One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 116: chase


Then Sheng Qianchen said to Qin Xiao, "Uncle, I will call you when I have time."

He hung up after speaking.

Sheng Qianchen hung up the phone and looked forward, and he saw the house where Qin Yining was placed just now.

There were several cars parked in the wilderness, and his people had already gathered here. Whether it was an open line or a dark line, all the people he cultivated in order to compete with Sheng Ziyuan for the industry in the Sheng family were here.

His car window was half down, and Bo Ying was reporting to him just now.

The people he saw him had already fenced up the house, and someone was walking out of the house.

He probably knew it in his heart. Qin Yining must not be here anymore. If so, they must have brought her out first...

Of course, there is another possibility...

Sheng Qianchen didn't want to think in this direction. He silently opened the car door, got out of the car, stood by the car for a while, slowly straightened his back, and walked towards the house.

Everyone met along the way avoided and called him the boss.

Sheng Qianchen walked into the dark room.

It was already night and the room was very dark. Sheng Qianchen took the flashlight from his subordinates and looked at the room.

"The people have been transferred." Bo Ying reported next to Sheng Qianchen. "But it seems that Miss Qin should have been locked up here. I have sent someone out to search to see if I can find them there."

Sheng Qianchen listened to Bo Ying's report without saying a word.

He found a lot of suspicious fragments, walked over and knelt down to take a closer look.

All the pieces of clothes were torn at first glance. Sheng Qianchen picked up a larger piece and looked at it carefully.


Sheng Qianchen couldn't help closing his eyes, Yining, was she insulted

His hand couldn't help but clenched a fist, and he could hardly imagine the scene!

Yining's temper will definitely struggle to death, right? That's why there are so many pieces of clothes

Will she get hurt

Sheng Qianchen opened his eyes, saw some rope in the corner of the wall, stood up and walked over to look.

There are some broken ropes on the ground. The cuts are frayed and there are blood stains on the ropes.

He took a flashlight and took a picture on the wall, and he saw stains of blood.

This silly girl just rubbed against the wall and broke the rope. Do you want her hands anymore

When Sheng Qianchen thought of this, he couldn't breathe even if he felt distressed.

Why didn't I protect her? I knew she was so stupid, so why didn't I protect her!

With a fist he wanted to hit the wall fiercely, and blood immediately shed from his hand.

At this moment he felt really unable to forgive himself.

Such a simple silly girl, he knew it, but didn't protect her well.

An Xin and Jiang Qing, he had known that these two people were not good things, but he didn't take any action, he just wanted to keep them and bite the dog.

He seems to have a habit of living in this deceitful world, so the first thing he thinks of is how to give the opponent a fatal blow.

He knows that people like An Xin, no matter how they can't get Jiang Qing's heart, will eventually become hate because of love. Jiang Qing is thinking of An Xin's family property and Yining.

The two of them will eventually part ways. At that time, they will only hurt each other and bite the dog!

He felt that this was the best revenge for the two of them, and he thought that he would be fine if he paid attention to protecting Yining.

But he didn't protect her after all!

He punched like a wall, screaming in his heart frantically, hurting Yining’s people, I will not let you go, I will not let you go, I will kill you, I will kill you all !

Peace of mind, if I know that you are planning to kidnap Yining, I will not let you go anymore. I want you to know what it means to survive!

"Boss!" Bo Ying watched Sheng Qianchen constantly punching the wall, really worried that his hand would be so useless!

He finally couldn't help but stepped forward to stop Sheng Qianchen, "Boss, you can't do this, we have to go to Miss Qin."

Sheng Qianchen finally stopped after hearing his words.

He seemed to have just come back to his senses, silently looking around.

Yes, Yining has been imprisoned here, which is certain.

These people don't know if they hurt Yining, but they are in a hurry. Those people are eager to transfer, and it is possible that they have not hurt her.

At least they didn't kill her. If they wanted to kill her, they wouldn't be able to take her to transfer. What he saw here wouldn't be the scraps of Yining's clothes...

Thinking that Qin Yining should be still alive, Sheng Qianchen tried to calm his inner emotions.

No, he still can't panic. If he panics, what should Yining do

Who knows how scared she is now and how much she needs him!

Maybe she is calling herself in her heart, what she has to do now is to look for it, find Yining, and rescue Yining!

Sheng Qianchen took a heavy breath, nodded to Bo Ying, straightened his spine and walked outside the house.

There were a dozen people standing outside, and when they saw him coming out, they all gathered around, as if waiting for his instructions.

"Did people go find it?" Sheng Qianchen asked coldly, without a trace of panic.

"Sent someone." Someone replied, "People have been sent in several directions, waiting for news.

Sheng Qianchen nodded, did not speak, and there was silence all around.

Suddenly the phone of the person answering his question rang, he picked it up, heard a few words from the other party, hummed, and hung up the phone.

Sheng Qianchen looked at the man coldly, without questioning. The man hung up the phone and raised his head to report to Sheng Qianchen, "It's a brother going north. He said he found some traces. It should go north."

Sheng Qianchen only replied coldly, "Chasing."

Just go out first, start the car, and chase north.

The van drove on the highway.

The three people who kidnapped Qin Yining in the car were silent. They didn't seem to know until this moment that they had kidnapped someone who shouldn't be kidnapped.

According to the greetings of the brothers on the road, the police have now intervened in the investigation of the kidnapping case, and some people have even been asked by the police for questioning.

Although the brother who reported the news said that they did not betray them, who knows if anyone will confess their news

What is even more frightening is that some brothers revealed to them that there is still a force investigating them, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a gangster or a white way, but there are a large number of people. Judging from the posture, they may be more difficult to provoke than the police!

The second child had always advocated disposing of Qin Yining, but after receiving reminders from several brothers, he dared not clamor again.

I was even a little grateful that I didn't rape Qin Yining just now. If that's the case, would someone kill him like Qin Yining said

It's really hard to say...

After receiving the news, they changed their attitude towards Qin Yining, not so much that they wanted to deal with her, they were more worried about her problems.

However, this is beyond their control. In fact, Qin Yining is in a very bad state, almost dying...

Qin Yining was hit harder when she was struggling. At that time, she was struggling without paying attention to how serious her injuries were.

After being caught in the car and taken away again, she found that her chest and abdomen were painful, and her head was dizzy, and her consciousness became increasingly blurred.

Qin Yining was worried about whether she had suffered any internal injuries. She wanted to ask some gangsters for help, let them let herself go, or take herself to the doctor, but she found that she couldn't even speak...

Qin Yining tried her best to moan* "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) so as to let them discover her own situation, but her voice was so small that the three people did not notice.

When the third child remembered to observe her, Qin Yining felt that consciousness was leaving her. In her mind, she didn't know anything except for calling Sheng Qianchen over and over again...

"Boss, she seems to be dying!" The third child was taken aback when he saw Qin Yining's situation.

The boss heard the third child's words and cursed in a low voice before saying, "Watch her, don't let her faint!"

The third child pushed Qin Yining and took off the cloth that tied her mouth, "Hey! Hey! Wake up!"

Qin Yining opened her eyes blindly, desiring to ask for help, but could not make a sound, and began to feel groggy again.

"Boss! She seems really dying!" The second child's voice was really frightened.

When the brothers on the road notified the situation just now, he probably knew it too. Obviously, if Qin Yining had some shortcomings, they would not be able to eat it!

"Boss!" The second child said uneasyly at the moment, "Or let's just keep doing it..."

"Shut up!" The boss punched her second child, "You killed her, it was a crime of murder, do you want to live anymore!"

(End of this chapter)