One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 13: Shadow Imprisonment


Behind Yolon.

A short and fat black figure suddenly jumped up, and his sandbag-sized fist pointed directly at Yulong's head.

This figure is naturally a shadow soldier:


Although Coles's Shadow Shield was strong, it was no use taking such continuous beatings.

So he directly summoned shadow soldiers and ordered them to launch a sneak attack from behind Yulong.

Yulong was wearing a large area of iron armor, and ordinary sword and gun attacks had no effect on him at all. The only weak point on his body that was exposed was his head.

Atton originally wanted to attack the back of Yulong's head, but because Yulong turned his head, he only attacked the opponent's fleshy side face.

The next moment.

Yulong's huge face was slightly deformed by the smash, and his nostrils were bleeding profusely.

“It hurts so much!”

Bloodshot appeared in Yulon's eyes, which were like those of a beast boy. He slowly stopped attacking and then turned his fist directly towards Atton!


After being hit by a sudden heavy punch, Atton's body was shattered and eventually turned into a shadow and disappeared.

Coles was not disappointed at all, because he did not have high expectations from the beginning. After all, the pirate in front of him was a pirate with a bounty of 10 million berries.

Want to defeat the opponent easily.

Not likely at all.

Seeing Yulong begin to show his power, the morale of the Giant Fist Pirates instantly rose. Their captain is still very powerful.

Coles glanced at the dead pirates on the surrounding decks and gave a long-lost summoning command.

“Stand up!”

During these two months, his proficiency in the Shadow Fruit has greatly improved, and the number of shadows he can summon has reached twenty.

This suggests that he can now summon more Shadow Soldiers to fight.

Then, amid the exclamations of the pirates and navy, black shadows began to rise from the dead bodies of the pirates.

New Shadow Soldiers, Formed!

Yulong looked at this scene and snorted disdainfully: "Playing tricks!"

"You will know if you try it!"

Coles gave a sideways smile.

The Adun who had just been shattered and the shadow soldiers summoned before appeared one after another.


As Coles gave the order, all the shadow soldiers began to rush towards Yulon frantically.

Facing this strange enemy that suddenly appeared, Yulong not only did not show any fear, but his fleshy face was full of fighting spirit.

"Come on, I'm the captain of the Giant Fist Pirates, a pirate with a bounty of 10 million berries, let's see who can kill me!"


Ordinary shadow soldiers could not withstand Yulon's gravity punch and were directly smashed into pieces.

But the biggest characteristic of the Shadow Soldier is immortality. After being shattered, the Shadow Soldier recovered again and rushed towards Yulon regardless of his own death.

Coles waited quietly on the side and began a war of attrition with Yulong!

Yulon is huge in size, with amazing strength, and with the layer of armor on his body, he is almost a weakened version of "Click"!

However, Click's armor has stronger defensive power, but he mainly relies on full body equipment, such as shield, gun, cannon, spear, sword, poison gas bombs, etc.

All Yulong relies on is his special size and strength, but this also exposes his biggest weakness, which is that the larger the size, the more energy it consumes.

Coles only needs to wait until the opponent's physical strength is almost exhausted, and then he can easily defeat him.

Facing the nearly immortal shadow soldiers, Yulong sensed trouble and immediately yelled at the pirates next to him.

"What are you guys standing there for?"

"Hurry up and kill that marine!"

After receiving the captain's order, the pirates who were originally watching the battle began to attack Coles.

However, the navy will naturally not do as the pirates wish. Under Kahn's command, a new wave of battle breaks out between the navy and the pirates.

For a moment, the deck of the Giant Fist Pirates was engulfed in a melee between the navy and the pirates.

Ten minutes later.

Yulong realized that he was seriously exhausted, and finally stopped procrastinating. The power of his right hand suddenly increased, and he punched out suddenly.

"Impact punch!"


A huge impact force came from his fist, and the surging impact force crushed all the shadow soldiers rushing towards him.

For a moment, the surroundings fell into blankness.

Although Yulong seemed violent on the surface, he had been patiently observing these shadow soldiers for a long time in his heart. He found that although these shadow soldiers could recover after being smashed, the recovery time varied.

The more thorough the destruction.

The longer it takes to recover.

It would take at least ten breaths to recover from this impact punch of his.

And this time was enough for Yulon to kill that hateful navy!

However, when Yulon looked at the other person, he found that Coles was smiling.

"Hey, look over there!"

Yulon looked in the direction Coles pointed in confusion, only to see a shadow soldier standing behind a cannon whose fuse had already been lit.

When the Eye-Child of Yoron shrinks.

A shell has already hit!


A violent explosion sounded on the pirate ship, causing everyone around to stop what they were doing and start looking at the center of the explosion.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, Yulon's slightly embarrassed figure was revealed.

He was hit head-on by a cannonball and was seriously injured even with the protection of armor.

Yulong suddenly fell into extreme madness, his eyes were like those of a ghost who was ready to devour people, and a terrifying roar burst out of his mouth.

"You bastard! I'm going to tear you apart!"

Yulon ran towards Coles at the fastest speed and used the special move he had just performed again.

"Impact punch!"

Kahn's expression became extremely solemn. Yu Jin had already revealed his edge. If Coles couldn't resist, then he would have no choice but to rescue him.

Facing the violently charging Yulong, Coles did not hide his weakness and spoke coldly.

"Shadow Imprisonment!"

In an instant, the shadow under Yulong surged wildly, fixing the huge figure in place like a vine, making it unable to move.

at the same time.

Coles once again controlled the power of shadow, a spear quickly appeared in his hand, and then he threw it out fiercely.

"Shadow Knight Spear!"

The sky is as empty as ever.

On the sea, the battle between the pirate ship and the navy patrol ship has entered the most critical moment.

The pitch-black shadow spear shot out like a rocket, whistling through the air, and broke through Yulong's attack with unstoppable force.

Directly penetrate his chest!

Yolong's huge figure fell to the ground with a loud bang, causing the bow of the pirate ship to shake violently.

Blood flowed from his chest, slowly forming a pool on the deck.

Juron of the Giant Fist Pirates, dead!

In this battle, Coles used three skills he developed.

The skill "Shadow Prison" allows him to control the shadows on the enemy and restrict their movements.

The main attack weapon is the powerful Shadow Knight Spear, while the defense weapon is the Shadow Shield.

As a traverser.

Coles has many ideas about developing fruit moves, but the more moves are not necessarily better. The moves that allow him to exert his greatest strength are the best at this stage.

These three moves can be combined with Coles' physical skills and swordsmanship to bring out the strongest combat power, so during his period as a rookie, he did not develop any other fancy moves.

After confirming Yulong's death, the remaining pirates on the scene laid down their weapons and surrendered.

Now that the captain is dead, if we don’t surrender we will die, but if we surrender we can still survive.

"Well done!" Kahn walked over and patted Coles on the shoulder, praising him.

After getting Kahn's affirmation, Coles felt a little happy in his heart, which meant that his strength had indeed improved greatly.

Immediately afterwards, Kahn began to command the navy to deal with the post-battle scene.

After resting for a while, Coles came to the dead Yulon and gave a summoning command.

“Stand up!”