One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 145: The evil intentions approaching my family (Part 1)


Four and a half billion Baileys!

How long will it take to earn this much

We must continue to seize the time to improve our strength and pay off this debt ahead of time.

Coles looked away from the window.

After hanging his navy coat on the cloakroom, he turned around and sat down at his desk.

But Coles did not start practicing immediately. He took out the Shadow Den Den Mushi and prepared to call Teacher Zefa and his family respectively.

Zephyr naturally also received news about what happened in the Sabaody Archipelago.

The report recorded that the assailant who killed the Celestial Dragon Carlos finally erupted with a powerful domineering aura, and that powerful domineering aura was suspected to be Pluto Rayleigh!

Zefa was a little confused. Based on Coles' previous attitude, he should be the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragon Carlos.

It's just that domineering aura, and the report that the murderer is not a Devil Fruit user...

Zefa asked: "Have you done anything?"

Coles apologized to Teacher Zefa in his heart and lied, "I didn't make it in time. Pluto Rayleigh got there first."

Concealment is also a helpless act.

It was difficult for him to explain his domineering aura, which was comparable to that of Whitebeard and Red Hair.

Putting the blame on Pluto Rayleigh afterwards was also part of Coles' plan.

This allowed him to extricate himself from the death of the Tianlong people and escape perfectly.

After a long time, the Shadow Den Den Mushi made an old voice.

"That's good. Let the past be the past. The Navy is still your support. I believe in the justice you have."

Zefa for this answer.

There was no doubt about anything, or rather, he didn't want to doubt the answer.

At least in this way, the student he considered his most proud can continue to shine in the navy as usual.

This youngest rear admiral has a bright future ahead of him.

If someone asked Zefa whether he knew that Coles had planned to kill the Celestial Dragons, Zefa would answer that he didn't know and Coles had never told him about such a thing.

Why protect Coles

It's very simple.

It has always been the most normal thing for teachers to protect their students.

After finishing the call with Mr. Zefa.

Coles calmed down for a moment and then called the Shadow Den Den Mushi at home in Rogue Town.

And on the night when the Celestial Dragons died in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In Roge Town in the East China Sea, some things happened that he had not expected.

Let’s go back three days.

Rogue Town, west villa.

As the sun rises, light shines in from the horizon, bringing bright sunshine here.

White smoke was rising from the chimney of the villa's kitchen and floating in the air.

After eating at home, the guards rushed here to replace the guards on night duty.

These guards did not eat at the home of their employer Ronald. Even the guards outside were not very clear about the situation inside the villa. Only the butler and some servants knew the internal structure of the villa.

This is a small way to prevent the guards from colluding with outsiders and having the intention of looting.

Inside the villa, under the crystal chandelier.

Vilshia was sitting at the dining table, eating with relish the food that the chef had just prepared in the kitchen. Her small body was like a bottomless pit, quickly devouring the food.

It can be said that every meal of Vilshia consumes a considerable amount of Baileys, but this is not a big deal for the wealthy Charlotte family.

The servants and old housekeeper standing by waiting were already accustomed to this.

When the food on the table was almost half finished, Ronald walked down the circular staircase in a brown tuxedo.

After placing the gold-inlaid cane aside.

Ronald was also eating breakfast while reading today's latest newspaper.

"Father, are there any other relatives in our family?" Vilshia suddenly asked curiously.


Ronald was stunned when he read the newspaper, and immediately racked his brains to think.

"We don't have any relatives right now. There's just you, me, and your brother... But if I really want to talk about it, it seems like there is one more."

Weilixia said with some anticipation.

"Who is it?"

Ronald shook his head and sighed, “I have a younger sister who is one year younger than me, but she was abducted by human traffickers shortly after she was born, and she didn’t even have a name yet.

Your grandpa and grandma have been looking for her for a long time but haven't found her. There was chaos at sea, and more than 40 years have passed. She must have passed away. Even if she is still alive, she doesn't even have any memories of her childhood, and she may not even know that we are her relatives."

Hearing this, Vilshia's mood couldn't help but drop a little, and the butter bread in her hand didn't taste sweet enough anymore.

"Is it true that you can't find it?"

“I can’t find it.”

In this chaotic era, human trafficking is commonplace, and Ronald didn't expect much from it.

More than forty years have passed, and it is almost impossible to find a relative whose childhood you have no memory of.

After breakfast.

Ronald stood up from his seat and walked outside with the butler: "I'm going to check out the newly bought ranch. The piano teacher I hired for you will come to give you lessons this afternoon. Remember not to run around at home."

"Yeah." Vilshia finished the bun in her mouth and answered clearly.

Ronald stopped at the door of the villa, put on the black top hat handed to him by the butler, then examined himself and asked.

"How do you like my formal attire?"

"Master, you are in very good condition today." The butler answered sincerely.


Ronald nodded, turned around, walked out of the villa gate with the butler, and got on the carriage.

Da da da!

As the coachman waved the whip to urge the horses forward, the wheels of the carriage turned on the road and began to move forward.

The ranch that Ronald just bought is the area east of Rogue Town.

After passing a short distance through a forest, the carriage finally stopped at its destination.

Ronald got off the carriage and immediately saw a green and fertile meadow.

The edge of the pasture is fenced with wooden boards painted white. In the center, there is a windmill building. The building is made of large stone bricks and is twenty meters high.

The four-bladed windmill above was slowly rotating with the breeze blowing from the sea.

After Ronald entered the ranch and examined it for half an hour, he began to communicate with the livestock merchants.

This Kjas was a little different from the businessmen Ronald had met before. He had a pockmarked face with deep features, a brown beard, and a thick white turban on his head.

Although he was dressed similarly to other livestock merchants, Ronald always felt that he was a little different.

When Kejas smiles, there is always a hint of ferocity in his smile.

Don’t judge a person by his appearance, Ronald said to himself in his heart, and then he began to ask aloud: "Can this dairy cow breed be guaranteed?"

Kejas tried his best to put on a friendly smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Ronald, I have black and white dairy cows here. After you buy them, the milk production of the cows will definitely be stable."

Ronald asked instead.

"And the lamb?"

Kejas replied, "Lambs are much cheaper, but they take four to five months to grow up, so the profit will be delayed for a long time. Mr. Ronald, which one do you want to choose?"

Faced with cows and lambs, Ronald suddenly had difficulty making a choice.

He thought it was a good idea to choose a dairy cow, as he could get profits quickly after purchasing it.

The lamb option is also acceptable. Although it will take a long time before it can be sold, at least we don’t have to worry too much about certain things.

Unable to make a decision for a long time.

Ronald decided to think about it for a few days before giving his answer.

As Kjas watched the carriage go away, the fake kind smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He is not actually a businessman dealing in livestock, his real identity is a pirate captain in the East China Sea with a bounty of 19 million berries.


After the newspaper news about the newly promoted rear admiral of the navy spread to the East China Sea, anyone who was interested would naturally be able to find Charlotte's family as long as they continued to investigate.

After finding Coles' family, Jas hid his identity and sneaked into Rogue Town, and then used the fake identity of a livestock businessman to quickly approach Coles' father Ronald.

Jas is here to seek revenge on the Navy!

He wanted to make the Navy regret hunting him down.

Although there was no hatred between him and the Charlotte family, Coles was a rear admiral after all, so he could only blame the other party for his misfortune!

Jas has now blamed Coles for the navy's frantic pursuit of him, which caused him to flee in a panic and be on the verge of death many times.

As for the possible anger of the rear admiral, Jas didn't even consider it.

Even if he would die later, he wanted this rear admiral to feel pain!

After hiding my identity in Rogue Town and waiting for more than a month, I decided to take action tonight.

He wants to massacre Charlotte's family!