One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 115: Where is the enemy?


As a result, the second child tied her hands a few times and picked up the blindfold on the ground. This time she did not tie her eyes. She had already seen them anyway, so he simply tied Qin Yining's mouth directly.

"Woo..." After Qin Yining was tied up, she couldn't speak, she could only whine, and she couldn't help but curse in her heart, bad guys, all bad guys!

The second child tied Qin Yining and pulled her out.

Qin Yining procrastinated and wanted to struggle, but this time she was tied up so hard that it was useless for her to struggle.

The second child pulled her out, and Qin Yining looked around. It was really a wilderness, it was already evening, and she couldn't see anything.

Qin Yining couldn't help thinking in her heart, didn't the boss say that the police are here? Where is the police

Sheng Qianchen, where are you

Just thinking about it, the boss had already drove the car over. The car drove to the front, and the second child opened the door and forced Qin Yining to the back seat. It was useless to let her struggle.

Jiang Qing called Sheng Qianchen again and again, but he was cut off every time.

Finally he couldn't help but fell the phone on the table, "This Sheng Qianchen, it's too much!"

An Xin was originally looking down at her mobile phone. She was shocked by Jiang Qing's fall. She looked up at Jiang Qing and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sheng Qianchen never answered my phone!" Jiang Qing shouted angrily, as if Sheng Qianchen should answer his call.

"He lost Yining, so he didn't even tell me!" Jiang Qingsheng said, thinking about it, and said fiercely, "He even came to me to ask the teacher!"

His words left An Xin speechless, so he looked at him silently and couldn't help thinking, Jiang Qing, are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about

Qin Yining was lost, why did Sheng Qianchen explain it to you

Is it in your heart that Qin Yining is still your girlfriend or your private property? What's the bond with you

Your Yining was lost by him

An Xin couldn't help thinking, if it hadn't happened, maybe I still couldn't see your mind, right

Jiang Qing, what do you think of me

I am your wife, where is Qin Yining? She is already Sheng Qianchen's woman!

And you, in front of me, said such things, what do you want me to say

An Xin felt as if it was boiling.

Before she got married, she didn't know what kind of situation she would face.

She knew that Jiang Qing loved Qin Yining, but she was sure to snatch Jiang Qing away, and she also let Jiang Qing marry herself.

She once thought that Jiang Qing would be fine, and she didn't want anything else.

But after marrying Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing took care of her. She only loved Jiang Qing more. The more she loved Jiang Qing, the more she couldn't stand him. There were others in his heart.

She couldn't bear Jiang Qing still having Qin Yining in her heart. She couldn't tolerate Jiang Qing wanting to be with Qin Yining again, even if she died.

She wants Jiang Qing

More and more, she no longer just wants his people, she also wants his heart.

She once thought that she was going to die anyway, as long as she left a little good memory with Jiang Qing, when she died, she would not know who he wanted to find.

But seeing Jiang Qing obsessed with Qin Yining, she knew that if Jiang Qing was entangled with Qin Yining again, then she was dead, and it was just dead!

Jiang Qing will definitely forget her immediately, and immediately take her family property to marry Qin Yining!

What is her peace of mind, his stepping stone

No, she can't accept it. She has always used others as a stepping stone, so she will not pay the price of her life just to be a stepping stone for others!

She thought that she dedicated her body to Jiang Qing, and she would be moved by Jiang Qing.

She thought that finding Qin Yining and Sheng Qianchen together would make Jiang Qing retreat.

But no, neither!

No matter what happens, Jiang Qing just doesn't want to let Qin Yining go!

At best, he hated Qin Yining.

She knew if there was no love, where would the hate come from

She wants to completely destroy Qin Yining's image in Jiang Qing's heart!

So she asked Qin Yining to go to the coffee shop, and she posted her video on the Internet, just to let everyone see what Qin Yining was!

Unexpectedly, she did not mess with Qin Yining, but brought out Sheng Qianchen!

And Jiang Qing didn't hate Qin Yining at all, but directly hated Sheng Qianchen. In other words, it was just to make an excuse for Qin Yining, and wanted to make everything clear, but still dreamed of going to Qin Yining one day!

An Xin knows that no matter how she destroys Qin Yining's image, it is useless. She must destroy Qin Yining! Must be destroyed!

She has no time, no time to fight for Jiang Qing to fall in love with herself, because her body simply doesn't allow it!

She must make a decisive choice and directly destroy Qin Yining!

At this moment, after listening to Jiang Qing saying that Sheng Qianchen did not give him an explanation, she suddenly felt that her choice could not be more correct. If it weren't for this decision, would she still not see Jiang Qing's sincerity

"No!" Jiang Qing didn't know the series of thoughts in An Xin's heart, and suddenly stood up, "I can't wait, I'm going to find Yining."

"Jiang Qing." An Xin called him, her voice sounded calm, but it was obviously with a hint of majesty, "You still don't go, there is a policeman, Miss Qin will be fine."

"No." Jiang Qing has always been accustomed to the soft peace of mind, and he didn't even hear the command tone in her words, "I'm not at ease here, I'll go out and look for it."

Jiang Qing walked out after speaking, looked at his back with peace of mind, and stood up abruptly, "Jiang Qing!"

There is no doubt Yan Sheng in her voice.

"Huh?" Jiang Qing was startled by her voice, turning his head confused.

Looking back, I saw An Xin holding her chest with her hand, and fell softly!

"An Xin!" Jiang Qing has forgotten An Xin's tone just now.

Thought An Xin was ill and screamed in fright.

He rushed up, hugged An Xin, and didn't let her fall to the ground.

"Are you all right? An Xin, how are you." He hugged An Xin tightly and said nervously.

An Xin fell into Jiang Qing's arms. After a while, she opened her eyes and looked at Jiang Qing with a particularly sad look, "I'm fine, you go, go find her."

"What nonsense are you talking about." Jiang Qing said immediately, "How can I go to her if you are like this? I will take you to the hospital."

"No, I'm fine." An Xin let out a sigh, "I should be fine after I lie down for a while, can you help me to lie down on the sofa for a while?"

"Okay." Jiang Qing quickly agreed, carefully laying down on Anxin, and hurriedly pouring water and medicine for Anxin.

When I got busy, I forgot Qin Yining.

He was also fortunate that he didn't leave just now. What if Anxin gets sick again if he leaves

Qin Xiao called almost all of his relatives and friends. As a result, no one knew Qin Yining’s whereabouts.

As time went by, he became more and more worried, where did Yining go

Could it be said that Yining was kidnapped

Impossible. If you are kidnapped, someone will come to ask for a ransom, right

However, no one contacted him at all!

If it’s not for money, why

Did Yining offend someone and someone seek revenge

How is this possible? He knows his daughter, friends all over the world, where is the enemy

With her character, it's impossible to get enemies with others!

Thinking of the question of money, he suddenly thought, "No, Sheng Qianchen has money!"

Could someone kidnap Yining and blackmail Sheng Qianchen!

Thinking of this, he quickly dialed Sheng Qianchen's phone.

Soon Sheng Qianchen answered the phone, and his muffled voice rang, "Uncle."

Hearing Sheng Qianchen's voice, Qin Xiao immediately asked, "Qianchen, have you received a blackmail call? Could someone kidnap Yining for money?"

When Qin Xiao just went to the police, Sheng Qianchen sent someone to assist him, and his impression of Sheng Qianchen changed again.

The main reason was that he had thought it out clearly. Sheng Qianchen kept the secret from him because he was afraid that he was worried, and he could also see that Sheng Qianchen was even more anxious than him, and his voice was dumb.

"No, I didn't receive a call."

In fact, he probably knew what happened to Qin Yining in his heart, so he was worried that if it was for money, he would be willing to pay as much money. The problem was that he was worried that the other party was not for money at all, but to hurt Yining!

But he couldn't tell Qin Xiao his worries, but could only comfort him, "Uncle, don't worry, I already have a clue here, I will definitely find Yining."

"What's the clue..." Qin Xiao wanted to find out.

But he heard a voice on the other end of the phone saying, "Boss, over there."

(End of this chapter)