One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 37: How can it be?


She took the basin on the ground, smashed and beaten to tidy up the tools of work.

"Look at your attitude!" Sheng Qianchen immediately took it coldly, "No one of my servants dare to throw things with the master like this! I don't know where you learned etiquette!"

"Sheng Qianchen!" Qin Yining was ringing in his eyes with tears of anger, and couldn't help standing up and yelling at him, "Don't talk nonsense, who is your servant? Whose master are you? I am outside of the eight-hour work system. , To serve you for free, okay!"

After Qin Yining finished speaking, she walked out of the bathroom, walked into the bedroom, and sat on the lounge chair by the window in the bedroom.

While working hard to calm the anger, thinking that this time he can no longer be led by the nose by Sheng Qianchen, he must find a way to break the relationship between them.

While watching Sheng Qianchen defensively, he was afraid that he would dig himself again and wait for her to jump.

Sheng Qianchen followed her into the bedroom and sat down in the room. Facing her, he looked at Qin Yining and continued to ask like the prisoner, "Out of the eight-hour work schedule? What were you doing when you called in the afternoon?"

"I..." Speaking of this, Qin Yining immediately felt guilty, "Didn't I go out to buy... underwear?"

"What about underwear?" Sheng Qianchen asked immediately.

"Huh?" Qin Yining was dumbfounded, "I...what do you care about my underwear?"

"Within the eight-hour work system." Sheng Qianchen seemed to be ready for questioning, one sentence after another.

"I..." Qin Yining didn't think she was stupid. Not only was she not stupid, but she was consciously smart.

But I don't know why, every time she faces Sheng Qianchen, she is always confused by his question after sentence. At this time, she feels that her IQ is being crushed by Sheng Qianchen.

The more so, the more nervous she is, and the more nervous she is, the easier it is to make mistakes.

And as long as she made a little mistake, Sheng Qianchen could immediately grab her and continue to crush her!

In the end, she has only one way to go crazy!

At this moment, she was chased by Sheng Qianchen, and forgot her original plan to showdown with him, but subconsciously lied, "I... I didn't buy it, I didn't like it."

She said more and more quietly, hating herself in her heart, why did she lie to him

Don't even dare to tell him the truth, what else are you talking about

Could it be that I am afraid of him

"Do you know what punishment is for lying?" Sheng Qianchen said softly.

But to Qin Yining, it seemed like a thunderbolt in the sky. She subconsciously protected her ass with her hands, and then said anxiously, "I... I didn't lie! You want to blame you!"

Qin Yining didn't care, she had already lied anyway, and could only bite the bullet and persevere to the end!

"Qin Yining." Sheng Qianchen rarely calls her by her first name and last name. It always sounds threatening. "Do you admit it yourself or want me to expose you?"

Qin Yining is surprised

He looked at Sheng Qianchen, not sure if he really knew or was deceiving himself

"Do you want to admit it?" Sheng Qianchen looked at her coldly, just like a lion ready to go.

Qin Yining? When following, he looked like a rabbit who was about to escape, his eyes were horrified, but he bit his lips and didn't let go.

"I think you owe you a beating, you won't admit it if you don't hit you!" Sheng Qianchen shouted.

He was just frightening Qin Yining. He didn't expect Qin Yining to rush out like a frightened rabbit, but Sheng Qianchen was taken aback!

Qin Yining didn't even see that Sheng Qianchen hadn't moved any place at all, so he decided that he was going to spank himself.

She saw her rushing to the wall, her back against the wall, her hands still protecting her ass, and her mouth screamed, "No hitting! No hitting! I'm an adult! You are not allowed to hit!"

When Sheng Qianchen saw her cowardly look, he suddenly felt less angry in his heart, but his expression did not change, Qin Yining couldn't see it.

"Have you lied? Don't you admit it?" Sheng Qianchen's voice was still gritted, and Qin Yining's ears were sour.

"I..." Qin Yining moved her lips, but still didn't admit it.

Sheng Qianchen was about to stand up, and Qin Yining was so scared that he sat on the ground and shouted sharply, "I lied! I lied! I admit it! Don't... Don't beat people!"

Sheng Qianchen looked at her frightened look, and disappeared for no reason, thinking, stinky girl, before the slightest city government still learns to lie, even a dead duck mouth is hard!

However, he did not relax at all on his face, he still stared at Qin Yining so coldly, as if he had made a big mistake with her and was caught by him, and he was considering how to punish her.

A joke, if he let her go casually, would she still have a long memory

Qin Yining didn't know how she lied on a ghost in the beginning, but was frightened by Sheng Qianchen and immediately confessed!

Her current mood, on the one hand, is that her intestines are all regretful, and she feels that she should have a direct showdown with Sheng Qianchen and should not lie, on the other hand, she feels ashamed because she couldn't help but confessed and couldn't wait to be scared.

The two emotions were intertwined, and when Sheng Qianchen stared at me in this way, she was completely stunned under the tremendous pressure, and said uneasily, "You... what are you looking at me? I'm sorry, I... didn't mean it."

What Sheng Qianchen wanted was for her to admit her mistakes. At this moment, seeing her confessing her mistakes obediently, her mood suddenly improved and she was not angry at all!

However, he is used to teasing Qin Yining, and when he is not angry, he just changed his teasing expression and continued to tease her, "It seems that you didn't do anything intentionally. The last time is the same as this time."

"Ah?" Qin Yining looked up at Sheng Qianchen stupidly. What was the last time? Didn't she lie to him once

However, she looked at Sheng Qianchen a little inquisitively. Isn't he angry anymore

She apologized indiscriminately and he accepted it? Is this person so easy to send? Is there any stigmatizing method that hasn't worked yet

Sheng Qianchen wanted to break her head regardless of Qin Yining, but continued to tease her, "Last time you were drugged, this time? Was it drugged by someone or took the wrong drug yourself?"

Was drugged last time

Qin Yining knew that what he said was the last time!

How can these two things be confused

Did Sheng Qianchen embarrass himself just to propose

How could he feel like he would feel uncomfortable without reminding himself for a while!

Qin Yining's face turned red almost immediately, both shy and angry, she almost broke out again.

Fortunately, she was still a little sensible, didn't dare to yell at Sheng Qianchen, she went crazy as soon as she apologized, and she was not so free yet.

When Sheng Qianchen looked at her blushing face because of her anger, she felt an urge to go up and pinch it, and she lost all her anger.

I wondered if you would dare to lie in the future, and asked naturally, "What the hell did you do this afternoon?"

When this question came out, Qin Yining's heart was beaten again.

Intuition told her that this was a good opportunity for a showdown, but for some reason she opened her mouth several times but couldn't tell.

She is a little strange, why can't she tell the truth with Sheng Qianchen? Why is there no way to show off with him? Could it be that you are... afraid of him

Qin Yining couldn't believe this idea, she was afraid of Sheng Qianchen

How can it be!

Qin Yining was shocked by her own thoughts.

who is she? It is Qin Yining who is not afraid of heaven and earth, why should she be afraid of Sheng Qianchen

She just annoyed him, annoyed him always letting himself eaten, annoying, not called afraid, OK

But another voice in my heart said to her coldly, "Are you a lie?"

Qin Yining struggled alone there, her whole person looking dumbfounded.

Sheng Qianchen was angry again when he saw her stupid look!

This stinky girl, you can't lie to him, just pretend to be stupid!

"I'm asking you! Dumb?" His voice rose again when he was angry.

Qin Yining was stunned by her roar, and a voice wailed in her heart. When it was over, she was really afraid of him!

On the lips, he couldn't help but said, "Also... I didn't do anything."

"You really..." Sheng Qianchen looked at her, and his anger rose again. Why didn't this woman even tell him the truth

He couldn't help taking out his mobile phone. Qin Yining shuddered again when he saw his movements and thought he was going to use some secret weapon.

Fortunately, Sheng Qianchen just took out his mobile phone. He turned it over a few times and threw it at her, "I don't think you can see the coffin or cry!"

"Ah!" Qin Yining screamed in fright, thinking that Sheng Qianchen was using the phone to hit her, and couldn't help holding her head.

When I saw the phone falling at my feet, I realized that someone had something for me to see, not that I wanted to hit her...

She couldn't help coughing twice to resolve the embarrassment, and reached out and picked up the phone.

(End of this chapter)