One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 135: Nameless Monument


When the dawn rises.

The blinding light shone through the lush leaves of the giant trees and then fell on the land of the Sabaody Archipelago.

The light is gentle.

But at this time in the extremely empty land of 29GR, the temperature was very cold.

Navy soldiers erected graves and tombstones here overnight.

On these tombstones.

Most of them have no names.

Because of the chaos in the lawless zone, the civilians living in this area are either wandering here from other places, or have lived here for a long time and don't want to leave.

The navy did not have a good management of this place before, and the names of the people were rarely registered uniformly, so there are almost no nameless monuments here.

In front of the tombstone.

Coles led the naval soldiers in a moment of silence for the innocent people who died.

The atmosphere was heavy and depressing.

After witnessing the tragic scene and cleaning up the scene personally, the naval soldiers felt not only uncomfortable but also angry.

All the navy knew who the culprit was, but they had no way of asking for punishment.

This is it, powerlessness!

This is the helplessness of reality!

"Collect the troops!"

After completing the subsequent processing matters, Matthew's voice sounded, integrating all the naval soldiers and starting to return to the base.

The navy soldiers turned around in silence.

But not everyone will choose to remain silent, and not everyone can accept this painful mood silently.

There will always be people who choose to stand up and make their voices heard in this dark and corrupt world.

"Major General Coles, I want to know what you will do next."

This not-so-loud voice rang out in front of this silent group of tombstones.

Coles looked up and saw that the person asking the question was a young sailor who looked indignant.

He was wearing a white military uniform, a blue scarf, and a navy cap with the letters "MARLNE" printed on it.

This is just a private first class.

He is about the same age as Coles and knows the pain of reality as well.

But I don’t know why, maybe it’s impulse; maybe it’s hope for light;

Perhaps, the innocent people who just don’t want to die can only get a nameless and desolate tombstone.

He stood up.

He asked the youngest rear admiral in the Sabaody Archipelago.

The other navy soldiers present were waiting quietly. They did not speak out, but that did not mean they were not resentful about the matter of the Celestial Dragons.

In fact, most people have grievances against the Celestial Dragons.

It's just that due to various reasons such as family, relatives, friends, and life, they are unable to stand up and risk their lives.

Now someone has come forward to ask Major General Coles, and they are all looking forward to the answer.

Coles also knew that all the naval soldiers on the scene were waiting for his answer.

For the correct answer.

Whether or not justice should be enforced!

Coles had made the decision last night, but he couldn't tell these navy soldiers that he was going to kill the Celestial Dragons.

After thinking for a few breaths.

Coles' voice spread throughout the empty and silent area.

"What do you want me to do?"

The Marine Private First Class was stunned for a moment. He did not expect the Major General to ask a question in return. He could only speak according to his heart.

“I arrived at this archipelago before the major general. Although I am just an inconspicuous private first class, I have seen a lot of darkness on this island while performing my duties.

This situation did not change until you, Major General Coles, came.

As soon as you took office, you chose to launch Operation Storm, clearing the island of pirates and criminals, ordering the rectification of illegal places, and bringing the island into a rare peace.

In the following period of time, Major General, you must firmly hold your post and defeat the pirates who want to land on the island one by one.

In my heart, Rear Admiral Coles, you are the most righteous navy. Regarding the tragedy that the Celestial Dragons caused to civilians last night, I think you should at least show your anger. "

Coles looked directly at the outstanding Marine First Class and asked, "After being angry, what about asking me to accuse the Celestial Dragons to the World Government? Do you think this will succeed? Or, can this gain anything?"

The private was speechless for a moment.

The other naval soldiers present were also silent.

This is the cold, cold fact!

Just as Major-General said.

Even if complaints were made, even if hundreds of innocent people died, the World Government would not do anything about this matter.

Because the supreme controller of the World Government is the Celestial Dragons.

The Celestial Dragons are the world's aristocrats. They enjoy all the privileges and are not afraid of the laws of world judgment.

Yesterday's big explosion was just the tip of the dark iceberg of the Celestial Dragons.

There are still many evils of the Celestial Dragons!

But no matter what actions the Celestial Dragons take that anger God and man, they will not be punished.

There is nothing that can be done about it.

Therefore, asking the World Government to punish the Celestial Dragons is undoubtedly a pipe dream!

But at this time, there are still naval soldiers who stand up and express their indignation.

Coles was very pleased.

He walked up to the private, patted him on the shoulder, and left.

"Keep waiting. I believe the light you hope for will appear one day."

However, without understanding Coles's true meaning and inner thoughts, the private thought that the major general's words were comforting and that he was asking him to compromise.

Although compromising with the world is a test that everyone has to go through in life.

However, this answer was not the one he wanted.

In his imagination, even if Major General Coles could not resist the Celestial Dragons, he should still show justice and shout out for justice under the influence of this tragedy.

Even if it is useless to report and complain to the World Government, we must still show strong determination. With perseverance, perhaps we can succeed, right

Even if it may be small, we have to do something, right

Otherwise, how can we be worthy of the innocent civilians who died tragically at the scene? If we are able to shoulder the responsibility of justice, how can we look directly at these nameless monuments!

However, Major General Coles did not answer like that.

Although what Major General Coles showed was the norm in this world...

However, he felt that his faith was somewhat shattered.

He had always thought that in this dark and chaotic era of pirates, he had found the faith of light and the justice he could rely on...

However, Major General Coles' answer poured a bucket of cold water on him from head to toe.

Is this justice

"If this is the Navy... I don't think I can stay here any longer."

“I want to quit.”

After hearing the private's words, Coles took more than ten steps and stopped.

Even without looking back, he could feel the sadness in the navy soldier's heart.

Coles did not explain this.

He couldn't explain it to outsiders either.

He was silent for a moment and then continued to move forward. His unchanging voice reached everyone's ears, and the coat of justice on his shoulders was still fluttering.

"If you have lost the faith to continue to serve in the Navy, then quitting may not be a bad choice. I respect your decision."

After these words.

This private first class was no longer a marine.

However, the 20-year-old young man did not linger for anything. He took off his military cap and walked in the opposite direction of Coles.

In front of these hundreds of nameless monuments.

A young rear admiral and a young private first class who had already retired from the navy, they chose different paths and went in opposite directions.

On the way back to the naval base.

In addition to thinking about formulating a detailed plan to kill the Celestial Dragons, Coles was also considering the issue of stance in his mind.

If one day.

He also lost faith in continuing to serve in the Navy. Will he still stay in the Navy

After just a few breaths, Coles put this question behind him, because it was not a problem that he needed to worry about too much.

If that day really happens.

He would also choose to turn around without hesitation, just like the Marine First Class today.