One Night Sweetheart: Honey, take it!

Chapter 96: Baby, goodbye


"What are you doing!" Qin Yining couldn't help complaining, "I'm not going, I'm not her opponent, I deserve it! Let's go!"

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she couldn't help turning around and facing Sheng Qianchen with her back.

Anyway, he despises himself in his heart, so why show him his face and let him look back!

Sheng Qianchen looked at her back and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. I don't know the so-called stupid girl, who can always find a way to get his anger out of him!

He hugged her, not letting her hide at all.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Qin Yining turned back to push him, still furious, "You look down on me, why are you holding me? You are sick!"

"Who despises you?" Sheng Qianchen hugged her tightly, not letting her struggle, and talked to her ears, a little bit of ears. "I despise you and I will stand up for you? I am a big man running to find An Xin. Threats and intimidation just to help you vent your breath?"

"You are!" Qin Yining began to refute after hearing his first words, "You..."

She stopped, she understood the meaning of Sheng Qianchen's words, and then she suddenly turned around to face Sheng Qianchen, looking at him with big eyes, as if she didn't believe it, and as if she didn't know him.

Sheng Qianchen, for her, to find Anxin, to threaten Anxin

He can actually do this kind of thing for her, this... How can this be something he can do

Is he just for her

How could he be so good to her

Sheng Qianchen nodded as if she didn't believe her.

"Qianchen!" Qin Yining couldn't think of being moved. She hugged Sheng Qianchen and put him in his arms, "You..."

She wants to say why you are so good to me? I also felt that these words were light and light, as if they couldn't express her feelings at the moment.

Sheng Qianchen probably understood her feelings. He didn't need her to be grateful at all. What he did for her, but it was only natural.

He stroked her back, "Hey, don't rush up stupidly in the future. You are porcelain. I can't bear it if you break it. Tell me if you have this kind of thing. I will help you. Carry it for you."

With these words, Qin Yining can be smoothed even if she is really a donkey.

"Qianchen..." She couldn't help holding Sheng Qianchen tighter, "Qianchen, I..."

Qin Yining buried her head in Sheng Qianchen's arms, as if she was acting like a baby, at this moment, suddenly her whole body froze, motionless.

She was shocked by what she almost said...

She, how did she almost say those three words? Even though Qin Yining was buried in the arms of Sheng Qianchen, she couldn't help being stunned. Is she crazy

Just because Sheng Qianchen came out for her, she wanted to say, say... I love you

Sheng Qianchen would not miss her even a small move. At this moment, seeing her freeze there, he reached out and grabbed her chin and raised her head, "What did you say?"

"I..." Qin Yining still had the silly expression fixed on her face, did not come out of the shock, but could not answer Sheng Qianchen's question, "I said, said... Thank you..."

Sheng Qianchen frowned, stinky girl, what about deceiving ghosts

He looked at Qin Yining's eyes so hot, he understood that he was telling her that he knew what she wanted to say!

Qin Yining stretched out his hand to cover his eyes almost immediately. No, he can't let him look at him like this, he will roast her, OK

"Smelly girl..." Sheng Qianchen muttered while blindfolded by her.

Qin Yining immediately stretched out another hand to cover his mouth.

No, she really didn't want to face him, didn't want to say that sentence, how could it be possible

She hasn't thought about this issue, how can she say this irresponsibly? How can she say this casually!

Sheng Qianchen took away Qin Yining's hand that was covering her mouth, and went to grab her hand that covered her eyes.

Qin Yining reacted swiftly this time, tightly covering his eyes with her hand, rushing over and kissing him.

Don’t ask, she told him in her heart, don’t ask, don’t allow you to ask!

She stretched her trembling hand under his clothes, and murmured in his ear as soon as her mouth was empty, just calling his name like a baby, "Qianchen, Qianchen..."

Sheng Qianchen finally couldn't help but sighed, "Smelly girl!"

He rolled over and pressed her, took her both hands away, and pressed them to the sides of her head.

Sheng Qianchen stared at her, fiery, and faintly angry, "I haven't thought about it yet?" His voice was low and dull.

Qin Yining understood the meaning of his words almost immediately, "I didn't think about it, I didn't think about it!" She said anxiously.

Of course she didn't think about it!

How could she and him

She, she was just moved by him for a while, okay

Because he has done so much for her, so many things that go against her perception of him.

So she thought he was good to her, so she was moved, so she couldn't help but want to say...

This is just a momentary move, and it's not accurate at all, okay

She is Qin Yining, OK? She is impulsive by nature and does everything without regard to the consequences!

She herself wasn't sure what she wanted to say, how could he take it seriously

Sheng Qianchen looked at Qin Yining's ostrich-like expression, and the anger in his heart ignited again. He was confused about everything, can he also be confused about this matter

Just so heartless, not even sure how you feel about him

Why did he treat her so nicely, did he feed the dog with his infatuation

"Qin Yining." He couldn't help but feel a little cold in his voice. Even if he was a volcano, he couldn't hold her to pour cold water on him like this.

"Qianchen, Qianchen!" Qin Yining didn't know that he was angry, she was more anxious than him, but could this kind of thing come in a hurry

Even if he coerced her into telling her, what's the point? Can you be serious

Just like the last time he inexplicably asked her to give birth to him, she had no choice but to agree.

Why doesn't he understand? Why are you still angry with her

Isn't he smart? Isn't it high IQ

Force her

,is that useful

"You can't force me, you can't force me to do this kind of thing, okay? I haven't thought about it, I haven't thought about it yet!" Qin Yining said in a series.


Sheng Qianchen looked at her irritably, always doing this, saying and doing everything, everyone has to coax!

I really spoiled her!

Sheng Qianchen was angry, but his hand was soft, touching her face lightly, really coaxing her, "Baby, dear..."

He began to kiss her again if nothing seemed to happen, and murmured to her softly.

"No, no..." Qin Yining was tickled by his kiss, and kept calling the police in his heart. This guy, changed the way, isn't it the same as forcing her

"You are not allowed to..." Qin Yining said intermittently, "I just... I didn't think about it..."

Sheng Qianchen stopped for a while, then continued to kiss her earlobe, "You want to... I'll wait, baby..."

"Sheng Qianchen!" Qin Yining couldn't help shaking after being teased by him.

This guy, do you want to force her to die

She didn't know where the strength came from, she turned over and pressed Sheng Qianchen under her body, staring at him angrily.

Sheng Qianchen looked at her in his spare time, as if he was innocent.

Qin Yining gave him a blank look, frowned and thought about it, giving her body or giving her a sincere heart

She must choose the former, okay

She didn't want Sheng Qianchen to tease her anymore, and didn't want him to force her anymore, so she took the initiative to kiss him this time, and slapped him up and down, she didn't believe you could bear it...


Qin Yining didn't wait for Sheng Qianchen to laugh at her this time, got up and rushed to the bathroom, locked the door and took a bath.

I was upset while washing, what are these all about!

Does she give Sheng Qianchen to that again? !

She is really speechless!

Sheng Qianchen came to knock on the door and wanted to wash with her. If she was chased away, he didn't want it, and he didn't want him to see who he is now!

The last time she was drugged, what reason did she find this time

She can't explain how she can explain it, okay

Besides, what if he asks her to say that sentence after serious discussion

Isn't she just white this time

Don't talk to him!

"You... Go away! Wait until I finish washing!" Qin Yining ordered angrily, as if she was authoritative.

Fortunately, Sheng Qianchen didn't force her to walk away.

Qin Yining finally breathed a sigh of relief. While taking a bath, she sorted out the messy situation now, trying to sort out her messy emotions.

Her bath time was extraordinarily long, and finally she found that she couldn't figure it out at all!

She didn't know why An Xin treated herself so much, and she didn't know whether Jiang Qing was involved in all this.

She didn't know whether she should stand up and find An Xin to make it clear, or should give him everything as Sheng Qianchen said, and let him solve it.

(End of this chapter)