One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 152: Coles' attitude


Don Quixote family!

This was a name that was extremely familiar to Coles, and he also had a very deep understanding of the information about this family.

On the surface, the Don Quixote family is the ruling group of the Dressrosa Kingdom, but in fact it is in the underground world, engaged in illegal activities such as drugs, human trafficking, and selling large amounts of killing weapons.

And the leader of this family.

It is the current Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo!

After learning the news from General Kuzan, Coles quickly analyzed it.

Offering a bounty in the underworld is a common method of revenge used by the Don Quixote family.

However, there is no hatred between him and Doflamingo. The only connection is his family's undercover agent Vergo and the human auction house.

The human auction house here is just one of Doflamingo's many industries, and the auction house does not hold much weight in his mind.

The most likely candidate is Virgo!

Doflamingo cares a lot about his family. Because Vergo's relatives died and he is suspected to be one of the murderers, he offers a bounty for his family in revenge, which is also something the other party can do.

Den Den Mushi over there.

Kuzan's voice continued to come.

"Our Navy Headquarters has already warned the Don Quixote Family and Doflamingo to remove the bounty offered on their underground world.

The Marine Headquarters can only do so much, because Doflamingo is not only the current king of Dressrosa, he is also one of the Shichibukai.

If you want to do something, you'd better wait for now. He is an extremely unusual pirate. If you act rashly, it may be very dangerous. "

As one of the three admirals of the navy, Kuzan knows a lot about this Shichibukai.

Donquixote Doflamingo was born a Celestial Dragon. Although he has now been stripped of his Celestial Dragon identity, he still has a significant influence on the World Government.

Over the years, Doflamingo has used the authority of the Seven Warlords of the Sea granted by the World Government to secretly control many industries around the world.

Among the current Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo's power is undoubtedly the greatest.

He privately runs illegal human auctions, engages in arms business, drug dealing, etc. His influence spreads all over the world, and he is an intermediary in the underground world.

Code name "Joker"!

Such a powerful and influential Shichibukai who is capable of both black and white is far beyond what Coles can fight against now.

While the Seven Warlords of the Sea rely on their own strength and reputation to intimidate and strike ordinary pirates, they are also protected by a certain power of the World Government, so all the Navy Headquarters can do is warn them, but cannot do anything about the mastermind behind the scenes.

When Kuzan told Coles the news, he also advised Coles to continue waiting.

Facing General Kuzan's dissuasion.

Coles was silent for a moment.

Don Quixote Doflamingo is indeed a very dangerous character in the story of Pirates that Coles knows.

Doflamingo colluded with authoritative figures in the New World's underworld, secretly nurturing the evil scientist Caesar Clown, producing artificial animal-type devil fruits, and privately selling the artificial devil fruits to the Four Emperors Kaido.

He even controls the secrets of the Celestial Dragons and can make the World Government release false news about withdrawing from the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Even if he loses his identity as a Celestial Dragon, he still has extremely high authority.


Doflamingo is even more powerful. Before he became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he was offered a bounty of 340 million Beli. His combat power is also among the top ones among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Coles is far from being his opponent now. The best option is to wait until his strength increases before counterattacking Doflamingo.

However, his family is what he wants to protect most in this world, and it is for this purpose that he joined the navy and continued to become stronger.

Now, his family's lives are threatened because of Doflamingo.

In this matter.

Coles will not tolerate it!

He replied calmly to General Kuzan, with a hint of dominance in his voice.

“General Kuzan, you are right, Doflamingo is indeed a very dangerous pirate. He is very powerful and I am no match for him for now.

I know all this.

But Doflamingo issued a bounty on my family in the underground world, which threatened the lives of my family members. This touched my bottom line, and I had to launch a strong counterattack against him.

If I don't respond, Doflamingo will not only not give up, he will even think that I, a rear admiral, am weak and easy to bully;

This time they just issued a bounty in the underground world. Will they send powerful officials from the Don Quixote family to deal with my family directly next time

Therefore, I must make my position clear. I will launch a heavy counterattack against the forces of 'Tianyasha' Doflamingo."

It was six o'clock in the afternoon.

At the naval base, which had already gone off duty, a large number of assembly calls suddenly sounded.

The sailors who were either relaxed, eating, or changing shifts immediately dropped their work and anxiously rushed to the square to gather.

Three minutes later.

The assembled 4,000 navy soldiers, led by Coles, quickly crossed the bridge leading to the lawless zone and arrived at GR No. 1.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of heavy and orderly footsteps echoed everywhere.

This rare scene attracted a large number of people who originally wanted to go home to watch.

The island has been unusually peaceful recently, and they all want to know what the reason is that has led to the mobilization of almost all the soldiers in the naval base.

The population auction site in the Sabaody Archipelago is located in the center of GR No. 1. It covers a large area and has a main gate and nineteen side doors, which can quickly evacuate people in the auction site.

But with the arrival of 4,000 naval soldiers, the human auction site was surrounded in an instant, and no one could escape.

Auction house, backstage.

Inside the iron cells were slaves bound by chains.

Because of the explosive collars on their necks, these slaves were unable to resist and could only wait quietly to be auctioned.

Ring ring ring!

The crisp sound of iron chains dragging on the ground was heard.

Two guards wearing pink and black striped clothes carried an unconscious young girl over.

"Mr. Disco, this is the newest human female slave."

As the chief auctioneer and manager of the auction house, Disco comes here every day to inspect the situation. He wears a dark blue auction suit and a red flower hat, which does not fit in with the environment here.

Disco raised his hand to look at the face of the new human woman and sighed, "She does look good, but it's a pity she's only human. If she were a mermaid, the price would be at least ten times higher."

In this world, the sale of slaves by race is also differentiated; the more precious and rare the race, the more expensive it is.

For example, the auction starting price for the most common human being is only 500,000 Beli, while the starting price for the rare male giant is 50 million Beli and the starting price for the mermaid is 70 million Beli.

When there are multiple bidders, the price of a merman can reach hundreds of millions of berries.

However, due to the island's history, mermaids rarely appear in the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Forget it, just put her in."


The guard responded, opened the door of a cell, and was about to put the human female slave in when suddenly a new guard came in from outside with an anxious report.

"Mr. Disco, a large number of navy troops suddenly appeared outside. They have surrounded the auction site. It looks like they are up to no good!"


Disco was completely confused, he didn't know what the sudden situation was.

He took a step forward and quickly ran out from the backstage where the slaves were imprisoned to communicate.

After coming to the outside world.

Disco looked at the large number of navy soldiers around him and asked in confusion, "Major General Coles, what's going on? Are you planning to..."

Coles glanced at the auctioneer wearing star-shaped sunglasses and said in a cold voice.

"Your shop is violating world law by holding human slave auctions. From now on, the auction house is closed!"

Disco was stunned.

His mind was greatly shocked. He had no idea what was going on. Why did the navy suddenly seal off the auction house

As Coles waved his hand and gave orders, the surrounding naval soldiers quickly moved in and began to control the people in the human auction site.

After the circumstances of the slaves who were originally sold were confirmed, the innocent ones were released and the guilty ones were sent to prison.

At the same time, the huge amount of wealth obtained from the population auction house in the past few months was also strictly counted and confiscated by the naval soldiers.

Disco looked at the scene in front of him stupidly. He found it a little unbelievable.

Not even real!

The human auction house was actually closed down

Disco quickly carried out his backstage. He knew that if the human auction site was closed down today, he would definitely be left with nothing.

"Major General Coles, you have to think carefully. This store is owned by Lord Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

I'm just an administrator, are you sure you want to seal it up?"

Coles glanced over coldly, which made Disco frightened.

"I was investigating his Tian Yasha's shop."