One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 132: A diary


The Chabaoti Archipelago is huge.

Among them, the area where the naval base is located is opposite to the illegal zone No. 29, and there is an archipelago in between.

Although there was a huge explosion and a huge column of fire hundreds of meters high on GR No. 29, the sound could not directly affect the naval base of GR No. 66.

Therefore, after more than ten minutes.

The stationed navy received the news hastily and rushed to the scene to rescue.

Because of the power rock's strength.

The high temperature flames at the scene have not yet been extinguished. The scorching flames are rising and burning, and the flames are shooting into the sky, illuminating the area.

Black smoke continued to float up.

Many people from the Chabaothy Archipelago had gathered nearby at this time, and they couldn't help but point and talk about the scene.

Coles listened to the discussions of the people around him and knew that the area where the explosion occurred was a residential area with many civilians living there.

But now...

All that's left before my eyes is a blazing sea of fire!

No civilian could survive the huge explosion and high temperature flames.

Even with his observation Haki, he did not find any living life in the sea of fire.

There is no doubt that everyone here is dead!

on site…

No one survived!

As the highest-ranking naval officer stationed here, Coles felt a great deal of anger.

Is this a provocation to him

Coles suppressed his emotions and asked coldly to the naval lieutenant who was on guard.

"Who did it?"

The lieutenant commander hesitated for a moment, and finally answered timidly.

"Yes, yes, Saint Carlos!"

The meaning of this name is obvious. The culprit behind the tragedy is the world's noble "Celestial Dragons"!

When I didn't hear the answer.

In Coles' mind, he was still guessing that it was that powerful pirate group that sneaked into the island and took revenge on the people on the island.

As long as he keeps track of the other party, he will not let any participant escape.

But when the name of the Tianlong man came out, Coles' thoughts were instantly stopped.

As world nobles living in the holy land of Marijoa, the Celestial Dragons enjoy all the privileges here. They are considered the supreme rulers of the Sabaody Archipelago, and the navy cannot disobey their orders.

And in Coles's impression.

The Celestial Dragons are even more arrogant and look down on everyone. Except for some special people, they are basically synonymous with "evil".

But in this world, the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, are existences that cannot be offended.

If the Celestial Dragons are offended, all kinds of tragic things will happen on the island.

The navy can handle the pirate issue.

However, when faced with the evil deeds of the Celestial Dragons, the Navy was basically powerless.

Looking at the sea of fire still burning in front of him, Coles fell into silent silence.

The high-temperature flames generated by the explosion are still burning. Although naval soldiers are using seawater to extinguish them, the efficiency is still too slow.

Coles' voice rang out.


"King." A tall shadow soldier with a black afro hairstyle appeared next to Coles and spoke respectfully.

"Put out the fire here." Coles.

"Yes." Conaco's shadowy body walked towards the flaming ruins.

The ability of Swamp Kingdom was activated, and its entire body began to change into dark mud, quickly covering the flames and putting out the fire.

The raging flames were quickly extinguished under the sticky swamp mud.

A few minutes later.

The fire at the scene was completely extinguished.

As the large swamp that Connorco had transformed into disappeared, what appeared before everyone's eyes was a charred ruin formed by a violent explosion.

The shattered ruins were littered with the bodies of dead people.

Some were shattered by the powerful explosion; some were crushed beyond recognition by the collapsed huge buildings; some were burned black by the high temperature...

Such a tragic and shocking scene shocked everyone who saw it!

Anger, yes;

Sympathy, yes;

But more than that, I feel powerless!

Because the destruction was caused by the Celestial Dragons, the Navy could not hold them accountable.

Matthew was helpless. He could only ask the naval soldiers present to start cleaning up the scene so that the dead people would not continue to stay in the charred ruins.

The air was filled with the mixed smell of explosives, gunpowder, and burning corpses.

The smell was extremely bad.

Some young marines felt nauseous, but most of them were accustomed to tragic scenes. They just frowned and cleaned up the explosion site without saying a word.

One after another, the horrific bodies were carried out by the navy soldiers and then taken away on stretchers.

The night wind was very cold, so cold that it made people shiver.

Coles looked at the tragedy at the scene with great anger in his heart. He wanted to seek revenge on the culprit who caused all this.

But his mind was clear.

He couldn't attack the Celestial Dragons.

As the descendants of the 20 kings who established the World Government 800 years ago, when the Celestial Dragons are harmed, the admirals of the Marine Headquarters, or CP0, will inevitably use all their military strength to protect them.

Not to mention that he is only the youngest rear admiral of the navy. Even if he is a vice admiral of the navy, he is not qualified to harm the Celestial Dragons.

Coles has always remained sober, and reason always comes first in his mind.

A huge explosion occurred here, and innocent people of the Sabaody Archipelago were killed tragically. The murderer was the most untouchable Celestial Dragon in the world.

Coles can go for revenge.

But once he takes action, he will be faced with the tremendous authority of the World Government. He can disregard life and death, but what about his family

What he did,

It will inevitably implicate your family.

At that time, what will my amiable father face next

What should I do with my younger sister who is still growing up ignorantly

The anger in his heart was gathering, making Coles want to take a step forward to seek revenge on that Celestial Dragon.

However, the enormous pressure of reality was like a mountain, pressing down on his body.

Make him unable to take a step!

Reason and impulse kept lingering in his mind, making him unable to make a decision now.

Not far from Coles.

Two navy soldiers were carrying a girl's body away on a stretcher.

During the moving process, a small object accidentally fell from the girl's hand.

The two navy soldiers had already carried many corpses and were exhausted, so they did not notice this and just carried the corpses away.

Items dropped on the ground,

It is a lonely diary.

It is like a toy that has no owner anymore, quietly and forgotten.

Coles looked at the black diary, and his legs, which felt as heavy as if they were filled with lead, finally moved.

He walked forward a few steps, then bent down and picked up the diary.

Because of the intense fire.

The first half of the diary was burned, and only some records at the back can be seen.

April 2, 1518, Haiyuan calendar.

Dad was beaten by the bad guys from 15GR today and had a cut on his head. Dad lied at the dinner table and said he fell down. I won’t be fooled!

April 7, 1518 in the Haiyuan calendar.

My mother suddenly fell ill, and the hospital hasn’t given any information yet. I’m very worried now…

May 15th, 1518 in the Haiyuan calendar.

My mother has a serious illness and it will take a lot of money and time to recover.

September 2, 1518 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Because there was not enough medical expenses, my mother could no longer stay in the hospital, so my father had to let her return home to recuperate.

I noticed that my father looked very serious. He didn't smoke, but he smoked outside all night yesterday.

Mom is also my mom. I also want to help dad share the pressure. I also want to make money. I don’t want to see my mom leave.

September 5th, 1518 in the Haiyuan calendar.

I finally found my own way to make money, which is to sell the flowers grown in my home garden to people who come to the amusement park.

There are a lot of tourists coming there every day, and I spend a few hours selling flowers every day.

I sell a flower for fifty baileys. Although the profit is not much, I am already very content. I can also earn money on my own and pay for my mother's medicine.

November 6, 1518 in the Haiyuan calendar.

I met some pirates today. They were very bad and stole the money I earned from selling flowers. I was very sad, but it was useless to tell the navy about this. The navy cannot control this lawless area.

December 9, 1518 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Mom's condition is better today. Dad and I are very happy. If she keeps going like this, Mom will definitely recover, right!

February 3, 1519, Haiyuan calendar.

Today a young rear admiral arrived on the island. He launched a major operation and eliminated all the pirates and criminals on the island.

This is great, because I don't have to worry about someone robbing me when I return from the amusement park.

March 7, 1519, Haiyuan calendar.

The security on the island is getting better and better, thanks to Major General Coles. I am really grateful to him. Next time he is on patrol, I will definitely go and give him a bouquet of flowers.

I would not take any money, for I was indebted to Major-General Coles, for without him the money I sometimes made would have been taken away by bad men.

What a great navy!

If possible, I would like to join the navy when I grow up.

May 6th, 1519, Haiyuan calendar.

I heard that Major General Coles was on patrol again today. It was a pity that I didn't go to the amusement park to sell flowers because I had to take care of my mother. What a pity.

But it doesn't matter. Major General Coles seems to be on patrol recently. I will definitely give him a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers when he goes.

I just don't know what kind of flowers Major General Coles likes, red roses, tulips, or violets...

There are often people here saying that Major General Coles is not righteous because he did not eliminate the human trafficking shops here. Others say that Major General Coles is a devil who can summon dead ghosts.

I'm not sure about this, but I believe Major General Coles is a good man because he brings a sense of security to many people on the island.

The diary ends here.

After that, no more words will be recorded on the blank pages at the back, because the owner of the diary is dead.

Died tonight, died just now.