One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 137: ask



He is a very good sailor. He has made great military achievements and captured countless pirates. He is a brave defender of this great pirate era.

As a Marine.

When I heard that the civilians who needed to be protected were killed by the Celestial Dragons, and I was unable to do anything because I was a soldier and had to follow orders...

That feeling is really heartbreaking!

But in the face of the turbulent pirate era, with pirates wreaking havoc in countless numbers, the navy is indispensable, and Zephyr could not have ruled out the navy for this reason.

In Coles's impression.

If the World Government had not recruited the culprit who killed many of Zephyr's students, Whitebeard II would have recruited him to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, causing Zephyr to have strong doubts and distrust towards the navy.

This naval legend who has taught many naval officers would not resolutely quit the navy and later established the "NEO Navy" with the goal of annihilating pirates all over the world!

Coles contacted Zefa today not because he wanted Zefa to leave early because of disappointment with the navy, but because he wanted to leave a way out for his family.

After confirming what was in Mr. Zefa's mind, Coles finally said something important:

"Teacher Zephyr, I am now the major general stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago. The Celestial Dragons killed 176 innocent civilians on the island where I am stationed, so he must pay the price, right?"

When Zefa heard Coles's slightly cold words, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Kors, what are you going to do?"

Coles did not answer the question, but just started talking on his own.

"In the charred ruins of the explosion, I saw the body of a girl who was only twelve or thirteen years old. I picked up her diary.

Because half of the diary was burned, I could only see some of the contents at the end. She said that since I arrived on the island as the garrison major general, the order on the island has become stable. She wanted to give me a bouquet of flowers to thank me, but she never had the chance.

She will never have another chance because she is dead, killed in the explosion!"

Teacher Zefa covered his forehead with his hand, sighed in his heart, and advised: "I'm sorry, but you, don't do anything stupid, he is a Celestial Dragon! You know the consequences of attacking him..."

Coles interrupted Zefa.

"I know the consequences. If the World Government finds out that I killed a Celestial Dragon, I might be pushed onto the execution platform and beheaded in front of the world. But he has to die, doesn't he?"

Zefa couldn't refute what Coles said.

Because the Celestial Dragons really deserved to die, but he was heartbroken to think that his best student might die because of this.

"You could lose your life!"

Coles said calmly: "Teacher Zefa, now that I have made this decision, I have already put life and death aside.

I'm just a little worried about my family. You should know that I am very afraid that my family will get hurt.

Although my plan is very sophisticated, there is always a risk of being exposed...

If the plan is exposed and discovered, I will die as a result, and the world government will implicate my family in the consequences.

Teacher Zefa, I want to ask you to help me protect them. This is the first time in my life that I have asked someone for help. Teacher Zefa, please."

When Zefa was answering questions for the Navy selection at the elite training camp, he was most impressed by Coles.

It was because Coles's answer touched his heart which had been calm for a long time.

Zefa could hear the sincerity in Coles' words, and he knew that Coles was really ready to die.

"Old man, you are not allowed to do this!"

Zefa didn't want this to happen to the best student he had ever taught.

He even raised his address to "old man" and gave orders as an elder.

Coles is now a rear admiral with a bright future and can continue to rise in the Navy in the future.

Zefa didn't want Coles to embark on such a dangerous and treacherous path.

In response, Coles just chuckled and said, "Teacher Zefa, do you know? That girl also wrote in her diary that she wanted to be a navy when she grows up.

But if this is the navy that faces the tragic deaths of innocent people but still turns a blind eye, do you think she still wants to join

After the incident, a private first class resolutely quit the Navy due to the Navy's indifferent attitude. He said that if this was the Navy, he would choose to quit.

Now, the people of the Sabaody Archipelago are discussing all kinds of things. Do you know what they are saying? They say that the navy is the dog of the Celestial Dragons!

Do you know how I feel? Do you know how the navy outside feel when they hear these words? They risked their lives to resist the pirates, and were injured and bleeding, but because of the orders of the World Government, they could not hold the Celestial Dragons accountable. How painful it was when they were scolded like dogs

I had already made the decision on this matter. I had been waiting these few days for the best opportunity to kill the dragon man.

Teacher Zefa, you can choose to stop me. My plan is still three hours away from starting, and you can definitely come and control me.

But I won't give up, because my determination to kill the Celestial Dragons is as solid as a rock!

That's all I want to say. This may be the last conversation between you and me, or it may not be, but I think I must give an explanation to those innocent civilians who died."

The call ended, and Zefa's room fell into silence.

He is in a very uneasy mood now.

As the best student in the last class he taught, Charlotte Coles was undoubtedly his pride, and he did not want to watch her fall into the abyss.

He could stop it himself.

You can also report to the Warring States and ask them to send a general to control Coles.

But, if you do this.

How can he live up to the justice in his heart

How to live up to Coles' trust in him as a teacher;

How can we be worthy of those innocent civilians who died tragically at the hands of the Celestial Dragons!

Emotions of heartache, regret, and unwillingness echoed in Zefa's heart, making him want to stop Coles' actions this time.

However, the bloody numbers and things on the fax in front of him suppressed him, making his old body seem paralyzed. He could only sit in the room, unable to move at all.

Chabaoti Archipelago.

Inside the office of the rear admiral at the naval base.

After Coles hung up the Shadow Den Den Mushi, the tension in his heart finally settled down.

For Teacher Zefa.

He has always been respectful and dared to reveal the plan this time, which also showed Coles' trust in the old teacher Zefa.

In the elite training camp, although Teacher Zefa is serious, it is always for their own good. Only if they work harder in training can they become stronger and survive danger in the future.

As the top student of the last class, he had the most contact with Teacher Zefa among all the students. He knew that Teacher Zefa was an old man who cared very much about the teacher-student relationship.

Even if Coles' plan was revealed in advance, Teacher Zefa would not betray him.

This is a fact that Coles firmly believes.

In the navy, Mr. Zefa is undoubtedly the person he trusts the most, so he asked him to protect his family.

If the plan failed and he unfortunately died, thanks to Mr. Zephyr's temperament and admiral-level strength, he could still save his father and sister.

Perhaps Monkey D. Dragon of the Revolutionary Army is also an option, but Coles doesn't know what Major Kahn's position in the Revolutionary Army is. Can the Revolutionary Army help him fight against the World Government

So, Coles contacted Mr. Zefa instead of Major Kahn.

Now looking back.

Coles will find out that he actually has no power in this pirate world.

If he were pushed onto the execution platform of the Navy Headquarters for public execution, how many people would be able to come to save him

Teacher Zefa, Major Kahn, apart from these two, Coles couldn't think of anyone else.

Perhaps, he is not the protagonist of a novel at all, and has no ability to lead people and influence the world situation.

But this is the truth.