One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 34: House arrest


It's like the kind of dude in the story. I want to tease when I see a woman who is about the same, and throw it away when I have enough

Think about it, it's really similar, or why does he always tease her, he teases her even when she didn't mess with him for no reason, just like a cat that accidentally caught a mouse, let's play with enough books first...

What a pervert!

Qin Yining thought, for this kind of abnormality, I can only wait for him to play enough, maybe the more she resists, the happier he will be!

There was a chill in Qin Yining's heart, really... disgusting!

Even if she is unlucky, she should wait until Sheng Qianchen is no longer interested in her, so as not to arouse his abnormal psychology even more!

Qin Yining cursed Sheng Qianchen in his heart, and looked at his mobile phone. There were Qiao Xin's calls, Jiang Qing's, and Sheng Qianchen's!

Look at the time, when he had just left the villa, why did he look for her again

Isn't she locked here by him to sort out information for him? Why is he looking for her

Qin Yining decided to pretend not to see his phone.

And Jiang Qing...

Qin Yining hesitated. On the one hand, she felt that she shouldn't contact Jiang Qing anymore. They had broken up and he was married.

Even if he finds out more reasons, she shouldn't look back, they should all move towards a new life, shouldn't they

On the other hand, when she thought that Jiang Qing said that it was to help her and to help her brother to marry that woman, she felt a little sorry for Jiang Qing, after all, he had paid so much to help her.

Moreover, my brother's cornea was indeed found.

Qin Yining was struggling when Jiang Qing's phone number actually called. She was shocked and almost threw her phone out, thinking that people really can't talk about it. If you don't know, you think it's haunted.

Qin Yining hesitated to pick up the phone, and Jiang Qing's caring voice immediately came from inside, "Yining? Is that you?"

"Yeah." Qin Yining still hesitated in her voice, "Jiang Qing..."

"Yining, you suddenly hung up yesterday, and then I couldn't get through when I called you again. Are you okay?" Jiang Qing asked anxiously.

"I'm fine." Qin Yi said quietly.

"Where are you? Yining." Jiang Qing's voice rang again.

"I... I'm at work." Qin Yining didn't know what to say, she should be considered at work now

"You are at work, I have been to your company several times but haven't found you!" Jiang Qing said with some suspicion.

"I'm in another office of the company, and there are some things I need to deal with here..." Qin Yining didn't know why he panicked out of intuition.

She comforted herself silently in her heart, this is not a lie, it is also an office place.

"Oh, do you have time now, Yining? I have something, I want to meet and talk with you." Jiang Qing didn't have any doubts about her words, and said directly.


Yining regretted lying. Jiang Qing never doubted her. Even if she told Jiang Qing the truth, he would believe it if she said there was nothing to Sheng Qianchen

She was secretly angry with herself in her heart, whether she was tortured by Sheng Qianchen, because a single word would be exchanged for his accusations, ridicule, anyway, it was all kinds of mischief, which made her dare not tell the truth in front of Jiang Qing. .

If this continues, I won’t be tortured by Sheng Qianchen into a liar...

Out of apologies to Jiang Qing, she felt unable to refuse Jiang Qing's request, and could only say, "Now? Where can I meet?"

"I'm near your company, will you meet at the coffee shop near you?" Jiang Qing asked carefully.

"Okay... Okay." Qin Yining agreed.

I don't know why, Jiang Qing and Sheng Qianchen seem to be two extremes.

Sheng Qianchen always hit her in various ways, but when faced with Sheng Qianchen, she was like a spring. Every time she was crushed to the end, she always bottomed out and bounced back. Anyway, she didn't want to admit losing to him.

Regarding Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing has always been obedient to her, let alone suppressed, he simply listens to and believes whatever she says, but in the face of Jiang Qing like this, she has no resistance. It was led by him.

Qin Yining hung up the phone, unwilling to continue to worry about Sheng Qianchen and Jiang Qing.

The matter still needs to be resolved step by step, and it is useless to wait and struggle repeatedly.

Besides, it is not her character at all, her character is now thinking about how to leave the Shengjia villa!

Qin Yining thought about it calmly. Just now, the servants of the Sheng family seemed to be quite normal and respectful when she saw her. Even if she wants to leave, they won't just tie her up, right

The key is to be upright, not like being a thief.

She always wanted to do it, so she immediately picked up her bag and walked out.

Sure enough, as she expected, she walked out of the Shengjia villa unimpeded all the way, but when she left the gate, she was questioned by the security guard, "Miss Qin, where are you going?"

Qin Yining glared and made what she thought was the most arrogant expression, "I'm going shopping, why? Do I still need to report to you? Open the door!"

The security guard did not continue to question her, but opened the door obediently.

Qin Yining came out of the door and immediately let out a sigh. She thought that she had made a correct judgment. Fortunately, she was confident enough! She admired her courage a little!

Not far from the house, Qin Yining took a taxi and went straight to the meeting place with Jiang Qing.

But Qin Yining didn't notice that as soon as she left, a car drove out of the Sheng family's villa, following her all the way!

Qin Yining immediately breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he got in the taxi, feeling that he had finally escaped Sheng Qianchen's control.

Sheng Qianchen, do you think you locked me up? I just want to go, I'm mad at you!

It’s just that Qin Yining is happy for five minutes.

The bell rang, she took out her phone and took a look, Sheng Qianchen!

This guy, how can the ghost stay!

Qin Yining thought, don't pick it up, I guess he can't spare himself...

She bit her head and picked up Sheng Qianchen's call. As soon as she got through, Sheng Qianchen's cold voice came, "Where are you going?"

When Qin Yining heard what he said, he couldn't help but look around. Is this guy hiding somewhere to watch him

Could it be that he installed a camera on his body

"You can't understand me if you can't hear me!" Sheng Qianchen didn't wait for her answer, and asked immediately, with unquestionable anger in his tone.

"What are you shouting!" Qin Yining said angrily, "I... can't I go shopping for clothes?"

"Is there not enough clothes for you?" Sheng Qianchen asked immediately, as if he didn't believe her at all.

"I...I can buy underwear!" Qin Yining said angrily, thinking, this is the difference between Sheng Qianchen and Jiang Qing!

Jiang Qing believed everything she said, and Sheng Qianchen, defending her like a thief, she didn't believe anything!

Although she lied.

But not all of them were forced by him!

"Where are you going to buy it? I'll come right away!" Sheng Qianchen took the conversation immediately without giving her a second response time.

"You!" Qin Yining was blocked by him and had nothing to say.

Suddenly Bo Ying's voice came from the microphone, "Ms. Sheng, here is someone."

Qin Yining felt as if she had met a savior, and said hurriedly, "If you have something to do, you can do it first. I don't need you to accompany me for this little thing, hehe..."

"Where are you going? I'll send someone there right away?" Sheng Qianchen didn't believe her at all, and "hehe" with him

If she doesn't want to make such a clear "hehe", he might believe her more.

"Ms. Sheng." Qin Yining almost became angry, suppressed at the last moment, "You are busy, I promise to go back soon, okay! You can't always guard me like a thief, big deal, I promise you Isn't it okay to be obedient? You can be busy, and I'll go back right away!"

She couldn't hold her arms as she talked, but she still brought out her impatience, and she hung up the phone severely after she finished speaking.

When Sheng Qianchen was hung up by her, she couldn't help but was taken aback. How dare this little girl actually hang up

Still obedient? Is she a liar

If he believes in her, he will be a ghost!

He wanted to call back again, but the scheduled client had already entered the meeting room, so he could only stand up to greet him, thinking in his heart, go back and settle accounts with her!

Qin Yining hung up the phone, her heart was full of anger, Sheng Qianchen, you still said this is not house arrest!

As soon as she walked out of the gate of Sheng's house with her front foot, his life-threatening call followed immediately. This must have been arranged to monitor her!

metamorphosis! She cursed in her heart, if I obediently listened to you, I would be a ghost.

(End of this chapter)