One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 71: You are not allowed to look at me




Why is he so cheeky? Did he forget his identity? Forget that you are such a superior president

Qin Yining thought it through. Sheng Qianchen wanted to go to her house. She couldn’t stop it anyway. In that case, it’s better to accept this reality and talk about something practical. "Then you have to go to my house. You can’t say that we are that kind of thing." relationship."

"What kind of relationship?" Sheng Qianchen asked her.

"What..." Qin Yining was irritated by him, and looked at him angrily, "It's not just what you said..."

"Cohabiting? Or bed partner?" Sheng Qianchen asked her deliberately.

"Sheng Qianchen!" Sure enough, she made her mad, "I said you don't talk nonsense!"

"Then what's the relationship?" Sheng Qianchen threw the ball to her again.

"It's..." Qin Yining thought for a while, "friend?"

"What friend?" Sheng Qianchen asked, staring at her.

"Ordinary friends?" Qin Yining asked Sheng Qianchen tentatively.

In exchange for his sarcasm, "Do ordinary friends sleep together?"

"Hello!" Qin Yining called to him angrily.

As a result, Sheng Qianchen tapped on the top of her head, "Have you ever told you that I have a name? What are you doing!"

"You..." Qin Yining's tears of anger were rolling in his eyes, "Why are you so rascal!"

Sheng Qianchen looked at her angry and angry expression, and stopped talking.

It's really weird, he didn't have such a bad hold on this little girl before

She used to yell at herself and act like a baby before. He saw a lot of things. Although she felt like she was taken care of by her, he didn't feel much about it.

Why did she have a temper with herself today, and even if she ignored herself for one day, she suddenly felt strange to her

It seemed that whether she was acting like a baby, angered or shy, or yelled in anger, he could not help but think about it

What is this

He had never seen her coldly ignoring people, was she suppressed

You don't know the so-called stinky girl, right

Sheng Qianchen didn't speak there, but thoughtfully there, looking at Qin Yining with complicated eyes.

On the contrary, Qin Yining was thoroughly looked at.

"You, you, what are you doing looking at me like this?" Qin Yining hurried back to find a supplement. Today's Sheng Qianchen is like a big bad wolf. Why does she feel a little scared? "Aren't we... just friends?"

"Friends of boy and girl?" Sheng Qianchen asked suddenly.

"Nonsense! What are you talking about!" Compared with cohabitation or bed partner, Qin Yining can't accept this title anymore. When did she become his girlfriend? Did he get her consent

"I'm not your girlfriend! Don't talk nonsense to me!"

When Sheng Qianchen looked at Qin Yining’s defiant look, he really felt that he was a little bit irritable, and finally decided not to fight with her.

Really want to learn from the big bad wolf to knock her down.

"Whatever you want," he said suddenly.

"Huh?" Qin Yining hasn't reacted yet, is she a win

Sheng Qianchen suddenly hugged her.

"Ah!" Qin Yining couldn't help screaming, involuntarily hugged Sheng Qianchen's neck, "You...what are you doing?"

"Don't you have a pain in your legs?" Sheng Qianchen seemed to say casually, "I will hold you home."

"I..." Qin Yining was carried out of the office by him, and immediately blushed when he saw the thin eagle standing at the door.

Sheng Qianchen is insane. Now she is not trying to act like a baby with him, or against him, why did he suddenly hug her again

This isn't why she wanted him to hold her when she was so angry that she was so embarrassed.

"I... I'm all right, I'll leave by myself, you quickly let me down you!" she shouted.

Sheng Qianchen didn't hear it, so he hugged her all the way and walked up the elevator, still muttering, "Don't you always want me to hug? Why did you change your temper again?"

"Sheng Qianchen!" Qin Yining thought of waiting to get downstairs, which is the peak time for get off work. How many people will cry when they see this embarrassing appearance of themselves, "You... let me down quickly, I can go No, I don’t need you to hold it!"

"What are you afraid of?" Sheng Qianchen asked, "Didn't I also hug you downstairs yesterday?"

"Then... How can it be the same?" Qin Yining said anxiously. Yesterday they worked overtime and it was too late when they left. Who would see them, how could this be the same

One of her president's secretary was hugged by the president and went downstairs. Is she still shameless? How can she stay in this company in the future

When others talk from behind and look at her face to face as embarrassing, can it feel the same

"I'll hold you well." Sheng Qianchen still said casually, "so that you don't ignore me when you get angry."

"I... I'm not angry anymore, I won't ignore you anymore!" Qin Yining said anxiously, "You let me down first, I promise I will care about you in the future, will you do it?"

"I don't believe it." Sheng Qianchen also deliberately stunned her.

"Sheng Qianchen!" Qin Yi was crying anxiously.

Sheng Qianchen put her down. She didn't know why, so she looked up at Sheng Qianchen, and she just saw Sheng Qianchen's eyes.

She saw Sheng Qianchen looking at her, as if how funny she was.

Is this guy kidding her

Qin Yining's eyes were angry again, and then she found that Sheng Qianchen's eyes were so fierce as she looked at her, just like... just like before every time he wanted to kiss her.

Qin Yining was almost a conditioned reflex, reaching out his hand and covering his eyes, "You, don't allow you to look at me!"

Sheng Qianchen grabbed her hand and looked at her like that, but didn't kiss her, but suddenly smiled.

Qin Yining looked at his smile like that and was stunned.

Sheng Qianchen actually laughed. Isn't he the face of Wannian's iceberg


He can laugh

Turns out he was smiling... Still so pretty

They were so frozen in the elevator, Qin Yining stretched out his hand to Sheng Qianchen, and Sheng Qianchen caught it.

Sheng Qianchen looked at her with an unprecedented smile in his eyes.

Qin Yining stared at Sheng Qianchen's smile blankly, as if she couldn't believe it, and wanted to reach out to touch the corner of his lips to see if he really smiled.

For a moment, Qin Yining felt that Sheng Qianchen was about to kiss her. Probably, he was about to kiss her soon. In a few seconds

She was thinking about the time, and the elevator door opened.

Qin Yining withdrew her hand like an electric shock, blushing as if something happened.

She... What the hell is she thinking about

Qin Yining wanted to turn around and flee like she was trying to escape, but Sheng Qianchen supported her from behind, just like he had done it countless times and had already gone smoothly. He directly helped her go without giving her a chance to refuse.

They passed through the lobby on the first floor and came to the door in full view. The driver had already driven the car to the door.

Sheng Qianchen helped Qin Yining into the car, making every movement so natural.

The first thing Qin Yining does when getting in the car is to cover her cheeks.

How does she feel... so embarrassing

Qin Yining couldn't say what kind of mentality she was.

She didn't want Sheng Qianchen to hold him before, she still clinging to him to act like a baby.

But at those times, she was mad at Sheng Qianchen, and there was really no way to retaliate against him, so she came up with the tricks.

Moreover, at that time, Sheng Qianchen's eyes were properly written with the word impatient. Every time she tossed him successfully, it would only be a joy that could finally restrain him.

But today's Sheng Qianchen is different. How can Sheng Qianchen's attitude toward himself be so weird? Why does it always feel so ambiguous? Why is it not like Sheng Qianchen before

In the end what happened

She thought about it and thought, except that she was angry and ignored him today, there seemed to be nothing special.

Could it be that…

Qin Yining was muttering in her heart because she ignored him and was not used to him? Is he honest? Could this be a performance of surrendering the gun

She was thinking about it. No wonder people always say that men just can't get used to it!

That said, this man is really... cheap enough...

The problem is, although she has taught Sheng Qianchen a little lesson, why doesn't she have the joy of victory at all

Why was Sheng Qianchen so shy that he just wanted to let him go

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot

Qin Yining didn't know what she should do for a while, and as a result, Sheng Qianchen got into the car in the first move, not to mention holding her in her arms.

Qin Yining was like a spring that had been pulled straight. She couldn't pull it back, but she kept resisting her strength. "Why did you hug and hug? Let go!"

(End of this chapter)