One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 83: sleeping Beauty


"An Xin." Jiang Qing finally couldn't help holding An Xin in his arms. He didn't know why. An Xin didn't accuse him at all, and An Xin didn't cry. An Xin said that she was fine in a foreign country alone!

However, why did he feel more sad and heartache.

He wanted to let her go because he didn't want to hurt An Xin. How did he feel that letting her go hurt her even more

She was so sad that it made him feel heartache!

"An Xin, what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do with you?" Jiang Qing hugged An Xin and muttered.

"I... I'm dizzy, I'm really dizzy..." An Xin's voice seemed to be about to cry.

Jiang Qing picked her up, carried her to the bed in the bedroom, and let her lie down.

"An Xin." Jiang Qing knelt beside An Xin's bed and grabbed her hand on his face, "You believe me, An Xin, I just don't want to hurt you!"

An Xin looked at him silently for about a few seconds, and finally said softly, "I believe it."

Jiang Qing heard these two words of her and looked at her firmly, and everyone was stunned.

An Xin's hand gently rubbed Jiang Qing's face, "Don't be sad anymore, Jiang Qing, I'll be fine, I will take care of myself."

She just said softly, as if she had seen through Jiang Qing's thoughts, "You have to be careful yourself, take care of yourself, don't embarrass yourself, you know? You can hurt others, but you can't be hurt by others, you know? "

"An Xin!" Jiang Qing stared at An Xin, did An Xin know what she was going to do? Why did she say this to herself

An Xin looked at Jiang Qing, as if she had finished what she wanted to say, and smiled at him faintly.

"An Xin..." Jiang Qing suddenly involuntarily kissed An Xin. He had never felt like this moment that he needed peace of mind so much, needed everything about her, and needed her by his side.

Jiang Qing once again hugged An Xin uncontrollably, and rolled to the ground.

"Jiang Qing..." An Xin asked him as if chattering, "I... when should I leave?"

"Don't go, don't leave, An Xin, we won't leave!" Jiang Qing could no longer control after only this sentence, and became entangled with An Xin...

Qin Yining left Jiang Qing and rushed back to the company alone.

She returned to her office with a rage.

Back in the office, she sat there, still sulking silently for a while.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Qing still misunderstood her.

In fact, when she saw Jiang Qing leaving yesterday, she had already realized that she had already thought that Jiang Qing had misunderstood her relationship with Sheng Qianchen.

She even wanted to catch up with Jiang Qing to explain, it was Sheng Qianchen who stopped her and told her that there was nothing to explain...

In fact, deep down in her heart, she still didn't quite agree with Sheng Qianchen's statement. At the time, she thought, first hold Sheng Qianchen, and when she has a chance, she will explain to Jiang Qing.

However, the explanation she wanted was only to explain her relationship with Sheng Qianchen

It's not that simple, and the reason for her separation from Jiang Qing is actually for peace of mind.

When she met Jiang Qing today, she knew that Jiang Qing's misunderstanding of her was not that simple at all!

It turned out that Jiang Qing thought she rejected him because she was trying to climb Sheng Qianchen, and she blamed An Xin for the reason!

When Qin Yining knew that Jiang Qing had misunderstood her so deeply, she suddenly lost her desire to explain to him.

Because what Jiang Qing suspected was not her relationship with Sheng Qianchen, what Jiang Qing suspected was her, Qin Yining's character!

She suddenly understood what Sheng Qianchen said, when others have a preconceived impression of you, there is no need to explain it, not that it can’t, but it’s not necessary...

Yes, she and Jiang Qing have known each other for so many years, and have been in love for so many years. During the period, she experienced all kinds of hardships and even a lot of bloody plots.

If after experiencing so much, Jiang Qing still has doubts about her character and imagines her as a person who sells herself at the expense of money, fame and fortune, does she still need to explain

Explain, is it useful

Explain, can it change Jiang Qing's view of her

The key is that she can't return to Jiang Qing's side, just like Sheng Qianchen said, she just doesn't want to return to Jiang Qing's side.

As long as she didn't follow his request, what she did was wrong, and the explanation was meaningless!

Jiang Qing, why did it become like this

Qin Yining couldn't help thinking, was Jiang Qing that way at the beginning, or did he become like this later

Thinking of this, Qin Yining couldn't help but smiled helplessly. Now, is it necessary to entangle this

Regardless, Jiang Qing's view of her has changed. In Jiang Qing's heart, she has already become a heinous woman, right

In the same way, didn't she have all kinds of doubts about Jiang Qing

They really can't go back...

Qin Yining couldn't help but shook her head when she thought of this. She has always been like this. Now that she has come to a conclusion, why bother herself

She thought, in fact, she didn't lose anything. Jiang Qing doubted her, so why didn't she doubt Jiang Qing!

Jiang Qing had peace of mind, so why didn't she have Sheng Qianchen

Although Jiang Qing is still suspicious of An Xin's feelings, and she is also hard to say to Sheng Qianchen...

Qin Yining thought of this, thinking that she really couldn't get tangled anymore, how could she have forgotten more important things!

She hurriedly took out the contraceptives she bought in the morning, took out the instructions, and read carefully while observing the movement outside the door.

After reading, she patted her chest. Fortunately, she bought it in time!

Qin Yining hurriedly ate the medicine like a thief, and hurriedly hid the rest of the medicine after he had taken it. Don't let Sheng Qianchen find out, otherwise this guy would have to eat her!

She did everything well, only when she remembered that she hadn't seen Sheng Qianchen for so long, why didn't he move at all

This is not his work

Feng, although he is busy to death every day when he arrives at the company, he always takes the time to check her post.

Even if he sometimes has meetings or sees clients, he might send her a message halfway through and ask her what she is doing, but for such a long time today, he hasn't moved at all, which is unscientific.

Thinking of this, Qin Yining couldn't help but walked to the door of Sheng Qianchen's office, knocked on the door, and there was no sound inside.

She opened the door gently, and peeked in with her head.

It turned out that Sheng Qianchen actually fell asleep on the table!

Qin Yining had the courage, opened the door and walked in to see if Sheng Qianchen was still not moving at all. It seemed that she was asleep.


Qin Yining couldn't help scolding him in her heart. No wonder she didn't harass herself for so long, because she fell asleep like a pig!

She couldn't help but slander in her heart, and she always called me a pig! Where are you so good

This is the morning, come to bed early in the morning!

Qin Yining thought so in her heart, but uncontrollably took a blanket in her hand and put it on Sheng Qianchen.

But then I thought, it really makes people wonder what I did last night!


Qin Yining couldn't help but feel a sudden shock when thinking of this.


What did he do last night? Doesn't she know yet

Why is she so stupid, why did she think of this place

How come I seem to have become more and more stupid since I met Sheng Qianchen

Seeing Sheng Qianchen sleeping so dead, she couldn't help but secretly observe him next to him.

What a sleeping beauty prince...

Think about it, and I can't help but slander in my heart, that's it! Who told you to do something to me

Come again early in the morning!

Really deserve it!

When Qin Yining thought about it, she blushed, and because she was annoyed by this thought, she couldn't help but glared at Sheng Qianchen.

Anyway, he didn't know if he slept, and what good was she staring at him if he slept? Isn't it a waste of feelings

Looking at the blanket on his body again, I couldn't help but suspect that I brought it to him

When did I take it, why didn't I pay attention to it


Why do you care about him so much

She stood there for a while, feeling a little impulsive to take down the blanket and put it back.

I want to forget it again, I still don't stay in his office for too long, in case he wakes up, it is myself who will suffer!

Qin Yi escaped quietly and quietly, closed the door and shut Sheng Qianchen in her office, let this pig go to sleep on her own!

Sheng Qianchen slept soundly and woke up at noon.

He got up and found that he was wearing a blanket. After thinking for a while, thinking of Qin Yining, maybe she is the only one who has this kind of kindness

But Da Xia Xia covered him with a blanket, because he was afraid he didn't know how much she cared about him, or he wanted to retaliate against him

(End of this chapter)