One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Chapter 651: 649 Imperfect wedding, perfect marriage (final)


Half an hour later, disguised Rao Rao and Tieniu arrived at the ruined temple ten kilometers away from the black network.

Seeing his young lady smash the grotesque statue of F continent into pieces with one punch, Ken felt that he could no longer look directly at the world.

Although that god is ugly, he is not a good god at first glance.

But after all, the statue was pasted with several layers of copper, and it just shattered...

What surprised him even more was that there was a secret passage hidden in this ruined temple...

At the end of the secret passage, an old man was reading a newspaper leisurely, and next to him there was a man in gray robe eating melon seeds...

Ken had also been on the dark web, so naturally he recognized the old man lying on the recliner at a glance!


"Young... Young Madam, you..."

For the first time, Ken realized that his IQ of 200 was not enough.

"It's Ken, sit down, they have to fight for a while, let's eat some dried fruits first."

A familiar voice came from under the familiar mask. Looking at the extra plate of dried fruits in front of him, Ken pinched himself hard.

It hurts, he was not dreaming!

"So, you arranged all this?" He felt like smoke was rising from his throat. Wouldn't it be so exciting! The boss concentrated all the forces of the dragon soul to rescue the godfather, but the godfather was sitting in front of him without any harm, happily munching on melon seeds.

And the young lady he respects seems to have fallen asleep again!

Seeing him scratching his head anxiously, the godfather decided not to tease him anymore and took off his golden mask.


Ken took a step back in panic and fainted.

"Tsk tsk... Why are today's young people's mental capacity so poor!" The godfather sitting on the chair sighed with emotion.

Oh no, to be precise, it should be the godmother.

Although most of her appearance was ruined in front of her, some of the obvious facial features of a woman could still be seen.

"Do you think everyone is as cute as your own daughter-in-law?" Rao Rao, who was sleeping, lazily opened her eyes and said with a smile.

"Well... "

"Yes, you are the most courageous woman I have ever seen. You are barely worthy of my Xiaochen." The woman in the wheelchair sighed hoarsely.

"Tch..." Rao Rao rolled his eyes, turned around and continued to sleep.

. . .

Ken has always felt that his young mistress's life experience could be a legend.

But at this moment, he just wants to say, I have lost, are you devils

Please let me go!

The true version of Qin Chen’s life story is this.

Thirty years ago, Bai Ruixin, the eldest daughter of the Bai family, met the handsome and handsome Mr. Long during an expedition in the desert. The two fell in love at first sight and became engaged for life.

But what he didn't expect was that Bai Ruixin returned home and used all her strength to find the legendary Long...

Seeing that her belly is getting bigger day by day, it just so happens that the Bai family and the Qin family are interested in getting married.

After hearing about Qin Juncheng's hidden illness, Miss Bai agreed to the marriage.

After the marriage, Qin Chen was born. Qin Juncheng liked Bai Ruixin, so he loved Qin Chen as much as he loved him. Although he was not as good as Qin Chen, he could not have his own child in this life, so he really wanted to be Qin Chen. A qualified and good father.

It's just that Bai Rui is obsessed with experiments and only cares about research.

There was only one scene of him being blown up in the desert.

That really wasn't her intention to act, let alone her intention to abandon Qin Chen.

But when she discovered that she was being watched, she had no choice but to leave.

Unexpectedly, although she was severely burned, she did not die, and the person who saved her was the previous black network godfather, an old man who worked as a priest in the church during the day.

He saved her life and also made a request for her to inherit his mantle.

Because this former godfather has long been tired of the life of split personality.

During the day he is the beloved priest of the villagers, but at night he is the leader of a murderous organization.

His heart was constantly being baptized between heaven and hell, and he was broken.

However, the Black Net organization has been established for many years, and he cannot destroy it casually. If some information is leaked, who knows what impact it will have on the outside world.

So Qin Chen's mother became the new godfather of the dark web, forever living in a mask and darkness.

As for Qin Chen entering the black network, it was also her deliberate arrangement.

If she could, she would also like her son to grow up happy and healthy, but she can't do that now.


She could only use the cruel and most realistic method to keep Qin Chen by her side, watch him grow up, watch him fight little by little, and become the king of the black network.

As for Qin Chen's departure from the black network, she was actually behind the scenes.

The loneliness she had endured, she didn't want him to endure again.


She wanted to destroy the black network and end it with Qin Chen's own hands.

Originally, this final plan would have to wait for some time, but she didn't expect that a wave of hostile forces suddenly appeared, so she just went with the flow...

"So, you let those people be killed on purpose?" Ken couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Yes, those who are still in the black network are real desperadoes, and they should have accepted the judgment of fate long ago." Qin's mother said calmly.

"Then why don't you just tell the boss your identity! He obviously cares about you so much... If he knew that you were his biological mother, why would he bother you so much?"

"Because I can't tell." Rao Rao sat up straight: "Didn't you hear your mother-in-law say that she doesn't know the true identity of Qin Chen's biological father? An illegitimate son who became pregnant out of wedlock, and the son of a murderous maniac, what do you think about your family? Can the boss still achieve what he has achieved today despite his status?"

Origin does not mean everything, but it determines a person's starting point and destiny to a large extent.

Ken fell silent because of Rao Rao's words, and his eyes looking at Qin's mother were a little more complicated.


"Since those people have already taken action to destroy the black network, why do we still need our boss to take action?"

"You have also seen those explosives and those crazy people. Aren't you afraid that something will happen to the boss?"

"Afraid?" Mother Qin curled her lips: "Why are you afraid?"

"That's right, my Achen is very powerful. Ken, how can you not have confidence in your boss?" Rao Rao also rolled his eyes.

Ken opened his mouth and suddenly realized that everything he said seemed unnecessary.

Also, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been enemies since ancient times!

How can you continue with such a harmonious story, dear!

. . . .

As time passed, the war on the Black Network reached its climax.

Although Qin Chen finally found and captured the leader of the mysterious organization, the black network was almost destroyed. The instruments, data, and many achievements were reduced to ruins by biological and chemical weapons.

The devastated base exudes desolation and loneliness.

Qin Chen lowered his head and stepped on the semi-finished robot that had fallen apart into pieces.

He walked towards the temporary base without looking back.

Regardless of the future of the dark web, what he should do at this moment is go home.

Back to Rao Rao, back to his child.

As for the godfather...

He believed that since the old man's whereabouts were unknown, nothing would happen to him.


What about the people at the base

Qin Chen was stunned.

Just as he was about to speak, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind him.

He instinctively wanted to resist, but he didn't expect a strange force to fall from the sky. His body swayed, and Qin Chen fainted.

Two minutes later, a man picked him up, bypassed Dragon Soul's guards, and successfully boarded the plane.

. . .

Qin Chen only felt that he had a dream.

In the dream, several buckets of blood were drawn from him, and he almost died of shock.

He also dreamed of a man, a man whose facial features were somewhat similar to his. He held his face in a daze and cried with snot and tears.

Qin Chen's mysophobia was very serious, but in his dream he didn't reject that man.

However, the good dream did not last long, and he woke up before he could figure out what was going on.

He opened his eyes and saw a red gown. Sitting next to him were Long Yan and brother Snow, who was also dressed very festively.

"Where is this?" Qin Chen was confused. Wasn't he beaten in the desert? Why did I wake up in such a strange place!

"It doesn't matter where it is, just get out quickly! Otherwise, it will delay the good time, and you will regret it later!"

"Auspicious time?" Qin Chen was stunned.

Yes, Rao Rao!

Where is his lovely wife!

Qin Chen hurriedly walked out of the room at Long Yan's urging.

Then I realized that he was actually on a bed on a ship.

When he turned around, there were boatloads of wooden boxes following behind him.

"Where are we going?"

"Of course I picked up the bride! Why do I have such a stupid brother like you!" Long Yan said in disgust with his hands behind his back.

"Bride? Raorao?" Qin Chen was even more confused. Did he enter another dream

But this dream is quite real, and quite beautiful.

So Qin Chen stopped struggling and accepted his fate and took the Long family's boat to his familiar Yu family under the arrangement of everyone.

Then he received his dear Rao Rao.

Looking at the bulging belly and the two sons and daughters behind Rao Rao who were dressed up as golden boys and girls. Qin Chen suddenly realized that he was really not dreaming.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two bows to Gaotang."

"Husband and wife pay homage..."

No bridal chamber...

Because Rao Rao is about to give birth!

The whole wedding hall of the Long family suddenly became a mess, and Rao Rao was sent to the delivery room by her mother with a crying face.

Lan Shou, it seems she will never have a normal wedding in her life!


Everything is perfect, isn't it

She found her beloved, and Qin Chen also found his parents.


Just after the New Year bell rang, Guagua was born!

It turned out that Qin Chen had been in a coma for half a year. During these six months, Rao Rao not only unlocked the mysterious gift, but also collected the last Five Elements Stone. With the cooperation of the two evil gangsters, Godfather and Yu Qi, they followed the clues and found the mysterious organization's lair in the abandoned mountains, and took it down in one fell swoop. The leader of the mysterious organization is none other than a descendant of the Situ family who was once expelled. He somehow got hooked up with a Japanese cult and attempted to destroy the world with biochemical genes.

Fortunately, it's all over...

The hidden family will continue to be hidden, and everyone will be happy.


. . .

Thank you readers for your continued support. Due to the length, the subsequent extra chapters of this article will be in the author's ei letter with the same name>Bow and scatter flowers.

See you in the next book!

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