One Pet Gets Married

Chapter 42


"You said you wouldn't mess around... You wouldn't touch me..." Song Xici's entire back was stiff and hot.

"Yes, I said," Tang Youan rested her head on her back shoulder, "but I also said, I will listen to you carefully, then, if you want, I will naturally..."

"That's not what I meant!" In the end, Song Xici leaned forward a little, turned his head to the side, and continued to retort with a trembling voice, "I don't want to be let by you... what..."

"What does that mean?" Tang Youan asked.

"Let me go first..." Song Xici broke her hand tightly around his waist.

Although Tang Youan didn't want to let go, but Song Xi said all her words, she had no choice but to let go.

But after it was really released, Song Xici always felt that something was not very comfortable.

It's like facing a pile of delicious food and wanting to eat it in one bite, but before you can pick up the chopsticks and put a bite in your mouth, you leave because of the weight loss plan.

"Okay, I let go, tell me." After Tang Youan let go of her, his eyes were still tightly locked on her.

"I'm like that at noon because... Playing Truth or Dare with someone, and then I accidentally lost, so, I chose the big risk! After that, they coaxed me to send you this sentence... Yes, that's it Yes." Song Xici suddenly felt that he was as witty as a genius.

"So?" Tang Youan looked at her.

"Of course it is, otherwise what else?! How could I want to be you..." Song Xici turned to look at her, and squeezed her hands again, "It's like this anyway, just like everyone yelled at us last time. Tongue kiss, we have to... In short, it is of a nature, that message was sent out of necessity, do you understand what I said?!"

After Tang Youan heard this, she just looked straight at her face.

After being watched by Tang Youan for a while, Song Xici put his head aside again.

"By the way, and... How do you know what these messy words mean?!" Then, Song Xici started the questioning mode again.

After listening to Tang Youan, he replied: "I have been here for too long, and there are many things that I can't understand even if I don't want to understand it. You can always get fans on Weibo to ask for fuck fans, isn't it?"

Song Xici couldn't answer these words, and just kept playing with his fingers: "I don't want to talk to you anymore. Go to sleep, if you can't get up in the morning these days, you should be told by your dad. It's embarrassing to waste your time, you have a lot of quarrels with him because of this kind of thing."

Tang Youan nodded, turned over and lay back on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, Song Xici ran to the side again, took another quilt, and threw it on the bed, then took off his shoes and got on the bed, covering himself tightly.

Tang Youan looked sideways at Song Xici, who was lying beside him with another quilt covered, put one hand on the back of his head, and closed his eyes gently.

Is it just that? Tang Youan suddenly felt a sense of loss. There was a feeling that the meat in the mouth finally flew away.

"Xixi." Lying down, Tang Youan called out her name with her eyes closed.

"Huh?" Song Xici pulled down a little quilt.

"You said, what exactly is love?" Tang Youan finally asked her this question again.

After Song Xi's speech, he was stunned for a moment, then clenched his fists, only to feel that his palms were already wet with sweat: "Are you so curious?"

"Yes." Tang Youan replied.

"It's probably something that is interesting in the early stage, but very easy to disappear in the back." In the end, Song Xici said.

"However, it's not just love that is easy to lose. Friendship is also easy to lose. After all, people have to deal with various things when they are alive. The relationship between people is always very fragile. Yes, but as long as we maintain each other well and consciously maintain it, we will not be too bad. In addition, there are indeed many accidents. Maybe, the other party was still talking to you yesterday, but today he encountered a misfortune. , no longer appear in your world," Tang Youan stared at the ceiling, "this is also a kind of disappearance. But, do you have to reject everything for these?"

Tang Youan turned his head slightly, but did not wait for Song Xici's answer.

After that, Tang Youan said slowly again: "It's like this life, from the moment of falling to the ground, will eventually usher in the day of death, do you have to stop living because this day will come..."

After Song Xi finished listening, he held the quilt and did not speak. She didn't dare to think about that at all.

"Some things, if you keep thinking about the bad, then you will definitely miss the wonderful things in the process," Tang Youan added, "In the end, you won't enjoy anything, but it's frustrating. It's better not to think about it at the beginning. So much, just go with the flow.”

"Anyway, I can't. By the way, why did you ask about love?" At this moment, Song Xici suddenly pulled the quilt down, turned to look at Tang You'an who was lying there, and smiled while pretending to gossip, "Are you in love with someone?! It's tricky! Hahaha, come and come, tell me, who are you in love with?!"

After Tang Youan heard Song Xici's voice, he was silent for a while.

"Why, isn't it?" Song Xici continued to ask.

"Love is the collision of hormones plus thinking about her all the time, wanting to give everything to her, and wanting to get a lot from her at the same time?" For a long time, Tang Youan stared at the ceiling and asked.

After Song Xi finished listening, he thought about it and nodded, "Maybe it is."

"In this way, I do fall in love with her," Tang You'an frowned slightly and shook his hand slightly, "there is indeed such a person who makes me want to get her body and everything from her. , I also want to give her everything I have. And on weekdays, I miss her all the time."

Hearing this, Song Xici's chest suddenly missed a beat.

The person Tang Youan said was not himself, was he

"What are you... What are you talking about? That person is..." Song Xici said, feeling that her heart was about to burst out of her chest.

"I think she should know that I'm in love with her. I think my attitude shouldn't be so obvious, I... " Tang Youan looked at the ceiling again.

But at this time, Song Xici suddenly interrupted her words: "Oh, not bad, I have grown up and grown up! I am so happy! Who do you like? Men and women? Let's shoot together! Brothers and sisters in the show? Or who is Xiaobao and the others? Hurry up, talk about it! "

Hearing this sentence, Tang Youan squeezed his hands even tighter, frowned, and turned his head to the side.

Song Xici said she seemed very happy to see that she fell in love with someone else. Seeing that, he almost jumped up from the bed and gave him a big applause.

However, when Tang Youan saw that she was so happy, she couldn't be happy. On the contrary, it was really unpleasant, as if there was a sigh of gas in the chest, in addition to being uncomfortable, it was still uncomfortable.

"Ask you something." After pressing down and pressing his unpleasant mood, Tang Youan opened his mouth with his eyes closed.

"Oh, you can ask." Song Xi replied.

"You're so happy knowing who I'm in love with?" Tang Youan asked coldly, staring at the sheets on the edge of the bed.

"This... You have to be happy, because it's rare, you're finally enlightened! Men and women?! Quick, ask for photos! I tell you, if you like it, go after it! If you can't chase it, let it be I'll give you some advice!" Song Xici continued with an incomparable gossip.

Hearing this, Tang You'an was silent for a long time, then smiled at her again, then turned around to lie on his side, and said slowly, "I don't need to bother you, good night."

"Oh, good night..." Song Xici looked at the back of her head, stunned for a while, then lay flat and looked at the ceiling.

The person Tang Youan said was...

Tang You'an didn't do anything strange that night, and the room was very warm, which should have given people a good night's sleep, but Song Xici didn't sleep well at all, half awake, and a little uncomfortable.

Later in the night, she had a dream. A dream that almost painted the rest of his life.

She dreamed that she was sleeping on the sofa, in Tang Youan's arms, watching a TV series.

By the end of the night, they began to kiss and undress each other, hugging each other's bodies tightly.

Tang Youan kissed her forehead and told her, "I won't go."

In a blink of an eye, spring and autumn came, and the vegetation turned from prosperity to withered. She and Tang Youan went to many places and did many things.

But one day, when she returned home, she found that Tang Youan was gone. She searched up and down, called everyone, and called the police at the same time. In the end, the police and everyone around her told her that there was no such person, and she told her that this person was simply her own. imagined.

When he dreamed of this place, Song Xici suddenly woke up.

When he woke up, he realized that something had slipped from the corner of his eye, so Song Xici stretched out his hand and wiped it, only to realize that it was tears.

Looking back at Tang You'an, Song Xici turned his head again, pulled the quilt under his nose, frowned, and pursed his lips tightly, not knowing what to do, but his body trembled faintly.

On the other side, Tang Youan also had a dream.

She dreamed that she was standing in a white place and said "I love you" to Song Xici, then Song Xici slowly raised her hand to cover her ears, shook her head, and turned to leave.

In the panic, she hurriedly stretched out her hand, trying to hold Song Xici.

However, the moment his hand touched the corner of Song Xici's clothes, Song Xici instantly turned into a pile of white powder from the corner of the clothes to the face of his body.

And she stood alone in the middle of the white world, only to feel a sense of despair, like a swirling goose feather snow, covered layer by layer in her heart.

When he woke up from the dream, Tang Youan opened his eyes and saw that the inside of the room was already brightly illuminated by the sun. I took out my phone and looked at the time, and saw that it was 7:30 in the morning, and the bed beside him was empty.

At that moment, a strong sense of panic filled the whole body. After Tang Youan got out of bed, he hurriedly opened the door of the cloakroom, opened the door of the bathroom, and finally opened the bedroom door and walked out, standing at the railing and looking down.

She didn't let out a sigh of relief until she saw Song Xici came out of the kitchen with a plate of fruit and sat on the sofa with Pei Qiuyue to eat.

However, thinking of Song Xici's reaction last night and the dream she had just had, she felt that her head hurt even more today than it was yesterday.

After breakfast, since Tang Bingguo still had things to do in his company, he went to deal with it first. In this way, Pei Qiuyue, Tang Youan and Song Xici were left to go shopping together.

Along the way, Tang Youan became a little silent. Unless there is something necessary, he seldom speaks to Song Xici. Just every now and then, she would pick up her phone and send messages to people or something.

Sometimes Song Xici saw something funny, pulled her clothes, and pointed to it. After she followed her, she just nodded, her attitude was neither salty nor light.

It's not that she's trying to slap people, but she's really not very excited. Smiling every now and then was her last courtesy.

Pei Qiuyue bought a lot of things in the middle, and then a few people sat in a dessert shop.

Tang Youan ordered a cup of coffee and went to the bathroom. So, only Song Xici and Pei Qiuyue were left in the dessert shop.

"The desserts here are pretty good, sweet but not greasy," Pei Qiuyue scooped a little cake into her mouth with a spoon, and looked at Song Xici, "You really don't want to order something?"

"You can eat it, I'll forget it." Song Xici raised his hand and waved it with a smile.

"Not in a good mood?" Pei Qiuyue asked.

"No," Song Xici was stunned for a moment, guessing that he might look a little dejected now. This is inappropriate in front of the elders, so he hurriedly shook his head and scanned the QR code at the corner of the table with his mobile phone. "I'll see if there's something good to eat..."

But just when Song Xici just ordered a cup of milk tea, the phone in Tang Youan's bag on the chair vibrated.

Song Xici was stunned for a moment, and his attention was diverted.

"Xixi, please help her pick it up." Pei Qiuyue said aside.

"Oh." Pei Qiuyue spoke, and Song Xici had no choice but to open Tang Youan's bag, and then took out the phone from it.

As a result, Song Xici was stunned the moment he saw the screen. I saw the word "beautiful" written on it.

A note without a surname looks really affectionate.

In the end, Song Xici picked up the phone.

"Little Tangtang~Are you still outside~" However, before Song Xi could speak, the sticky voice that didn't match its appearance at all came first.

"I… "

"I just made a lot of biscuits, chestnut-flavored ones, and a lot of your favorite lemon-flavored chicken feet. When are you coming back? I'll give you all of them."

"Mom, I'll go over there." Hearing this, Song Xici covered the end of the microphone, and after saying a word to Pei Qiuyue, got up and walked out of the store, and helped him to a railing.

"What's the matter, Tang Bao? Why are you so weird today..." At this moment, Xiao Meimei continued to ask on the other side of the phone.

Hearing Song Xici, he had already figured out what the two of them would look like when they were alone. Xiao Meimei is so coquettish, she should twist Tang Youan's arm like that.

"Miss, I'm sorry to interrupt, you haven't given me a chance to speak. Also, I'm not Tang You'an," Song Xici looked at the hanging decorations in the center of the mall, "I'm what you said. Song Xici, Xiao Tangtang's wife. Is there anything else you need me to tell her?"

"No… "

So, without waiting for her to say more, Song Xici took the phone from her ear, and then hung up without saying a word.

It seems that he really thought too much last night, Tang Youan didn't fall in love with him, he simply fell in love with Xiao Meimei.

And... In fact, she wasn't really teasing herself before, but she was really asking for advice.

Then, Tang Youan had been burying her hair news and so on just now, and she should also be doing hairdressing with Xiao Mei.

It's very strange, obviously they should be happy, so doesn't it mean that the two of them have not deviated from the track, can they continue to be friends

But Song Xici found that he couldn't be happy at all.

After standing there for a while, Song Xici returned to the dessert shop. I saw that Tang Youan was already sitting inside.

"You're back?" Pei Qiuyue raised her head and asked when she saw her walking to the table.

"Well." Song Xici stroked her hair, nodded, and handed the phone to Tang Youan.

"What's wrong?" Tang Youan glanced at the dimmed phone screen and looked sideways at her.

"It's nothing..." Song Xi shook his head after listening to the resignation. "It's just a friend who called and said he wanted to send us something."

"Then why are you looking so bad?" Pei Qiuyue asked again.

"Ah, no, probably because I thought of an audition next, a famous director, it's very important, I'm afraid I won't be selected." Song Xici said with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, come on." After Pei Qiuyue heard this, she put her hand on hers and encouraged her.

Song Xi had no choice but to nod after listening.

Tang Youan looked sideways at her, then turned on the phone and looked at WeChat.

I saw that Xiao Meimei sent herself a lot of messages just now, probably talking about food. Xiao Meimei's cooking skills are also good. She made a lot of things for her, and then vacuum-sealed them.

In the play "Ren Chen", Tang Youan and Xiao Meimei have the most scenes, so the relationship between the two of them is undoubtedly the best. For Tang You'an, Xiao Meimei was the first friend she knew after coming here, apart from Song Xici.

In addition, both of them like to mess around with food, so there are a lot of topics that can be talked about, and they will usually be more intimate.

Tang Youan thought for a while, and replied, "Thank you, it's hard work for you."

So, Xiao Meimei quickly sent another emoji with a smile on her mouth: "Tell me, am I a super good girlfriend?! I remember so clearly what you like to eat, hhh hurry up and praise me, praise me !"

After Tang Youan saw it, he pinched the bridge of his nose: "Praise you."

Xiao Meimei: "Hey... I'm not distracted at all, aren't you happy today? Forget it, let's not talk about you, just have fun!"

Song Xici looked at Tang Youan from the side, put a sip of milk tea on the table, and then lost the thought of drinking it.

"Do you still want to sit for a while? If you don't want to sit anymore, just accompany me to buy something." At this time, Pei Qiuyue put away her phone and opened her mouth.

"Okay, let's go then." Song Xici forcibly pulled the corner of his mouth up.

Tang Youan still had no expression, just grabbed the bag and put it on his shoulder, then grabbed the phone and stood up straight.

This day was supposed to be a day of relaxation, but Tang Youan felt inexplicably that it was even more tiring and slower than filming.

In the evening, she took an early bath and lay down on the bed.

When Song Xici came out after washing up, Tang Youan seemed to have fallen asleep, so she didn't disturb anyone. It's just that when she was skin care, she was a little upset by Tang You'an's mobile phone screen that lit up from time to time, so she simply reached out and pushed it back on the table for her.

But after the buckle was finished, she picked it up and looked at it again.

There seems to be a lot of news inside. And the latest one is from Xiao Mei's hairdressing: "There will be a musical on the 3rd of next month, do you want to watch it together?"

After reading it, Song Xici buckled Tang Youan's mobile phone again, and then frowned and put the lotion bottle on the table.

"What are you doing?" The voice was so loud that Tang You'an, who was sleeping a little dazed on the other side of the bed, asked again, rubbing his head.

"It's nothing, you continue to sleep with you." After Song Xici said coldly, he dug out a little more cream and applied it to his face.

So, Tang Youan was silent again.

After a while, Song Xici lay on the bed.

But, I still didn't sleep well tonight.

In the first half of the night, my mind was in a mess, and I couldn't fall asleep. In the second half of the night, I suddenly dreamed that Tang You'an turned over, lifted the quilt and put it on him, and took off his pajamas, his palms pressed against him. skin, all the way down...

And her body, as if it was set on fire, was too hot...

Then, in the dream, Tang Youan kissed his lips again. But, kissing and kissing, Tang Youan called Xiao Meimei's name.

So, Song Xici suddenly woke up.

Sitting up, he raised his hand and stroked his forehead. After a while, Song Xici turned his head to look at Tang Youan who was sleeping on the side.

Then, she lay down again.

Picking up the phone, it's only half past five in the morning. can not fall asleep. So, Song Xici simply opened WeChat, then inexplicably poked Tang Youan's avatar and entered her Moments album.

I saw that the latest content was posted the day before yesterday afternoon.

The content of the text is: "My scene is finished today, thank you all who have been so kind to me during this time! Thank you Director Chen Feng for his tireless guidance, thank Teacher Zhao Zixi for his guidance, and thank Meimei for her guidance and various feedings. Without you, there would be no progress for me, thank you to the crew of "Human Chen"!"

Then the accompanying picture is a large group photo of her and the rest of the staff, in which a photo of Zhang Xiao Meimei and herself and a bunch of snacks was specially posted.


Suddenly I felt that the person Tang Youan liked was not Xiao Meimei, right? Speaking of which, Xiao Meimei happens to be a single dog too.

Frowning, Song Xici went to Weibo again.

After entering Tang Youan's Weibo, Song Xici saw that Tang Youan reposted a Weibo of Xiao Meimei's hair the day before yesterday.

The content of Weibo is: "In today's scene, Wuli Moyan left [cry]!!!"

And Tang You'an's forward comment was: "General Zhuang, don't be sad, you can definitely cooperate again if you have the opportunity in the future."

Then someone commented: "Hey, if You An hadn't been married, I would have succumbed to this cult CP..."

Song Xici twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw the hot comment: "So, everyone is married, what are you guys doing to be a matchmaker?!"

After finishing speaking, Song Xici hurriedly covered his mouth again, and looked sideways at Tang Youan lying beside him.

After confirming that she was still awake, Song Xici continued to read Weibo.

Then, Song Xici found that Tang Youan had liked another Weibo post about food by Xiao Meimei not long ago.

The content is: "@Actor Tang Youan Mo Yan, look, this is your favorite chestnut cake, General Ben ate it today, haha!"

Oh shit. Did she really fall in love with Xiao Meimei, who played opposite her? Those two people who didn't know probably thought they were just promoting the play. After all, they both called each other by the names of the characters in the play, but in fact...

Combined with what Tang Youan said last night and Xiao Meimei's phone call today, Song Xici couldn't believe it was that simple between them!

Wrinkling her eyebrows, Song Xici clicked into Xiao Meimei's photo album and read her photos over and over. Before, she hadn't paid much attention to Xiao Meimei, nor had she been in the same frame.

Xiao Meimei's facial features are the same as her name, which doesn't match at all. The name is so soft that it feels like a silly white sweet. But the facial features look more heroic, many times tougher than Tang Youan.

Moreover, looking at the photo of the two of them, Xiao Meimei is taller than Tang Youan.

If you remember well, Tang Youan's official height is 178, and that sister should be 180 or higher! Simply. The two stood together, especially when Xiao Meimei put her hand on Tang Youan's shoulder, Tang Youan seemed to be a little bit more affectionate.

Then, Xiao Meimei's private clothes when she usually travels are basically all major fashion brands. Oversize jacket, leather jacket, leather pants, Martin boots, in a word: it looks very aggressive.

It's really hard to see that Tang You'an is so good at it? !

Song Xici frowned and touched her lips, lifted the quilt to look at her short legs, put the quilt back on, turned on the camera, pinched her soft face, rubbed her round eyes, and finally put down the phone, Rolled his eyes.

After finishing, Song Xici clicked on the media's "Ren Chen" visiting class interview video.

Reporter: "Meimei, what do you want to say about Tang You'an, who is playing opposite you?"

Xiao Meimei: "Actually, I had a certain prejudice against her at first. But later I found out that she is actually very interesting and very polite. If you don't know anything about filming, just ask, and she will not waste people's time at all. Plus, he's quite caring about people."

Reporter: "Do you care about people?"

Xiao Meimei: "Yes, even if someone is unhappy sometimes, she will condolences. Then whoever is not in a good condition, she will also go to condolences. Sometimes when I am not in a good mood, she will sit down and tell me jokes. Listen to this..."

I don't want to continue watching. So Song Xici simply turned off the video.

However, the mood is really not happy no matter what.

After staying in the Tang family for a short period of two or three days, the two returned to Rongcheng.

As soon as he got home, Tang Youan's cell phone received a message.

So, Tang Youan let go of the suitcase, changed his shoes, and put the phone's microphone to his lips: "I'm here, I'll see you at Jinyu Hotel later, right?"

After hearing Song Xi's speech next to him, he threw the bag to the side, and then walked to the water dispenser on the side to pick up the water.

"Then wait a moment, I'll clean up."

"No... I just got home. It might be a bit crowded at this hour. You don't have to wait too long if you come out later."

"Okay, see you at half past six then."

After Tang Youan put the phone in his pocket, Song Xici frowned, then smiled again, turned around and said, "Ah, your little love?"

After listening to Tang Youan, he looked down at the floor for a while, then looked up at her: "So what? What about no?"

"Ha..." Song Xi resigned and spread his hands, "I didn't say what would happen. I can't even ask? Why, is it true?"

Tang Youan looked at her for a while, and finally turned her head to one side: "That's all for you to worry about."

"I'm not worried, what am I worried about, it's just out of my friend's concern." Song Xici leaned against the fish tank with his arms in his arms.

"Oh," Tang Youan said, then turned around and walked out, "I may be back later in the evening. You remember to have dinner. If you really don't want to make it yourself, I can make it for you or bring it back to you. Call something."

After speaking, Tang Youan walked out completely.

Song Xici stood there, watching her back disappear at the door, and suddenly slammed the door: "Since you have someone you like, don't tease them casually!"