One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 142: Pluto Rayleigh


"That domineering color is at least at the level of Whitebeard. If he is not a devil fruit user, could it be Red Hair? However, Red Hair should still be in the New World. I just don't know which legendary figure took action here?"

Sakaski was also puzzled.

Sakaski doesn't really care about the death of the Celestial Dragons. What he cares about is the owner of that domineering aura.

In this world today, the only ones who can possess such powerful domineering Haki are undoubtedly the legendary pirates of the same generation as Roger.

As for who the murderer might be, it is already obvious who is a strong person who meets the requirements.

Coles did not answer or provide any guidance. He needed these people to come up with the answer themselves. The reasonable guesses they made on their own would be more powerful than his hints.

Swordsmanship that surpasses that of a swordsman! Powerful domineering Haki! Sabaody Archipelago!


A light bulb went off in the CP0 agent's head, and he remembered the uncertain news.

The Pirate King's "right hand", Silvers Rayleigh, seems to be on this archipelago.

As a legendary pirate, Rayleigh does possess such powerful domineering aura and swordsmanship skills, and all the conditions begin to match those of a murderer.

Therefore, the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragons was the former vice-captain of the Roger Pirate Group.

Pluto Rayleigh!

The CP0 agent quickly came up with the answer in his mind, and at the same time he told the news to see if other people's guesses were the same as his.

"Silbaz Rayleigh, he is on this island."

Hearing this.

Sakaski's brows furrowed slightly.

"Pluto? If it's really him, then everything makes sense."

Matthew was a little confused: "Pluto Rayleigh! The former vice-captain of Roger's pirate group, shouldn't he be executed together with Pirate King Roger?"

Most people don't know that the Pirate King surrendered himself instead of being caught by the navy, so Matthew had such a reaction.

Although Coles knew all this from his memory of the plot, at this moment, he pretended to be puzzled.

Sakaski: "The World Government announced this at the time just to improve their own capabilities and make everyone have confidence in the Navy, but they didn't expect Roger to start the Great Pirate Era."

"As for the legendary pirates, they should just hide quietly. But they actually come out to commit crimes. If I meet them, I will kill them!"

Sakaski was not angry about the death of the Celestial Dragons, he just simply hated pirates.

One day later.

Holy Land Marijoa.

This is the location of the World Government Headquarters, located on the top of the Red Earth Continent between the first and second halves of the Grand Line.

A huge palace that is extremely majestic and magnificent stands here.

It is surrounded by white mist, like a fairyland. If we only analyze it from the appearance and environment, it is indeed somewhat similar to the residence of "God".

The meeting room where the Five Elders are located.

At this moment, these five people who hold the pinnacle of world power are communicating with each other.

The old man, wearing a black suit and with a curved beard under his nose, sat on the emerald green sofa and asked questions with his hands clasped together.

"Carlos is dead. According to the reports from CP0 and the Navy, the suspect is the former vice-captain of Roger's Pirates, Pluto Silvers Rayleigh. What do you think about this?"

An old man with a Western judge-style hair sitting on the sofa next to him looked at the report in his hand and said, "According to the news, Pluto Rayleigh is indeed hiding in the Sabaody Archipelago."

On the other side, a standing brown-haired old man looked at the report in his hand and guessed: "Powerful swordsmanship, terrifying domineering Haki, could it be red hair?"

The old man with shawl hair standing next to the brown-haired old man shook his head: "It's not red-haired. It has been confirmed in the New World that Red-haired Shanks is still there."

As for the last man, he was different from the other four old men. He was not wearing a black suit, but a loose white training suit. He held a long sword in his hand and looked outside with his hands on his chest.

"Last night, even though we were so far away, I could still feel the domineering aura of the Sabaody Archipelago. More than a decade has passed. Has his domineering aura reached this point?"

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the room became solemn.

Because they also felt it yesterday, it was definitely the pinnacle level of domineering color!

After a long time, the old man with a crooked beard sitting on the sofa spoke.

"Let's discuss the consequences now. This is more serious than Fisher Tiger's 'Marijoa Attack' twelve years ago."

At that time, Fisher Tiger sneaked into the holy land of Marijoa alone, set fire everywhere, and liberated slaves of all races enslaved and imprisoned by the Celestial Dragons. This incident is known in history as the "Marijoa Attack."

Fisher Tiger was the first person in history to cause a big disturbance in Mary Joa.

In this incident, Pluto Rayleigh also had traces of taking action, otherwise the Sun Pirates would not have been able to retreat safely from the world headquarters with only one group.

The old man with the western judge's hair asked, "Rayleigh killed Carlos himself last night. He fired twelve shots in total, which corresponds to twelve years. Is this his way of declaring war?"

The old man with shoulder-length hair said solemnly: "Whether it is true or not, Pluto Rayleigh personally killed Carlos. This matter is very serious and we need to give a strong response."

The capable brown-haired old man came to sit on a sofa and said solemnly: "In this case, let's announce the bounty for Pluto Rayleigh again and hunt him down. However, the death of the Celestial Dragon needs to be covered up."

The old man holding the long knife looked out the window and nodded, "I agree."

"I agree." "I agree."

The Five Elder Stars all expressed their agreement and decided to offer a bounty for Pluto Rayleigh again.

The next day, the newsbirds carried the latest newspapers and began reporting to the world.

Newspaper headlines.

A new bounty is offered for the former vice-captain of Roger's Pirates, Pluto, Silvers Rayleigh!

The world was shaken again.

New world.

Moby Dick.

Newgate, the white-bearded man known as the strongest man in the world, was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper.

He was wearing an oxygen tube and had a needle in his arm for an IV, but even so, he still couldn't resist the powerful force of the elderly man.

"Rayleigh? The bounty is on the table again. Gulala, this is interesting."

The Kingdom of Torant.

Cake Island.

Charlotte Linlin, who is also one of the Four Emperors, looked at the newspaper in her hand and asked in confusion: "He is just an old man who is about to die. He hasn't done anything in these years. Why is his bounty higher than mine?"

On the reward order.

The photo of Silverbaz Reilly has been placed on it, and in addition to the life or death penalty, there is also a huge reward of 4.5 billion Baileys.

This was a reasonable reward agreed upon by the Five Elders based on the power of that domineering aura and the fact that Rayleigh killed the Celestial Dragon.

By placing Rayleigh's bounty below two of the Four Emperors and above two of the Four Emperors, he intended to influence the conflicts between the Four Emperors in turn.

New world.

In a valley.

The Red Hair Pirates are holding a banquet here. They are shoulder to shoulder and are extremely happy.

Red-haired Shanks, wearing a white plaid shirt and a large black cape, couldn't help but frown slightly and look solemn after seeing the latest newspaper headlines.

Shanks didn't know what this vice-captain, whom he once respected, had done to cause the navy to re-issue the bounty.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, had a blank expression on his face as he jumped down. He knew nothing about the news spreading in the world.

He is seeking death!

Chabaoti Archipelago.

Xia Qi's run-down tavern.

Rayleigh paused from drinking and looked at the shocking bounty on his body in the newspaper, his old face full of confusion.

"How did I suddenly become a pirate with a bounty of 4.5 billion?"

Xia Qi looked at the astonishing bounty number and joked, "With such a high bounty, I want to capture you and take you to the naval base to claim the reward."

Rayleigh couldn't help but smile, and the light refracted through his frameless glasses, causing a glaring reflection.

"Don't mention you. I also wanted to go to the naval base to make some money. Suddenly, I was offered a bounty. I probably guessed what was going on."

Yesterday, Rayleigh used his Observation Haki to witness Coles' entire plan to kill the Celestial Dragon Carlos. It is normal for the navy to think that the terrifying Haki is their own since they cannot find the murderer.

It can be said that this bounty of his was entirely caused by Charlotte Coles.

So, it should be reasonable to ask the other party for some money, right