One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 126: Garrison Major General



Dicky's face was covered with cold sweat and he even swallowed unconsciously.

He felt an extremely huge pressure from Coles, which even made him want to drop his gun and run away.

At this moment, two voices kept ringing in Dicky's mind.

One is to escape quickly. The rear admiral-level navy is not someone he can deal with at all. If he continues to stay here, he will undoubtedly die.

Another option is to try shooting. This newly promoted major general might just be a young man pushed forward by the navy to lead the situation. He is only nineteen years old now. In fact, he is not very powerful at all. Maybe he can knock down the opponent with one shot and gain great fame.

These two thoughts kept echoing in his mind, leaving Dicky unsure of what to choose.

Finally, Dickie made up his mind, pointed the flintlock at Coles, and pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang!

Two pitch-black lead bullets cut through the air and quickly attacked Coles.

Dicky became nervous, this double bullet was his signature move, as long as Coles took it lightly, he would have a chance of defeating the opponent.

However, this is just a fantasy.

The speed at which the two lead bullets flew seemed very fast in the eyes of others, but in Coles' eyes, their speed and traces were clearly perceptible.

Coles turned his head slightly to the left and easily dodged the two shots.

See here.

Dickie was a little bit incredulous and didn't understand how Coles could avoid his bullets.

Coles looked at Dicky and said coldly: "Since you fired the gun, you should be aware that you have sacrificed your life."

Under Coles's gaze.

Dicky felt a strong sense of crisis. He was about to shoot Coles continuously, but suddenly he felt a stranger appear behind him.

"Who?" Dickie exclaimed, turning around.

Then, his eyes suddenly contracted, and in his sight, there appeared a strong man with a dark body, a ferocious face, and a row of sharp teeth in his mouth.

It's Crazy Fang Rams!

Impossible. The newspapers had clearly reported that Crazy Raymus was killed by the navy. How could he still be alive

In Dickie's disbelief.

With a ferocious smile, James grabbed Dicky's head with his strong arm.

Then... Kacha!

The crisp sound of bones breaking was heard.

The yellow-haired Dicky, who was offered a reward of 50 million berries by the navy, had his neck broken by Lambs, whom he had just mocked.

Captain Dicky died so quickly that the pirates who were still alive on the broken pirate ship felt frightened.

After Coles' cold gaze swept over them, the pirates raised their hands.

"Don't kill us, we surrender!"


Faced with these pirates who had no will to fight, Coles did not let Remus continue killing them. He turned to ask the surviving vice-captain of the pirate group.

"Do you know where the naval garrison base in the Sabaody Archipelago is?"

"I know, I know." The vice-captain of the Yellow Hair Pirates nodded quickly.

"All surrendered pirates should tie their hands and turn themselves in at the naval base." Coles gave his orders.

“Yes, yes!”

With the recent death of Captain Dicky and the strong intimidation from the Rear Admiral, these pirates had no intention of resisting at all. They covered their hands, lined up in an orderly manner, and headed towards the naval base in the Sabaody Archipelago.

They didn't dare to run away, because dozens of strange soldiers with the same color as Lambs suddenly appeared next to the team.

There are these shadow soldiers supervising.

If any of these pirates dare to try to escape, their heads will be torn off their bodies immediately.

The onlookers on the shore were still in a daze. It only took a short moment from the arrival of the black dragon, the appearance of the newly promoted Rear Admiral Charlotte Coles, to the resolution of Dicky, and the surrender and self-tying of the pirates of the Yellow Hair Pirates.

Only when the shadow dragon under Coles' feet continued to flap its wings and flew away from the shore did the people come back to their senses from their astonishment.

"Is that really a dragon? Just its aura makes me feel like I can't breathe."

"Also, isn't that young rear admiral the Navy supernova mentioned in the newspapers, Charlotte Coles? Why is he here in the Sabaody Archipelago?"

"Don't you know yet? I heard that this new major general is here to serve as the garrison major general."

"This Major General Coles seems to be very strong. He easily defeated the Yellow Hair Pirates. If he is stationed here as a major general, the Sabaody Archipelago should be more peaceful!"

In the air above the Chabaoti Archipelago.

Coles was standing on the back of the Shadow Dragon, looking around at the island below.

As a major general who will be stationed in this archipelago, Coles still needs to have a detailed understanding of the basic situation here.

Looking down from above.

It can be found that the entire Chabaoti Archipelago is made up of 79 trees, and there are towns and facilities on each tree.

Each giant tree is marked with different numbers to divide the area.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Transparent bubbles emerged from the ground and quickly burst after reaching a certain height.

This is the biggest feature of the Chabaoti Archipelago.

The roots of the Yarqiman mangrove tree secrete a special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands due to the air to form bubbles, which then fly into the sky.

Since the bubbles are only suitable for the climate range of the Alchiman mangroves, once the bubbles leave the climate range of the Shabaodi Archipelago, the resin component will explode because it cannot fully exert its power.

Coles took the Shadow Dragon back to the Shadow World, stepped on the bubbles floating in the air with his Moon Steps, and quickly returned to the ground.

As he looked around, he could see that on the Chabaody Archipelago, there were all kinds of bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles, and so on.

After the bubble culture evolved here, it permeated every corner of the island.

Under the big tree marked with No. 66, there is a naval building with a blue exterior and a distinct architectural style.

At the gate, there is a high wall building, and six naval soldiers wearing white shirts and holding rifles are standing guard here strictly.

This is the naval base of the Chabao Archipelago.

Inside, on the training ground.

A two-meter-tall middle-aged man wearing a navy justice coat is constantly swinging his sword here. He holds a huge steel sword in his hand, and every swing brings up a gust of strong wind.

A private wearing a "MARINE" hat came over and reported: "Report to Commodore Matthew, a group of pirates are outside."

"Pirate?" Matthew was a little confused.

"Yes, the leader is the vice captain of the Yellow Hair Pirates, who has a bounty of 40 million berries on him." The private answered.

"Don't they know that this is a naval base? How dare they come here to cause trouble?" Matthew put away his sword and walked quickly outside.

All the sailors above the rank of major have gone out on patrol missions. Among the remaining sailors in the base, apart from him, the brigadier general, there are indeed few who can deal with this pirate with a bounty of 40 million.

"We're not causing trouble, Brigadier General Matthew. The Yellow Hair Pirates are here to surrender." The private quickly explained.

"Turn yourself in?"

Matthew paused, he couldn't help but become even more confused about this matter.

Based on the crimes committed by the Yellow Hair Pirates, these pirates will have to stay in Impel Down for at least the rest of their lives, so why would they turn themselves in

The private who reported the incident narrated the entire story in one breath this time: "Today, the Yellow Hair Pirates were preparing to head to Fishman Island on a coated pirate ship, but were attacked by the Sea Kings and returned to shore. Their captain, Dicky, shot and killed civilians on the shore.

At the critical moment, Major General Coles arrived and killed the captain of the Yellow Hair Pirates, Dicky. The vice captain of the Yellow Hair Pirates and the remaining pirates were captured by Major General Coles, so they came to the base with their hands tied to surrender.

Major General Coles!

Matthew's eyes fixed, and he asked, "Where is Major General Coles?"

The private first class replied: "I don't know yet, but Major General Coles has already landed on the island and will probably arrive at the base soon."

"Okay, I'll go wait for him." Matthew's face was solemn, and he strode towards the entrance of the base.

The navy soldier who had just become a private first class was a little confused. He didn't know what Brigadier General Matthew was going to do. He could only analyze the situation based on the information he had already learned.

Not long ago.

The garrison major general here was killed by the pirate Mad Tooth Remus, and the position of garrison major general is vacant.

I heard from other naval soldiers that Commodore Matthew has served as a commodore in the Chabaoti Archipelago for five years. He has sufficient qualifications and experience and is likely to be promoted to the rank of garrison major general.

But what I didn't expect was that the Navy Headquarters sent this year's new major general, Charlotte Coles, to take up this highest garrison position.

Could it be that Brigadier General Matthew has some grudge and wants to cause trouble on the day Major General Coles takes office

While the private was thinking, Matthew had already arrived at the gate of the base.

The pirates of the Yellow Hair Pirate Group are being detained by the navy soldiers, but the 19-year-old young rear admiral has not arrived yet.

Matthew was not in a hurry. He directly moved out a chair, folded his hands across his chest, and sat at the door of the naval base with a serious expression.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little depressing, and the naval soldiers stationed there also became a little nervous.

While waiting quietly, at the end of the grass ahead, a black-haired young man wearing a major general-level justice coat finally appeared.

Matthew stood up, walked to the front of the naval base, and spoke in a solemn voice.

"Major General Coles, let's spar!"