One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 28: Shameful enough


"I... No." An Xin continued to choke, "You don't understand what I mean, Jiang Qing, you don't understand at all."

An Xin coughed anxiously, Jiang Qing quickly patted her back and let her calm down, "Why don't I understand, you say, I'll listen, don't worry."

"Jiang Qing, I know I know I won't live long, I already knew..." An Xin was soothed better, she didn't cry so much, and her voice became a little dull, "I... I never asked you. What forever, Jiang Qing."

Jiang Qing bit her lip tightly, unexpectedly An Xin knew everything.

She lied obediently against his shoulder, "I just hope that you will be with me for the rest of my life, Jiang Qing, I'm afraid... I'm afraid you don't want to be with me anymore, I'm afraid you are now Just want to leave me, who calls me so stupid, can't do anything well..."

Jiang Qing finally understood the meaning of An Xin.

He thought, she just saw that she was looking at Yining's photo...

That's why she hurried to cook for herself, right

For some reason, Jiang Qing felt pity for An Xin.

"An Xin." Jiang Qing couldn't help holding An Xin in his arms. He sighed as if he had understood An Xin for the first time, "Why are you so stupid..."

Jiang Qing's whole heart was filled with an emotion that he was not familiar with.

It seems that he had never faced An Xin before.

He married An Xin with a very clear purpose. Their wedding was hurriedly prepared because of An Xin's illness, so he was very busy during that time.

At the same time, he had to endure the condemnation of betraying Yining's conscience, as well as the various suspicious and inquisitive gazes of the An family, so he had no time to be distracted to understand An Xin.

As soon as they got married, An Xin fell ill due to overwork. He went directly to overseas to accompany An Xin to see a doctor.

During all the ups and downs, and An Xin was sick and sick, they even had very little opportunity to speak.

It was not until An Xin got better recently that they returned to China, and as soon as he returned to China, he went to Qin Yining almost without delay...

Jiang Qing held peace of mind, unable to tell what was the emotion that filled his heart.

It's sympathy.

"I won't..." What Jiang Qing wanted to say was not controlled by his brain at all, so he said, "I won't leave you, rest assured."

An Xin was held tightly in Jiang Qing's arms, she couldn't help closing her eyes, and she was so obediently nestled in Jiang Qing's arms like a kitten, found a comfortable position, and enjoyed the moment. Warmth.

Sorry, Miss Qin.

An Xin said to Qin Yining silently in her heart, I know that I am destined to lose to you.

Among us, only the one who survives the last is the winner, isn't it

Since you are destined to win, you don't care if I take away what belongs to me, do you

If you mind, I can only


In this world, I have nothing, and I can't take anything. All I can take away is Jiang Qing's heart.

At the same moment, Qin Yining, who was lying on the tossing side and couldn't sleep, didn't know why he fought a cold war.

She couldn't help but sit up and see that the window was closed properly.

What's going on here


Qin Yining couldn't help but murmured in her heart, and then lay down again.

She started to count the sheep hard, but after a while, she didn't know where her thoughts were floating.

She doesn't know what's wrong with her life, just like a big bang happened in this period of time, completely derailed and completely out of control!

The very beginning was from that Sheng Qianchen...

Uh, it may not be fair to say that.

It should be said that from the moment she caught Sheng Qianchen.

First, she had "that" with Sheng Qianchen, then she discovered that Sheng Qianchen had become her immediate boss, and then Jiang Qing unexpectedly found her back, and then she was kidnapped by Sheng Qianchen!

That is kidnapping!

Total kidnapping!

Qin Yining thought angrily, it was really bad luck to meet such a perverted Sheng Qianchen!

Sheng Qianchen also bullied Jiang Qing, but Jiang Qing tried a way to save his brother. He has always felt guilty and is willing to switch to his bright brother!

Jiang Qing said that as long as she wants to go back, he will always wait there...

This even disturbed Qin Yining's heart. If she wanted to say, Qin Yining had never looked back in her life...

She is that kind of person, she walks to the dark when she sees a path, she won't look back even if she hits her head and bleeds blood.

The relationship between her and Jiang Qing was like this. When she went abroad, no one who knew her was optimistic about their relationship.

But she didn't even think about this problem at all!

Who is she? She is Qin Yining. As long as she recognizes a person, she will never turn her back when she dies. What is a small transnational love


Qin Yining thought that people are not as good as the sky. She was sure that she would not be separated from Jiang Qing if she was killed, but she did not count Jiang Qing would abandon her.

After leaving Jiang Qing, she made up her mind that her life would not go the same way again. Even if she fell in love with others, she would not be as invested as Jiang Qingshi.

God is really playing to death and not paying for her life. She didn't meet true love, but met Sheng Qianchen.

As for the part of the road with Jiang Qing, after she decided to part ways, she walked back to that road!

What's all this...

Qin Yining rolled over again a little violently.

Can't think about it anymore, she told herself that she can no longer struggle!

She has always been like this since she was a child. Whenever she encounters a tangled thing, she will cut it quickly.

Cut the mess, never let yourself get entangled in one emotion repeatedly.

There are still many things in her life waiting for her to complete, and many landscapes waiting for her to describe, so she should not fall into the big pit that others have dug for herself.

Sheng Qianchen

Tomorrow will be broken, broken!

Jiang Qing

I'll talk about it later, I don't want to anymore!

She rolled over again fiercely, thinking, sleeping!

But after a while after being quiet, her heart was boiling again. Some things were simply out of control...

She tossed over and over again and didn't go to sleep until dawn. When Qin Xiao came to knock on her door, she suddenly woke up. She woke up with big dark circles and looked around. She didn't know where she was for a while. It took a long time to find out that she was there. At home, I was finally relieved.

"Daughter, did you hear that, you get up quickly, your leader is coming!" Qin Xiao shouted several times, Qin Yining didn't even make a sound in the room, he couldn't help raising his voice, and after shouting, he looked back and took a look. Sheng Qianchen in the living room nodded embarrassedly and smiled embarrassingly.

This Yining, really, why do you sleep so badly? Isn't it good for leaders to see this

Just when someone knocked on the door, he went to open the door and saw a majestic handsome guy standing outside the door, he was stupid.

Unexpectedly, people are very polite at home. They call themselves "uncle" and also say that they are her daughter's boss. Today, he has an important job, so he will pick up Yining to work.

this is…

Qin Xiao was a little surprised. Was his daughter's work in the company so important? Did you alarm the leader to pick it up

He didn't dare to ask what the leader was. Think about Yining as the secretary to the president, but this is definitely not the president.

The president of which company will take the secretary to work, besides, they are still so young.

I just don't know what position is in charge of the secretary in the company? How should it be called

He was afraid of embarrassing his daughter, so he didn't dare to ask people casually. Hearing his name introduced by others, he didn't get it clearly, he just called the other party "Mr. Sheng" vaguely.

After asking the guest to enter the house, give up his seat, and pour water, he discovered that his baby girl hadn't gotten up.

Really... What time is this? If you go to work normally, you still get up at this point. Isn't it going to be late

How good is this for the leaders to see

Qin Xiao hurried to Qin Yining's door and knocked on the door to wake her up. Who knows, after calling for ten minutes, the lady in the room didn't even make a sound.

It's... embarrassing...

"Yining? Yining!" Qin Xiao chiseled the door hard.


She yawned loudly as she spoke, just like how badly she slept.


Qin Xiao lightly lighted his throat, this Yining, really, didn't you hear him say that her leader is here

(End of this chapter)