One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 97: A guide to feeding ghosts


He Yan looked at the small print at the end of the main post, and his mood was complicated for a moment.

He could already imagine the painting style of replying.

Since the turmoil in hell two thousand years ago, the metaphysic world has changed groups of people. Basically, those who experienced the turmoil of that year have died, but the director of the ghost prison has never appeared in front of people again, although I didn't say it clearly, but after so many years, Xuan Qi has been sleeping in the depths of hell without any movement, and everyone has gradually acquiesced to the principle of never showing up unless the world is shaken.

Now he suddenly appeared without warning, and dealt with a case of the ghost jailer, and judging from the statement of the case, he clearly came to the underworld. One can imagine everyone's reaction to this.

He Yan tilted his head slightly, and met the eyes of the man who was leaning on his shoulder and looking at him with his head tilted.

The man has been busy rubbing his shoulders and cheeks, and he didn't pay attention to the computer at all. When he met his somewhat complicated eyes, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

He Yan freed a hand, and cruelly stroked his somewhat messy hair, "Come on, see for yourself."

The man obediently cast his eyes on the small computer screen, and as the mouse wheel slid down, the reply below gradually appeared in front of the two of them.

1L [a pack of dried salted fish]: The signature of the handler? ? ? ? ? ? I'm blind? ?

2L [professional fish eater]: The handler is too weird and magical? ? ? ? It scared my silly fish so much that its fins ran out!

3L [professional health care person]: Is it really not the ghost prison secretary who made a mistake, is this a living textbook boss?

4L[The tentacle monster who can live another five hundred years]: Oh my god, the melon fell to pieces! ! So is dealing with people serious?

5L [I will die if I don't set up the flag]: The big boss came out? ? What happened to the human world? ? The earth is about to be destroyed? ? ? panic!

6L [Stay dumbly]: I was so scared that I ate a mosquito! ! ! emmmmmmm fortunately there are no colleagues beside me! ! !

He Yan scrolled down, and the replies in the first few hundred posts were basically meaningless surprises and emotions, doubting eyes, doubting life, doubting that the earth is about to be destroyed, looking at the description of the replies, there are many little goblins who are not deep in knowledge and directly after seeing the signature of the handler. I was so frightened that the original shape came out in broad daylight.

The kind of goblins who live in the mountains or alone are not serious, but the kind of goblins who hang out among the crowd to make a living, and even have legitimate jobs in the human world, several of them are almost exposed in front of humans. Out of their own tail claws.

The Monster Management Department strictly forbids the monsters to show abnormalities in front of people. No matter what reason they reveal their identities in public, they will be directly revoked their certificates to live in the human world and sent back to their original places. It is a very serious matter for the little monsters to reveal their original shape in broad daylight, even if it is only a part.

It's just a mess.

Seeing this scene of miserable howls, He Yan felt a little funny for no reason, and after a quick glance, he continued to pull down.

The man obediently leaned on his shoulder, and followed him to read the post without saying a word.

After reaching 3,000 posts, those expressing shock were much less, and the people who gradually calmed down regained some IQ, and began to think about the meaning behind Xuan Qi's appearance.

3235L[A Baked Rice Cake]: Don’t howl, everyone, I have already helped you privately set up the PR Department of the Ghost Prison Division, and there is no wrong information in the punishment announcement, that’s right, as you can see, this person who only exists in textbooks The boss is alive.

3466L[It's better to go back]: So here comes the question, the big boss who has been hidden for two thousand years suddenly appears, what is going to happen? ?

3835L [Poor little pickle eater]: This is, what happened to hell again

4188L[The well-behaved big raccoon]: Is the barrier between hell and the world going to be broken? ? Wasn't it torn apart once two thousand years ago? Can't take it anymore now

4189L [addicted to playing with tails]: Don't play with the rhythm upstairs, the enchantment was obviously repaired by the boss last time, it can't be so fragile, and guessing also needs to be based on basic logic, use your limited brain capacity Think about it a little bit, if the enchantment is really broken, can we still sit here and read posts and guess? ? ?

6977L [No. 1 Breeder of Qishan Crane Farm]: Pindao has just had an emergency oracle. There will be no major disasters in the world for a hundred years, fellow Taoists, rest assured!

8088L [eating tofu once a day]: Touching the chin, if it has nothing to do with the catastrophe, is hell planning to make a big move to reform? No matter how you say it, the boss is also the head of the ghost prison department, and it is impossible to let go of everything.

9105L [Daily Melon]: +1 on Reform Theory, let’s spread our thinking a little bit, now the Prison Division dominates, I’m afraid that the other divisions have been suppressed for too long and finally couldn’t help but want to share the cake, which alarmed the boss up

9266L[哔哔反哧]: Come on, I think anything is possible, and the idea of dividing the cake is pure nonsense. The supervisory power of the Ghost Prisoner has been established since the day it was established, okay? Dominance is not a matter of a thousand or two thousand years, how could it be delayed until now

9447L[We don’t give birth to chickens, thank you]: It’s unreliable to feel the same way, the boss is a character that even the King of Hades dare not touch, and the other directors are not stupid. , according to reliable internal information, this man has been absent from work for so many years, but his salary has not stopped for a single day! Old irons look at this background! ! !

Seeing the salary item, He Yan's mouse wheel stopped for a moment, reflexively wanting to refute.

Although the man's body is sleeping in the depths of hell, there is clearly a ray of consciousness that attaches to Commander Yin and has been dutifully supervising the work of his subordinates, okay? There has never been anything wrong, so how did it become a missed shift

... Well, except for the ray of consciousness not long ago that was attracted by his spiritual power and slipped down from Commander Yin for two days.

Thinking of this, He Yan inevitably felt a little guilty. He stopped on the keyboard for a long while, but finally gave up the plan to reply and rebuttal, and then looked down silently.

After countless mind-blowing theories, I finally found a reply that was a little closer to the truth.

10446L[Don't touch the tail]: Hold on to my dog's life, and make a few weak guesses... I think you are thinking too complicated, the boss may simply wake up and want to come out to experience the subordinate work, Care about people's livelihood

10539L[Pull the bald hair]: Drink, drink, the one who said that the boss is awake, you are as salty as you when you are a boss, you know how to eat and sleep every day? People are obviously practicing in seclusion, okay? What did you call it

This ridicule is like a signal, and then, in the next reply, this friend who proposed the "wake-up theory" was ridiculed by countless people.

11111L[Coke became refined in 1987]: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "wake up theory", this brother with a tail really dares to think about it, how bold and far-reaching his brain is!

13369L[a big meow]: It can be said that it is very leopard. Smile, drink and drink.

15547L[Blindly set up a flag]: I laughed so hard at this "wake-up theory", why don't you say that the boss has been single for too long and wants to get up and fall in love? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Regarding this, He Yan could only: "..."

"These people," he pondered over his words, sighed euphemistically, "these people have so much imagination."

Conspiracy theories, reforms, cake sharing, the truth is that Xuan Qi moved Fanxin and wanted to have a relationship... It's not that complicated.

He Yan only felt his shoulders sink, and two soft and cold objects rubbed against his ear tips, and then, a deep voice sounded next to his ears: "Sorry, I didn't think carefully, and I will make an announcement to explain it later."

He Yan asked him to watch this, not to blame him, but just because he thought it was a little fun, and wanted to see his reaction, to tease him, and immediately frowned and retorted: "Isn't this the regulation of your department? What's the point of apologizing?" What? Let them guess, there is no need to make a special announcement."

The previous punishment announcements of the Ghost Prison Division all follow this format, and the handler must be clearly marked for each case, even if Xuan Qi is the director, there should be no exception.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the ghost prison secretary's approach. If you want to blame, those people in the metaphysics world have too much brains.

The man who hugged him seemed to pause for a moment before saying in a muffled voice, "It's fine if you don't get angry."

After speaking, like a docile big dog, he licked his earlobe flatteringly.

In addition to the waist, He Yan's ears are also very sensitive. When the man wiped it with the slippery tip of his tongue, he couldn't help feeling hot and itchy, and even his heartbeat fluttered. He quickly warned the man: "Don't be angry, don't make trouble. Alright, calm down."

He hasn't finished reading his post yet, so he doesn't want to be teased out of his mind at this time.

The man's reaction was to gently grab the earball that he had just licked with his teeth, and grind it between his lips and teeth.

He Yan took a deep breath, and the heat that originally only lingered around his ears burned to his cheeks in an instant. He only felt that the air he breathed in his mouth was a bit scorching hot, and the words on the computer screen in front of him were also burning. Then blurred up.

In fact, I don't know if it's his illusion, since he discovered that he can absorb what the man left in his body, his body seems to have become more and more sensitive.

The man stretched out his long arms, closed the thin and light laptop neatly, made a "snap", and then lightly placed it on the desk beside him. There was a trace of cold temperature on his lips.

The speed of nightfall is always so fast, from the beginning of the sun down to the nightfall, trance is only a moment.

When He Yan completely gave up the plan to read this post, at the other end of the city far away, there were still people who persistently swiped the same post with their mobile phones, and fell into doubts about life.

It's already late at night, except for those powerful people who have cultivated to the point where they can't eat grains, most people in metaphysics also have to rest every day like ordinary people.

At this time, in the Fu family's old house, all the lights in one room had been turned off. In the darkness, Fu Chenhua, who had always worked regularly, did not rest on time, but sat on the bed, the phone screen in front of him was emitting a faint light. The cold light made his already pale face due to weakness look more like a ghost in the middle of the night.

Looking at the line of words in the middle of the screen, he frowned, his bloodless lips were tightly pressed, and his expression was indescribably complicated.

It was probably an expression between surprise and confusion, mixed with a trace of sarcasm.

15547L: [Blindly set up a flag]: I laughed so hard at this "wake-up theory", why don't you say that the boss has been single for too long and suddenly wants to get up and fall in love? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The image of the man in black and the young man clasping their fingers was like a cursed picture scroll, which lingered in his mind for a long time. He stared at the string of "hahaha" for a long time, and finally sank , A heavy sigh escaped from his chest.

he thought blankly.

Fellow Daoist, I hope you can still laugh when you know the truth.

The author has something to say: Everyone in the metaphysics world: Hehehe, look at this mentally handicapped man!

Fu Dashao: drink (caring for the eyes of the mentally retarded)

Thank you for taking care of me, my darlings, kiss each other~