released from the firewood room, He Yan ordered someone to beat the beauty five times - don't underestimate the beauty, the beauty is delicate and weak, this ruthless five-strike , his face immediately lost all color, and he couldn't even stand up. In the end, he was carried back to the backyard by the servant girl.

Then, He Yan ordered people to send all the beauties who were working in the backyard to the most remote Qiufengyuan in the palace, and set up rules for these people. directly against the board.

The beauties looked at the "lesson from the past" who was beaten and could only lie on the bed and moan, and were frightened for a while, and they didn't dare to make any trouble.

Although it is reasonable to say that the jealousy of the main family is due to a lack of virtue and will be dismissed, but even the owner of the palace, Prince Su, doesn't care. Who can they turn to to judge whether there are elders in the palace

After stuffing the group of women who want to give birth to their husbands all the time into a corner where they can't see, there is nothing to worry about. He Yan usually only looks at the account books of the palace and pays attention to the conditions of the shops and fields under the name of the palace. On weekdays, there are only two daily activities of reading and flirting with Prince Su.

Maybe it's because his wish was fulfilled, since Prince Su got married, he has been inexplicably excited. He Yan stimulated him a few times casually with words, and his eyes would turn red, as if he was going to pounce on him. If he played with his toes again With two slaps, he stood up excitedly.

However, Prince Su's face is vicious and cowardly. As long as he doesn't speak, this person will bear it as much as he can.

When he couldn't bear to be teased, Prince Su would hug his leg and rub it lightly a few times, which was quite pitiful, like a dog drooling over a meaty bone, but it doesn't move because there is no order from its master. A big dog that dares to bite, He Yan can't help but like it.

And the way he expresses his love is to stimulate people to a critical point in a vicious way before feeding them with high hands.

After more than four months of mental strength accumulation, although his current body still does not match the word strong, it is not as weak as it was at the beginning. After feeding his own large dog, he is still conscious Chat with people for a while.

After the end of the day, the two were bathing together in the small soup pond in Xinyuanhou's Mansion, when He Yan suddenly mentioned: "Tomorrow, I plan to invite Yuan Wen to my house."

Prince Su's subordinates, who were rubbing the back of his young master, paused for a moment, frowned and said, "Who is that?"

He Yan was not surprised that Prince Su did not remember: "The second son of the Anping Hou family, Mu Yuanwen."

Prince Su thought for a while before he managed to remember this character, "The one who had a good time with you before? Well... please just invite me." When he was inquiring about Xie Ming's information, there was this Mu Yuan Wen, it is said that he has played with Xie Ming for several years, is also handsome, and is the closest friend of Xie Ming.

When he said the last few words, his voice visibly dropped.

He Yan was originally lying on the side of the pool to be served, but he couldn't help turning around when he heard the words, and hooked Prince Su's neck, who was a head taller than him even when he was sitting, and said with a half-smile: "Why? I'm also jealous, why don't I make it tomorrow?" The kitchen will make you a dish of West Lake Vinegar Fish, try it, and eat it once."